Gluten-Free Love Story: Passing Up Cake for a Kiss


This Gluten Free Love Story was lovingly submitted by Jorden

When I found out that I had celiac disease, I was thankful to finally know what was wrong with me, but I was also overwhelmed with the idea of going gluten free.

Like many newly diagnosed celiacs, I was given no advice other than “just don’t eat gluten”. I didn’t even know what gluten was!

However, my dear fiancé was amazing. He jumped right on the computer and we started researching what we needed to do in order to get me healthy. As the cook in our relationship, he was determined to find new, safe recipes.

I’ll never forget the first gluten free dinner he made me. It was a simple stir-fry with noodles and he was careful to leave out the soy sauce. Unfortunately, we were both unaware that just because noodles are “rice”, doesn’t mean they are gluten free. We found this out later when I got very sick. He felt absolutely terrible for making me sick, but I was so touched by his effort that I didn’t even care.

Over the next year, we got married and continued to learn things together: where gluten liked to hide, substitutions for flour when baking and special dinner ideas. And then…we learned about cross-contamination. I was shocked when I realized that even little crumbs of gluten left on the counter could make me sick. But it made sense because I still wasn’t feeling great.

gluten free husbandAt first, we implemented a gluten free area, safe side of the toaster, and strict dish washing regimen. However, I was still getting sick.

At that point, my husband declared that he didn’t want to risk it any more and the house was now going gluten free.

I remember crying when he told me that because I was so thankful that he was willing to keep gluten out of the house so I would feel well.

Since then, I’ve been doing very well. My husband still eats gluten if we go anywhere, but he won’t kiss me until he has brushed, flossed and mouth-washed the gluten away! Just recently, we were at a party and someone offered him a piece of cake, but he declined. I asked him why he didn’t want any, wondering if he was feeling ok. Without hesitation he replied that he’d rather forgo the cake so that he would be able to kiss me.

I don’t know where I would be without my husband. He’s often more careful than I am, always reading labels and interrogating restaurant staff. He also took on the serious job of explaining my special diet to his parents and they are just wonderful about it when we come to visit them.

Without his countless hours of research, careful cooking and strict no-gluten-in-the-house policy, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be as healthy as I am today. I’m so humbled that he is willing to put up with everything in order to be with me when marrying a “normal” person would have been so much easier.

He’s my world and I love him with all of my heart!

Many thanks to everyone for sending in your Gluten-Free Love Stories so far. While February is officially the “month of love”, I’d like to think that we can celebrate love all year round. So keep those stories coming and I’ll make this a regular series. Click here to submit your gluten-free love story.

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21 thoughts on “Gluten-Free Love Story: Passing Up Cake for a Kiss”

  1. Wonderful love story! You guys look so deliriously happy.

    As for saying he could have married a “normal” person–why? Normal just means “average”.

    He’s chosen someone extraordinary! And vice versa.;)

    Best wishes!!

    1. That’s a good point Irish! I prefer your positive take on this. I’d way rather be extraordinary than “normal”! 🙂

  2. This make me think that someday my daughter (who is 6 now) can find a boyfriend/husband that will take care of her and sacrifice things for her! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love this. My husband went entirely gluten-free about 6 months after my diagnoses for the very same reason….he wanted to be able to kiss me. Our home is a gluten-free zone and my health has been restored. He truly is taking one for the team. And I am so lucky (in love). <3

  4. oh, gosh, I hit reply too quickly.
    I meant to add: my hubs went GF shortly after my DX with me too. No gluten in my house either He honestly felt the CC issue was too much of a risk. And yes, smooching was likely a factor. 🙂
    An Irishman who gives up Guinness? That’s true love, baby. Lucky me.

  5. Great story. When the other people in the house realize that going gluten free is not so bad, it gets no better than that.

  6. What a great love story! Lucky you, Jorden!!

    IrishHeart- you really made me think when you said normal is average. Jorden, as a celiac, should consider herself extraordinary. SO true! I think most anyone who is celiac does not consider themselves “normal”. Yet, I do not think they consider themselves extraordinary. I think most celiacs consider themselves a burden.They need to re-consider! I think anyone with a celiac diagnosis, or anyone truly embracing, for life, the GF diet, should be considered extraordinary! It is no small feat! They need to be considered, just like anyone else, worthy of consideration and respect for themselves and their needs.

    This story and IrishHeart’s response make me hopeful for my three daughters with celiac. They sure deserve someone in their lives who is extraordinary! (Their dad, my exceptional husband, declared the day they were diagnosed that our house would be GF and that we would not eat gluten in front of them when we went out to eat) I hope they can each find someone as wonderful as their dad as well as the spouse in the story!

  7. Stahp you are making my eyes drool.

    All of these stories are seriously adorable. They are very encouraging while I am fighting to get better food handling, more options, and some sort of food guide at my school.

  8. ‘Kay, I’m trying not to cry here. Wow. Thank you sir for being an amazing human being and loving your wife so much that you change your lifestyle to make her healthy and happy. She is lucky to have you.

    Oh my gosh Dude, I’m not used to happy feels from this blog. This is the place to get real, not get warm and fuzzy. But this is REAL warm and fuzzies. So nothing’s changed- just had something wonderful added to it. <3 Great series idea, thank you. And thank you to everyone submitting stories!

  9. That is such a sweet story! I totally relate to this: “I’m so humbled that he is willing to put up with everything in order to be with me when marrying a “normal” person would have been so much easier.” Objectively, I can see why it wouldn’t matter but it’s harder to see it that way, when you’re the “abnormal” one.

    I always say that to my boyfriend! I feel like he has to sacrifice so much due to my Celiac and especially due to my severe food allergies.

    I’m glad we both have someone awesome who understands and loves us no matter what 🙂

  10. Such a beautiful story and reminder of all of the good people who are out there in the world!
    In my marriage we are encountered with the “kiss v beer” situation from time to time and luckily the kisses usually win out!
    Thank you for sharing these stories and spreading the Celiac love!

  11. I was going to write up my love story, but honestly, it would be almost word for word the same as this one! My husband is a saint like the one in the story.

  12. I am loving this series of love stories. It is so sweet what he has done to help her. My hubby is the same way. I just might have to write in our story!
    Thank you for Jorden for sharing and thanks Gluten Dude for posting these!

  13. Thanks for the kind words everyone! This is such a fantastic community.
    All of the Gluten-free love stories have been so uplifting and touching. Thanks for posting these Gluten Dude and thanks to everyone who has shared their inspiring stories!

  14. Nadine/ Gluten Free RN

    What a fabulous couple! I hear more and more stories of couples going gluten free together. This is especially fabulous for any offspring/ children they may have, since the child will not have ANY chance of being exposed to ‘gluten’ in the womb! Best of wishes to you both now and in the future!

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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