It’s Celiac Awareness Day 2019. Are you aware that…?

celiac awareness day 2019

Hey everyone. I’m a bad celiac. I just found out that today is Celiac Awareness Day 2019. Where DOES the time go? It seems like it was just a year ago it was Celiac Awareness Day 2018. So what am I aware of today? Let me count the ways.

  1. Are you aware that Celiac Awareness Day is in honor of Dr. Samuel Gee, who was the first doctor who linked celiac disease and food and he was born on this day in 1839?
  2. Are you aware that the U.S. Senate officially designated this day to Celiac Awareness in 2010?
  3. Are you aware that you were going to get a history lesson today?
  4. Are you aware that Mrs. Dude and I have been in New York City for a year already?
  5. Are you aware that I still love it here every single day?
  6. Are you aware that the average time it takes a person to get a celiac diagnosis is still 6-10 years?
  7. Are you aware how much those people are unnecessarily suffering during those years?
  8. Are you aware that this is my 725th blog post?
  9. Are you aware that there are a few gluten-free influencers who are the worst thing for the celiac community since Udi’s new bread?
  10. Are you aware that I’m building a mobile app for the celiac community?
  11. Are you aware that I’ll be launching a Kickstarter campaign next week to help me fund it?
  12. Are you aware that building a high-functioning mobile app is crazy expensive?
  13. Are you aware that every day is celiac awareness day (meaning it’s something we ALWAYS need to be aware of)?
  14. Are you aware that it took me years to begin to feel better after my celiac diagnosis?
  15. Are you aware that I started to heal only when I completely overhauled my diet?
  16. Are you aware that I wrote a blog post about it called “Stop Eating Gluten-Free Foods”?
  17. Are you aware that the post has gotten 502 comments?
  18. Are you aware my book, which I know will help so many in the community, has a 4.5-Star rating on Amazon?
  19. Are you aware that was a shameless plug?
  20. Are you aware that I have no shame?
  21. Are you aware that even though I can get a lot of supportive emails, I also get my share of hate mail?
  22. Are you aware that people who send bloggers hate mail are miserable creatures?
  23. Are you aware that we have a zillion flies on our apartment?
  24. Are you aware that we are no longer keeping our windows open?
  25. Are you aware that our dog Ozzy goes nuts when we try to kill a fly?
  26. Are you aware that a fly literally just flew into my coffee (no joke!)?
  27. Are you aware that I’m going to get another cup of coffee?
  28. Are you aware that I’m back now?
  29. Are you aware that there is no cure for celiac disease and no drug that makes it ok to eat gluten?
  30. Are you aware that I will NEVER eat gluten again, even if a drug comes out?
  31. Are you aware that celiac disease is just a part of who I am and it does not, and never will, define me?
  32. Are you aware that I have 3 tattoos and 2 earrings?
  33. Are you aware that we should all do our part in spreading celiac awareness?
  34. Are you aware that even the smallest gestures can make a big difference?
  35. Are you aware that it’s 11:35am and I need to go finish my Kickstarter campaign?
  36. Are you aware that I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Celiac Awareness Day? May the gluten-free gods be with you.

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14 thoughts on “It’s Celiac Awareness Day 2019. Are you aware that…?”

  1. Was NOT aware of the tattoos or piercings, but yes to all the rest of it! Keep up the good work. (Actually, I wasnโ€™t aware of the fly in your coffee , but I am now!)

    1. for a laugh, you can get .012 grams of protein from a fly.
      that means you need 7583 and 1/3 flies to = the protein of a 12-ounce steak.

  2. Are you all aware that Portland cement has between 1-2 per cent wheat flour in the ingredients. When they load the bags of cement into your vehicle the cement becomes airborne. Are you aware that you can inhale gluten? You can ask me how I know this. I researched for 2 weeks to find this out. It took a while to figure this out so learn from my knowledge. You are welcome.

    1. they-told-me-I-was-fine

      Thank you Elaine! I’m so glad you shared and so not glad to know as you’d probably understand but I’m grateful to you and this blog for sure.


    2. We don’t go to Downtown Charlston much anymore since we got really sick because we walked past a bakery that had CLOUDS of flour coming out.

  3. This info would explain why I would get sometimes get glutened while working at The Home Depot! I got a job there when I could no longer work in my pizza shop after learning that breathing gluten was just as bad as eating it. Geez!

    1. 1) No Pain No Grain – with a pic of a wheat stalk
      2) Each of my families first initials in an X pattern
      3) Just a cool design
      4) A huge picture of Nixon on my back

      I’m just kidding about #4

  4. I’m aware that my cat just dented the wall running into it (again)

    have a laugh, Lord knows we need one.

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didnโ€™t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, Iโ€™ve done my job.

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