My Whole30 Halftime Report


I have reached the halfway point of my Whole30 Program challenge.

For those of you not in the know, the Whole30 Program consists of 30 days of eating nothing but whole foods.

No grains, no dairy, no added sugars, no alcohol. A whole lotta nothing.

But a whole lotta SOMETHING too. Meat, fish, fruit and veggies. Lots and lots of veggies.

After 15 days, here is what I’ve learned…

– I’ve learned that I needed this. Not just for my health, but for my brain as well. I needed the challenge.

– I’ve learned the results do not come right away. I kept waiting and waiting and was getting beyond frustrated.

– I’ve learned that patience and persistence pays off. As of today (day 18 actually), I’m feeling the best I have in a very long time.

– I’ve learned that eating healthy is not as time consuming as I thought. As long as your fridge is stocked, it takes nothing to cut up some veggies and throw em on the grill.

– I’ve learned that eating this way does indeed cause the weight to drop. I’ve lost 8 pounds so far.

– I’ve learned to live without sugar in my coffee. I know I said I was going without coffee but I began spending my afternoons working in Starbucks this past week. And when in Rome.

– I’ve learned that by not putting sugar in my coffee, I will be saving a lot of time. You figure it takes an extra 10 seconds to add the sugar and stir it up. Two cups a day is 20 seconds per day. That comes to 7,300 seconds per year. If I live another 40 years, I will have freed up 292,000 seconds. That’s 81 days just by not putting sugar in my coffee. What should I do with all my free time??

– I’ve learned that spices are even tastier than sauces and much, much better for you.

– I’ve learned that mornings are much better not hungover.

– I’ve learned that going to the gym at 7:00am gives you the pick of any equipment you want.

– I’ve learned you get a lot more done when you don’t nap two hours each day.

– I’ve learned that the mid-afternoon cravings subside being on this program. I’m totally satisfied with my 3 meals and the occasional almond snack.

– I’ve learned that I don’t love going to social gatherings without having a cocktail or two.

– I’ve learned Mrs. Dude feels the same way about me (she jokingly refers to the old me as “Fun Bobby”…it’s a Friends reference.)

– I’ve learned to LOVE food because it loves me back.

– I’ve learned that eating healthy does not need to be boring.

– I’ve learned that eating healthy does not mean starving yourself.

– I’ve learned that anyone can do this and if you are really struggling with your health, discipline or sanity, this is a great Program.

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33 thoughts on “My Whole30 Halftime Report”

    1. I am totally hooked on loading up on veggies, grilling fruit, etc. My taste buds have never been so happy with me. So I will surely keep the best things about this program with me for life.

      But I will go back to sushi and some other things that I really enjoyed.

      And I will have a cocktail or two here and there (and everywhere).

      But I’m not going back to the way things were…no way.

  1. Yay! Keep it up. This is what should become your lifestyle, not a “program.” Good for you, GD. People don’t realize how bad off they are until they make this switch permanent. It doesn’t happen overnight and you will have ups and downs, but whole foods, exercise. stress reduction (and a few other things thrown in) make up the answer to most health problems. It’s not a “diet,” it’s a lifestyle.

    May I offer you a beet recovery cocktail. A “beetini” perhaps? =)


    1. It’s a noble LIFELONG eating plan to follow, indeed (and I have tried valiantly to follow it since my DX 🙂 ) and if you cannot do it strictly each day for whatever reason, you still make progress by eliminating most of those prepared, packaged (& sometimes icky GF) foods on a consistent basis that may well be causing us continued symptoms.

      In other words, I suggest we all not look at anything as “for the next 30 days, I’m going to be so ridonkulously strict that I will hate it and be miserable”; but, rather view it as: for the rest of my life, I will strive to eat more “cleanly” and get some exercise. (I say this with a little touch of love and envy, as I am not able to exercise as vigorously as I would like to–(yet)–and so any of you younger people or people whose muscles, joints and connective tissues were not affected by celiac– I say this “get yer butts moving!!” 🙂

      We live with enough restrictions and well-placed concerns about cross-contamination and we need not make ourselves insane about food & drink –to the point where we find eating a chore and unpleasant.

      Food should be enjoyed!!

      More veggies, more fruit, more protein and water, water , water.
      Just my humble opinion, of course. 🙂

      BTW, “Fun bobby”– : ) great reference, G dude…hahaha

      In full confession, I have had 1 cocktail –it came on a day that would have made Carrie Nation pour herself a stiff one…

      and a glass of wine with dinner last night that was somewhat required for me to be gracious–I mean, c’mon, guys, it was a Chateuneuf-du-pape–my fav and brought to me by a relative the hubs had not seen in 40 years, when they were kids. I had prepared a 4- course dinner for them and she had learned it was my fav from him.

      I even skipped a piece of my own outrageous vanilla bean cheesecake with raspberry coulis and the chocolate with ganache cake that had them swooning with delight. I mean, I was a very good girl.

      but the wine…IH couldn’t be rude, now could she? It’s red & full of antioxidants, I told myself –and o m g, every swallow tasted like liquid heaven in my mouth.

      Did I have trouble sleeping through the night and a headache from it this morning?

      You betcha. 🙁

  2. I’m glad that you have found this challenge to be worth it! My birthday is this Sunday, but once that’s over I’m seriously considering doing this challenge myself. I was diagnosed with celiac/ been gluten free for two and a half years now and dairy free for a couple months, but I’ve still been feeling terrible lately. I need my health AND sanity back!

    1. It’s exactly where I was Jackie. And I’m not saying I’m ALL better now. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of bad days in front of me. But for now, it’s all good.

      1. If today is all good, then whoohoo, baby!

        We only live one day at a time anyway. 🙂

        Enjoy it, kiddo! You’re doin’ great!!!!!!!

        So happy for you and proud of you for following through.

        Big kudos and hugs.

        Beetini, eh?? …..hmmm……..

  3. Hooray! I feel ya on the “Fun Bobby” reference – that’s how I felt when I for the most part stopped drinking. 🙂 But I’m glad you’re feeling better than ever, and isn’t it great to not feel the need to nap the day away? Great job.

  4. Fun Bobby and Ricky Bobby can take a back seat! Don’t need no stinkin’ drink or commercialized diet to go fast!

    Here’s to a WHOLE, in ever sense of the word, new you. Keep it up and please keep sharing!

    (Love the kinder, gentler Dude, but I have to admit it was disconcerting at first… like when Letterman goes soft or Bourdain assembles a Barbie house for his daughter 😉

    1. Well…my original post this day was going to be about Lady Gaga again so I’m not sure about the whole gentler, kinder thing 🙂

  5. Yay, good for you! I’m glad you’re feeling better. It is so much easier to stick with something when you’re seeing positive results.

    I made it through my 30 and while I did add back in a few things I was missing I learned I didn’t need or even want all that sugar and dairy.

    Here’s hoping your next 12 days leave you feeling even better!

    1. Traci…I crashed and burned yesterday. So tired I can’t even explain it. Did you have days like that during the Whole30?

      1. I had quite a few days like that. On evening I was in whole foods with my daughter trying to find something for dinner and I ended up in tears because there wasn’t anything I could eat on the go without going home to cook (at least, nothing that sounded good). But week 3 I discovered I could eat hummus with veggies (why the heck that took me so long I’ll never know!) and I started experimenting with new vegetables and other foods so that was enough of a distraction and gave me something to focus on. Keep up the good work. You’ll get through it.

  6. Any vegetarians find a way to make this whole30 work? I have been a lacto-ovo-vegetarian for 16 years then a year ago I was diagnosed with Celiac limiting foods which I will or can consume. I feel much better after the last 12 months but still have awful days. I still feel a need to nap, and while I have more energy than before it should be greater. Looking for any way to make myself feel even better, I hate the reference of sounding like an old man, shouldn’t have all these aches at 30.

  7. Thank you for the realistic list of I have learned … after 4 or so years of being diagnosed and being gluten free I can come to a point like you had – I honestly feel really horrible and the worse part is feeling like this does not give me much motivation for anything.

    In saying that I keep saying I need to do something drastic and immediate because it is starting to affect my self worth and happiness as well … and I am enjoying reading about your “Whole 30 day” challenge and think this is something I seriously need to consider, seriously. 😉

    So thank you about being so frank about everything … the whole ups and downs of it and also it being encouraging that you are feeling good and that this step has given you some positive habits you are going to keep on keeping on! 🙂

    I really enjoyed this article today:

    There is just so much to learn about when you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Gluten intolerance ~ and going along with your doctor rant of the other day – we just are not made aware. None of this is easy but it is nice to read good people’s (that would be you) realistic experiences of trying ways to “heal thyself” …

    You inspire us out here — just to let you know 🙂

    1. Sherri- Thanks for that link. It filled in the blanks regarding being bloated, lethargic, etc. and was more informative than any MD’s have been.

      GD, thanks for the inspiration. I am going to give the whole 30 a try.

  8. Well done, sounds like its doing the trick.

    Can’t wait to get going after my biopsy in a couple of weeks.

    And you have an extra 81 days to hang out in coffee shops. Genius.

  9. Glad you are feeling better, I was hoping you would give us a half time report. Thanks. Love the photo of you, Mrs. Dude should be impressed!

    I haven’t eaten out in over 3 weeks and my gut is thanking me for this.

    Love your blog GD!

  10. Two comments that don’t go together, nor with your advice to the kid having problems in school

    1- I’ve learned to live without sugar in my coffee. I know I said I was going without coffee but I began spending my afternoons working in Starbucks this past week. And when in Rome.

    2- I’ve learned that anyone can do this and if you are really struggling with your health, discipline or sanity, this is a great Program.

    Here’s some tough love for you…Starbuck’s has lots of things you can choose, like water, herbal tea, juices….etc

    Congrats, though, on making the program work for you. My partner is struggling to reduce gluten in his live and is going back and forth and back and forth due to the cost of gluten free products and the effort to make it work in the world we live in. I am trying to be supportive and even make the changes, too. I’ve have bariatric surgery and the carbs and genetic mutations, etc, in gluten products don’t do anyone who has had bowel surgery any good.

    Hoping I’ll learn lots and get my partner to read you so he’ll be inspired to love himself a little more, like you do!

  11. what the heck?

    She did not read the other blog post completely through, G Dude, otherwise she would not have made any of these comments.

    Not starting off on the right foot at all.


  12. Sounds like this was a great program for you!

    Just curious if the Whole30 is already gluten free, or if you had to modify?

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I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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