the gluten dude blog
I started this blog in October of 2011. Why? I had a lot to say about living with celiac disease. And what I was mostly finding online did not align with my feelings and experiences of being gluten-free and dealing with the trials and tribulations of our fun little autoimmune disease. And while it took me a bit of time, I found my voice and an awesome community.
Over 780 blog posts and 36,000 comments later, while I may have slowed down my pace a bit, the journey continues. You can select a category or month below, use the search icon above or just browse around. Either way...enjoy and I hope it helps you in your journey.
One step forward and two steps back. One step forward and two GIANT steps back. The story of a celiac’s life. The gluten-free “trend” has picked up some serious steam in 2013 and once again, it’s our crappy, do-anything-for-a-buck media leading the charge. This […]
Read MoreI am taking a one-day reprieve from our wonderful Gluten-Free Love Stories series because today…I am not feeling the love. Once again, I feel the need to go into celiac defense mode. I am so friggin’ sick of this. Dr. Davis wrote a book […]
Read MoreYes…discussing religion is taboo. I know. While I do make jokes about praying to the gluten-free gods, it’s mostly said in jest. I’ve only mentioned religion once before on this blog and let’s just say it generated some interesting discussion. This post is not […]
Read MoreJust a quick public service announcement today folks. Please remember…it’s not always about you. If you’re lucky enough to have a Mrs. Dude in your life, it’s not always about you. Even though you don’t feel good a large majority of the time, it’s […]
Read MoreSo a few days ago, we talked about Gluten-Free Love Stories and since then I’ve received some fantastic, heartwarming stories of how celiac/gluten has brought people together. I can’t wait to post them next month. But today, we have something quite the opposite. It […]
Read MoreMrs. Dude says I need to have thicker skin. Like pretty much everything else she says about me, she’s probably right. But I’ve been pierced lately from some fellow celiacs who I care deeply about. Pierced by accusations that I’m too judgmental; too negative; […]
Read MoreI really thought we were making a dent in celiac awareness. I had convinced myself that the gluten-free fad was just that…a fad that had begun to run its course. I led myself to believe that 2012 would be the year that we’d shift […]
Read MoreFor those of you who have seen the above two year old video, my apologies for being late to the party. Story of my life. For those who have not seen it, prepare to be dumbfounded. Anthony Demetre is a big-time chef in England […]
Read MoreWe all get angry at celiac disease at times. That’s why I allow people to send in their celiac rants. I think it’s real important not to keep things bottled up inside. The idea is to let them vent and then hopefully they can […]
Read MoreRyan Seacrest has over 8 million followers on Twitter. Yeah…I don’t get it either. But the fact is…he’s a popular dude and he’s got a serious following. But here’s the deal. With that following comes a certain RESPONSIBILITY not to say something stupid, insulting […]
Read MoreIt’s time to raise the age-old question…just because we CAN eat something, does it mean we SHOULD? If you have not heard by now, Dunkin’ Donuts is coming out with a gluten-free line of products. This has gotten so much press that Jimmy Fallon […]
Read MoreWho I am. And who I'm not.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
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