Search Results: beer

gluten free partner

Gluten-Free Love Story: Above and Beyond!

February 6, 2016 | 0 Comments

This is Tara’s Gluten-Free Love Story… Hey Gluten Dude! Thanks for the opportunity to share with the gf world how truly special my non-gf spouse really is. About 5 years ago, just a few months after Paul and I were married, I became extremely […]

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what alcohol is gluten free?

The Ultimate Guide to Gluten-Free Alcohol

October 23, 2015 | 81 Comments

Here’s the latest news. This article is about booze. If it’s not what you choose, for you this may be a snooze. But if you like your brews during the holiday woo-hoos, you may be confused as to what booze you can infuse and […]

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celebrating gluten free cheerios

Why Are We CELEBRATING Gluten-Free Cheerios?

September 18, 2015 | 40 Comments

Dude Update on 10/09/15: 1.8 million boxes of Gluten-Free Cheerios have been recalled on 10/06/15 due to 1) error 2) negligence and 3) lack of proper testing. It’s that last one that should bug the crap out of you. Read here for details. I […]

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eating out as a celiac

How NOT to Treat a Celiac at a Restaurant

September 9, 2015 | 59 Comments

What a bizarre and uncomfortable night out I had last Friday. Let me rephrase that. I had a great time with the people I was with, but as far as the celiac stuff is concerned? Total Twilight Zone. Before the night started, Mrs. Dude […]

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reasons to love celiac disease

75 Reasons to Love (??) Celiac Disease

September 2, 2015 | 29 Comments

You better believe I put the question marks after the word “love” in my post title. Do I love my disease? Heck no. I pretty much detest it. It’s a constant unwanted companion in my life. That being said, it’s time to shed some […]

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what is gluten ataxia

Gluten Ataxia: When Celiac Messes with Your Brain

August 10, 2015 | 96 Comments

So I woke up feeling “celiac off” yesterday. I went to bed feeling really “off” last night. And this morning, I’m feeling so “off”, I just put a note outside my home office door that says “please do not disturb”. When I’m feeling this […]

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is there a drug so i can eat gluten

No…There is NOT a Drug That Will Allow Celiacs to Eat Gluten

July 22, 2015 | 55 Comments

New Pill Lets Celiacs Eat Gluten – Popsugar ‘Gluten Pill’ Developed To Help Celiac Sufferers Enjoy More Off-Limit Foods – Huffington Post New Pill Will Let People With Celiac Disease Eat Gluten-Filled Meals of Their Dreams – Popular Science Celiacs rejoice! There’s now a […]

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gluten free cocktails

Fear and Misinformation – Brought to You by Udi’s

June 24, 2015 | 53 Comments

I have nothing against Udi’s. Honestly. But I do wonder who is running the show over there because they simply cannot get their sh*t together. First, they can’t seem to fix the holes in their bread so it doesn’t look like swiss cheese. Then […]

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things i love

So Much Hate in the World…Here are Things That I Love

April 17, 2015 | 46 Comments

The world is a mess. And the internet has made is even messier. Everyone has a voice now and sadly, instead of using it for love and appreciation, far too many use it for hostility and venom. A friend and client of mine has […]

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gluten free guy with celiac

How to Survive as a Gluten-Free Dude

February 27, 2015 | 24 Comments

Dude note: This article was written by yours truly and appeared in the latest issue of Simply Gluten Free magazine. If you are not a subscriber, it’s a good magazine run by good people. More info here. ————————————————- The gluten-free industry, for whatever reason, […]

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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