I’m back. Oh…how I’ve missed you all. This is the fourth straight year that I’ve gone away to the Virgin Islands with the same group of friends and each year I try to get a blog post or two in while I’m away.
This year…I needed to unplug. Seriously unplug. And it was nothing but awesomeness.
I feel revived. I feel revamped. I feel rejuvenated. I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the need…the need for speed. I feel I’ve taken this too far.
Anyway, my point is I’m a new man and I’m ready to bring tons of gluten free awesomeness to you all in 2015 if you’re willing to continue to hang with me.
Now…about that vacation I just took. We had our own private chef that was relatively new to the gluten free world of cooking so there was naturally a bit of trepidation heading down there. I brought a suitcase full of backup food just in case.
Guess what? I did not eat one single item I brought with me. Not a one. That’s how amazing Chef Mathayom was. You pronounce his last name mah-tai-yum. Yeah…as in yummy.
If you can swing it, a private chef is the way to go if you’re on vacation. You only deal with the one person all week so there is no explaining our special needs to a different restaurant each night. It is such peace of mind…and that’s what vacations are all about. And if you go in with a bunch of people, it’s comparable in price to eating out each night. Just a thought.
As I tend to do, let’s take a peak back at my week in gluten free paradise in pictures, shall we?

I can’t work anymore, would love a vacation somewhere warm. Your wife if phenominial (sp) as is my husband. It’s gotten so hard I am going to meat and vegetable or fruit.
So glad you had a great time.
Love your posts
Cheers to good spouses. Support is key.
Enjoyed all the photos! So glad you and Mrs. Dude got some relaxation time – and some great food!
A blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours…
Thanks. It was just dang awesome.
I love tropical vacations and wish I could just live in a beach house with a personal chef…. in the meantime, I’m just cooking for myself in military housing in Fort Irwin, CA!! It’s almost the same… ha ha!! Thanks for the food pictures! I love cooking for myself, and my family (who are all gluten free by association), and I love the new ideas. I think that’s what I miss the most about having celiac’s- finding inspiration in delicious restaurant meals. I think I might have had a belly ache or two from a week like this- not from gluten, but from over eating!! Thanks again for sharing, and Merry Christmas!
Great post Gluten Dude! Awesome pics…they really sum up your vacation beautifully. I’m going back home over the holidays, and am fearing being back in Philly, since being diagnosed with Celiac. This time last year I was home, looked like death, but was eating all my favorite local foods. This will be a test to see whether or not we move back in the future, or stay out here in healthy San Diego. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:)
Lots of good places in Phillie from what I hear. Good luck with your decision and Merry Christmas.
Oh man , I’ve got to go there. I would love to be able to take a vacation without the gluten worry. Awesome pics . . ..I’m about to throw a toddler sized tantrum ” I wanna go , nowwwwwwww !!!!! “
we just went to Playa del Carmen’s Hard Rock Hotel Rivera Maya https://www.facebook.com/hrhrivieramaya
totally awesome place. The head served took care of all my meals and I never had to worry about anything. They even made me a gluten, dairy, soy, corn free cake! Which was so good….. I highly recommend going there.
Now to Spain and Portugal…. how do I deal with this? Not sure but I plan on having fun