Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

dear gluten dude

I’ve got real mixed feelings about the below email I received.

This person is real down in the dumps and is looking for some encouragement.

I want to help him, but it seems a lot of his wounds are self-inflicted.

Take a read and let me know what you think.


Dear Gluten Dude,

I have been gluten free for > 10 years.

I’ve had a healthy 10 years on the diet until about a year ago while I was away at university at college.

The kitchen staff at my hall were really careless about the gluten cross-contamination and I told them very regularly about how serious the CC issue is. The head chef made some pretty rude remarks, particularly when I asked about the deep fryer situation at college. (“Look, mate! That very little bit of gluten honestly shouldn’t hurt.”) (this was about 2 years ago).

6 months ago they decided to no longer provide gluten free bread or cereal for me due to *their* budget concerns (I was at a fully catered college).

One reason I decided not to press the issue is because I tend to be a fairly easy person to please and I generally don’t tend to want to be a hassle for anyone else. People describe me as a gentle and compassionate person and I didn’t want to change that. I figured that if I at least tried to be gluten free (i.e. not intentionally ingest gluten), I’d be fine.

Slowly but surely over the first several months while at this college away from home I started to get increased abdominal discomfort and brain fog. I tried to not be accusatory so I would often try and blame it on something else (like sugar, spices, etc.)

On the other hand, I noticed I was feeling sick and tired a lot when I ate the meals at my residential college (prepared by the aforementioned kitchen staff). I now suspect that gluten contamination had something to do with it.

I also found that I was behaving abhorrently in many aspects and couldn’t think one bit clearly at all.

It was interesting because in the past every time I went home for holidays and my mother cooked for me for the few weeks break I would gradually feel better again so that by the time uni started I would be back in order.

But this time things just got really out of hand for me and I fell apart. My dorm room was a mess, I lost friends and I was a in quite a mental mess. I failed all of my courses for the whole semester and due to a previously poor academic record at university (probably partly due to the food issues) I will probably never be able to attend university again. I have been kicked out.

Has anyone here had a similar experience? I’m in the process of trying to find a job and am back home and really discouraged.

Any advice or warm words of encouragement or others’ venting and understanding would be appreciated.


Here’s the honest truth: You can’t blame everything on gluten.

I feel for you…I really do.

But it seems you’ve taken some missteps along the way that you need to be held accountable for.

You’ve got to forget trying to “please people”. I’m learning that as the years go on.

It’s your health we are talking about and if somebody else isn’t taking it as seriously as you need them to, you need to figure it out.

Sometimes, gluten is not the problem. The problem is us.

Sorry for the tough love. It comes from the heart.

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43 thoughts on “Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten”

  1. I had a similar experience with my works canteen, I was feeling sick everyday but only eating jacket potatoes and salad, I eventually realised that the knife used to add butter to the potato was full of bread crumbs as it was the same used to butter the bread! I didn’t want to make a fuss and to be honest I felt that it would fall on death ears so instead I told them not to butter my potato and to let me have it unopened and I bought mini packets of butter to use in it. I empathise with you on this but at the same time, I don’t think you can ever rely on anyone else to worry about your illness no matter how many times you tell them how serious it is. If it doesn’t affect them they don’t care or understand and often if you upset them they may be more inclined to add breadcrumbs out of spite! I would say you may have been better off taking your own lunch in but it’s too late now isn’t it? Maybe you could try writing to the government and see what they could do for you with regards to getting back into college, I take it the canteen was a free service? If so, why couldn’t they just give you a grant to allow you to buy your own food? The affects of our illness can be awful and yet no one will ever accept that when we’re complaining of feeling sick or having headaches or whatever that it’s down to that, my husband always assumes I’m playing on it! Good luck with your job hunt

  2. I agree on the tough love. Also when it is Your health that is in jeopardy then you need to take matters into your hands. I tried the meal plan in college for one semester…felt sick often, too often, so I stopped eating there and bought my own food and used the dorm kitchen or floor microwave to make my meals. This was before my celiac diagnosis. I would never attempt to purchase the meal plan if I were diagnosed back then with it. People don’t understand cross contamination to the extent of those who get sick by it. There are other schools and even online ones that you can always get your foot back into the door. Otherwise find a job you enjoy and work hard.

  3. Okay..I rarely lecture, but the teacher is coming out in me..

    You are not a child. It’s not the school’s responsibility to keep gluten from your diet. It’s also not your mother’s. Ultimately the responsibility for your health lies only with you. If the kitchen doesn’t take your health seriously, then don’t eat there. I’m confused as to why you would continue to eat anywhere that continually “glutened” you. If I ever eat somewhere that hasn’t taken my diet seriously, then I’m done and they rarely get a second chance.

    I may be wrong but it appears you are relying on others to “keep” you healthy and, if they don’t, then it’s not your fault when you become sick. Preparing healthy gluten-free food isn’t rocket science and there are many resources out there from cookbooks to online sites that can guide you on how to survive college gluten-free. I know many Celiac college students who eat well in their dorms using only a minifridge and a microwave.

    This may sound harsh, but it’s time to put on your big boy underwear and take responsibility for your health. It’s a crappy diet to follow, but we all face this issue each and every day because very few of us have the luxury of staying at home all day. Even fewer of us rely on someone else to prepare our meals. What do you plan to do when you enter the workforce? Have you mother bring your lunch to you each day?

  4. I actually have had a similar experience when in college – although my reaction was slightly different. When I was in my first year of college I began to become very ill. From stomach aches to brain fog and depression – I knew there was something wrong with me. I managed to get through the first quarter of school, although I never once felt like myself. By the second quarter, however, I was seriously ill. I couldn’t keep food down, I had lost a ton of weight (there wasn’t much to lose) and all I wanted to do was sleep. As a lifelong overachiever, though, I did not want to fail out of school. Knowing that I had been seeking medical care I reached out to the Dean of Students who met with me to hear what was going on. Through our conversation I was able to get retroactive student status, which would allow me to stay on campus, drop out of classes with a refund and not have to start paying back my student loans. This way I was able to focus on figuring out what was wrong with me.

    Fast forward a few months to when my doctor accidentally discovered I had celiac disease during a biopsy. I did not totally know then how much my life would change but my doctor continued to stress that things would never be the same (boy was that the understatement of my life). In any event, shortly thereafter I was lucky enough to start healing quickly and feeling better. I was able to return to school – but what could I eat? Again, I met with the Dean of Students who didn’t seem to quite get the severity of the situation. After speaking with more people in food services I decided that eating regularly on campus was not going to be the way for me to get and stay healthy. I requested that I be allowed to not pay for the mandatory meal plan and that the university provide me with a mircowave I could access in between classes to heat food. They complied with all of the above and I was able to be a healthy college student. Of course it wasn’t always easy – particularly when I lived far off campus (a microwave only goes so far). But at the end of the day you have to fight for your health.

    And I get not wanting to be a pain in the ass – I have the same tendencies. I didn’t eat at restaurants for years because I would have trouble voicing my concerns. But you know what? That’s crap. I will always be careful with my health but I also want to have some resemblance of normalcy so I am now fine with being a pain in the ass when I need to be. And so should you.

  5. My 2 cents on this :

    Help others, but not at the cost of your own health. And always remember No success is permanent or failure fatal.
    Believe in yourself, if the university’s kicked you out. So be it. Don’t let that define you. Steve Jobs was a dropout. He worked hard and will continue to be loved and admired.
    There are several other ways to make a career of what you love to do.
    Online certification programs, courses, distance learning, on-line programs – the options plenty. Discipline, dedication and hard work- yours.
    Last but not the least : Don’t let setbacks define you. It is how you evolve and overcome these pitfalls that define the human you become.

  6. I see a lot of the others are giving the tough love – I do agree with some of it. It is absolutely up to you to demand proper treatment in the dining hall. There’s absolutely no reason why they can’t provide for you – and you’d likely have an ADA lawsuit to file (if you’re here in the States, I can’t tell from your letter) to get them to comply. Colleges is the best place to learn to speak up for yourself before you have to do it on your own in the real world! There’s absolutely no reason why you should have continued to be made ill by the dining hall. (I’m also a quiet, compassionate person. But when it comes to this, I put my bulldog outfit on and make sure I get what I need.)

    On the other hand – about the college thing – not everyone is cut out for an academic college. Like I said, not sure where you are, but here in the states we have vocational schools, community colleges, and management training programs that can get you into a decent job for a decent pay so that if you like, you can try the college thing again later. Another option might be an online school like DeVry or University of Phoenix, where all of the classes are done at your own pace and online (so you don’t have to worry about missing classes).

    Look into the world of alternatives, and find one you like and give it a shot. You shouldn’t have to waste your talents and knowledge on a minimum wage job with no future just because you were dropped from one school. And when employers ask about it – tell them the truth, that you were ill and needed to leave. They don’t need to know anymore than that.

  7. I’m in my forties. I know how to ‘state my needs’, now. When I think back to when I was 18, though … asserting myself in the face of a rude and dismissive kitchen chef would have been very, very hard. I probably would have cried, frankly. And like this fellow, I wouldn’t have known where to turn next. Now I know: in the same situation I would get a letter from my doctor, start talking to the dean, the counsellors, anyone who would listen really, until someone told me how to go about getting reasonable accommodations.
    Which is to say, I feel for this fellow. If it doesn’t come naturally, stating your needs isn’t easy.
    Celiac has given all of us no choice, though. Being ‘easy going’ is no longer an option. I hate that, but my gut isn’t asking me if I hate it, or not. It isn’t asking me if I want to be demanding about my diet. It isn’t asking me if celiac fits my identity. I am celiac, and that’s the end of it.
    Best of luck practicing how to say what you need, buddy. And on the bright side, lucky you to be learning this lesson in your youth.

  8. Please understand that sometimes we have to take situations into our own hands as Celiac’s. Your school won’t support your dietary restriction and that is not only ignorant but sad. You either need to roll with the punches and accommodate yourself by purchasing GF food at the supermarket or transferring to another Uni.

    The chef you dealt with sounds like he needs an education for sure. But we can’t force people to understand things they choose not to. The best thing for your safety is to not eat at school period.

    Try and put a positive spin on this if you can. Are there any other Celiac’s in your school, community or family? Try and start a support group or join an existing one in your region. From the sounds of it, you are either in the UK or AUS and both have amazing Coeliac support groups. Please reach out to one, perhaps they can help educate your school at least.

    Best of luck and I hope we can hear that things have turned around for you in the future! 🙂

  9. I agree with most of what has been already said … you have to take charge of your food allergy. Be rude, be vocal, advocate for yourself.

    With that said, I say, take some time, get your feet back under you and then reapply to college. I would also suggest living off campus where you can be in charge of your own food choices and cooking. Yes, it’s a bit more work, but like I said, you have to take charge of your own health.

    Good luck.

  10. I’m not a whole lot different than you in the personality department. Compassionate to a fault. Don’t want to inconvenience other people. Hate to be rude. Terrified of speaking up for myself.

    But when you have dietary restrictions, you have to find a way to speak up. You must protect yourself before you worry about other people’s feelings (especially those who make insensitive comments, like the cook at your dining hall).

    One way is to educate without being rude. Food service professionals NEED to know what a big deal cross contamination is. They NEED to know what “just a little bit of gluten” can do to you. Because if they don’t know, when the next celiac comes along, they’ll just go through the whole cycle of insensitivity and ignorance again.

    And if you feel you can’t start by stating your needs, learn how to prepare your own gluten free food until you can. Learning how to keep yourself safe can help you learn how to communicate your needs to others.

  11. Well, I am compassionate too, but I am hardly quiet. I am especially vocal when it comes to being proactive about my health. That said, I would say almost EXACTLY what MISS DEE said— and I would echo what the others have offered you about taking online courses and preparing your own meals at home. You are old enough to make your own meals, right? Time to grow up.

    But the truth is, all of these suggestions have already been made to you, haven’t they? —- on another celiac support site, isn’t that correct?

    I have read almost the exact same letter before, except it is edited in parts. I remember. You received the “mother hen” and “big brotherly” responses there, too. It’s sweet, isn’t it? And they did it because they wanted to help you. As the good people here want to help as well.

    But, your life isn’t a “mess because of gluten” or because they “glutened you at school”. You are not telling the whole story.

    There’s much more going on here. I have seen your other posts and your own blog. You’re a very intelligent person, or so it would appear from your vocabulary and the topics you post, but you have also asked “how much can I cheat?” to see what others would say.

    And you only “sort of” follow the GF diet and I am pretty sure you take the “Dr. Wise’s Gluten Sensitivity Formula (formerly Gluten Relief)” –and eat gluten and then, BLOG and FB about it. Right?

    So, I am curious–were you just looking for more “oh, you poor kiddo!!” responses to your self-inflicted problem here as well?

    Because frankly, what I think is this……….if you are just screwing around with the loving and supportive members of the celiac community everywhere, you should stop posting this sob story, go strictly GF if you actually need to for health reasons, and get on with your life.

    1. Irish, I’m so glad you called this out. The information didn’t line up for me. Miss Dee Meanor regrets she could not attend this pity party.

      Lou..I just put the wrong answer to the math question…hahaha!!

    2. Regardless of my situation, or what I did, the kitchen staff should have been more informed about the fact that they could not claim GF status on any food item that contains wheat, barley, rye or oats.

  12. Here’s my two cents. You are the person responsible for you. You won’t please anybody, including yourself, by playing the blame game. HOWEVER, I agree with Connie about the ADA stuff. AS far as schooling is concerned, don’t forget the beauty of the Community College. They tend to be much less expensive than either the 4 year colleges or the online, private, EXPENSIVE universities. Our local community colleges offer very practical programs designed to get you into the workforce…everything from EMT training to culinary programs to engineering technology stuff. The LD teacher in me says, “Slow and steady wins the course.” Try getting a job and taking one course and then build on that. They probably won’t be concerned about you previous academic problems.

    Here is my mom hat now….don’t go to school to party! HAve a good time, but don’t just major in friends. Go with a goal and stick to it. And remember, most beer has gluten.

  13. I have to agree with IrishHeart. I have seen this same post on at least one but I think 2 other celiac sites. I read and don’t post much.

    I think you are either really needy for attention, bored or some sort of troll.Perhaps you are hoping to sell us a cure”?

    With these responses , I doubt “he” will come back.

    Perhaps people who like to post just to fight or get attention would be a good “rant”.

    Carry on the good work!

  14. Ya see…now I’m pretty burned up. If what Irish and Lou are saying is true, you have wasted my time and others who read this blog.

    We are trying to HELP people here and the last thing we need is somebody who is whining who doesn’t deserve our help nor our sympathy.

    This topic may deserve its own blog post!

  15. Sorry, Dude! You have a troll! I guess you are big time now! 🙂

    P.S. On my last post I put the wrong answer to the math question! Had to hit “go back”.

    1. Can I reply to myself? Yep, talking to myself, again!

      I think your site has become popular enough to warrant that company spamming you with its fake “patients”. They seem to make blogs and FB pages with the name of the drug prominently displayed in the blog or fb page name. If it was a real personal blog about a person’s excperience with this snake oil, it would be titled differntly. Like: “Gluten Dude” or “Lou- don’t call me Louisa” or “My celiac journey” or some such nonsense.

      On to the math!

  16. Oh my … well ok … reading the comments and then coming upon IH and Lou’s comments I feel as burned as you do Gluten Dude ha ha … and this isn’t my blog … but seriously I just do not understand these people that take a serious disease and then just play with it … and to pull the hearts and concerns of other Celiacs for their own experimental purposes … sad …

    But thank you Gluten Dude for answering his letter the way you did – whether for fake purpose or not … it was good to read the tough love stance about this sort of issue …

    clap clap … I (heart) you guys … I know I have said this before ~ but thanks for keeping it REAL!!!


  17. Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

    Dear Gluten Dude,

    Thank you for your (along with everyone else’s) comments. This post is most definitely about me and I appreciate your time and perspective(s).

    I behaved very abhorrently in all sorts of ways at college including defecating in the bin in the bathroom (on more than one occasion). I actually think (due to my food issues being unaddressed for so long) that I actually might have done this justice, if I may say so! 😉

    I’ve never been drunk once in my life and I rarely bother to consume alcohol (I don’t intend to do so in the future). I’ve seen students lying in bathrooms late at night with vomit (and on one occasion faeces) on the floor.

    My issues were different to that of other students. I was diagnosed with ASD when young and (despite remarkable progress) still struggle at times.

    I think that what I did about keeping quiet re: the food issues at college is normal for any guy.

    Being diagnosed with a gluten related disorder is frustrating. Especially when it happens early in life, where one has yet to experience the luxury of being able to eat a normal, healthy diet.

    I’ve read about your site, Gluten Dude, and I believe that the job you and your commenters are doing in building your blog is terrific. I know how much it sucks to have to avoid gluten.

    As I mentioned in my email to The Gluten Dude, the lack of provision of gluten free food (along with contaminated meals) is only one factor that jeopardised my success.

    Yes, Irish Heart is correct. I have taken Dr. Wise’s Gluten Sensitivity Formula (partly out of desperation) but am not in any affiliated with The Wise Alternative. One thing that impressed me about this product in particular was the sensitive testing that the team employed when analysing the product’s efficacy.

    Ten (10) years ago when I was tested for celiac (i.e. coeliac) disease, I screened negative. I have been told countless times by various doctors that following a gluten free diet with a negative diagnosis of celiac disease is a ‘waste of time’. Many of them have even gone so far to suggest that I ‘eat normally’ again.

    Thanks again Gluten Dude for mentioning me on your blog. I do apologise for any confusion I may have caused and wish you all the best.

    I will continue updating my blog at:

    1. Dude…seriously? You add a link to your ridiculous blog??

      Stop blaming gluten for all your life’s ills. You failed out of school because you didn’t study hard enough.

      You got sick from gluten because you continued to take risks.

      You try a scam of a product because you are getting paid by your good friend Dr. Wise and his accomplice Jason.

      Don’t waste my time anymore and do us all a favor and stay out of the online celiac community, where we are all here to HELP each other.

      1. I think you are right. People are employed to “favorably critique” this scam of a product.

        Maybe they should switch to being phone sex operators? That seems like a job with more integrity than pretending to be a poor sick college kid or sick young lady and pushing a dubious medical cure.

        (I give credit for those last two lines to my friend, a fellow celiac, who finds this as disturbing as we do)

  18. I think the Gluten Dude was right when he called you out on your ‘blog’.

    I think the wrong thing went into the college bin. It should have been the ‘Dr. Wise’ Gluten Sensitivity Scam.

  19. Now that the letter writer has commented, I know that I have stumbled upon his blog a while ago as well. I could not believe the BS on there! It has to be someone affiliated with that company.

    Also note that his so called response to us trying to help is to write about the drinking habits of others?!

    Oh and I was diagnosed in College. I did fine. Brought my lunch to school, just like I did now because I’m a BIG girl mom! Nice play on the whole men keep quiet and don’t bother people with their health concerns. Its just that your research, well needs more research! Get a real job ( I hear Amanda Bynes needs a driver ) and stop screwing with us!

    It makes me sad that we wanted to help somebody who is nothing but a scammer.

    Im so freaking mad right now!

  20. Messy Life Spammer,

    I’m curious. How much do you get paid to do this? Are you an actual company employee? Or a contractor? Do you “blog” and spam other websites for other illnesses and products? Maybe other sites about hobbies, like cooking, & advertise a gadget? Can one make a good living doing this? Do you get paid for each one that isn’t deleted? Or a set fee for a period of time?

    I have some unemployed relatives, maybe you could hook them up with some work?

  21. You missed the point entirely.

    After being called out, you have the stones to do a pseudo-ad for the product and then direct us to your blog? Are you for real?

    You do not purposefully eat gluten-filled foods, take some bogus supplement and then look for sympathy —saying you bombed out of college because the food service people sabotaged you.

    This is disingenuous.

    I have read many posts you have written. You discuss scientific journal articles with ease. You’re no dummy.

    In fact, you are extremely eloquent and polished for a 20- year- old quiet guy with ASD (all your words). You keep up a blog and you initiate discussions on milk opiods, epigenetics, type 1 diabetes research, etc.

    You should have had no trouble passing courses with your intelligence
    and research capabilities.

    You stated unequivocally in one place that you have never cheated with gluten, but your blog proves otherwise.

    My questions are: what’s the truth?

    and what exactly were you expecting by writing to the Dude?

    1. Irish, I think this “guy” is just doing his job. . He has to get his ad link on here so he can get paid. Probably sells stuff for milk intolerants or people with dianetes, too.

      Pisses you off, doesn’t it? Me, too.

      1. Actually, I am not angry that he does it. That’s his business if he wants to gluten himself and spend $$ on snake oil tablets.

        Anyone who falls for a “quick fix” for Celiac in tablet form is foolish.

        If there were a magic healing bullet for us, it would be front page news and the celiac research centers would be sending out bulletins to the medical journals.

        I dislike that he plays on the sympathy of those who listen to his tale of woe and then take the time to help–when in reality, he has not been honest about the circumstances.

        That’s just wrong —-and the more time we give him, the more I suspect he enjoys it.

  22. Yes, it is the individual’s responsibility to make conscious food choices. However there are other issues here that might need to be considered. 1. During times of stress, i.e., transitions, human beings tend to regress to behaviors that may or may not be helpful, i.e., bed wetting in a school aged child who looses a parent.

    This is a child transitioning to adulthood. Expect some regression until things are sorted out. Successful transition depends on the type of support and education he will get during the transition.

    2. Perhaps Mom is an enabler, fixing things like she has always had to do to help her special needs child survive.

    What might be more useful for this individual is some extra work with a dietitian on how to provide for his own food needs while he is in this living situation, maybe even having the dietitian come to the school to do an inservice on this very important topic. This kid will not be the only one with this need.

    Also the kid needs to seek out counseling to help him be supported as an emerging adult in this new life transition.

    Tough love can be useful. But how do you know if he was “lying” about the circumstances? Should he suffer to learn just because you did? Do any of you remember what it is like to be DIFFERENT as a teenager? This is a learning part of this kid’s life, so educate him. Don’t bully him.

    1. Did you even read what has transpired here?

      No one is bullying this person. Where do you see that??

      He writes with a level of sophistication on other sites that is not indicative of someone who “could not make it through college”.

      Sorry, but I have read all the things he has written and I know malarkey when I see it.

      He is not “a child”, for starters.

      He claims to be 20 years old on one site.

      If you had read some of the things he says, you would be very suspicious too.

      Perhaps you have not followed the entire conversation before posting your chastising comment, but this is no “child” in need of our help with “a life transition”—not at all—–and his credibility is nil.

  23. Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

    Thanks again for all the feedback, everyone. I really do appreciate it. 🙂

    One of the things that some of you have not yet acknowledged is the effects of gluten, not just in the intestine but, on the brain.

    ASD is now very solidly linked to gluten sensitivity. My mother suffered a number of miscarriages before I was born and we both had 8-9 very tough years of feeling unwell while trying to get through my home program.

    As soon as I went gluten free, I was able to gain weight and my behaviour improved.

    IrishHeart, I understand how you feel. I did my utmost to consistently adhere to a gluten free diet. My occasional but deliberate deviations from the diet are something that I accept full responsibility for. The mislabelling of food on the board by the kitchen staff at the college where I was dining, on the other hand, was neither acceptable nor even legal.

    I confronted the kitchen staff on a number of occasions about this issue, and most of the time they assured me that my meals were gluten free (when I knew otherwise). I just didn’t want to pick a fight.

    I had already been through enough arguments with my lecturers (with one in particular belittling my religious beliefs and values as well as disclosing my disability to other students – two absolute and total breaches of university policy).

    It is difficult to think straight and adhere to a gluten free diet all the time and I commend you all here for your commitments to managing this lifelong malady.

    1. This is getting ridiculous!

      ” they assured me that my meals were gluten free (when I knew otherwise). I just didn’t want to pick a fight.”

      Are you kidding me?

      He just wants people to view his site.

      1. Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

        I trusted that the meals provided to me were gluten free.

        It is illegal to mark something gluten free when it isn’t.

        I will be reporting my college to the relevant authorities as time allows.

        1. oh for crying out loud get out of here, go to bed and shut up. I said earlier that I felt for you but that was before IH discovered that you are a fake. Quit wasting our time. GD, can’t you get rid of this idiot? We would all appreciate it. or at least I would appreciate it!

          1. Thank you for the warm welcome to this community. My partner has been instructed to delete gluten, corn, and sugar from his diet. I’ve been looking for ways to help him in this endeavor. Reading what I can, trying gluten free recipes. Even bought green pea flour to try gluten free gigi’s green pea bread since we can’t seem to find a decent bread for sandwiches and all other recipes thus far taste like sawdust.

            Good to know that as in the rest of the world, there is a subgroup of assholes to contend with. And just my luck I found it. Here.

            Aloha yourself

            Can all the people here actually do the math to complete your security question?

            1. “Good to know that as in the rest of the world, there is a subgroup of assholes to contend with. And just my luck I found it. Here.”

              wow… whom are you addressing this comment, may I ask?
              US??!!! why?


              Now, If you want a decent bread recipe, try Bette Hagman’s recipes, or visit Jules Shepard, Peter and Kelli Bronski or the Gluten Free Girl’s sites.

              You’re welcome.

  24. Not sure whether to laugh or cry! If I thought he was really a confused 20 year old, I would cry.

    GD- can you delete his link? Maybe put in that he put a spam link. I hate that he got paid money for this.

    Notice he doesn’t address any part of the being a spammer comments.

    1. Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

      Lou, I am not being paid for any of this. I am here to give my honest review of the product that I finished taking a couple of months ago.

      You can remove my link if you wish to do so, Gluten Dude. I don’t mind. If I could do it over I probably would have commented just the same but not bothered to include the link. 🙂

      1. Yes, we all know that you are here to give your “honest” opinion. Why don’t you go give Dr Wise Ass and Jason ours – IT’S A SCAM that intentionally misleads the desperate and ill informed.

        No one on here buys what your selling.

        Go sit under your bridge and keep quiet.

  25. Dear Gluten Dude: My Life is a Mess and I Blame Gluten

    You and your team here have taught me a lot and I really appreciate your guidance in letting me know that I should let go (of my “axe to grind”). 😉

    So I’ve done that. Not for you but more for my sake. 🙂

    Sometimes I’m frustrated that I’ve had to be off gluten for almost my whole life. Most people don’t experience a childhood or teenage life without wheat, barley, rye or oats. Plenty of celiacs I know who were diagnosed at 45 years of age did perfectly well with such grains in both childhood and adolescence. That alone, in my honest opinion is something to be grateful for.

    Nevertheless, please know that I truly appreciate the time and work you and your readers put into such a quality site. I do apologize for my attitude. Have a great day!

  26. Screw being civil. That asinine patronizing p**ck should meet me in person. Exploiting the sick for capitol gain?!!

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