
Celebrities, celiac disease and eating gluten-free? It’s complicated. Sometimes frustratingly so. But there are a few shining lights.

jimmy kimmel gluten

Are We Hurting Our Own Cause?

December 18, 2013 | 77 Comments

This is not a call to digital arms. I don’t want everyone swarming Jimmy Kimmel’s Facebook and Twitter pages with angry messages. (But if you still want to hit Fallon’s for his idiotic skit, I’m all for it.) This post is not about him…it’s […]

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celiac spokesperson

Who's a Better Celiac Spokesperson: Elizabeth Hasselbeck or Dr. Peter Green?

July 19, 2013 | 36 Comments

Just watch the following video and you tell me who you’d rather be representing the celiac community. Elizabeth Hasselbeck says gluten-free is good for everyone and we should be “replacing” our old diet with the same gluten-free foods. Dr. Peter Green, noted celiac expert, […]

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jennifers way bakery

Gluten Dude Helps Celebrate the Jennifer's Way Bakery Grand Opening

April 23, 2013 | 20 Comments

Gluten Dude has gone Hollywood. Ok…maybe not. It’s New York City but I’ll take it. I had the pleasure and the honor of being invited to Jennifer Esposito’s grand opening party of her Jennifer’s Way Bakery. It was few months back and it was […]

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gluten free videos

A Tale of 2 Gluten-Free Videos

March 14, 2013 | 13 Comments

So many gluten-free things we could discuss today. Should we talk about how Gwyneth Paltrow consistently talks about gluten-free, releases a gluten-free cookbook and then says she and her family eat bread and pasta? Should we talk about how 1 in 3 people are […]

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dean mcdermott gluten

A Plea to Dean McDermott: Stop Eating Gluten

February 28, 2013 | 49 Comments

Dear Dean, I want to help you. And if you let me help you, you will end up helping all of us. Let me explain. Our pathetic paparazzi recently snapped the above photo of you enjoying a belVita Breakfast Biscuits. Why is this a […]

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Rachael Ray Apologizes to the Gluten-Free Community

February 26, 2013 | 31 Comments

Can I get a Woot Woot for the gluten-free community? C’mon…let me hear it. Woot Woot!!! And that my friends is the sweet sound of a small victory. See…we are making a difference in our gluten-free corner of the world. Rachael Ray has issued […]

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Rachael Ray Calls Us Picky…Then Uses Gluten in a Gluten-Free Recipe

February 10, 2013 | 169 Comments

One step forward and two steps back. One step forward and two GIANT steps back. The story of a celiac’s life. The gluten-free “trend” has picked up some serious steam in 2013 and once again, it’s our crappy, do-anything-for-a-buck media leading the charge. This […]

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Ryan Seacrest: American Idiot

January 10, 2013 | 20 Comments

Ryan Seacrest has over 8 million followers on Twitter. Yeah…I don’t get it either. But the fact is…he’s a popular dude and he’s got a serious following. But here’s the deal. With that following comes a certain RESPONSIBILITY not to say something stupid, insulting […]

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dr drew celiac

Dr. Drew Has No Clue

November 28, 2012 | 104 Comments

Question: What do Dr. Suess and Dr. Drew have in common? Answer: One of them is a fictional character that has no concept of what celiac disease is…and the other one is Dr. Suess. Just when I started to give the media credit for […]

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Jennifer Esposito: Her Celiac Story

November 27, 2012 | 16 Comments

I always rail on the media when it comes to…well…pretty much everything. But in this case, they got it right. Mostly right anyway. Above is an episode of Fox Files from a few weeks back that highlighted Jennifer Esposito’s battle with celiac disease. Here’s […]

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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