Gluten-Free Beer: A New Era

gluten free beer

My name is Gluten Dude and I’m a beer snob.

It wasn’t always this way.

My dad drank Carling’s Black Label while I was growing up so that was my first exposure to beer. Although calling Black Label beer is being generous.

He’d give me sips on hot summer days (who cares if I was eight) and while I thought it was kinda cool to be tasting the forbidden fruit, I must say the taste repulsed me.

Fast forward to my teen years and my first “real” beer of my own was a Miller 8 oz. nip. Thanks to Bill Reeves for sneaking some into the party.

(Dudettes…don’t even think about it!)

Moving on to my college years, it was always about finding the most beer at the cheapest price. So it was essentially four years of Hamms, PBR, Old Milwaukee and Busch.

How my intestines survived is beyond me.

Fast forward again to my adult years and I drank much less, but much better, beer.

I became enamored with the flavors of fine microbrews and began drinking beer for the taste, not the effect. Although the effect was a nice bonus.

And then came celiac disease in 2007.

Sure I’d miss pasta. Sure I’d miss pizza. Sure I’d miss bagels.

But boy would I miss beer.

“But wait! There’s gluten-free beer?? Woo-hoo!!!”

“What? My choices are limited to Red Bridge and Bards? Well, that’s ok…2 is better than none.”


“Well, that sorta sucks.”

I resigned myself to the fact the days of beer were over.

But we seemed to have entered a new era of gluten-free beers.

A few weeks ago, Mrs. Dude made a trip to Joe Canals and she hit the jackpot. Here is what she brought home for me.


Here’s a quick review of each of the above gluten-free beers.

Magners: This is actually an Irish Cider and not a beer, but it’s got alcohol so be it. I’m not a big cider guy, but this stuff is really tasty, very refreshing and goes down very smoothly. Because of it’s sweetness, I can’t have more than ten one or two, but I give it a total thumbs up.

Glutenator: By far, my favorite name for a beer. For some reason, I didn’t have much faith in this one. But I brought the bottle with me to have with my sushi a few days ago and it was fantastic. And strong. One beer, granted a large beer, did me just fine. I will definitely be restocking my fridge with this one.

Daura: I had heard so many amazing things about this beer and was psyched that it was finally available by me. It was indeed high-quality. It tasted similar to a Heineken or Amstel, which I’m not a big fan of. But that’s just a personal taste thing. If you like that type of beer, you’ll love the Daura.

New Planet: Best…gluten-free beer…ever. I first found these guys at a celiac conference in Philly and had a taste. It tasted like a microbrew. They have three different kinds, though I’m very partial to the Off Grid Pale Ale. Try it…you’ll love it.

Dogfish Heads Tweason‘ale: This was so disappointing. Dogfish was one of my favorite brewers pre-celiac. I loved their 90-Minute IPA. But why they chose to make their gluten-free beer strawberry-flavored is beyond me. Are they trying to market to the female audience? I have no idea. But there are five bottles still sitting in my fridge…and I don’t see that ever changing.

New Grist: This one isn’t pictured above, but it rocks. It was the first drinkable gluten-free beer I had and I am grateful to them for restoring my faith that I could drink beer again.

As I age, I tend to drink less. And when do imbibe, I will go with a nice Tito’s Vodka with cucumber more often than a beer.

But it’s nice to have options again.

Beer is good.

You have a favorite gluten-free beer?

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150 thoughts on “Gluten-Free Beer: A New Era”

  1. eeeewee strawberry flavoured beer? That is beyond yuck.

    Thanks for the review. I’ve passed this along to my Mr. Dude who misses his Guiness. 🙁

        1. Omission is a gf beer that is superior to all! Lager and pale ale are fantastic!! Blows New Planet away. Brewed and bottled in Portland, Oregon. Give it a try.

          1. So, out of curiosity, how do you feel about Omission beer? The label clearly states that it is “gluten free”….. but directly under that is says it is made with barley (brewed with specially crafted to remove gluten). Isn’t this the same as the whole corona debate???

            1. Christine,

              No where on the Omission Label does it say it is Gluten Free unless you have a VERY old bottle of Omission. It says gluten removed or reduced or something like that. We go into great detail about how we feel about Omission in the comments below. Bottom line is, if you are not Celiac and are trying to be healthier by not eating gluten, Omission is a great beer. If you are Celiac, we would not recommend you consume any drink, alcohol or not, that was made from gluten containing ingredients, even if they claim to have removed the gluten.

              There is not debate about Corona, it is NOT gluten free and they do not attempt to remove the gluten. Even the arguement is not the same. In Omissions case they claim to have removed the gluten though I find that hard to believe personally. They may have changed the structure of the gluten molecule, but I believe it is still there, just hiding. 🙂

      1. Ground Breaker Brewing, formerly Harvester Brewing, makes a good stout. I think. I found out I had celiac long before I was 21 so I was never involved in the good ales.

      2. If u r near San Diego ever I can recommend Duckfoot brewery for all your celiac needs and all microbrews represented, including more than one stout.ctheu rotate about thirty recipes and the brewmaster is celiac

    1. Green’s Dubbel Dark is the best tasting GF beer we’ve found and it might just satisfy your hubby’s desire for Guinness! 🙂

        1. My friend recently visited-I am recently diagnosed with Celiac. She brought 2 different types of Greens GF beer-both were awesome-best beers I have ever had.

  2. My partner discovered that Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer is also Gluten-Free. My particular favourite is the Spiced Orange…. SO tasty!!!

    1. I know this post is almost a year old but just so you know, Crabbie’s is not gluten free. At least not in Canada anyway. It says on the label that it contains wheat. Just a friendly FYI. 🙂

      1. I had Crabbies in the UK, it was Gluten Free, said so right on the bottle. I was so excited to find it back in Canada, but alas “Contains Wheat” printed right on the label. I don’t understand why the recipe would be different. Maybe they just put it on for legalities (ie ‘may contain…’), because it’s not actually a listed ingredient as far as I could tell. I’m so disappointed though because it is REALLY good and I don’t want to risk knowingly ingesting wheat.

  3. LOL! you sound like my husband! in order for our family to go GF i had to find an acceptable beer list for my husband and pizza for the kids. He also enjoys New Grist and will probably love the additional ones listed in your post, although he REALLY wants to find one in a can for canoeing ;-/
    One i found i like (totally NOT a beer snob or fan) is Crown Valley Brewing strawberry cider…kinda sweet but cannot tell it’s strawberry, i campare it to the tangarine Michelob Ultra. Also we recently tried Michelob Ultra cider – very refreshing but lacking in flavor but a nice change as most ciders are very tart and heavy tasting.

  4. I was a dark beer drinker before gf, so I really haven’t found anything I like as much as a Guinness. But, I have found the New Planet Pale Ale to be okay, and the occasional Redbridge isn’t bad either.

    I tend to stick with Mike’s Hard Lemonades instead of beer, or I really like the interesting ciders that my local alcohol emporiums are starting to get instead of gf beer. There’s several neat ciders from England that have the strong flavor I enjoy in my booze.

      1. The Gluten Dude

        I’ve heard many mixed messages about the Mikes. The company is saying that as of June 2011, only the Mike’s Lite and Cranberry Lite are now gluten free.

        If in doubt…do without.

    1. Hello Concetta,

      Just an FYI ……….Mikes is a malted beverage using barley. I have not looked recently, but they had claimed in the past that the gluten was removed in the brewing/distilling process. I don’t drink Mike’s, but my wife does (I’m the celiac, she’s the poor gal that has to put up with me). That is the only “non” gluten free item in our house (that may actually be gluten free, but I’m not risking it).

  5. Strawberries belong to cream not beer! Have you tried Green’s? The Endeavor is a dark beer (my personal favorite!) and it’s so good! It is made in Belgium by a British man that is celiac and missed his beer.I still miss Guinness 🙁

      1. We don’t have a lot of availability of gluten-free beers around here either, but I have tried Redbridge and New Grist. I had my very first taste of gluten-free beer while visiting a friend in Chicago. It was in a teeny tiny family-owned restaurant in a suburb (read: ghetto). I had gluten-free cheese ravioli, garlic bread, and beer…. I thought I had died and gone to heaven (although we were a little afraid we were just about to do so given our surroundings)!!!

        I am not a huge beer drinker…but, my favorite by far has been Green’s! We had a Pizza Fusion nearby us for about a year (until they closed down.. ) – it was the BEST thing in the world to be able to enjoy pizza & Green’s beer!! Now, it’s back to BJ’s for pizza & Redbridge. I haven’t been able to find Green’s since. 🙁

        I am also unable to drink wine due to an allergy to sulfites, so I tend to stick to ciders most of the time. Dude, do you happen to know if ‘all’ ciders are gluten-free? Or is it on a brand-by-brand basis? Just curious… thanks. 🙂

  6. I really enjoy the Brunehaut amber, but its nowhere in my neighborhood, so I stock up when I can. Can’t take the sweet stuff. New Grist, in a pinch. Omission hasn’t made it here yet, but next on my list.

  7. I can’t say I was heartbroken when I knew I could not have beer. Long gone are the days of College nickel beer nights. I prefer a nice glass of red. I do though believe I gave up the occasional beer a while back because I felt bloated when I had one. Amazing huh?

    I do like New Planet. It is my favorite. New Grist is a good one as well. Sometimes a girl does want a good beer every once on a while. I attribute acquiring a taste due to the freeness factor around my college days…. Either at a frat house or at my waitressing job where my boss would let us have one from the tap before we went out for the night. Nice huh?

    And no, I’d rather not have a fruity one.

    My first gluten free beer was Redbridge and it is ok, but the last time I had one, I had a horrid headache. Had not had a headache since I was a gluten regular. Needless to say, that was my last.

  8. In Iowa, we don’t get too many choices … I should say few *good* choices. About 6 months of going gluten free, my hubby and I started home brewing! It so much fun. You get to make your own flavors and know the ingredients. We’ve done an orange honey ale (similar to Shock Top), pumpkin spice, and a chocolate vanilla porter. We’ve had some that aren’t that great, but you learn as you go.

  9. I had Daura and it was the best beer I had in a long time. Then after having 3 Dura beers my stomach started to hurt really bad and I was so bloated too , ughhh. I don’t know why.. Did I have too much ? , then I started reading how it wasn’t really GF online . I was so confused and still am . I feel like trying other GF beers that clearly say they are GF and safe . I’m not sure Daura is or even say’s it on the box .

    1. My cousin and I had the exact same thing happen to us after drinking Daura Beer. We got pretty sick. I have tried New Planet and love the Pale Ale!!! So yummy.

      Was wondering if anyone out there has found a good GF beer that comes in a keg? Would love to have a keggerator! 🙂

      1. The Gluten Dude

        Hmmm…I’ve heard this from a few people today. Maybe something to do with the 20 ppm as acceptable for being called gluten-free.

        Remind me again…why can’t gluten-free just mean “GLUTEN-FREE”?

        1. They claim to remove it with an enzyme that should breakdown the gluten. Then they test with the ELISA assay to prove it is under 20 ppm (most often they detect for less). The problem is that new research has shown problems with using the ELISA assay with fermented products… that it may under-represent the gluten content.

          My tuned tummy decided Estrella made me sick. I will never try Omission.

          1. Omission has less parts per million than estrella. Estrella hurt my stomach but Omission doesn’t. Omission taste better too!

            1. Based on the limitations of the assay, the differences between the two aren’t statistically significant enough in order to be able to make that claim.

            2. I agree with you Sarah. Unfortunately most of us are left to judge base on how we feel which is a terrible testing method. We know people have NO symptoms but are in fact Celiac so the small intestine is as slick as a babies bottom but they don’t ‘feel’ bad. We CANNOT judge gluten free based on how we feel.

              I am with Gluten Dude and always have been … why can’t Gluten Free be exactly that … Gluten Free. The only answer to that question is it limits the ability of businesses to profit from this HUGE and growing market. It is all about the money which is the ONLY reason the EU has a 20 ppm threshold for gluten free. I wonder if the same standard is true for the amount of manure in food???

            3. Exactly! I tend to use the fact that I got sick to demonstrate that I am an example of someone who could not tolerate the level. But, I constantly remind celiac friends that it does not mean that not feeling sick means it is ok.

              I agree that GF should be GF! Even the FDA’s human health risk assessment suggested that 1ppm would be the level that would be protective of 90% of celiacs. So why is the new proposed rule at 20ppm? It is also worrisome that they are going to accept “purification”… Especially with some studies suggesting testing is not quite so straightforward.

  10. glutenfreewithglee

    I keep hearing about lots of different beers and ciders out there that are gluten free. I have had several and most of them aren’t that great. I do like New Grist, which is easy for me to get since I’m from the Milwaukee area and it’s brewed at the Lakefront Brewery there. There are some others made from sorghum, and no I don’t mean Bard’s or Redbridge. I can’t recall the names of them at the moment, which is no help to any of you, but I wasn’t impressed with either one. But one thing that I was recently surprised by is apparently now Michelob has a line of ciders that are gluten free. I haven’t tried any of them yet, but you can bet I will. I’m not a person who typically consumes a huge amount of alcohol, but those times when you have gatherings and everyone else has a couple, I would like to as well.

    1. Think you may be referring to Spreckers (sp?) they are brewed in an African style, not really sure what that means. One has a banana flavor. Different. Can’t say I was a huge fan though.

  11. glutenfreewithglee

    I have a couple of different Sprecher’s. That too is made in WI, so it’s easy to find there. The two I tried were just so-so.

  12. So this gent loves his cold beverages… my fridge door and you will find a two pack (formally a four pack) of New Planet “Off Grid pale ale”. The closest to what I drank PCD (pre-celiac diagnosis)….and concur wholeheartedly with the Dude (not Lebowski but the Gluten one) that it is best…. gluten free beer…ever! I do like a little variety in my life, so you will also find a few bottles of Redbridge, New Grist, , Woodchuck cider, Angry Orchard ginger cider, and I think a foxtail cider deep in the back. This has me thinking that I need to partake in one of these ASAP. Cheers!

  13. Great reviews. The fun thing about beer is that if you look long enough, there is a flavor for everyone, even in gluten free beer. 🙂

    Lambics have been very popular for hundreds of years which is the style of the Dogfish head, which I happen to really like. To each his own.

    Recently, the department of Treasury (TTA) ruled on gluten free alcohol, which includes all liquor. Mikes nor Daura nor Omission can be labeled as gluten free in the US. Only alcohol that is made from non-gluten containing products can be labeled gluten free. Since we have no real test to verify the lack of gluten in distilled products, I avoid them. I am not passing judgement on any of these beers, simply the ability to label gluten free or not.

    I am with you Dude, why can’t gluten free simply be that, GLUTEN FREE? 🙂 For our family, 1 ppm of gluten is 1 too many.

  14. I have used Green’s gf beer in cooking. Their “Endeavour” is a great sub for stout in my brisket recipe!

  15. The omission beer indeed rocks, its only in oregon right now and coming to California very soon. But if you are very sensistive you might want to stay away. Since they make the beer with gluten and then remove the gluten, none of the omission beers are completly without gluten, but they do meet the required minimum of 20 ppm to be labeled gluten free, at least if it was a food: barley based alcohal is regulated by the ATF, which doesn’t label things gluten free, but non barley based beer is regulated by the FDA which has the 20 ppm requirement. The average bottle has around 6 ppm I had some in oregon recently, it’s pretty great, but I will not make it an every day thing, maybe one six pack a month at maximum, this beer is “gluten free” but it still contains gluten and I can’t conciously put gluten into my body when I know there are other beers who use gluten free ingreidents (sourgum or rice) to make a beer without ANY gluten.

    1. The Gluten Dude

      Thanks tons for the info Michael. I’m beyond disappointed. Just make the damn beer gluten free if you’re gonna promote it as gluten free.

    2. Michael,

      Where do you get your information because my information contradicts yours. The FDA has no standard for gluten free though they are leaning towards a 20 ppm standard which many are objecting to. With no set standard, that is why the Department of the Treasury: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) made the ruling that they made which governs ALL alcohol regardless of ingredients. In their ruling, which you will find a link to in the linked blog post, they state that this ruling is in lieu of a federal standard and will be reviewed when the FDA makes a ruling but until then, no alcohol product made from gluten containing ingredients can be labeled as gluten free regardless of efforts to remove gluten.

      I happen to like the Omission beer but my wife on the other hand wouldn’t touch it for fear of getting sick. I have some Omission in my fridge right now and will drink it but my sensitivity level is much lower than my wife’s. For us, even many of the US sorghum beers she reacts to because of cross contamination in processing equipment when harvesting sorghum. This doesn’t happen with none US sorghum, like Green’s.

      The gluten free road is a windy one so we all have to stay diligent and do our homework. We have known folks that got glutened from meat sprayed with a cleaning agent that contained gluten. This lifestyle requires you to stay on your toes and know what you are putting in your mouth and on your skin. Fun times for all. 🙂

      1. I’ll admit my knowledge is mostly second hand. The european standard is 20 ppm, and thats what omission based their findings off of, their goal was to make a beer under 20 ppm, which they did. I guess my info was a little old this is what I was referencing –

        It sounds like for the past few years the FDA has been regulating gluten free beers, I noticed this because I am also diabetic and most gluten free beers have the number of calories and carbs on the boxes or bottles, just like any other food and unlike any other kind of beer, the big alcohol companies would never post the shocking nutritional information on their bottles.

        1. Since the founder of Omission is a Celiac, he is trying to get as low as he possibly can. Unfortunately, our current testing for liquid will only go down to 5 ppm. Hopefully we will have a new proven test in the near future that will go down to 0 ppm. Until we have a definitive test, we all need to proceed with caution. 🙂

          1. The Gluten Dude

            Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Are you saying there is no way to make it 100% gluten-free because there is no test to verify it??

            1. That is correct when it comes to liquids. There is a no gluten test which means present or not present, the problem with this test is that is does not catch the gluten molecule if it has been broken down in any way. Unfortunately, tests have shown that we can still react to the broken down molecules. The science just hasn’t been “proven” to get a 0 ppm test. There is a group out of Australia that has a test been proven at other University and research facilities currently, but until others can reproduce the results, it is not a valid test. I am extremely hopeful that this test can be proven so we as Celiacs can rest a little easier with a real test that we can trust. For now, as I mentioned, it is simply “proceed with caution” and a lot of personal research. 🙂

              Great thread Dude! 🙂

  16. Also, it’s great that bards tastes like real beer, but I’ve never had a real beer (GF since 12), new grist and Gluten Free the People Dark Ale (I think only in CA) are at the top of my list.

  17. I totally agree about the tweason-soooo disappointing from Dogfish head. New planet beers have been a fave, as well as Greens. I so wish someone would try a GF stout. My husband brews beer and I asked for a darker beer as my “push” present. He did great and my beer was delicious-kind of an amber/coffee type flavor!

  18. I’ve got the last four beers in my fridge. That’s too funny. They are all okay to me. By far my favorite is Green’s Dubbel Dark Ale. Sadly, I only found it once.

  19. I am with you……was really into microbrews, esp. pale ales like Sierra Nevada, Shoal’s pale ale, etc. After my celiac diagnosis, it took me over a year to acquire a taste for Redbridge yet I never enjoyed it. I’m not much of a wine drinker, so I have also been thrilled when the options have expanded over the past few years. The only GF beer I have really loved right off the bat was New Planet Off Grid Pale Ale. To make it even hoppier like my favorite pre-celiac beers, my husband bought a french press and soaks Cascade hops into it. It is truly off the charts now!

  20. Katie C. – i am in complete agreement. I was a huge micro brew girl in my pre-celiac days and struggled for a while with the ‘no more beer’ thing. I have tried them all… and my favorite is the New Planet Off Grid. Their raspberry is good too. But the off grid… IS BEER!! Unfortunately restaurants here only ever carry redbridge (which just doesn’t do it for me) so i tend to do martinis or red wine when not home.

  21. Just yesterday, and for the second straight year, Brunehaut’s Amber and Blonde earned Gold + Silver (respectively) at the 2012 US Open Beer Championship. (gluten-free division)
    — pronounced “BREW-know” —

  22. Has anyone tried Harvester’s new beers? I ordered their Experiment Ale which is an IPA. I’m definitely an IPA snob and this beer doesn’t taste like its made from sorghum, yet the facility is ENTIRELY GLUTEN-FREE. My husband (able to eat gluten) even thinks the beer is as good as top of the line IPA’s out there. The other night he was jealous because my beer was better than his…

    I won’t touch Omission or Estrella… Too many people seem to get sick from it. I got sick from Estrella. I questioned the restaurant that tired to serve it to me, but when they insisted it really was even though it was not labeled as such I drank it. BIG MISTAKE.

    1. I have not heard of Harvester’s but after your glowing review, I will indeed by on the lookout. Thanks Sarah.

    2. I LOVE Harvester!! They had an Experimental fall ale this year that was devine!!! The Dark Ale is really good too (kind of a light Moose Drool). YAY BEER! 🙂

  23. Had never heard of Glutenator Beer before. And it’s actually made with ingredients my family isn’t sensitive to – look forward to trying it. 🙂

  24. Estrella make another beer with packaging almost identical to the Damm Daura. Big Wheaty bought me that by mistake one day, luckily we spotted it before I drank any – when we revisited the supermarket, we found that not only were they displayed next to each other, the shelf-stackers had crossed the two varieties over (compared to the shelf-labels, I mean).

    We mentioned it to the supermarket staff, and the Estrella Damm is now in the free-from section, and the normal with the gluten-containing beers, so we haven’t made the mistake since.

    I’m very sensitive to gluten, and barley in particular, and have no problems with Damm Daura. On the other hand, I am not the world’s greatest drinker, so this might be the reason I haven’t had problems. 🙂

    Our local supermarket does a fantastic range of ciders, including several made with single variety apples, and a selection of pear ciders, too. And Belgian fruit beers, but I can’t say I fancy those.

  25. i love beer.
    i mean, i really LOVE beer…
    used to be a stout girl… then went to belgium…
    have been a HUGE belgian beer fan, since…
    love the complex flavors… love the 5-10% amount of alcohol… just plain love beer.

    then- turns out i am likely a celiac (not all tests are back yet) i have been gluten-free for almost two months now… and it sucks.
    my husband drinks a beautiful farmhouse ale, and all i can do is smell it- and cry (yes, i have cried over beer)

    i heard the new planets were ‘meh’, so i had not tried them…
    i did find “greens” brand…
    large pint bottles (expensive), higher gravity…
    at first- tasty- i thought “i could live with this”…
    but, after about half the pint, these acidic beers make my stomach cramp 🙁

    then discovered “ommission”.
    it tastes like beer !
    there’s a pale ale and a lager (which i used to never drink- unless that’s all there was)
    not bad, not bad at all…

    i hope that more breweries will start producing gluten-free beers… i think that when more of the population finds out how intolerant they are of wheat and gluten, that we will have more good beers to choose from.

    try “ommission”
    (widmar bros product)

    1. Hi Christina. Thanks for the comment. A few things:

      – You say you’ve been tested and that you’ve been gluten free for two months. When did you get tested? The reason I ask is that you need to be eating gluten for about a month before the celiac test consistently for the test to be accurate.

      – And regarding Omission Beer, they are owned by real good folks. But some people do not react well to the beer because it is made from Barley. I did a whole post about it here:

    2. I actually think New Planet is fantastic!
      Harvester as mentioned is also great. The IPA tastes just like a real IPA and uses ZERO BARLEY!

  26. Don’t forget Harvester Brewing out of Portland,Oregon
    They even have an online store/delivery.

    Excellent taste and selection.


  27. Christina,

    I do like the New Planet Products. You can read reviews of most gluten free beers available in the US on the Gluten Free Beer Assoc website. 🙂

    Have fun finding your favorite beer!!!


  28. Personally, I was never a huge beer drinker (mostly because I couldn’t handle more than 1 or 2 before I got very sick and bloated – pre-Celiac). But, I do enjoy the occasional Bard’s. I never was much for the ciders, but I found 2 that are just fantastic (and are 5% alcohol like a normal beer or hard cider): Angry Orchard and Crispin.

    Usually, I will just stick with my wine. I love a good blush or medium red.

  29. Do you have a list of beers that are low in gluten? I heard bud and corona may be low in gluten…

    1. Sorry my friend…but you’re poisoning yourself. Even if you don’t have the symptoms, you are doing the damage. I cannot advocate or promote this. Please think twice. Is a beer worth it when there are other options.

      1. I will have to agree with Gluten Dude. There is a list of gluten free beers available in the US on the Gluten Free Beer Association website and some are listed as low gluten but I recommend avoiding even those if you are Celiac. You may prefer an Estrella Damm Daura which is low gluten in my opinion though. Why not be safe and just drink a gluten free beer?

  30. Agree on New Planet, though I prefer their Tread Lightly Ale to the Off the Grid Pale.

    The Dogfish Tweason I find to be OK. Not something I want all the time, but I’ll drink it.

    Another one not listed that I’ve just barely tried is out of Quebec, Canada – Glutenberg. These come by the Pint in cans. They are not made with Sorghum – (Corn and Millet) so they don’t have the usual Sorghum taste. I find them to be really good, but they’re also more expensive than the others. I’d recommend giving them a try.

  31. I just posted a review of Glutenberg on the Gluten Free Beer Association website. To do something different I took the beers to a home brew club meeting. Now these guys know there beers but none of them are gluten free though most now tell me they are going to try a gluten free recipe. It is very interesting to hear what they have to say. Spoiler alert, they do not all agree! 🙂

  32. I recently tried Fox Tail Ale and really like it. I also tried a gluten free beer I purchased at Trader Joe’s (a west coast grocery chain). I think it was a private label brand. It was pretty tasty. I shared it with some friends and they even liked it.

  33. Trader Joe’s now has GF beer, and it’s pretty good, and not expensive. It’s called NGB (Non-Gluten Beer) and it’s made out of sorghum syrup. Pretty taste, and only $7 for a six pack. Definitely try it out if you have a Trader Joe’s nearby.

  34. Steadfast makes a GF blonde ale and pale ale! and both are fantastic. I tasted them at a gf expo on Long Island earlier this year and had my beer guy (yeah, I got a guy) to order a case of the blond for me. It ain’t cheap, but if you miss good beer…

    Brunhaut is awesome too.

  35. Hi guys, I started a new website with the intention to test beer on the level of gluten. People can contribute and share their experience using the typical gluten home test kits. I know there are discussions if these kits are reliable for testing beer but anyway that’s a start and the results may be useful for a lot of people with CD.
    For instance I tested Corona with a gluten home test kit and can confirm some professional asseys which consider Corona to be gluten free. I tested using a kit where the detection limit of gluten in beer is around 1-2 ppm. You can find the complete test with pictures here:

      1. The reliability of these home tests can be impacted by the type of food you are testing. Also, the FDA has not approved ELISA tests for the testing of fermented products. And the GlutenTox antibody is NOT the R5 ELISA assay. It binds to a different sequence.

          1. The G21 ability to bind the target protein fragment can be inhibited by the same things that the R5 can be. There are concerns that the fermentation process can alter the structures in ways that block binding. There have been studies showing fermentation can add sugars to the amino acids which would block it through steric hinderance and there are studies show there can be a rearrangement of the disulfide bonds. When I had a challenging problem, the GlutenTox manufacturers said that disulfide formation could block recognition. Also, molecule testing can be very solvent specific. I tried to test a prescription drug and they suggested an alternate buffer to the one provide and that heating (not in the protocol) to 50˚C would be recommended. These tests are not as straightforward as you are suggesting. Neither the G21 nor R5 have been approved by the FDA for quantifying gluten in fermented products.

            1. Where did you find the FDA statement about the G12 antibody? And for a prescription drug like in your case please refer to the GlutenTox FAQ’s where they state under ‘Are there other items GlutenTox is not recommended for?’: If you are planning to test a vitamin, supplement, medication… please contact us with more information about the specific item.

              That maybe explains why the kit is not suitable for drugs and medicine. But I test the level of gluten in beer. I had a long discussion with Biomedal (manufacturer of the kit) about G12 and their kit before I started with my website. I also spoke to the CEO of Imutest, doctors and bio-chemists. But the best proof for me is that I drink the beer I have tested with a low level of gluten and my last intestinal biopsy did not show any internal damage.

  36. Scott,

    Why would someone need to test those beers? They are gluten filled beers that are NOT safe for a Celiac. If you are only gluten intolerant, you may be able to get away with drinking them but it would not be advisable.

    Suggestion, instead of trying to fit your gluten filled life into a gluten free life, embrace the new adventure and create a new life! You and all around you will be much happier! 🙂


    1. I noticed you are representing a GF beer association and I agree if people suffer from regular beer they should just not drink it or drink GF beer. But there are people like me and Scott who are interested in the gluten content of regular beer without creating a new life. I don’t react badly on beer even though I am sensitive to gluten. And to lower the risk I simply test the beer I like. For instance I tested one of my favourite beers rather high positive (above 100 ppm). Despite the fact it never caused problems I am careful with this beer now. Just to be on the safe side.

      GF labelled beer needs to have less than 20 ppm gluten and up to 100 ppm it is considered “very low gluten”. I tested Corona gluten free. And professional studies confirm that Corona contains no gluten. So why should GF labelled beer be better than Corona? Both are suitable for Celiacs, aren’t they?

      Don’t get me wrong for Celiacs who suffer GF beer is an alternative but for gluten sensitive people a gluten test of their favourite might very useful and they don’t even need to change their life.

      I will definitely test Budweiser and Miller soon. But everyone can contribute with their tests of regular and GF beer:
      Please test your favourite beer and share your result.

    2. “Instead of trying to fit your gluten filled life into a gluten free life, embrace the new adventure and create a new life! You and all around you will be much happier!”

      Best advice EVER.

      1. I am new to Glutin free diet and have long given up beer, there is so much info to absorb. What is a good GF beer period. Light with plenty of alcohol?

  37. Steffan,

    If someone is only doing gluten free for lifestyle and not because they have to, they can get away with about anything. I know of NO study that says Corona is gluten free and I know of NO home test that is definitive.

    Something else to keep in mind is that how you “feel” is NOT a good barometer of what is going on in side your body! Can it be a barometer, sure but only if you have a reaction. The lack of a reaction does NOT prove it is safe for you but a reaction can prove it IS bad for you.

    Currently in this country, NO beer/alcohol made from gluten containing ingredients can be labeled gluten free.

    Certainly if you are not a Celiac, the lines can be blurred as much as you want them to be. If you are a Celiac, then you need to be very cautious.

  38. I get where you’re coming from, but, having Celiac, I have to read labels on everything. Don’t blow smoke up my you know what with that “low gluten” stuff. If it is made with wheat, or barley, it could be doing damage I don’t even feel. A little bit of gluten is still gluten. Do you think I WANT to “create” this “new life”?
    The Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat is out and I’m trying not to think about it dammit! Never mind living in Brooklyn and not being able to get a decent slice of pizza.

  39. Ken,

    We are obviously singing the same song! Why do you think there is a Gluten Free Beer Association? We need all the options we can get and we shouldn’t have to worry about is this TOO MUCH gluten, it is as you say, gluten. Far easier and safer to avoid it all instead of dancing around and and trying to make it work!


    1. Hi Joey,
      Well, that’s what I am saying. If your are Celiac who suffers after regular beer, don’t drink beer. And all who react even on traces of gluten PLEASE AVOID anything which contains wheat, barley etc.

      But there still is this other part of people who are not that sensitive or who simply accept the remaining risks. Believe me I don’t do that for lifestyle as GF stuff in Germany is really expensive. I have reactions on food and some beer – and that’s the reason why I test it. And I do know it can harm even though I don’t feel anything.

      Anyway, I decided for myself that a level of 20 or 40 ppm is OK with me in beer. That means I could drink 1 liter beer (33 oz) and would take 20 or 40 milligrams of gluten. It doesn’t mean it has to be OK for others but from this test people can decide whether to completely avoid it or go on with it. Why not giving people a choice?



  40. Hi Guys:
    So are you saying because Corona is derived from barley and wheat its still unsafe regardless? I know of several products that contain wheat and are labeled as GF. I generally avoid them. An example would be Metamucil. But when it comes to beer…

    I also copied Stefan’s statement again below.

    GF labelled beer needs to have less than 20 ppm gluten and up to 100 ppm it is considered “very low gluten”. I tested Corona gluten free. And professional studies confirm that Corona contains NO gluten. So why should GF labelled beer be better than Corona? Both are suitable for Celiacs, aren’t they?



    ps.- I have a twelver of Corona sitting in my fridge but may not drink it all if you can dispel because after all I too am a Celiac.

    1. Hi Scott,
      Barley malt is listed in the Corona ingredients, please see here: but also GF labelled beer like Omission and Estrella Damm contain barley malt!!!

      I can not give you a medical advice. You need to find your acceptable level – maybe 0 ppm , maybe 20 ppm, maybe even more. It seems you made your experiences already and if a certain beer caused trouble then you know what to test. The test kits are not that expensive and if the people contribute we can build a huge beer gluten database.

      That’s the purpose of my site, to let you test your favourite beer and contribute to help others to see whether this could be option – for both GF labelled beer and regular beer.

      PS: If you don’t want the twelver I will take it 😉

  41. Steffen and Scott,

    Corona is not and CANNOT be labeled as gluten free, nor can Omission or Estrella Damm. The difference between the latter two and Corona is that they preform proprietary procedures to remove the gluten to below 20 ppm and usually less than 6 ppm for Estrella and less than 5 ppm for Omission. Corona preforms no such procedure. You have said you are Celiac so I would avoid even low gluten beers because you do NOT know if your gut is being affected without testing and feeling bad is NOT a test. 🙂

    Steffen, since you are not Celiac then I guess we shouldn’t expect you to understand but encouraging people to test and then drink beers based on those tests is very dangerous. For one, those home tests are not reliable enough to base a do drink policy on, you can base a don’t drink policy on those tests but we don’t need those, we already have them. The answer is not to test and try to consume beers that are not gluten free. The answer is to only drink gluten free beers! Your site would be fine for someone wanting to reduce gluten but is NOT a good idea for a Celiac and not something that the Association can endorse since we are for Celiac’s and the gluten intolerant. Not trying to rain on your parade but those are the facts as we see them.

    1. Oh Joey believe me, I do have many reasons to set up this website. And, excuse me, where are your facts? I have done tests and I have evidence with pictures and case studies – you just speak about virtual “facts” but what can you show?

      Why should I build a website about gluten in beer for fun? Why should I contact the best gluten test manufacturers about their gluten test kits? I did it because gluten in beer is more emotional then gluten in bread or pasta or pizza or whatever. I did it because I am Celiac but don’t have problems with most of beer. I did it because I think GF labelled beer is too expensive (at least here in Germany) but doesn’t offer the expected value add and often tastes horrible.

      I do see that it does not fit to your association’s strategy but your answer “The answer is to only drink gluten free beers! ” just sounds very, very much like lobbyism. I pay for my website by myself without an association or lobby, I set up this site to discuss this emotional topic and let ordinary people test, contribute and share their thoughts – for free like the internet should be.

      I don’t blame you for producing/representing GF labelled beer – you are pioneers and important. But my facts (I know you see it different) are what I see in the tests. I at least have real facts, you don’t need to believe the tests but there are many beer lovers waiting for exact these results.

  42. Wow Steffen,

    If you want to get technical, we can. There are multiple types of testing and NONE will test down to zero at this time though one is hopefully close to being proven and available. There are many studies that have results and question results for gluten testing.

    “The majority of tests for gluten in food products are enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Microwell versions of ELISAs provide quantitative results. Lateral-flow devices generally provide qualitative results, indicating the presence of gluten above a threshold level, but in some instances can also provide semi-quantitative results. Other types of tests include polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects DNA rather than protein; adenosine triphosphate (ATP) swab tests for assessing cleanliness of equipment surfaces; and general protein swabs, which are not specific to gluten but detect all types of protein and can be used for assessing cleanliness.”

    I don’t need to banter with you about the efficacy of testing methods. If you are Celiac or gluten intolerant, avoid gluten and gluten containing ingredients, no testing needed!

    You ASSUME that because I am a part of an Association that there is somehow funding involved. Since I don’t charge to be a member of the Association, there is NO funding of any kind and I do far more work for the consumer than I do the brewers. I have done some consulting work for brewers but those were one time events not ongoing sources of revenue. You are NO martyr and not the only one with a mission. Drinking only gluten free beer is a safety and health issue, not a lobbyist issue and I am no lobbyist for sure. I am on the same mission you are on, I am just NOT willing to compromise health to find a great gluten free beer and it will be gluten free, not low gluten.

    Lastly, you are lying to yourself if you think that since you don’t have a reaction you can consume gluten containing products! You are doing EXACTLY what I warn against, trying to make a gluten world fit into your gluten free lifestyle, you will regret it one day! You miss understand me, it isn’t that I don’t believe the tests, I DON’T care what the test results are. Since you are Celiac, you should NOT BE CONSUMING GLUTEN period. Until a test can prove 0 gluten content, we should be avoiding gluten containing products, NOT testing to see how little gluten is in it. I am concerned about ALL people that have Celiac and gluten intolerance, including your Steffen and you shouldn’t be consuming gluten, plan and simple. 🙂

    Let’s change directions, we CAN agree that not all gluten free beer taste good but it is all a matter of taste. Yes, gluten free beer is more expensive but ALL craft beer is expensive and from my perspective, all mass produced gluten free beer is not very good so cheaper is DEFINITELY not better. We have been gluten free since ’07 and the Association site has been live since ’09. Again, our goals are the same but I am not willing to compromise our health simply for a gluten filled beer. I have found good gluten free alternatives. I have no intention of recreating my gluten life in a gluten fee form and you shouldn’t try either.

    Cheers to our health!

    1. Hi Joey,

      I appreciate that you are concerned about my Celiac life but it is my decision to live with low gluten instead of no gluten. It’s my free will and it’s my life. I am also a non-smoker but would never presume to tell other people (adults) to stop smoking and create a new life – they are old enough and they know the risks but it’s their decision.

      The 20 ppm threshold is considered an international standard for GF products and widely accepted and also the level for GF labelled beers. I also don’t want to get too technical about antibodies used in the test kits etc. But before I started my website I of course tried to get as many information as possible if these test kits are reliable. I was in touch with one specialist from Biomedal who gave a lot of background information and I was even in contact with the CEO of Imutest, who explained the test method in detail. I am not naive and of course I know they want to sell their products. And I also know that there are people which consider these kits not reliable. But the test results can give an indication and for me and other Celiacs this is just fine!!!

      We are not too far away from each other – it’s just you are strict with zero gluten and I am fine with low gluten. On your website you say “Omission makes a very nice LOW GLUTEN (free) beer but if you are Celiac, sample before drinking just to make sure that this de-glutenized beer is okay for your system”. And that’s what I do, hence I called my website LOWGLUTEN.ORG 😉



      1. I have a friend who was diagnosed with coeliac but his Doctor told him he had a much higher tolerence to gluten so he just eats what he wants – gluten or not. When I first went g-free I was pretty awful at it and probably ate a lot of contaminated food – I noticed that the reactions I had then weren’t nearly as severe as the ones I get now if I’m “glutened” now that I’m 100% g-free. Personally I’d be a little worried about any internal damage that you might not see or feel straight away!

  43. Steffen,

    I do believe it is best to avoid all gluten and in the US I don’t run into giving medical advice for advising no gluten but I can get in trouble for recommending low gluten. In the US, no beer or alcohol can be labeled gluten free unless it is made from gluten free ingredients. I hope this stays the rule of law.

    Keep in mind, the 20ppm standard is not there for yours or anyone else’s health! The 20ppm is in place for corporations to be able to make products that are NOT gluten free but still sell them as gluten free. It is ALL about profit and NOT about health and you like most others are buying the lie. Don’t buy the lie Steffen, gluten is NOT safe for Celiac’s. You can obviously live how you choose, my encouragement to everyone, not just you, is to avoid gluten if they have been diagnosed with Celiac disease, then there is no wondering or testing to do. 🙂

  44. Hi Guys
    On a side note, I drank six of those Coronas last night. Slight side effects but not major. I defiantly don’t think I could tolerate low gluten frequently but for special occasions for sure!

  45. Daura is yummy! We have some gluten free ales nearby where I live but they are quite expensive. If you are drinking cider, there’s a really nice Swedish one called Rekorderlig which is delicious and really fruity (And g-free). I find Magners/Bulmers gives me headaches!

  46. I read somewhere (not sure where) that Corona is actually brewed with rice, not wheat, and is marketed as GF in other countries. I’ve tried it a few times and didn’t feel great the next day, but I can’t be sure if that’s because I drank a non-GF beer or because I drank 6+ beers. I never really liked Corona before I went GF, but it would be nice to have something I could drink when the options are slim.

    1. Soph,

      Corona is NOT gluten free. I have read people that WANTED to claim it is as well but they are completely wrong. Keep in mind, the gluten free standard in most countries and now in the US is NOT designed to keep you safe. The gluten free standard of 20 ppm is to allow more companies to compete and sell in the GF market, not to keep us safe. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY.

    2. As per the. Corona wiki:
      “According to Sinebrychoff, a Finnish company owned by the Carlsberg Group, Corona Extra contains barley malt, rice and/or corn, hops, yeast, antioxidants (ascorbic acid), and propylene glycol as a stabiliser.”

    3. Don’t be too worry Soph. I tested Corona negative on gluten with a rather sensitive home kit and some professional assays also measured no gluten in Corona. Here is my test and in the comments you can find some useful links:

      Well, if you had 6 or more and feel bad the reason might be gluten. After 6 beer I would also feel bad 😉

      I am diagnosed with CD but I found a number of beers which I can drink without problems. On the other hand I tested beers positive which I liked so I better avoid them.

      1. Steffen,
        I’m sorry. You can test all you want. I don’t trust your findings. You can drink all the beer you want, but when you tell other people they can as well, I feel that you’re setting a dangerous precedent. My GI doctor went through many years of school and has 22 years of practice under his belt. When he tells me barley can potentially kill me, I take him seriously. I honestly hope you remain unscathed and wish you good health, but I fear that you are causing your body harm for something you don’t need.

  47. I’m going to say you’ve been a celiac for a pretty long time and its been a while since you’ve tasted real beer. because new planet is probably the most disgusting excuse for a beer I have ever had. all of Omission’s are by far the best, followed by glutenberg.

  48. Omission not the choice for celiacs. Still some traces of gluten, although I do agree it tastes better than new planet. The best is Harvesters line of beer and they’re 100% gf. Fresh from Oregon, there is none better to date.

  49. Dan & Jeff,

    Gluten Dude & I and many others agree, a Celiac should not be drinking anything made from gluten containing ingredients. If everyone had the same taste in beer, then we would only have one to drink and no choices would be needed. You like your beer and leave others to like theirs.


    I tell you again, you are endangering other people’s lives with your advice and counsel. Stop practicing medicine without a license and keep your comments and your week science to yourself. You WILL cause others harm with your encouragement to consume gluten because you believe it has been removed. Since there is NO TEST to verify the absence of gluten, your council is unsound and again, dangerous.

    Gluten Dude,

    Thanks for the forum and glad we are on the same page here.

    1. ???? I didn’t post anything here in ages, so what’s your problem? Neither I gave medical advices. But you don’t tell what I have to do – who do you think you are, apart from a GF beer lobbyist? You can continue doing your obvious lobby work here or wherever you want, I don’t care – but please stop stalking me.

      A toast to you! I will now open a good Beck’s beer which I recently tested negative on the presence of gluten and …oh wonder… my last intestinal biopsy did not show any internal damage. I don’t need more proof.

      @Glutendude: Please remove my posts from your forum, I get tired about discussions with lobbyists who just sell FEAR and PARANOIA – thanks.


      1. Sorry Steff…you’re living in denial if you think you can drink Beck’s beer. I only advocate drinking completely gluten free beers. I’m not a lobbyist. I’m a celiac advocate. And I take that responsibility greatly.

      2. Well I guess if 3 months is ages … you are right. I don’t make a dime promoting Gluten Free Beer, it is ALL pro bono! Like Gluten Dude I do it for health and take it extremely seriously because I have seen the effects of not taking it seriously.

        You do give medical advice by telling people it is safe to drink beers like Beck’s. You do what you want with your body but leave everyone else out of it.

        You are a VERY scary person Steffen. For the safety of my readers I would have blocked you from my site ages ago. A general discussion is good, this whole sale promotion of your site and methods goes FAR beyond just a discussion to VERY UNSOUND ADVICE, MEDICAL ADVICE. I would not remove your posts because people need to read the rebuttals to your rantings but I sure wouldn’t let you comment anymore but that is me and this is not my site. I generally prefer to give everyone a voice but you are far scarier than the average person!

        Go do what you want with your life, its your life to throw away; leave everyone else out of it. You are perfectly capable of not commenting anymore all on your own so you have brought the rebuttals on yourself. If yo think for one second that Doctors fully understand Celiac disease, you are again fooling yourself.

  50. Steff –

    Like Gluten Dude I am not a beer lobbyist. Just someone who has been injured by the beer lobbyists for “gluten reduced” beers.

    Gluten Dude is on the right track. There have been zero epidemiological studies verifying the safety of these fermented products. And many of us, myself included, got terribly sick from consuming them.

    A recent mouse model looked at fermented bread that was negative in an ELISA assay still caused impacts to the mice. But there is a lot more research that is needed to understand the link between this model and humans and what the compound is in these products that isn’t detected but could still cause effects.

  51. Being diagnosed with celiacs disease, the thought of giving up beer was really hard till a friend game me OnTap’s liquid beer enhancer ( that I add to Omission or Grists gluten free beer and it makes for a really great full flavored beer.

  52. Just enjoyed a Steadfast Beer Co. Oatmeal Cream Stout! Brewed in Holyoke, MA. Very good for a GF option if you enjoy a creamy stout. I just started a six food elimination diet and am really missing my craft brews. Glutenberg is a solid go to as well as a Magners original. Thanks for the great info.

  53. Not sure if it was already mentioned in this thread but there are two different beers from Estrella. One is Estrella Damm which is absolutely not gluten free and is sold in six packs with red packaging. Then there is an Estrella Damm Daura which claims to have all but a small trace of gluten removed. It is sold in four packs also with red packaging. It is possible that if you tried the wrong one (someone earlier stated the packaging said nothing about gluten) then this is why you became ill. I do not have full blown celiac but am extremely sensitive to wheat gluten and Estrella Damm Daura is my favorite GF beer. Brunehaut is also very good when you can find it. Glutenberg has some varieties which are ok as well. As far as ciders go Magners Irish is very good as is Hornsbys and Woodchuck Amber. Not too sweet.

  54. I was diagnosed with Celiac’s about 3 years ago and like you, Dude, I could get by missing pasta, bread and the like. But I was depressed knowing I couldn’t enjoy my micro-brews anymore. Especially when a couple good friends of mine were opening up their own brewery!

    I had a reaction to Omission when I tried it, and wrote it off as a never-again. Then, two days ago, I came across a “Gluten-Removed” beer from New Belgium, entitled Glütiny. I am (was) a big fan of New Belgium beers so I thought PERHAPS they could do something other gluten-removed beers couldn’t.

    I was wrong. I had about 3/4 of a bottle last night and boy… I had a reaction. Not as bad as some reactions but certainly enough to know that my body wasn’t happy with it.

    So… just thought I’d share. I’m done with ALL “gluten-removed” beers and will pursue some of the GF beers you recommended. I hope I can find one that doesn’t have that sorghum slimy aftertaste.

    One that I DID like was brewed by Green’s: Very good!

  55. Burning Brothers made in St. Paul MN is the best. Dane, the owner, has celiac and wanted to make a great gluten free beer. Pyro is my favorite. They even have a brewery in St. Paul. Try it out if you are ever in MN!

  56. I’m not celiac but I am wheat intolerant. I’ve only drank Budweiser or Stella Artois for the past 27 years (I’m 54). Can you recommend any other easily available beers that are free of wheat?

  57. Corona is supposed to be gluten free.. Less than 20 ppb of gluten. I have IBS not quite celiac but it doesnt effect me at all. 24 later sure but 5-10 im good😉

      1. I can’t figure out how to make my own comment and apologize in advance for hijacking someone else’s. I know this article is almost 10 years old, but I’ve been away from beer for that long between having babies and breastfeeding. Now I’m trying to locate something good that I can get here in Oklahoma. I loved both Green’s and New Planet previously, but New Planet seems to have changed things up and is now gluten reduced, not gluten free. I can get Green’s here, but I hate the price. Do you have an updated article on the best GF beer? Thanks!

        1. Hi Jen. I feel your pain. Holidaily just announced they will be distributing to Oklahoma soon. Their beer is amazing. Also, I have an app ( that lists over 10,000 locations to find gluten free beer. Check it out. Cheers.

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