the gluten dude blog
I started this blog in October of 2011. Why? I had a lot to say about living with celiac disease. And what I was mostly finding online did not align with my feelings and experiences of being gluten-free and dealing with the trials and tribulations of our fun little autoimmune disease. And while it took me a bit of time, I found my voice and an awesome community.
Over 780 blog posts and 36,000 comments later, while I may have slowed down my pace a bit, the journey continues. You can select a category or month below, use the search icon above or just browse around. Either way...enjoy and I hope it helps you in your journey.
I just woke up from my Thanksgiving food coma. Let me know if I missed anything. While I LOVE getting emails from all of my fellow celiacs, there’s something special about receiving one from someone who’s much younger than I am. It’s a reminder […]
Read MoreNormally on Thanksgiving, I will give a shout out to some folks that I am more than thankful for. This year, while I am still blessed and so thankful for so many in my life, I’ll just save my thanks for one team of […]
Read MoreDude note: As I’m writing this post, I just popped open a pre-Walking Dead Experimental Ale from the good folks at Ground Breaker. All I can say is…oh my. Anyway…I’ve had celiac disease 7 years now (yay me!) In those 7 years, I have […]
Read MoreMrs. Dude and I had the honor of being invited to a wedding in Brooklyn, NY this past weekend. The drive in was simple but as we were approaching Brooklyn, it dawned on me that I forgot to pack any pants and I thought…well […]
Read MoreSo today I was gonna post an email I received recently about a fellow celiac who is really struggling. But it’s a heavy email and I thought, “C’mon Dude, it’s Friday. Let’s end the week on a somewhat humorous note.” But what could I […]
Read MoreSo I’m at the doctor’s office last week filling out the usual 37 pages of forms that I’ve filled out 83 times before. In the waiting room, The Chew is showing on the TV. I don’t pay too much attention to it…until I hear […]
Read MoreWe’ve all had our dose of doctor horror stories. Heck…many of you shared your story right here. While I’m grateful for the care I’ve received over the years for the myriad of my health issues and especially grateful for the care Mrs. Dude received […]
Read More“Chuck! I got it! Take LIVE tuna fish, and FEED ’em mayonnaise!” (name the movie) My brother and I are always talking business ideas. Some are grand. Many are inane. None have come to fruition (yet). One of the grand ideas my brother had […]
Read MoreHello. Bonjour. Hola. Guten Tag. Ciao. Ohayo. Yep…it’s still me. Just with a new and (hopefully) improved look and user experience. Thank god this site is a labor of love, cause holy moly, was that laborious. Add to that server issues all weekend and […]
Read More3 quick Dude Notes before we kick things off today: Dude Note 1: Jennifer’s Way bagels are ready for shipping as of last night. Get em while their hot! Dude Note 2: The new Gluten Dude website will be launching in two days. It’s […]
Read MoreDr. Peter Gibson, for those of you unaware, is Professor and Director of Gastroenterology at The Alfred and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. In 2011, he published a study that found gluten can cause distress to those without celiac disease. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity was […]
Read MoreI’ve been seeing ghosts in my bedroom recently. This has absolutely nothing to do with today’s blog post. Just wanted to share. And for what it’s worth, for the most part, they look happy. Ok…moving on. There are times in our life when other […]
Read MoreThis one falls into the “why the hell can’t we just get a straight answer?” category. Last week, it was announced that “Mike’s Hard is the first malt liquor to go [almost] gluten-free.” And according to the article, now it’s the first malt beverage […]
Read MoreHey folks. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend. A rare Saturday post from the Gluten Dude. I’ll be quick…promise. So I’ve been blogging here for three years. Made some great friends. Helped some fellow celiacs. Pissed off some B-list celebrities. No complaints. But it’s time […]
Read MoreFor those of you who don’t read People, US Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, OK, In Touch, Star or follow any of the zillion websites dedicated to our glorious entertainment industry (seriously…how do they all stay in business??), last week Jennifer Lawrence called gluten-free “the new […]
Read MoreSee what I did there? I wrote the headline to make it look like celiac disease isn’t real when I’m really talking about how celiac affects the brain. This way, we’ll see if anybody reacts to just reading the headline. I know…you don’t have […]
Read MoreMy question for you this lovely morning is simple. Why do companies who have no vested interest in our health keep coming up with products that they think we need and that can possibly harm us? Do they think we’re that desperate to feel […]
Read MoreI got an email from a fellow celiac recently. Here’s an excerpt of it. It has been a year and a half since I was diagnosed and I am struggling. Some things have gotten better, anxiety is improved, migraines less frequent, there are stretches […]
Read MoreAh…where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday my blog was wearing diapers. And now here we are three years later and my blog is fully potty trained, with still the occasional accident. (You folks are very good at letting me know […]
Read MoreSo I received two emails, about three weeks apart, from a gentleman who is just a tad frustrated with his wife. It seems she will not let him eat gluten. Anywhere. He does not have celiac (or as half internet calls it…celiacs). She does. […]
Read MoreWho I am. And who I'm not.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
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