2. is
3. absolutely
4. nothing
5. great
6. about
7. celiac
8. disease
Hint: Select the hidden text above
Hint: Select the hidden text above
Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at GlutenDude.app.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
I'm all ears
© 2024 Gluten Dude: The Naked Truth About Living Gluten Free | Legal Stuff
Very creative.
I’ll drink to that.
you cracked me up! 🙂 23 more days…
and PS…love your blog, especially that one where you wrote about the little boy? Made me cheer …and cry. You’re a wonderful writer, hon.
Cheers, IH
hey, there’s one of the 8 great things about celiac—I never would have read all these fantastic blogs before!
Thanks so much! That one is probably one of my favorite posts, but then again, he’s one of my favorite “regulars” at the library. And an inspiration. And, well, who doesn’t love bonding over velociraptors?
you mean…… the genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period??
I know, right!?
🙂 .
OMG….Rolling on the floor laughing my A$$ off!!!!!!
ROFL!!! Um, yep. I have to say I agree with you there. As much as I hate to be negative about anything… Celiac stinks. And as much as I love the supporting Celiac community, I don’t know that we make up enough awesome to overthrow the pure stink of being Celiac. I LOVE Y’ALL YOU’RE AWESOME! But Celiac is just that bad.
LOL!! Good one, Dude!!! 🙂
I have to admit, this post makes me really sad. I have been gluten-free since 1981. I knew absolutely NO ONE with Celiac Disease for the majority of my childhood and teenager years. I was very lonely and very sick.
With the invention of the internet, the formation of support groups, and the production of gluten-free products, I have to say my life is MUCH better than it has ever been before. I have met amazing people with Celiac Disease, many of which I now call my best friends. Without Celiac as our connection, I would have never met these people from near and far. A blogger from Australia, a journalist from Argentina, and even a mom from my own neighborhood who hugged me and told me that I give her hope that her child is going to grow up “normal” on a gluten-free diet. To me, these personal connections with people living with the same disease as me is a GREAT thing.
It makes me sad that so many people are so sad to have celiac. I wish I could make you all feel better.
I totally agree with everything you said Erin.
I’m just reaching a point where I feel like crap most of the time and am actually struggling more now than I was when I was diagnosed.
So yes to all of the positives as I’ve blogged about before, like this one:
But my current state of mind is not celebratory.
I totally get it as I am currently battling another round of mystery illness myself. I hate going to doctor after doctor with no answers. There are only so many xRays, CT Scans, and co-pays you can deal with in your life.
One thing I have learned over the past few months that being sad about it only makes me feel worse. I have been trying really hard to take walks, ride my bike, and just do things that cheer me up before I go home and take more meds that I don’t think are really helping me.
Good luck to you and I hope you start to get some answers and feel better soon.
My phone can’t select text. Oh well.
Yep. Nothing stresses me out more than hearing “upcoming swim team banquet” or whatever. I can feed my children as healthy as I want without celiac disease. I don’t need an excuse like celiac to avoid processed foods, etc.
It’s just one more health worry, one more painful bathroom episode, one more way they feel “different” and sometimes excluded despite my intense (sometimes exhausting) efforts.
Thank you for keeping it real.
I will not admit how many screen refreshes it took before I got it!
Perhaps the Hint text was a bit too small 🙂
very funny GD! I laughed out loud. Thanks for the morning humor, (8am here)
My pleasure Aloha!
It took myself, my 7 year old and my 9 year old to find the message! Mabel, a fellow Celiac old at 7 years old, disagrees with your statement. She thinks the great things about having Celiac are…..”Well, you are kind of unique. You can have a pen pal that is gluten free. You get to eat kind of yummy foods. And that’s it.”
Gluten Dude….you are definitely unique, you have tons of pen pals via your blog and the food thing is debatable but she’s 7. I hope you feel good very soon!
Please give Mabel a really really BIG hug for me!!! Sweetheart, your gentle wisdom just made my day. Keep it up Mabel!
Tell Mabel she has a huge new fan!
As the mom of a very young boy recently affected by celiac disease I was looking forward to a positive look at it. That would have helped to reduce the anxiety and stress I’m experiencing right now. I am sorry you are suffering. Truly. And I get it. Perhaps I can do for you what I had hoped you would do for me (in point form, because that’s all I have time for). Let’s see…
Eight Potentially Positive Things About Celiac Disease
1. Increased awareness of health status which can lead to greater self-care
2. Greater attention to products and ingredients ingested
3. Making healthier food choices in general
4. New community/friends and support
5. A return to whole and home prepared foods and less packaged foods
6. Answers! There is a ‘cure’ (avoiding gluten)
7. Easier weight management (at least for those who tend to be overweight) as a result of strict avoidance of gluten
8. Increased energy and better overall health!
I called them ‘potentially’ positive things, because they rely on our seeing them that way. Like most things in life, it’s all in how we perceive it.
Hang in there! And, by the way, it’s ok to vent, just remember to follow it with hope for a better tomorrow. Hope makes all burdens a little lighter, yes?
Thanks Cookie. That’s an awesome list. I have indeed touched on the positive aspects in previous posts. I was just feeling a bit pissy and sarcastic today.
Here are some good vibes for you:
Let’s Celebrate Celiac Disease: http://glutendude.com/gluten/celebrate-celiac-disease/
13 Reasons to be Thankful You Have Celiac Disease: http://glutendude.com/celiac/13-reasons-to-be-thankful-you-have-celiac-disease/
Celiac Disease: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: http://glutendude.com/celiac/celiac-disease-good-bad-ugly/
Hope these put a smile on your face…
Cookie’s Mom, this is an amazing list. Thank you for sharing!
yes that’s what I like to
I too am in a pissy mood, have a bad headache, and think I’ll share it. started a new job yesterday, in a hospital, and the HR people provided lunch for everyone but me. Yes. it was pizza! I felt like someone in AA at a distillery where everyone was getting free samples. This disease sux.
Rob23da…I am SO sorry about the luncheon!!!! It happens to me WEEKLY!!!!!! We have cookouts during the summer, birthday parties at least once a week for someone or other, there is a “snack” table in the front office….NOBODY EVER thinks about me and my CD. It SUCKS! I miss out on EVERYTHING! All I have to say is “F” them! It has come to the point where I refuse to join. I just stay in my office and read my book whilst everyone celebrates. Not one person has said, “Hey Donna, what do you like that is GF so that you can join in the parties?”
I thought it was pretty darn funny! I got it right away (ok, two maybe 3 tries)
So, thanks for making me laugh!
(some people may not know your sense of humor just yet…)
And yes, hooray for Mabel’s outlook ! Awesome kiddo and she is right, too.
I find that looking at ANYTHING as a kid would view it will make most things more “palatable” and “silver-lining-ish”. You should see how I view the yearly GYN exam, 6 month mammo screenings, three month blood draws, and the GI double scopes. Whoohoo! 🙂
Honestly, Dude, I try to view what happened to me as “great”, but I just cannot. I think it was Alissa maybe? who said “this is not all unicorns and sunshine and rainbows shooting out of our butts” (classic line)
Paradoxically, I am grateful to know WHAT it is that tried to take me out.
Maybe in time, I will see this as one of those “mixed blessings”
my friends talk about. I’ll get back to you on that.
I am a ridiculous optimist, at least, so I will say that ONE truly great thing about having celiac is that I have met so many loving, funny, and supportive people in the GF community. Like You…. and a whole bunch more.
and P.S. you’re just a tad cranky today, sweets…23 more days LOL.
Ha, I love that my great contribution to the celiac world has been unicorns flying out of rectums. I guess there was a niche that needed to be filled!
You have contributed waaaaay more than that one to the celiac community, sweetie! You do good work. 😉
buTT, that one is a doozy and aptly put… and I loved it.
Thanks Irish. I got a little bit of flak today for being too negative but honestly just trying to keep it real, while injecting some humor into the situation.
But, this was so funny!! Who would find it otherwise?
Anyone with celiac and a sense of humor sees this.
And you made a whole bunch of us laugh— OUT LOUD!! this is a positive thing!!
Being honest does not necessarily make you “negative”, kiddo.
Honest is not always “rosy” and butt-kissy. It means “genuine, real humble, plain, reputable, respectable”
Honest is GOOD.
You do plenty of “uplifting” commentaries….. No worries now. 😉
Irish…you’re like my mother, grandmother, big sister and best friend all wrapped into one. Thank you!
aw, so sweet………..I love you too, but the “big sister & best friend” analogy was quite sufficient, you little ………….
…….but grandmother? really? well, okay, in a cool “booze slinging, red-lipstick wearing nana” sort of way, is all right, I guess.
That’s exactly what I was envisioning 😉
hahahaha…except I do not wear red lipstick…and I am no one’s nana….but I knew what you meant and I appreciated the sentiment. Truly.
See all the people telling you that you made them laugh? Told ya so. Not a bad day’s work, little bro. 😉
HILARIOUS! Paused the T.V. just to share with my brother..still laughing baha!
Ah. Nice posts, those. Thanks gluten dude. And thank goodness for sushi and GF beer!
Nice, dude! I know how you feel, it’s been a week of “why don’t you just shoot me already!” here, too, including two, count ’em TWO, migraines in three days.Yes, I should be grateful that I’m not again suffering two or three per month, and I am, but that does not make feeling crappy right now any better! I feel that I’m a pretty positive person for the most part, but there comes a time when you hurt so bad that positivity just isn’t a possibility any more, and wallowing in it is all that’s left. I felt so bad yesterday, dealing with migraine #2, that I even told hubby he was on his own for supper, and that just never happens!
Oh Lisa…I am so sorry about the migraines!!!! There is nothing worse. I would rather give birth again than have a migraine! I do know that when I went gf my migraines went from 2-3 per month (or more) to less than 2-4 a year (or more)…I sure hope I am not cursing myself!!!!!!!!!! My husband used to be TERRIFIED that I was dying after witnessing the first 5-10 migraines, but he now knows exactly what to do for me!!!!!!!!! Good luck my friend and feel better!!!! GF HUGS!!!!!
As a long time migraine sufferer, you have my sincere sympathy because I can honestly say” I feel your pain”.
Those drove me mad.
Found myself in the ER more times than I can count. Could not get them under control and I thought I’d just as soon rip my own bloody head off than put up with that searing pain. I believe I even asked the hubs to “just kill me please” more than once.
Horrible bloody thing, a migraine. 🙁
Hope you are better today!
OMG Irish…I thought I was the only one that asked the hubby to do away with me. It really scared him and he thought that I was going to commit suicide!!!!! The only thing he could do for me was keep my cloth damp and cold. After 45 years of migraines I FINALLY went the ER for help. I sure wish that I had done that from the beginning I have puked so much and so hard that I have broken all the blood vessels in BOTH my eyes–walking around like a monster!!!!!!! It terrified the children I babysat for!!!!!
Thanks for keeping it real Gluten Dude and giving me a chuckle this afternoon ~ yes while I can understand some peoples objection to that I relate to how you are feeling, at that point myself right now and it was good to have a lighter moment about it and know that others are experiencing similar issues.
Your blog is awesome and I am always amazed how you manage to keep things up and going even when you are feeling low and not yourself ~ I know there is so much I want to do but when my system is out of whack – seriously I am exhausted with everything. So thanks … you and others like you that blog the “real deal” when it comes to being a Celiac or someone fighting with gluten intolerance … are inspirational to others like myself.
Raise my glass and saying a big “Thank You!” – keep on keeping it real please! – though in the glass has to be ice tea as I have found something in liquor bothering me lately too!! God what next gggrrrrr 😉 so again I SO HEAR YOU!
Cheers 🙂
Thank you Sherri!!
Hahaha!! SO funny, Dude. Thanks for another great laugh; you always seem to deliver one just when I need it.
see, G dude!….I told you, you make us ALL feel better and we laugh… and your timing is excellent!
PS my security question this time was: what is 10 + 10?
thank the goddess, I have 2 hands and 2 feet…..math doofus
Weren’t you a teacher 😉
English….I am a math doofus, which is why I married the big guy.
Math and science are his strong points…among other things.
I was just ribbing you 🙂 🙂 🙂
yeah, I got that! LOL LOL
and I had to solve yet another math problem to tell you so…you wise acre….
🙂 🙂 🙂
You know you have celiac disease when it takes you two days and two computers to figure out there is a small line that says click on hidden text to see the message. And then about 100 clicks later it actually shows up. I think the brain fog found me – or I found the brain fog, or however that works. At least now I get what the other 41 comments are about!
Hopefully the payoff was worth all of the annoyance…
Finally had the chance to look at this on the computer (couldn’t see the text on my phone). SO funny! Love it.
I don’t know about everyone else, but your rants absolutely crack me up. Laughter truly is good medicine, even when i’m stuck with this disease. 🙂
Indeed mari…indeed.
Hey Gluten Dude..you certainly have helped many of us! I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog months ago and cant imagine how I managed w/out it!
Thanks Big Red…
I found one great thing about having celiac disease:
If this does not paste correctly, go to naturalnews.com, this was posted today.
On this post I get:
“Hint: Select the hidden text above”
Not sure how to select hidden text …..it seems to be hiding well.
Maybe I need a secret password to get in the clubhouse?
“gluten sucks”
“The Dude is King”
No pw needed 🙂
Use your mouse to select the invisible text. The payoff really may not be worth the effort, but I appreciate it just the same.
LOl that about says it- CD sucks! it really really does! I so get the pissy moods that come with it and the need to vent..BUT.. I have said this to my family and friends and I truly mean it.. I am thankful for CD- well not thankful that I have it- but thankful me and our children are in the lucky 5% that know I have it and they potentialy do to. Because we know, we can keep ourselves safe, eat healthy to heal our bodies and live happy lives and Lord willing ,my children will not deal with the health issues I am battling because they know early in life. We are blessed to not be sick all the time but not know why like so many of the population that have CD and don’t know. So for that I am thankful-knowing has saved my life and the lives of my children! I was dying literally little by little with no earthly idea what was going on.
2 years knowing I have CD.. I don’t feel completely well. Not by a long shot but I am doing 100% better than before I found out. My Mom – whom I am convinced had CD also.. She was never diagnosed when it could have actually done her some good. She was sick and tired all of her life. She died young after being tortured by docs that basially used her as a lab rat – practicing medicine on her that caused more harm than good because they didn’t know what was wrong with her. I am not against doctors, not at all! But the fact they know more about treating symptoms and drugs than what it takes to truly heal someone and how little they know about CD is very sad.
perfection at its finest. Your next drink is on you.