A Gluten-Free Escape to Brooklyn, NY

gluten free in brooklyn

Mrs. Dude and I had the honor of being invited to a wedding in Brooklyn, NY this past weekend. The drive in was simple but as we were approaching Brooklyn, it dawned on me that I forgot to pack any pants and I thought…well this is going to be an interesting weekend. And so it was. Here’s a recap of our weekend getaway.

The wedding was Sunday but we were invited to a Friday gathering as well, so we headed in Friday afternoon and arrived in Brooklyn about 3:00. Our first stop? The Gap. Yes, I really needed pants.

Now when we go into the city, it’s always Manhattan. So this was new territory for us and as any celiac will tell you, this is when the disease can be a gigantic pain in the ass. I reached out to the Twitterverse and did some research on my own and it all pointed on one destination: Siggy’s.

A nice 20 minute walk and there we were for dinner. How was it? I will let the pictures speak for themselves:

where to eat gluten free in brooklyn

Great vibe. Great service. Phenomenal food.

After dinner, we headed to meet the bride and groom and friends at a joint that had indoor shuffleboard. Had a blast. I would tell you how well I played shuffleboard, but after one shot that landing about 20 feet short, the groom kicked me off the court. My shuffleboard career ended before it even had a chance to start.

brooklyn celiac
A nice photo bomb by Mrs. Dude.
Saturday was Mrs. Dude’s birthday so we were up and about bright and early. There was an indoor flea market we wanted to check out that was about two miles away. We LOVE to walk when we’re in the city, but like I said, we were in unfamiliar territory. After the flea market, we decided to head back to Siggy’s for lunch. Hey…why mess with success.

According to my crappy iPhone, it was about an hour walk. About 20 minutes in, we realized we were in a neighborhood that we did not want to be in. At all. But we had no idea how to get out of said neighborhood. I have never been so happy to hail a cab in my entire life. And the supposed 20 minute walk to Siggy’s? The DRIVE took 20 minutes. Oy!

Now dinner time is where things started to fall apart a bit. I wanted to make it special for Mrs. Dude. Lord knows she deserves it. I did some research ahead of time for places I could eat in Brooklyn that Mrs. Dude would enjoy as well. I was confident that I’d find a place. I failed miserably. Not only that, but we had a reservation at a great place called Pearl & Ash in Manhattan but because I’m an overconfident idiot, I cancelled those reservations.

To make a long story short, after hours of searching and Mrs. Dude beginning to lose serious steam and me feeling like a complete turd, at 7:40 I rebooked a reservation at Pearl & Ash for 8:15. I was unshowered but determined. Took a 30 second shower, got a car service and we pulled up in front of Pearl & Ash at 8:14. Kick save and a beauty!!!

Two bottles of red wine and an amazing dinner later, our night was complete. What a day.

Sunday for brunch, you’ll never guess where we went? Yep…back to Siggy’s.

Sunday night was the wedding and all I can say is WOW!!!! Just an amazing, magical evening. And of course, ALL of the food was gluten free, even the wedding cake. Imagine an entire evening without needing to even think about the food. I was in gluten-free heaven!

Words will not do the night justice, so why even bother trying?

My sincere thanks to the bride and groom for including us. Even though I forgot pants, I lost my eyeglass case on Saturday night, I lost my eyeglasses themselves on Sunday night and after an hour of trying, I realized there is no way in hell I can tie a bow tie and had to ask for help at the wedding itself, it was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a very long time.

And don’t even get me started on the gluten-free wedding cake…

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26 thoughts on “A Gluten-Free Escape to Brooklyn, NY”

  1. I have eaten at a completely gluten-free restaurant only once (Posana’s in Asheville, NC). I kept having to remind myself that I could let my guard down and know I was safe. I could take a taste off friends/family plates. We shared desserts. There was no fear of possible cross-contamination. It was a surreal experience that I will never forget and the food was so amazing that the friends/family want to go back even though gluten isn’t a problem for them. I honestly think this is why I get so frustrated with the fad dieters (especially those that think they understand what being gluten-free entails). They have no clue what kind of life it is having to be constantly hypervigilant or the ever-present guilt that your loved-ones are held back from experiences because of your dietary constraints.

    1. There’s one completely gluten free restaurant in Austin – Wildwood Bakehouse. I went with about 8 friends, all of whom can eat gluten. I informed them when we ordered that I would be tasting everyone’s food. They are used to me not eating or having very few options when we go out to eat, so they were totally ok with my announcement that their food was fair game for me to try. 😀

  2. Dude- you need the app Find Me Gluten Free. It lets you search for restaurants near you, gives you reviews from fellow gluten free eaters, links to their menu, lets you call with the touch of a button, and will give you directions. Many reviewers will tell you how knowledgeable the staff was and if they got sick or not. I use it every time I travel, and sometimes even when I’m home and am looking for something outside of my tried and true.Really helps to make an informed decision about where to try your luck.

  3. unfortunately there is not a single entirely gluten free restaurant in all of Brooklyn. Siggy’s is close, but not entirely. glad it and the wedding were such good experiences.

  4. I got married last year and we had a 100% gluten free wedding because I decided that on my wedding day I should get to eat all of the food and not have to worry. Our guests said it was the best food they had ever eaten at a wedding. Why? Because it was all fresh, local, naturally gluten free food like meat and vegetables cooked by a quality professional chef.

  5. Well, if ANYONE deserves a fabulous wedding and fabulous life it’s Jennifer..And if a couple deserved an awesome weekend in New York, it’s you guy. Sounds fantastic. xxoo

  6. Dear Dude
    One of us in the family has Celiac disease. We have found a fabulous restaurant in Brooklyn serving Gluten free meals and eaten there many, many times. Bogota Latin Bistro. And as well as great, safe food, the staff and management is friendly and professional.

  7. Hey! Do you happen to know what caterer they used? Or venue? I just got diagnosed and my mind is swirling about where I’ll be able to get married :/ I’d love a 100% gfree event if possible….hopefully one where I don’t have it cook it all myself! Haha

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I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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