the gluten dude blog
I started this blog in October of 2011. Why? I had a lot to say about living with celiac disease. And what I was mostly finding online did not align with my feelings and experiences of being gluten-free and dealing with the trials and tribulations of our fun little autoimmune disease. And while it took me a bit of time, I found my voice and an awesome community.
Over 780 blog posts and 36,000 comments later, while I may have slowed down my pace a bit, the journey continues. You can select a category or month below, use the search icon above or just browse around. Either way...enjoy and I hope it helps you in your journey.
First things first. Happy Birthday Bruce. 65 years young and still playing 3 hour shows. I ain’t here on business, baby, I’m only here for fun. Ok…moving on. Do you know there is a woman with celiac disease who has supposedly trained her dog […]
Read MoreUsually, simple questions result in simple answers. The answer is either yes or no. That’s really the beauty of yes/no questions. There are only two possible answers. Here…let me give you some examples. Did I sleep well last night? No. Is iOS 8 taking […]
Read MoreFolks…going gluten-free is just not that difficult. It really isn’t. Is it limiting? It can be at times. Is it isolating? Only if you let it. Do I enjoy it? Not really. But is it difficult? No. Yet over the years, I’ve received a […]
Read MoreLet me be clear. I really like beer. In 2008, I truly did fear A life without beer. Red Bridge was here. But it wasn’t good beer. Bards then drew near. One taste and…oh dear. Then a whisper in my ear “New Planet tastes […]
Read MoreHi folks. Before we kick off today’s post, a few quick Dude notes. – Writing a blog post takes time and my time seems to be at a premium right now. So bear with me (or bare with me…which could also be fun) while […]
Read MoreI started this blog almost 3 years ago. I’ve written 434 blog posts. I’ve talked about celebrities, I’ve ranted and I’ve posted your love stories. Heck…I even wrote a post called Gluten-Free Sex for Only $27. Yet in all this time, I’ve never once […]
Read MoreI woke up this morning hoping no nude photos of mine on iCloud were hacked. The photos, all tastefully done I assure you, are for a new site I’m launching. It’s called Gluten Nude. Ok…moving on. Watching Mrs. Dude deal with her breast cancer […]
Read More[Quick Dude note: I’ll be at Jennifer’s Way Bakery this Saturday morning hanging with the wonderful Jennifer E. If you’re in town, stop by for a bagel or two and say hello.] So two nights ago, laying in bed thinking about where my life […]
Read MoreThere is no manual for living with celiac disease. No how-to guide to navigate your new life. I assume when you received your diagnosis, you got pretty much the exact same instructions from your doctor that I got from mine: Don’t eat gluten. So […]
Read MoreToday is the day folks. The new FDA gluten-free labeling laws go into effect. A day the celiac community has been waiting forever for. And you know what this means don’t you? Yeah…neither do I. Like anything else the government gets involved in, it’s […]
Read MoreTackling celiac with a sense of humor is an absolute must. A fellow celiac who was just diagnosed wrote a poem to gluten and she shared it with me on Facebook. I simply love it. And so I’m sharing it with you. That’s how […]
Read MoreMy Facebook and Twitter feeds were all abuzz last week and we all know what that means. More dang controversy in the gluten-free world. What people were sending me was an article on Huffington Post titled “I’m Gluten Intolerant…Intolerant“. I figured it was just […]
Read More“Sooooooo I’m dying again. I went gluten free about 6 months after a celiac diagnosis and it helped for a little while but things are taking a turn for the worse. I’m 18, I don’t smoke or drink or have sex with random strangers […]
Read MoreHello everyone. Happy Tuesday to you all. Let’s start with a joke today because why not!? A photon checks into a hotel and the bellhop asks him if he has any luggage. The photon replies, “No, I’m traveling light.” No good? How about this […]
Read MoreDude Note: I went back and forth a bit whether I should be posting Mrs. Dude’s breast cancer story on this blog. After all…this is a blog about living with celiac disease and how much of my audience really wants to hear about breast […]
Read MoreSo yesterday, I spent a great day with one of my Dudettes at her college freshman orientation. Yes…I have an 18 year old. No…I have NO IDEA how that happened. Anyway, when everyone arrived, we all piled into the auditorium and the person running […]
Read MoreI love your celiac stories. Every damn one of them. Though I might not comment on all of them (the Dude is a busy, busy man), I do read them all and respond when I can. There are some stories that just grab me […]
Read MoreI think it’s time for a good old-fashioned “Gluten Dude Take Down”. It’s been awhile and I’m a bit out of practice, but after a month of holding my tongue as the gluten-free community got mocked, doubted and trampled upon, I can hold it […]
Read MoreWho I am. And who I'm not.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
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