
I write a lot about alcohol on this site. You may say I have a writing about drinking problem. Confused about gluten “removed” beer (hint…it’s not safe)? Not sure which alcohols you can drink? Pull up a chair, grab a gluten FREE beer and let’s learn.

Pyro Gluten Free Beer

Don't Fear the Beer!

September 12, 2014 | 27 Comments

Let me be clear. I really like beer. In 2008, I truly did fear A life without beer. Red Bridge was here. But it wasn’t good beer. Bards then drew near. One taste and…oh dear. Then a whisper in my ear “New Planet tastes […]

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omission safe for celiacs

Is Omission Beer Really "Risk-Free" for Celiacs??

November 19, 2013 | 213 Comments

I had a dream last night. I was at a gluten-free convention. This one booth had two different rice dishes set up for people to taste. I grabbed a fork and excitedly took a few bites of one of the dishes. Only after I […]

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is corona gluten free

Is Corona Gluten-Free?

October 8, 2013 | 231 Comments

Ok…see if you can following the bouncing ball. Corona is not a gluten-free beer. But it has been tested to under 20ppm, so it is a gluten-free beer. Yet it’s made with barley, so it’s not a gluten-free beer. But according to the FDA, […]

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harvester brewing gluten free beer

I Have Tasted the Future of Gluten-Free Beer and Its Name is Harvester Brewing

June 19, 2013 | 41 Comments

Yes…I know…another Springsteen reference. What can I say? We both grew up in Freehold, NJ and his music just speaks to me. And for those who don’t understand how the blog title has anything to do with Springsteen, that is just a reminder that […]

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gluten free beer wars

The Gluten-Free Beer Wars: Health vs Profit

June 10, 2013 | 90 Comments

Gluten-free Beer vs Gluten-removed Beer Safe Grains vs Barley New Planet vs Omission Health vs Profit There was a very, very interesting article recently on the current state of gluten-free beer. And more specifically, on Omission beer’s fight with the FDA to be able […]

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Fear gluten-free beer

Is Your Gluten-Free Beer Really Gluten-Free?

March 4, 2013 | 19 Comments

New research shows current method to detect amount of gluten is inaccurate. Just to be clear, you should not fear ALL gluten-free beer. But I do hear that perhaps you should steer clear or not get near some gluten-free beer. Ok…I’ll stop rhyming now……dear. […]

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How I Spent My Gluten-Free Vacation: A Week in Pictures

January 9, 2013 | 28 Comments
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Should Celiacs Drink Omission Beer?

January 4, 2013 | 285 Comments

When I was 12, my dad took me to a NY Rangers hockey game in Madison Square Garden. We took a bus into the city and it was a real special night. On the way home, there was some drunk idiot on the bus […]

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How to Pack for a Gluten-Free Vacation

December 10, 2012 | 36 Comments

This may be the most important post I will ever write so take heed and listen closely… Going on vacation is awesome. Going on vacation if you’re a celiac…is still awesome. But there is an added level of stress involved for us, knowing that […]

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celiac painful

Too Much Fun = Too Much Pain

November 12, 2012 | 49 Comments

If the above title were reversed, this post would actually be about sadomasochism…and wouldn’t that be a nice change of pace? But alas, we are instead talking about celiac disease. So last week was a good week in the fun department. Wednesday night, my […]

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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