the gluten dude blog
I started this blog in October of 2011. Why? I had a lot to say about living with celiac disease. And what I was mostly finding online did not align with my feelings and experiences of being gluten-free and dealing with the trials and tribulations of our fun little autoimmune disease. And while it took me a bit of time, I found my voice and an awesome community.
Over 780 blog posts and 36,000 comments later, while I may have slowed down my pace a bit, the journey continues. You can select a category or month below, use the search icon above or just browse around. Either way...enjoy and I hope it helps you in your journey.
I am all about helping the gluten-free community. I also love beer. You put the two together and we’ve got today’s blog post. You see, there are companies that do gluten-free beer wrong (see Omission, Daura, etc.) and companies that do it right. And […]
Read MoreToday’s topic of discussion Is simple and clear We’re talking about our bodies And the stuff that comes out of our rear I know it’s not easy And it may make you feel a bit loopy But what is more natural Than taking a […]
Read MoreSo many topics to discuss: Pizza Hut teaming up with Udi’s, my daughter’s upcoming endoscopy, Coors Gluten-Free Beer, the (sad) PF Changs lawsuit, Cheerios marketing themselves as gluten free, and the list goes on and on. And I will get to all of these […]
Read MoreWe celiacs are a simple bunch. We don’t like to cause trouble. We hate being a burden. And man do we miss eating out and not worrying about getting sick. So when we come to your establishment and kindly inform you that we need […]
Read MoreAfter a few tough weeks, I really wanted to post something positive today. Nothing about the media. Nothing about my health. Nothing about the trolls. Nothing about Henrik Lundqvist being out for 4 weeks. Hmmm…but what could I write about?? Maybe, just maybe, I’ll […]
Read MoreSeven days have passed since I posted about the NASCAR Super Bowl ad. What a surreal week it has been. I have seen the good, the bad and holy crap, have I seen the ugly. With all the craziness starting to simmer down, let’s […]
Read MoreThis is not a rant. This is not a rave. For this post, I am using my quiet voice. Yes…I have a quiet voice. A fellow celiac notified me that NBC was running a Super Bowl ad immediately following the end of the game […]
Read MoreLongest. Month. Ever. I came into 2015 with a revived spirit and a new outlook on life. I was going to work smarter, spend more time with Mrs. Dude and the Dudettes and overall be more productive and less stressed. So what happened? I’m […]
Read MoreMy friends…there is no JOY in celiac-ville today. We will not be taking any JOY rides this week. The Morning Joe show is no longer my pride and JOY (not that it ever was.) I will not be singing JOY to the World any […]
Read MoreWhen I think back to being 12 years old, I totally cringe. It was not the best time to be me. To misquote Frank Sinatra…”When I was 12 years old, it wasn’t a very good year.” I had zero self-esteem. Zero confidence. Everybody would […]
Read MoreHappy Friday everyone. A few quick Dude notes before I kick things off. – Note #1: I’ve gotten a bazillion messages asking me about the Pizza Hut gluten free pizza. I’ll need more info before making an informed opinion. My original thought is that […]
Read MoreSo one of my goals in 2015 was to begin to meditate on a daily basis. I need to de-stress a bit and people who meditate swear by it. I’ve been thinking about it for years, but I read on the interwebs that thinking […]
Read MoreAs I am now on day nine of feeling like absolute dog poop (maybe I SHOULD have gotten that flu shot after all), it’s a good a day as any to post a celiac rant. It’s been awhile since I posted one of these […]
Read MoreCough, hack, sneeze, cough, sniff, wheeze, cough, hack. You may want to stand back from your computer screen a bit while you read this as I’ve got what it seems everyone else is getting. I don’t think it’s contagious through the internet, but you […]
Read MoreHappy New Year everyone. Hope you all had a great holiday. Personally, I’m pretty psyched for 2015 and am happy to see 2014 in the rear view mirror. Let me ask you a question. During the holidays, did you eat any meals at someone […]
Read MoreDude note: This is not a “Dude on his pedestal” post telling everyone about the evils of McDonald’s. We all know they’re crap. (Yet…my senior year in high school, I ate at least 113 Big Macs. Ahh…youth.) Anyway, what this post is about is […]
Read MoreI’m back. Oh…how I’ve missed you all. This is the fourth straight year that I’ve gone away to the Virgin Islands with the same group of friends and each year I try to get a blog post or two in while I’m away. This […]
Read MoreFirst, I’d like to apologize for the suckiness that has been my website for the past few weeks. I have literally been in technical hell trying to figure out why it’s been running so poorly. I’m frustrated and embarrassed that people have not been […]
Read MoreSo I blew my back out on Thanksgiving. Not the first time…and won’t be the last time. But it’s been a painful couple of weeks for me. Real painful. Mrs. Dude’s cousin was staying with us for the weekend. He also has a pretty […]
Read MoreSure…I could write a lot of words about the following videos but blah, blah, blah. Sometimes, videos just speak for themselves. Just remember, celiac disease bites, but a good attitude and strong sense of humor go a long way. Lesson 1: Celiac Disease Sucks […]
Read MoreWho I am. And who I'm not.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
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