Rejected Titles for My Upcoming eBook on Celiac Disease


First things first. If the above picture makes absolutely no sense, stop reading this immediately and go watch History of the World: Part 1. You’re welcome.

So for those unaware, I’ve been working on an eBook for a few months now. The hope is to have it ready within a week. Last month, not knowing what the new book’s title should be, I asked my creative Facebook community for some suggestions. As usual, they did not disappoint. And for the record, none of these were “rejected” as I loved them all. I will call them “alternative” book titles instead.

  • Celiac Disease: The Good, The Bad, The Poopy
  • Celiac Blows
  • Celiac Disease: Understanding the Misunderstood Condition
  • Celiac Disease: Shootin’ the Sh*t
  • Celiacs Can Eat More Than Just Celeriac
  • Celiac Disease: Managing Life In and Out of the Bathroom
  • Celiac: The Nitty, Gritty, and Sh*tty
  • Eat, Pray, Hurl – An Honest Account of Living with Coeliac
  • Celiac Disease: Truth, Lies and Gluten
  • Celiac Disease: The In’s & Out’s (LITERALLY)
  • From Plate to Toilet: A Celiac’s Handbook
  • Celiac Disease: Do You Have the Guts?
  • The Ryes that Bind
  • Celiac – It’s Not Just a Pain in the Ass
  • From Crappy to Happy: Learning to Deal with Your New Celiac Diagnosis
  • Gluten Dude’s Celiac Disease Survival Guide
  • No…I Can’t Just Eat a Salad!
  • Pucker Up, Celiac Disease: Everything You Were Afraid To Ask and More?
  • Gluten Wars: Return of the Villi
  • Hold the Croutons!!
  • Celiac. What the Bleep do I do Now?
  • Celiac Disease: Fork Gluten
  • Defloured
  • Celiac Disease, No it isn’t the Cool Trend
  • Grab a Stool, Let’s Talk Celiac

Gotta love it.

So what did I end up naming by book. Drum roll please………..

“The Naked Truth About Living with Celiac Disease”

Did I just hear a collective groan? Perhaps it was just my imagination. Here was my thought process:

  1. Having something catchy and amusing is totally my style, but might have hindered people from finding it on Amazon, Google, etc.
  2. I didn’t want the title to have a negative vibe as the book is about overcoming the obstacles of celiac disease.
  3. My blog tagline is “The Naked Truth About Living Gluten Free” so it’s consistent with who I am.
  4. I wanted the title to focus on “LIVING” with celiac disease, not just eating gluten-free.
  5. I’ll be naked on the book cover. Seriously. Don’t worry, it will still be PG rated. Ok fine…maybe PG-13.

I’m still considering what the price will be. I will say this: it will be somewhere between $9.99 and $999,999. But definitely under a million dollars so no need to be concerned that it will be overpriced.

If you have some honest feedback about the title, I’m all ears. Just be gentle with me.

Stay tuned…

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The Naked Truth About Living with Celiac Disease

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34 thoughts on “Rejected Titles for My Upcoming eBook on Celiac Disease”

  1. How’z about two titles?


    “The Naked Truth About Living Gluten Free ~~
    Noโ€ฆI Canโ€™t Just Eat a Salad!”

      1. Me too Brenda!!! I’d likely have a few more dollars to by some more kale. AND STILL, after two years, I have trouble eating lettuce, tomato, cheese, . . . Herumph! Food still feels like my enemy. Thank you CD.

  2. My personal fave: ‘Gluten Wars: Return of the Villi’. Of course, I grew up and old with Star Wars and I’m still waiting for the Force to overcome my CD.

    My title suggestion would have been: “The Wrath of Celiacs” with a cover shot of Captain Kirk, pants around his ankles, on a Star Trek themed toilet screaming out “CELIACS”. I remember the immortal words of Bones, “I’m just a Celiac”. Of course my memory is dancing with brain fog today so….

  3. Hey GD…been stalking the website for a couple of months…diagnosed last year. I am so glad I found it..same story with me, took forever to get diagnosed, putting up with idiot comments about CD..but I do have a supportive husband and family, and love this site..I have to say my personal favorite title is “Defloured” but I like your choice, it makes sense. Thanks for all the info and thanks to everyone for sharing their lives with us!

  4. People have no attention span, and your title doesn’t do enough to let them know how you uniquely approach the discussion — in a very relaxed, off the cuff, sometimes profane kind of way. โ€œThe Naked Truth About Living with Celiac Diseaseโ€ might as well be written by a dietician or medical group. Up the ante…
    I liked “Eat, Pray, Hurl โ€“ An Honest Account of Living with Celiac” or “Celiac. What the F*%$ do I do Now?”

    1. I totally get your point. I am looking to reach a global audience to help as many people as possible so I want to avoid any negative connotations of having the disease. But I will definitely consider before launch. Thanks!

      1. Maybe in the forward you could list all the titles you considered (for fun). They speak volumes to a community that needs to hear how bad CD really is and why the need for testing is so great. All the titles are good, which ever one you choose will work. The inside is what matters.
        Will this book be in paper? I know I am not your mom, but I am so proud of you. You have done so much to be proud of. Pat yourself on the back!

  5. GDude –

    OMG I am loving these! Don’t forget to ask all of your awesome and faithful readers to leave reviews for you to help get your launch boosted. While I can’t speak for everyone, you have a community who loves you and that’s how we roll. I’ll be sure to promote with my peeps!

    Holly (Pink Fortitude)

  6. A second vote here for: Gluten Wars: Return of the Villi, which is my fave from your list of rejects. Or how about Celiac and Zombies: All Brains, No Guts.

    And yeah, the chosen title is tasteful enough and safe and has the mass market appeal and all, but we all know you really just want to pose nude for the cover. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. How did you figure that out? I’ve been exposed. Lol.

      On a side note, my kids are horrified by the cover.

  7. The fact that your kids are horrified is probably a good sign. When your kids start thinking everything you do is cool you’ve definitely gone off track as a parent.

    I think your choice for title is the adult, mature responsible one. So what gives? When did you go all mature adult on us? Don’t forget to put some of your patented humor, irreverence and occasional appropriate profanity in it. Can’t wait for the release and the subsequent celebrity status as your book climbs the NY Times best sellers list into the top ten. Just don’t forget us little Celiacs that helped make it all happen.


    1. Ha. Since the book will consist of mostly my most helpful blog posts, plus some, believe me, the book will be full of snark.

  8. I think your title is on point, especially since it connects to your blog tag line.
    Although you might not intend it right now, you never know what the future holds. It wouldn’t be too hard to build a brand around your mission since you’re not all over the place with titles and tag lines. Some clever artwork for the cover (even though it’s an e-book) that plays off of the title wouldn’t suck ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I love your “rejects!” But, I can offer no advice on the title. I did like some of the suggestions in the comments, but whether they are appropriate? I can’t judge.

    In any case, good luck with the book!

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™Œ They made me laugh and snort a couple times. Laughter is the best medicine, but when you laugh hard enough to snort, you know it’s good!

  10. I’m totally embarrassed, my tech skill are profoundly lacking and I am not really sure what an ebook is or how to get or read it. HELP!


    1. I’m sure the Dude will have a link on his site when it is released. Normally they can be downloaded to a PC and also have apps for i phone, Android and sometimes Kindle.

  11. I like the title. The others were mostly clever and funny, but I would take this book title seriously. I’m looking for information that isn’t too heavy, but good, accurate and important information. This title suggests just that. I always thought Jamie Oliver’s “Naked Chef” title was a good one. Caught your eye, but explained his cooking style too. Can’t wait to read it!

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didnโ€™t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, Iโ€™ve done my job.

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