I Hate Gluten Free Society. Here’s Why.


What kind of (Gluten Free) Society are we living in??

I’ve been meaning to blog about this site for awhile. The time is now ripe.

The site I’m referring to is GlutenFreeSociety.org. The person running that atrocity is Dr. (and I use that term lightly) Peter Osborne. The site claims to be “The Ultimate Resource on True Gluten Free Diets, Recipes, blah, blah, blah.”

To me it’s the ultimate example of how to take advantage of people in need.

Why do I hate the site so much besides the fact that it is filled with misleading information? Because all it wants is your money.

And what is it selling? Fear.

Look at this ridiculous video, which is on their home page (with ads on it of course):

Ummm…ok. Certainly makes me want to join his cult; I’m sorry…his “society”.

What else is on the home page?

Let’s see, you can BUY “The Glutenology Health Matrix System” for $69.

You can BUY “The Gluten Free Society 2010 Year in Review” for $23.95 (that’s right…2010).

You can BUY “The Glutenology Cookbook” for $24.95.

Do you notice a pattern here?

You can also sign up for Free Updates from Gluten Free Society, which I did. Guess what the first email I received was? Crappy information with links to purchase the three above-mentioned items.

Now let’s take a scroll through more of the site, shall we?

Naturally, the first link in their main navigation is a DONATE link. They have five donation levels, ranging from $25 to $1,000. What are you actually donating to? Well, it says to “help fund gluten sensitivity research”. What effing BS. Oh, but you do get a free T-shirt out of it…which promotes the website of course.

Next in our journey through hell are “Gluten Free Certification Courses”, which naturally is, and I quote, “by popular demand”. They offer two levels. Level One is a 2-hour online course. It’s totally free. I’m just kidding. It’s $200. Level Two is an 8-hour online course. It’s practically a steal for $800. And when I say it’s a steal, I’m referring to the fact that Dr. Osborne is stealing your money.

Up next is the Forum, where Dr. Osborne answers all of your questions…incorrectly. Examples? He says gin has gluten in it. And rice has gluten in it. And corn has gluten in it. And it goes on and on and on. Where’s the science behind all of this? That’s funny.

Moving along, you can order a Genetic Testing Kit. Before I clicked the Order button, I guessed that it would be in the $150 range. I mean, he couldn’t rip people off more than that. Well…I underestimated my friend. $410. Sigh.

Isn’t this fun??

Next up we have Gluten Free Products. And wouldn’t you know it. They are all affiliate links so if you click on them and BUY something, that’s money in Mr. Osborne’s pocket…all going to “research” I’m sure.

Then we have “Gluten Free Recipes”. I’m thinking finally something that he’ll offer for free. The man does have a heart. Nope…just a link to BUY his cookbook.

Much of the rest of the content on his crappy site, from what I could tell, you need to be a Gluten Free Society member in order to read it. And yes…just because…he charges you $69.

Look…I have no problem with people making money online in the gluten free industry. It’s a free world and I’m all for capitalism. I’ve even thought about doing something on this site to help cover my time and resources in keeping this wonderful community going at full-steam.

But when your audience is people desperate to find their health, when your only product is BS and when you’re charging a shitload of money for it, that’s pretty much as low as you can go.

If you agree with me, please share this post so we can get the word out.

If not, and you believe in what Dr. Osborne is doing, I hope you have your credit card handy.

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495 thoughts on “I Hate Gluten Free Society. Here’s Why.”

          1. I mean qualified in making these assertions against a registered practitioner. That is, are you a registered MD, MS, PharmD, ND or other practitioner within the health profession?

            1. Oh sorry, was intending to make you defensive. Was purely asking as it seems you are very strongly against the work of Dr Osborne and was intrigued to know what the foundation of your objections were. Have you had a consult with him as a patient then?

            2. @lexi, I’m not a registered health practitioner either, but I can recognize a scam when I see it. Lets take rice for instance, yes there is gluten in rice. However it is safe for celiacs to eat. I know because I eat rice pasta with no ill effects.

            3. Gluten Dude is 100% correct that this site is a scam
              Sorry but there is NO gluten in rice, not even the 20 parts per million which would in effect make it’ gluten free’. Neither does corn or gin contain gluten.. And yes, I’m qualified, a registered nurse who has lived with Coeliac disease for the last 54yrs .
              Well done Gluten Dude for taking the time to set up this site to warn the less enlightened from charlatans like Dr (?) Osborne.
              Oh! I’m English so Coeliac = Celiac. Same language different spelling! 🙂

            4. Why are you still “living with” celiac, Alan? Nothing about being a registered nurse makes you educated about gluten unless you have done a lot of research on your own, like many of us. I was absolutely more educated about gluten than the MD dermatologist in his 60’s I saw 11 years ago.

            5. You mean you’ve never heard of corn gluten? People use it in their gardens to stop weeds from sprouting. Something like 95% of “gluten sensitive” people get no help from a traditional “gluten free” diet. There are over 200 different kinds of gluten. I bet you hate Dr. Tom O’Bryan too. If you weren’t so angry and dramatic I might consider what you are saying (using the Dr. term “lightly”~~umm, he has a doctorate in chiropractic and pastoral science). Dr. Osborne has served as the executive director and the vice president for the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.

            6. Yes I agree I’m no more qualified than the people next door but sorry rice doesn’t have gluten and either did corn – I’m not sure what corn gluten people here are speaking about but certainly when I was on holiday the corn on the cob was safe for me to eat and we could pick it fresh (south of England). Whilst the chap Osborne might be a Doctor, I do not think he is a Doctor in the correct field of expertise. Bit like saying I’ve got a PHD in Environmental Studies then trying to work in a GP Practice?!

            7. I am also an RN and I did not realize that I had a gluten problem until I was 45 years old! I saw 50 different doctors that misdiagnosed my dermatitis herpetiformis for standard dermatitis. If multiple MD’s and multiple dermatologists and a nurse (me for 20 years at that time) cannot figure it out then what makes you think that you are the expert on gluten. Dr Osborne is indeed an expert on gluten.

            8. The gluten in rice is a completely different gluten that is wheat, barley and Rye. Which is why as a celiac you can eat it! 🙂

            9. Right. There is gluten in rice and corn both – but it is not the same as the gluten in wheat, barley and rye. I am not a health professional either, but I also recognize a scam when I see it. Using the term “doctor of pastoral science” – yet– is the worst scam of all. Literally taking money from people who are scared, desperate and will do anything to find a cure. There are so -called cancer “doctors” doing the same thing. Give this charlatan your hard-earned cash- sure. Then come back to us when you feel worse.

            10. Well, I don’t have celiac & had no idea I had an issues until, when I took Dr Osborne’s advice, & gave up all grains, I lost 20 lbs in 60 days, reversed huge amounts of stuff for my health,…..

            11. It SURELY does make you QUALIFIED❗️ I too am qualified being a confirmed celiac person age 72. Thank you for your CORRECT info—something I never could receive from an MD or a gastro physician. Thanks Sue

          2. Dr Osborne clearly explains that the gluten in rice is less than in wheat and that it is a different type of gluten. Dr Osborne not only tries to prevent diarrhea in celiac but he is helping others who are sensitive to all types of gluten. A celiac may not react to the form of gluten in corn and rice but it may give someone else arthritis, hypothyroidism or another autoimmune disease. Celiac is not the only auto immune disease caused by a grain. My daughter has CRMO and you do not even know what that is I would bet. Dr Osborne ‘s advice has helped my family with several autoimmune diseases. I did not know I had celiac until I was 45 because my only symptoms were dermatitis herpetiformis (misdiagnosed as dermatitis) and neuropathy. Dr Osborne is helping to reach those beyond typical celiac so you, affected by wheat gluten only, are not the only person whose suffering matters. Also, I got all my advice from him on his youtube, blog and free material on the website at no cost at all!

            1. Jennifer, I agree with you about Dr Osborne. Here’s My daughter’s story. She was very sick. She was asymptomatic (no digestive symptoms). After going to medical doctors and functional doctors and getting no answers and no help. My daughter had tried the traditional gluten free diet which she showed no improvement. I found Dr Osborne. I knew going Grain free had to be the answer. We did order the dna test for her, but in the meantime she had an appointment with another medical doctor regarding her low iron levels that we couldn’t get to come up. The doctor told us the reasons for low iron mostly are due to blood loss, the only reason that fit her was Celiac. He had her get the blood test for Celiac. Her dna test came back that she had the genes for celiac and also her blood test confirmed she had celiac. After 8 weeks of changing her diet to grain free her energy level went from a 3 to a 9. She was so much better. She had been sleeping 12 hours and still wouldn’t be rested. She had insomnia, migraines, heart palpitations, low iron, hypothyroid, memory difficulties, blurred vision, muscular weakness, anxiety, and the list went on. In other words, she had so many different types of symptoms that none of the doctors could figure it out. Because of her journey, myself and my other 2 children with health issues have gone on the grain free diet with great success.

              My daughter was unable to go to college because her health was so bad. After 12 weeks on the grain free diet she left for college. She will graduate this May 2022!! I know the Grain free diet works and I have Dr. Osborne to thank!

            2. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for sharing. I agree that removing all grains could be a solution. That does not mean you should listen to Dr. Osborne on most matters. Unless you have cash of course. 😉

            3. Glad to hear you say this, well done. I am one of those celiacs that reacts to rice and corn. It gives me a terrible rash even the cleanest of clean products. I will follow the guy who has helped millions and I will buy his products because they are totally gluten free. Not a lot of natural supplements can say that. Hooray for Dr. Osborne and his endless research and information. Boo to the gluten dude for trying to discredit someone who doesn’t even know the gluten dude exists and also doesn’t give a rats what he says. Just because you are celiac doesn’t make you an expert. A lot of us have celiac and are learning news things everyday about our health from Dr. Osborne and it’s free! Thank you Dr. Osborne

          3. Dr. Osborn is a very knowledgeable functional nutritionist who has helped thousands of people. He charges nothing for his expertise. He does not push his products on anyone. It’s purely personal choice. When I do need a particular supplement, I definitely choose his because of clean high quality. He devotes a lot of time helping people with nutrition issues and deserves money that he earns. You, Dude, are just a lying, disrespectful guy with a gluten issue attempting to destroy a good man’s reputation. Actually, all you are doing is making a fool of yourself. Your envy and ignorance will get you nowhere.

          4. As a PharmD and a mother of a type 1 diabetic child, I do believe you’re throwing shade in all the wrong places. First of all, I am very aware of Dr Osborne and where he stands as well as the data he provides. He is quite accurate to be honest. And yes, no doubt does he charge for services, he does have to make a living. I know a gal who charges $800 for a 4-hour webinar on meme coins, does that mean she has no idea what she’s talking about? She is actually a family member is is very brilliant. I’m unclear what YOUR credentials are, but based on what I’ve read and researched (and let me say you DO have to dig and even purchase most studies) Dr Osborne is close to accurate. Some people, such as yourself, may become upset because it isn’t what you want to hear but overall he’s actually not far off.
            What are your credentials actually? And why do you find it hard to believe that corn contains gluten? Are you actually that ignorant that you haven’t done the investigating before posting?

      1. Whoever the hell u are get a life do research and speak to people who actually know first hand how damaging gluten is to their diet! You speak like me a complete moron!

          1. Youre exactly right! I have a background in physiology! These people cant help themselves from being no it all’s! Dr Gundry one of the foremost thoracic heart specialist and gluten and lectin expert agree with Dr Osborne! The hate mongers are same people that probably took the the jab because they were afraid they were going to die! All Dr osborne lays out is science! Nobody forces people to buy anything! Just because you live with Celiac for a lifetime, doesn’t mean you have any scientific knowledge. Just a thought.

            1. Three things:

              1) You got your name backwards.
              2) You don’t know how to use an apostrophe.
              3) The fact that you are anti-vaccine and pro-Osborne speaks volumes.

              Good day my friend.

            2. Gundry got better because he stopped being vegetarian, stopped eating grains, and went to eating only once per day. People don’t understand cause and effect. Getting rid of grains automatically gets rid of gluten, but also gets rid of a ton of excess carbs that cause a ton of problems all by themselves – to the gut and to the entire system. This also solves a lot of “gluten sensitivity” problems which may or may not be only a gluten problem. The fear mongering money grubbers just want to sell the fear and not the nuance.

            3. I agree with you. As a PharmD who is very knowledgeable in holistic medicine and dietary consequences I believe Dr Osborne is very close to perfect on what he presents.
              Those who took the cv shot are extremely ignorant and so unintelligent they can’t make an informed consent on their own merit.

        1. No..this guy is no moron. He is a rightfully skeptical person.. does he need to be a medical professional to figure things out…well I’m elderly…how much helpful info have I had from medical professionals…zero
          . Some people do better with no grains…gluten…maybe…many substances are in grains besides gluten…but ask yourself…why do people in third world countries thrive on grains. Grain based societies do better on all health fronts…have almost no autoimmune disease of other kinds as well…live until old age in blue zones some basing their diets on grains. They are fantastic runners…Nigerians on corn…tarahumara…corn and beans and squash. They have low rates of heart disease. Yet here everyone is freaking out about some auto immune disease or other…what gives…why are we reacting to a food that has sustained populations for eons. And by the way…no one is as large as the good doc without being on some sort of gear. I’m glad his products have helped some people…but he himself is a grifter riding on the backs of desperate people. And listening to many of you…the grift is a lucrative one and will continue.

        100% agree with you about O$BORNE. It is clear also that we don’t need to have any official diploma to listen to our body while suffering from the poisoning. I’ve been suffering from so called “gluten sensitivity” for 28 years and dear friend, I can confirm you that all this is a comedy. Gluten, wheat and all the grains accusing is BS, they are all inoffensive. All these misinformation is just a smoke curtain to hide the real problem: glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up, the Monsanto weed-killer (we should say All-Killer) spread widely in wheat and corn crops and others. Let me give you the proof: I went to Martinique this year, and decided to verify that theory, and I ate bread and pancake made of organic wheat from France; guess what, 0 (ZERO) reaction while just touching someone who ate non organic bread will make my body react because I’m very sensitive. Let me know if you want to know more, would be my pleasure.

          1. Dr Fasano and other researchers who are tops in this field have come out and said – unequivocally- they can find no connection to glysofate and problems with these grasses. We tend to forgot that celiac has been around AND DIAGNOSED since early Roman medical history and British Medical Journals going back to the 1200s. Wheat was first found growing along the Nile River and migrated via the Euphrates to Italy and other european countries. We know it is one of over 300 autoimmune diseases. As for NCGS? Research is ongoing about that too- and little is known about the whys of that condition.

            1. Thank you Sybil for setting people straight on this! And to note: even touching pure gluten wouldn’t do anything even to a coeliac, as the gluten molecule is too large to pass through the skin. So touching someone who has eaten gluten would not do a thing.

            2. Let’s clarify that: touching gluten, or inhaling it (like wheat flour) can be very harmful to some celiacs and NCGS folks. But touching someone who has eaten say, pizza, might or might now be. Kissing someone who has ingested gluten is a problem for celiacs especially. It all depends on what it is and the severity of CD. Everyone is different. That’s why cosmetics and personal care items need to be gf for many people.

            3. I’m glad you posted that experience. It may encourage others to find their way to better health. It encourages me.

              ps: It seems people’s beliefs and ability to deal with new information probably have interesting underlying demographic underpinnings.

            4. Stanley Colimon

              Sybil, just have a look on that scientific web site (US National Library of Medicine
              National Institutes of Health). They cite Fasano. Here is a copy-paste of an extract, and you’ll find the link below.
              Table 2 summarizes our findings relating glyphosate to celiac disease. All of the known biological effects of GLYPHOSATE– cytochrome P450 inhibition, disruption of synthesis of aromatic amino acids, chelation of transition metals, and antibacterial action – contribute to the pathology of celiac disease.

            5. Sybil

              You are missing a huge factor. The wheat that was produced in Roman Times and now are completely different. The wheat we are eating now is genetically modified and sprayed with chemicals. And who knows what else.

          2. Originally Elaine Gottachall (now deceased) affirmed thateac Disease was really a carbohydrate intolerance. She & Drs Sidney & Valentine Haas set up SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) featured on: breakingtheviciouscycle.info 🤗

          3. Lots of research out there as the main or part culprit to grain sensitivities’ root cause. Newest: $288mil court award to cancer victim set precedence & 8,000 more cases to be heard. We still need to consider the GMO of the foods themselves as a core issue too. The main focus: glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic & accumulates in the body of all plants & animals.

        1. Stanley, I’m curious if you are able to eat ORGANIC wheat in the US. I only eat organic and haven’t been able to eat organic wheat for at least 15 years. I also can’t eat rice or corn or other grains, even organic. I hear your story a lot though.

      3. What I found interesting is that when I tried to possibly order some of the supplements from the website, the prices changed on me. I tried this several times and it happened each and every time I tried. Plus I could not find a way to contact them by phone to ask about it. I am sure if I keep looking at the fine print, I will eventually locate a phone number.

      4. Debbie Lawrence

        If you are the guy that wrote this.You have no clue .What your are talking about .Pete Osborne saved my life. He give people a choice to get healthy by changing their diet and it works .

      5. I happen to adore Dr Peter Osborn he has offers to buy stuff that’s your choice. I have almost died from eating gluten and No medical Dr caught it. I also have autoimmune conditions that need a Dr that will gladly answer all my concerns no matter what. Maybe you have not been so ill and Drs calling you crazy and they are mean because your a menapausel woman I’m not listening to them their drugs can be toxic if not prescribed right. So call Dr Osborn when you get sick he will listen.

        1. I’m glad he helped you, but if you want to work with him, you have to use his supplements or he says your not a good fit, I’m sorry but that is a big red flag! I’m glad I asked questions before my $350 consult as they do not tell you this prior.

      6. So what’s your qualifications. DR Osborne has more than 20 years experience lectured all over the US including Harvard. Whats your history? Or is it really just jealousy? You do alot of whinging and defaming but not a scrap of evidence to back up your ad hominem claims. Perhaps you got glutened and then your rant happened …grow up

      7. I was Gluten intolerant most of my life. While Dr Osborne sells many things on his site, he doesn’t force anyone to purchase anything. His incredibly accurate information prompted by to go Gluten Free. I have lost 100 pounds of water, and have restored my health to a much better level. Dr Osborne makes people aware of Gluten, which for me was life changing. I applaud his work and his approach. I have not purchased anything from him, yet his information was life changing.

    1. I read negative comments without content. What exactly about Osborne’s comments do you not like that is based physiologically?

      1. The site utilizes sources with low positive predictive value and very small patient population (ex. 1978 50pt with P 0.00085) surveys to incite fear in common products (corn). These studies are intended to flush out potential paths to further research, most don’t pan out when larger patient population studies are conducted. So it’s true they indicate a possible correlation, however it doesn’t mean that the correlation is strong or even present at all.

        1. Ever heard of GMO corn? Do you eat EVERYTHING Monsanto puts out there? – Did you know Obama put a former Monsanto official in charge of the FDA?

          1. That has been known for years and is nothing new.
            For that matter, Monsanto may soon be owned by Bayer anyway- is that any better? If all the products they have created were taken off the shelves, there wouldn’t be much left! Look at all the hybrid apples and tomatoes on the market, and all the veggies/fruit that have been developed to resist disease? Yes, they have created bad stuff like Roundup but also a lot of good too- AND provided jobs for thousands of people. Is any company 1000% perfect?

            1. I was just wondering if you could let me know what good things Monsanto has done? I understand they create jobs but they are also endangering many of their workers. I just have not heard of the good things they have created or done for our society. Thanks!

      2. I agree. Unjustified bashing is more like it. Osborne is an awesome health practitioner, and has far more knowledge about Gluten than even GI MDs.

    2. Every word Osborne utters has proven true for me. Not everyone is as sensitive as I am, but for those of us who are, for who nothing else has worked, who have seen our health continue to deteriorate despite following gf guidelines to a tee, who have gotten no help from our doctors and been repeatedly told we had to let ourselves continue to deteriorate in order to have our other underlying immune disorders exposed and diagnosed, whose doctors upon witnessing our progression continually accused us of cheating when we weren’t, following his protocols have proven to be our only reprieve from the downward spirals. Don’t diss him just because what he teaches doesn’t apply to you. Many consider him to be a godsent and the only one speaking the truth about this issue to us. Personally, I consider anyone who doesn’the recommend following every suggestion he utters to be jokes.

    3. Every word Osborne utters has proven true for me. Not everyone is as sensitive as I am, but for those of us who are, for who nothing else has worked, who have seen our health continue to deteriorate despite following gf guidelines to a tee, who have gotten no help from our doctors and been repeatedly told we had to let ourselves continue to deteriorate in order to have our other underlying immune disorders exposed and diagnosed, whose doctors upon witnessing our progression continually accused us of cheating when we weren’t, following his protocols have proven to be our only reprieve from the downward spirals. Don’t diss him just because what he teaches doesn’t apply to you. Many consider him to be a godsent and the only one speaking the truth about this issue to us. Personally, I consider anyone who doesn’t recommend following every suggestion he utters to be jokes.

      1. Andrea, please be aware what works for you now may not in the future. Two of my acquaintances believed like you into their latter 60’s. They each at some point in their sixties suffered multiple organ failure due to their suffering from YEARS of phlegm aligning their intestinal wall as well as feces, bacteria. Each gal was on life support for ten days. Both recovered but had kidney problems & they had nearly 2 year recovery time out of their once active lives.

        1. Interesting, Sue, but was that supposed to encourage her? 🥴 Someone says they got help and you say just wait til you get older and everything falls apart. 😆

    4. It wonderful to actually get honest answers about celiac,,,if only medical docs were trained in nutritions day not just pharmaceuticals 🙏

  1. LOL “gluten sensitivity is what causes celiac disease” I hate this video but I want to see what other crazy things this douche says

        1. Dear Julie.
          I have good and bad news for you.
          Let start with the goods: you are not sick, you are poisoned, mother nature (wheat and any grain) is not mean about you, his grains are just poisoned. The poison name is glyphosate, the active ingredient of Monsanto weed-killer, Round-Up. If you want, I can give you the proof.
          The bad news are that this poison is spread on almost every single crop of north america. Even organic crops may be contaminated by their non-organic neighbors. Rivers, streams and even the water table are contaminated.
          If you are very sensitive, like me, welcome in hell, if not, well, try to eat organic and make sure they don’t use contaminated GMO corn as weed-killer or even fertilizer. Have to tell you that I ate organic wheat from France and had 0 reaction; but I did not succeed to find such wheat in North America. If you wanna know more, just let me know.

          1. Yes, please! I would love to hear what wheat you found in North America that resembles the wheat in France which allegedly does not have the same, negative reaction for those of us who are very gluten intolerant.
            Thank you.
            PS: I have listened to MANY of Dr. Osborne’s broadcasts and he appears to be a very intelligent, compassionate and is extremely well versed in the knowledge he possesses about gluten and other nutritional subjects!!! Have any of you read his book? It has been very helpful to me!

  2. And what’s wrong with joining your national coeliac society? Which costs much less, and provides reputable, locally relevant information? Of course, our national society is a charity, which severely limits the scope for making huge amounts of money from people with this disease.

    Or you could link up to sensible people who actually know something by visiting this site, or GD and CUK are both on Facebook giving advice free of charge.

  3. I’m really glad I came across this post. I am just starting a gluten free diet so am still very new to GF living. At least I know to avoid that particular site like the plague.

      1. oh dear! how does one know if info is good or not?! i am fairly new to this GF thing and am feeling very desperate. i have spent entire days, if not full weeks reading all the info i can from books and the internet, some of which has put me in a state of panic. My 16 yr old son was diagnosed with Celiac almost 3 mos ago. the first 2 weeks of GF diet he felt great, then stomach pain and joint pain came back. i took him off of all grains because of possible “cross reactions” which i “learned” from info i read on the internet. he has already been off dairy since b4 the celiac dx. he still has symptoms although much milder, but he has lost 7 lbs and was very thin to begin with. i feel so frustrated and alone in this and all i want is for my son to feel well, gain weight and be able to eat some of the things he used to enjoy, in a GF way of course. I am guilty of listening to Dr Osborne and others out of desperation, i should have known better. Please can someone tell me the best place to get info that is legitimate? i am so thankful for people like Gluten Dude, Jennifer Esposito, Jules and a few others who are putting so much time and effort into the Celiac community.

        feeling very frustrated

        1. Get the book Gluten Freedom by Dr. Fasano.

          Get the book Real Life with Celiac Disease by Melinda Dennis and
          Daniel Leffler.

          Click on my user name and read that thread.

          Read info from REPUTABLE celiac research centers, like the U of Chicago which says “there is no evidence of the so-called 18 cross reactive foods with gluten”


            1. omg thank you soooo much Irish heart! i didnt expect a reply and especially such a quick one! those are 2 books i havent read but i will as soon as i can get my hands on them. good to know Dr Fasano is someone i can still listen too! i clicked on your name which lead me to your other info. wow! great information, i look forward to reading it all.

              thank you for making me not feel so alone in this!!!

            2. DEE

              You are not alone. If there is anything else I can do, tell the dude and he can give me your email address (if you want) and I can connect with you and give you a hand.

            3. Dee, Irish Heart beat me to it (I was eating dinner), and I will be more than happy to help you as well. Dude has my permission to share my email address with you. Four good sources: Dr Fasano at the U of Mass Celiac Research Center (Boston),. the Center at U of Chicago already mentioned, and Dr Peter Green from Columbia Univiersity- NY. Another one: Melinda Dennis/Dr Leffler at Beth Israel Deaconess, Boston. All are reputable, all have books on the market.
              Check your local library first, or try Amazon.com. Most of all, any of us would be happy to help you. That’s what we’re here for!

            4. thank you irish heart and sybil! i would be happy to share my email with both of you! i am in the process of reading Dr Green’s book, Celiac Disease a hidden epidemic, so happy to hear he is one of the reputable ones!

              shedding tears of joy! thanks to Gluten Dude for having this awesome site enabling me to connect with such caring and selfless people.
              I’m forever grateful 🙂

            5. Dee, do whatever you can to HEAL HIS GUT now and continue the gluten free diet. If he’s not already taking supplements start replacing some of those nutrients typically missing in a damaged gut. By the way, I and my elderly mother are patients of Dr. Osborne. He has helped us sooo much, especially with his testing. I had seen an MD, ND and a DO that offered very little help (actually the MD was the first to say no grains at all). My mother can breath again (bronchiectasis) and is slowly regaining energy and kidney function at the age of 79! She has been seeing him for maybe 3 months. I have no blood pressure problems, brain is healing, blood sugar perfect. I can raise my kids again. I was already eating grain free and no junk when I came to him. He just figured out a few more things. I am very grateful to Dr. Osborne and his wonderful staff.

        2. Dear Dee, I am sorry to hear you are having such a tough time with the gf diet. If you have not already done so, have you contacted a local support group? Go to http://www.gluten.net and (this is the Gluten Intolerance Group NA) and look for a location near you. If that fails,
          go to the CFA- Celiac Foundation, and see if they have a group,
          If you can’t find a local group, keep in mind there are good sites in the internet and some very bad sites which dispense incorrect and sometimes even dangerous information. The trick is knowing the difference. People like Jules Shepherd (and her new website), Jennifer Cafferty, Beth Hillson (via Glutino) and the DUDE, all have correct information. I am concerned you may be having cross- contamination issues within your home, perhaps need some help learning to read labels. As far as your son is concerned, as difficult as it is for adults to follow the diet, it is MUCH more difficult for kids.Is it possible he might be cheating at school or when he is with friends? This is very common. I am the Branch Manager of a group in southern CT and I wish I could help you!

          1. thank you Sybil Nassau! i have been unable to find a local support group (nearest is over 100 miles away), i will check your other suggestions. As for the cross contamination it is what my son and myself have feared! Im 100% positive he is not eating anything at all at school or when out with friends. He is afraid to eat anything away from home for fear of cross contamination and doesnt want to suffer stomach pain as a result. He wont eat from a bag of chips unless it is only his and keeps his snacks in his room so no one else will touch them. He is so paranoid of cross contamination that he wont touch door knobs or any other surfaces (even at home!) without using his tshirt to grasp. He wont even use the living room tv remote! He feels “safe” in his room. With all this said though, and with his paranoia of cross contamination, i cant get him to wash his hands regularly! He has convinced himself that using hand sanitizer is enough. Our house is not 100% GF (if it were up to me it would be and it would eliminate most of this stress), but i have thoroughly cleaned and removed all gluten baking products, flours, cake mixes, etc. and I clean silverware tray, drawer knobs, and such regularly. im a bit ocd about it! I have a GF designated side of the kitchen- GF utensils, chopping board, storage containers, etc- GF shelves in pantry and a completely separate GF refrigerator/freezer. I recently find out that an adult member of the household was using a protein powder with gluten in it for smoothies which i know creates a dust when poured and to top it off the blender was (at that time) on the GF side of kitchen!!! I fear that that may have contaminated my GF side of sink when i was unaware and could have even got into the new and expensive toaster! Even though i am being as careful as possible with food storage and prep i agree with you that there still could be and issue with cross contamination in the home.

            1. Please do not let paranoia overtake your son (or you) Absolutely no point in that! If you are sharing a home with WEs (wheat eaters) there are protocols you can follow. MANY celiacs live with WEs–GD does.

              from my Newbie thread;

              Additional suggestions for avoiding cross contamination in your home.

              • Don’t use wooden spoons or cutting boards that also are used to prepare gluten-containing foods because the spoons and boards can harbor residual gluten and bacteria. Metal or plastic are better options.
              • Cover shared grilling surfaces when barbequing because unless the grill reaches 500˚F or higher for 30 minutes or longer, grilling won’t eliminate any residual gluten.
              • Buy a separate waffle maker or bread maker if the one the family uses doesn’t have parts that can be disassembled and placed in the dishwasher.
              • If using a separate toaster isn’t possible, use toaster-safe toaster bags such as Celinal Toast-It or Vat19 ToastIt, available online.
              Pam Cureton, RD, LDN, a dietitian at the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland, adds these tips:
              • When planning parties at home, prepare a buffet of foods that are 100% gluten free to prevent accidental cross-contamination among family members and guests.
              • Buy squeezable condiment containers for ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise to prevent double dipping. If you don’t purchase squeezable containers, mark condiment jars as safe depending on whether they’ve been exposed to gluten-containing foods.
              • Store gluten-free products on the top shelf of the pantry or refrigerator so other foods don’t accidentally cross-contaminate them.

              Shelley Case, BSc, RD, president of Case Nutrition Consulting and author of Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide, offers the following ideas:

              • In supermarkets, don’t buy unpackaged foods stored in bins. The scoops used to place the foods in bags or containers may have been previously used on nearby gluten-containing foods and may not have been sufficiently cleaned.
              • Use different colored stickers to distinguish between gluten-containing and gluten-free products in the pantry and fridge.
              • Purchase a colander in a different color for gluten-free foods so it doesn’t get mixed up with the colander used for gluten-containing foods.
              • Buy gluten-free grains that are certified gluten free to ensure cross-contamination didn’t take place during processing.
              • Buy gluten-free flours marked as gluten free from reputable companies that are more likely to test for gluten.
              • Avoid purchasing imported foods. Other countries may not abide by the same gluten-free standards as the United States.

              Found here:


            2. Hi Dee!
              My youngest son was just diagnosed last summer and it took a couple of months before he was really back to himself. We have since found out that he has a reaction by his eye (I don’t know if it’s the celiac dermatitis or not but it’s ugly and very specific to his right eye) and that it is our very first sign that he’s eaten something that he’s not supposed to. Along with dark circles under his eyes and then come the crazy mood swings and then the stomach issues. It can take several days to several weeks for all of those symptoms to clear up depending on the severity or how much he ingested. My dad took him to taco bell and that took FOREVER to clear up!

              You’re definitely not alone. The people here are amazing and so helpful! I did just want to add one thing. My little guy doesn’t handle using hand sanitizer at all. I actually thought that was one of the things making him sick before he was diagnosed. I don’t think there is gluten in it but he just doesn’t react well to it. I don’t react well too it but mine is more of a smell thing and it’s really never been allowed in my house. I won’t buy it for at school, either. Soap and water is perfectly fine for washing hands in my opinion and I’ve gotten flack for it but I stick to my guns. It gives me headaches and if there’s a lot being used it upsets my stomach and I’m not even touching it.

              So, I just wanted to throw that out there. Sometimes it’s the weirdest things that keep symptoms going. I also know how hard a habit is to stop, so good luck! 🙂

              Hopefully, you guys can get it all figured out and he’s symptom free soon and feeling better! I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy as I have been the last couple times we’ve gone in to the doctor’s office and he’s gained 3 or 4 lbs each of those 2 visits and a couple of inches as well! Good luck and hugs to you both!

            3. First and most important, soap and water is far better than hand
              sanitizer which, in a sense, is a product no one needs if you are near
              a sink, faucet and soap. Out hiking, yeah, but anywhere else? We are becoming a too- clean society, and it just isn’t necessary. Teach your child how to do it properly (20 seconds) before eating or beginning to prepare meals. He will be fine! I am not saying we should be dirty,not by any stretch, but “too clean” isn’t a good thing either.

            4. I bought an $8 toaster. If it gets contaminated, I can donate it to Goodwill and buy a new one. It isn’t the greatest toaster in the world, but it gets my frozen Udi’s bread nice and crisp! 🙂

            5. Hand sanitizer could really be an issue. He probably has Chemical Sensitivity (or EI – Environmental Sensitivity), which often go along with gut issues. The sanitizers have chemicals in them, which also contribute to leaky gut & food allergies. Don’t go crazy about it, though. Just Toss the stuff, get him to wash with unscented handsoaps instead, at least at home. Reduce the toxic load on the liver & intestines, by doing the best you can….Let him know he needs to wash off the crumbs, but not to make himself crazy, but at least wash hands before eating….

        3. Miss Dee Meanor

          Dee, you have found an excellent resource here. Please know that it also takes quite a while for the gut to heal. It took me quite a while before I started feeling better. I was beginning to think that maybe gluten wasn’t my problem, but eventually feeling good sneaks in and good days outnumber the bad.

          I don’t know if this was mentioned, but also watch out for gluten in sneaky places like OTC and prescribed medications, shampoo that can get in the mouth during a shower, vitamins, etc. I would also mention that it was a couple of years before I could eat dairy without having a “gluteny” feeling. I still have problems with many fruits especially uncooked apples (cooked doesn’t bother me..go figure), but I don’t know if that is connected.

          If problems persist you may want him to keep a food diary for a while just to see if there is a connection to foods other than gluten. Again you have a very good source here. When I have questions there are loads of responses.

          Best to you and your son…
          “The Other Dee” 😉

          1. thank you “other” Dee 🙂
            keeping a food journal has been very helpful. im am reading more and more about it taking people a while to heal which is comforting for me to know. even though he does still have symptoms a couple times a week they are less severe and less often then when he was eating gluten so i am assuming that his gut is just not healed yet. i will check medications again and make sure they are gluten free.

            again, i am so grateful to all of you who have taken the time to respond. im beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in a while 🙂

            1. I subscribe to many health/medical newsletters containing good information about celiac and NCGS. Yet nothing I see compares to the humanism, sincerity and helpfulness I see in this column. Our buddy here, Dude, has created a forum that REALLY helps people. Reading Dee’s story the last few days has been heart-rending and it is encouraging to see she is getting the help she needs for her family.
              Toaster are a problem and having separate ones is helpful if one is a pop-up toaster. Toaster ovens are fine, but do not keep either near the silverware drawer– crumbs have away of falling into it. You are really doing everything you can and I do think time will help. As lactose and gluten are digested in the same area as the small intestine, many newly diagnosed people go off dairy for a few months to a year, to give the intestine time to heal. Once that happens, many can start eating gluten again, Do check in with your pharmacist and make sure he/she knows about your problem. Mine has called me a few times to say I have to call the doctor and get something different. You may want to consider getting some help for your son. His paranoia is getting extreme- that is not normal behavior, and it sounds like a good counselor who understands this disease, could help him calm down. As for hand sanitizers? Maybe ok away from home, but I do agree with you that soap and water is just fine! Good Luck, God Bless and feel free to write anytime you have a question!

            2. Dee (not our Miss Dee–our new Dee) 🙂

              GD relayed your note to me and I have just shot you a quick email.
              Let me know what else you need or what questions you or your son may have. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone who does.

              Hang in there.

            3. I just noticed a bad mistake in my previous comment: typo–“once the gut has healed many find they can again tolerate LACTOSE– can’t believe I actually typed GLUTEN, and that is terribly wrong. I apologize for the error and hope no one followed that advice!

        4. Dee, have you checked out Dr. Mercola’s site? You can download gluten free info from there, he is awesome!

        5. I am 85 years old and I have been fighting this Gluten thing for many years. I really feel for you trying to take care of your son. I think the truth is that gluten intolerant is a fairly new thing when it comes to accurate science. One thing you can go by is the symptoms. You can’t tell from one tummy ache, but if, after eating that particular food, it repeats itself, that’s truth. I feel negative about the “cute” responses
          on this site. They might be correct, but their attitude is mean. I first learned about my corn intolerance when my doctor, a DO (Osteopath) ordered a diagnostic test from Genova Diagnostics. I had never heard of them. A blood test was done in his office. The results showed my intolerance to corn and I had been eating quite a bit of corn. The remainder of the tests sounded legit, and I trust my doctor. I am going off corn and see if I feel better. To know if one has celiac disease one must have a sample taken from the small intestines. I would not think of doing anything that invasive. One thing I have determined to be truth, because of my various researches, is that the gut is tied to the brain and emotions are affected. All I can say to you is that you are right to keep up the search. At your age, I believe you will see more legitimate info in the future. It is moving quickly. I, personally, believe ALL grains are a problem, and it must be very hard working with your son. This makes it necessary to be sure to get free range meat and organic vegetables. It likely is difficult to get your son to eat vegetables–perhaps fruit easier. I wish you and him well. Just love him and don’t let him see all your frustration. There’s no substitute for research, and not from mainstream doctors. I am gong to remain studying the “gluten free society” site with an open mind.

        6. You don’t need to ‘feel quilty’ for reading anyone’s books. It’s always best to do as much homework as you can, see what works for you and be true to what you observe. You say he did improve even more after you took him off grains. Could be you just need to find out what else is bothering him- or give him more time to heal.

          Even if you read a book and not all of it’s a fit for you – but you get one thing that helps – then it was worthwhile. I’ve read Dr. Osborne’s book and didn’t feel he was trying to make things fearful. I was off gluten, but still not completely happy with my health – and he got me looking in the right direction. I didn’t stop with him – but wasn’t harmed by him in any way.
          For example, some of the things I got from the book –
          Some people who have gone off of gluten – still have problems. True? I think yes.
          Some people have to explore and find what else is preventing them from healing? True? I think yes.
          Some people also have nutritional deficiency’s from the poor absorption from the damage they’ve had. True? I agree with that too.
          I could go on.

          I think if someone has a disagreement with what someone else has to say – they should be SPECIFIC! It doesn’t help in any way for someone to rant – Dr. Osborne is a quack. It’s a generalization. To me it’s as bad as someone saying ‘all _____, are bad’ I’ll let you fill in the blank.

          Some of the people commenting have done great – giving specific resources or correcting some specific piece of information.

          I think one you might find really helpful is the one on hand sanitizers. I cringed when I read your son uses them all the time. They contain very toxic ingredients. Environmental Working Group is a very reputable site with lots of info about environmental toxins Here’s a link about what’s in hand sanitizers. http://www.ewg.org/research/healthy-home-tips/tip-5-wash-those-hands-avoid-triclosan

          I got over severe, chronic asthma. I did it by reducing the amount of stressors to my body, while at the same time providing as much nutrition as i could to help it heal. This was years ago and I sure didn’t get any help from doctors. ( I wish I’d known about gluten back then). There wasn’t anywhere near as much data as there is nowadays. It can be overwhelming. So, you have to really be willing to take any of it with a grain of salt until you have a chance to see what works for you. I don’t want to be fooled by quacks – but at the same time I don’t consider our medical system and double blind studies as ‘God’ either. A lot of us would have suffered a lot longer if we waited for science to prove to us that something works. There are lots of examples of ‘remedies’ passed down through many cultures that have never been ‘proven’ by science. If I have a bug bite that itches, and I put some magical mud on it, and it stops the itch – did it work? For me, yes. Do I care who told me about it? No.

          I can tell there are a lot of very knowledgeable people on this thread. Let’s just keep to being helpful and loving others – and provide useful information, share what worked for you. But just calling others names or making general statements isn’t very helpful. It just becomes a food fight.

        7. The first book I read was Dr. Amy Myers, “The Autoimmune Solution,” and the book taught me a lot about autoimmunity and other symptoms and how the gut works. I have Celiac disease, but many other sensitivities as well. I am now on a plant-based diet, real food, and I keep a food diary. This way I can determine just what foods seem to bother me. Avoid all this crap food that’ called “gluten free,” it’s just processed junk. Try raw carrots, celery, pepper and hummus for snacks, apples, pears, oranges, etc. as well. You need to read up about healing the gut, giving your gut a rest, letting it heal so your new diet will sit in a well-balanced setting. I started with celiac.org to learn about the disease, do your research, then decide on one particular diet and stick with it. I didn’t see results until three weeks, and it took a year to finally be done with the bone/spine/joint pain. If your son is 16, then he’s old enough to keep his own diet. My kids love baked potatoes and sweet potatoes with special toppings. You just need to get in the mindset and the payoff is huge!!!!!

          Good luck.

    1. Hi Dark Angel, I see you are new to living gluten free. I have 2 grandson’s with Celiac and I make all of their baked items. Some grocery stores are starting to carry a lot more gf items, but if you want to make your own I can suggest the best gluten free all purpose flour. I have purchased many different brands and the best one I have found is from julesglutenfree.com. I have made some amazing baked goods with this flour many of them you can’t tell they are gluten free. Hope this helps and good luck!

    2. There are loads of honest, helpful websites out there that are totally free and full of good information. Click on the website above, or celiacfoundation, or celiac.com, and many more.

    3. Gluten free living is amazing! Gluten Dude is hilarious AND gives rational and logical information, inserting his opinion while leaving you tons of room to develop your own. Nothing is “right” or “wrong” for him – just here it is and here is how I feel about it.

      If you look forward to being Gluten Free and healthy, looking back isn’t hard at all. Just remember, you are not giving anything up – you are gaining your life and freedom back. I can’t count the number of weekends I spent in bed crying because I was in too much pain to walk or think, and being so cold that I couldn’t get warm. After that loveliness was over, I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything for days (brain fog) and it would take a month before I felt good again. I have been GF for so many years now, that I can’t remember when I started and I don’t miss a thing because all of the foods I have available are so amazing, I wouldn’t eat anything else, even if I could!

      Good luck, good living and good food to you!

    4. Why? I haven’t heard anything specific he’s getting wrong. I know several people who have healed from autoimmune diseases under his care. He’s very thorough and there’s no guessing about what’s wrong after all that testing (not just gluten testing). No covering up symptoms with toxic meds that don’t actually heal.

    5. Well there is, in fact, a type of gluten in rice and corn…just not the same type that is in the traditional “gluten” grains. We only test for those gluten proteins in the traditional Celiac tests…which are not 100% accurate. I don’t appreciate people bashing somone with years of practical and research based knowledge simply because you have a particular disease…and being a RN doesnt make you qualified to speak on this. That is why there are people like Dr. O out there. You are beholden to what you were taught under the conventional Western Medical “scheme”…and oh yes that is its own scheme. There is a place for people like you and there is a place for people like Dr.O you may not like that he charges for things, but do you take patients and give out classes and things for free? People need to make money… you may not like it and that is fine. Why don’t you provide all he provides for free if you feel so strongly about it? I myself have struggled with chronic illness for years…I had to quit my job was dangerously skinny and tried for a long time to get better with traditional medicine…I only got sicker. I was told to stay away from gluten but that I should continue to eat rice and corn for carbs as my body needed them…guess what…got sicker. Only when I finally cut out all grains did I start to get better…it has been a 2 year journey but I have finally started gaining weight and able to run errands without having to lie down in my car. That said…grains were not my only problem but they were definitely one of them. There are many forms of gluten…we are just now discovering all of this. Don’t bash because you don’t fully understand. I have a feeling if you went up against him on actual knowledge he would win…I don’t trust conventional medicine on this…Emergency Medicine, yes…chronic illness and autoimmune disease…I trust people like Dr O who don’t just say “oh, I have a pill for that” He has an extreme view on grains through his own experience with helping patients through chronic illness. I am interested in what this says about you that you base your own expertise as an RN and as a Celiac sufferer to blindly apply the same to everyone and everything else…oh wait…you probably take a pill for that. Do you know how may Celiac patients don’t get better when only cutting out gluten in the traditional sense? Guess when they finally do get better? By cutting out corn, rice, and all grains. Corn is actually one of the worst ones. You night not have that experience and that is fine, but don’t go around saying that this is unfounded because you will actually be hurting people who are desperately trying to get better…no thanks to you

      1. Listen…there are facts and then there are beliefs. Dr. O, as you call him, does not back up his knowledge with too many facts. He profits by fear. I’m not saying he is a bad person. I’m not saying he is out to hurt people. All I’m saying is to take what he says with a grain of salt…if you can afford it.

        And by the way…I feel better off of grains too. But to say that grains contain gluten and all celiacs should avoid simply is not accurate.

      2. My son who was 9 lbs 13oz at birth lost almost 18% of his birth weight before finding Dr. O’s website. Everyone thought that I wasn’t producing enough milk. I was put on a high dose of meds and was told to supplement with formula. Both the formula and the meds had corn in them. I had been gluten free in the regular sense for a few years due to having celiac disease. My baby projectile vomitted everything he ingested. When I read free stuff and watched a few videos on the site, I decided to cut all grains from my diet, cut the meds cold turkey and stop feeding formula. Within days my baby stopped vomitting and started gaining weight. To this day, that kid who is now six, projectile vomits every time he accidentally ingests corn. I never spent any money on the site, but I do credit Dr. O for saving my baby’s life. Maybe you can ingest grains no problem, but some of us can’t. I have a question, if corn doesn’t contain gluten then why is it listed as corn gluten meal in dog food?

    6. Right. There is gluten in rice and corn both – but it is not the same as the gluten in wheat, barley and rye. I am not a health professional either, but I also recognize a scam when I see it. Using the term “doctor of pastoral science” – yet– is the worst scam of all. Literally taking money from people who are scared, desperate and will do anything to find a cure. There are so -called cancer “doctors” doing the same thing. Give this charlatan your hard-earned cash- sure. Then come back to us when you feel worse.
      Thank you for printing this link; everyone should take the time to read and digest it!

  4. I can’t say anything about the quality of Dr. Osborne’s info, however there are forms of gluten in other GF grains. Not everyone is reactive to them (so we are told) and they aren’t the same as the gluten we all talk about. From interviewing Tina Turbin and reading other perspectives on the gluten-free diet, it appears that the original GF diet was completely grain-free for the reasons I previously mentioned. So what I’d say to consider is that his information is based around a different perspective of the GF diet that’s not necessarily incorrect.

    However, I also found it rather unsettling when I found his site years ago that you have to pay for everything on his site. It’s a shame that there isn’t more public content, but I guess that’s how he wants to do things.

    1. The only grains which we cannot have besides wheat (and spelt), rye, barely and oats– only with oats, they must be grown in dedicated fields and be certified gf. We can have teff, amaranth, rice, and many others Things like quinoa and buckwheat are healthy and perfectly ok. Quinoa is a seed from a plant, rinse first thoroughly before cooking, and buckwheat is part of the rhubarb family.

      1. Sybil, I’m sorry you’re wrong. If you have a genetic sensitivity you might become sensitized to other grains as well. It is impossible for me to even touch grain without getting sick, and when I say touch, I mean like handing out the grain-laden cat treats to my pets. I ended up at Mayo Clinic and was advised that yes, all of the grains are verboten for me. Yes, I wish I could eat quinoa, etc, but I can’t. My kids are the same even now in their twenties. It’s hard to believe, but there it is. I would give my right arm to chow down on corn pasta or rice pasta but I had to have a section of my intestines taken OUT after a major exposure. For me it’s not just gas or beer belly, it’s death. Good luck.

        1. Rose, I used the plural “we” to imply most of those who suffer from
          celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, certainly not ALL; that would be presumptuous. There are people at both ends of the scale: those who are not terribly sensitive and show no symptoms, all the way to those who are super-sensitive like yourself. And then there’s the rest of us, the majority in the middle- and it is that group to whom I referred. There are many who can’t eat quinoa. many who react to corn. some who can’t eat oats no mater what kind they are. The truth is, we can live without grains. Many of us would be better off without them. All grains.

          1. I also cannot tolerate any grains whatsoever, but it was not always that way. I think for many years that I was eating grains, there was unseen damage being done to my body and it wasn’t until later that the “extreme” reactions began to occur for me. So, I would be very, very careful in thinking that just because you can tolerate something today (or think you can tolerate it because you don’t show any extreme reaction), does NOT mean that it is safe for you to be eating now. You could just be on borrowed time, as was the case with me. I wish I had known ten years ago to avoid all grains, and might have avoided some of the long-term health consequences. This is not to say that I think ALL people with Celiac will end up with extreme reactions to grains, but from what I am learning now, it is starting to look like things are going that way. 🙁

            1. Interestingly enough, if you take the time to read Loren Cordain’s treatise on the subject of grains, called Cereal Sword, you will learn that at least half the world population should not be eating any grains to start with, while the other half is being saved from starvation by eating grains. So, it comes down to doing what is right for your body and what is healthy for you. There is also some evidence published recently that states an overabundance of gluten-filled grains in the diet for some people can lead to non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There are, of course, many other reasons too. Point of information: Cordain is called the father of the Paleo diet.

    1. Yes, agreed, thank you for coming out and speaking the truth. I am going to continue to share it until people start believing! Osborne is involved in the Gluten Free Summit on the internet this week and I refuse to sign up for it– surprised others like Dr. Fasano are on it with him. hmmm.

    1. Actually, Dr. Osborne offers a substantial amount of information on his sight for free. He also offers free webinars about every 2 months. Granted there are a lot of advertisements there as well. However, he states that the reason he advertises those items (specific supplements and meat, etc) is because those are sources he knows are gluten free. He says he knows there are more available on the market but since he hasn’t researched them he won’t recommend them until he does. Also, if you listen to him he states that some people are sensitive to proteins that are similar to gluten (molecular mimicry) so people often react to them. He says the other problem is cross contamination. You may be eating something that’s “safe” but if it is often cross contaminated with grains he recommends you avoid it. He stresses that 20 parts per million can cause a reaction in some individuals.

      All of this to say, his information makes sense. I’m also curious, when I see links to “legitimate sites” that link to Universities etc- who paid for those studies? The pharmaceutical industry? They don’t profit if you don’t need their product…

  5. While we’re at it, these are my FREE gluten-free recipes at glutenfreedirtcheap.com. (No advertising, other than from the blog site, and I don’t make any money from the site.)

    Part of the reason I put up the website is that I HATE people taking advantage of us.

    It’s just food, and we shouldn’t have to pay more for it.

  6. I followed his site for a few weeks while I was researching gluten free last year.

    Once I knew a bit more I unsubscribed. It is just awful. I especially hate when people use Dr as a way to gain credibility.

    Go Dude, Go

    1. He is a Doctor of Chiropractic and board certified, with additional training the area of Celiac/gluten. So yes, he is allowed to use the title Dr.

  7. I know that I do not say this very often, but kudos to you for writing this post GlutenDude. More people should be calling this guy out for what he really is. He is nothing more than a snake oil salesman who sells 2% accurate statements with 98% BS and uses fear to manipulate those who just want to feel better by twisting factual information and manipulating scientific terminology.

    I could write a whole book ranting and raving on how scientists from multiple fields related to celiac disease and cereal graisn chemistry (myself included) have tried to correct this guy, and show how he takes scientific studies that are outdated and pre-dating modern terminology and manipulates them for his claims. Even some of his studies “proving” corn reactions were inappropriately designed for testing in a celiac model and should have never been published in the first place, but that rant is better for another day and after several beers….

    Anyways, THANK YOU for writing this.

      1. Read “Cereal Sword” myself, phenomenal paper, came out of the U of Colorado– never eat grains again after reading that! But this Osborne is something else- is there any way he can be stopped?

  8. Everyone’s gotta make money somehow I guess, but after spending around $200 weekly in groceries to follow this diet the best way I can – and that includes corn and rice, to which I have not had a single bad reaction – I think I’ll pass on spending even more for info that can easily be found for free on the internet. What a crock! I hate people who try to profit off of the fear and ignorance (through inexperience) of others. Thanks for getting the word out!

  9. cynthia loeffler

    Hi GD. LOL I visited that site some time ago. I was so digusted with the quack I never returned. Keep up your good work for people like me who appreciate straight talk and not trying to make a dollar off of us. Wishing you well and never stop telling it like it is GD.

  10. The ignorance, for lack of better wording, is appalling. When people have serious health issues they are looking for trust worthy information. I can’t imagine when I was first diagnosed going to this website and reading that corn and rice weren’t safe! Those are some of the staples of a healthy gluten-free diet! Celiac Disease is not a joke, it is a serious health condition and changes your whole life when you are diagnosed. It’s because of people like this “Dr.” that gluten-free gets such a negative and high-matienence stigma from those who aren’t gluten-free. Thank you for sharing!!!!

  11. Great post, Dude. This “society” has bothered me for a long time now. I hate that this “doctor” is preying on the newly diagnosed by inflicting fear into them while asking for their money. As we all know, we are desperate for information when first diagnosed. We scour the internet for information. It is sites like this that give being gluten-free a really bad reputation. It makes me sad to think that someone who is already afraid of their diagnosis will find this site and being even more worried and then hand over money to this fraud.

    Perhaps we should all take a trip to Sugar Land, TX to pay Dr. Osborne a visit in person.


  12. I found these guys at the beginning of my family’s journey. Thought they were the real deal but my little voice inside said “no, no, no” I found people like Karen Morgan who made my first few months of navigation much smoother and her advice was free, heartfelt, and from experience. I always tell people who are newly DX; Get on Twitter and start asking questions. The true GF community is honest, giving, free…….and very helpful.
    I’m glad you did this post Dude. I’m going to save the link and send it to every “newbie” I come across. Caution signs also come in good advice!

    Have a wonderful day!

  13. I’d been following this guy for a while too just to see what his deal was. Fear mongering is where I landed also. I never did figure out what he was actually selling (and I’m cheap… I mean frugal), so I shook my head in disappointment and moved on. Thanks for taking the time to warn others.

  14. Good call, Dude. You’ll notice on his FB page that he is promoting the upcoming “Golden Gluten Summit” with featured speaker, Dr. William Davis, of “Wheat Belly”. That tells you plenty about this scam of a site right there. One scammer supporting another. It would be interesting, but time consuming, to look up the 29 supposed experts that are going to be speaking at this upcoming Summit and see if there are actually any legitimate experts instead of scammers.
    Interestingly, when I go to the website, http://theglutensummit.com/registration/, you can’t actually find out any information about the summit, only submit your information so they can contact you, or you can sign up to be an affiliate… yep, shocker!

    1. Ugh, I found that Summit a few weeks ago and the whole thing sounded so suspicious to me. I was really disappointed to see some name of people that I respect in the industry partnering with scammers.

      1. I am actually really interested in the Gluten Summit, because it’s not just limited to the people I strongly distrust like Wheat Belly and Peter Osborne, but also strongly-trusted names, so we can hear about all of their points – although the doctors are the only valid one. I just think it’s great that it’s made available to hear these people talk when ICDS cost a pretty penny.

        1. Erica,
          Like I said, I didn’t see anything about who else would be speaking at this. I hope there are some knowledgeable people speaking at it and can provide better info than these scammers.
          Getting good information out there, for free or cheap, is best for sure!

        2. I am intrigued by the summit because the lineup includes Dr. Fasano as well as Dr. Hadjivassiviliou who is the world’s expert in the neurologic problems associated with gluten. He wrote the landmark paper in the Lancet (major medical journal) a few years ago. I am going to participate in the summit and I will share what it presented with all of you for FREE! And I agree with all of that GFS is a total scam…

          1. These world renown experts were on the Gluten Free Summit for the very reason to make sure the facts presented were straight and true, and not garbage. Dr.O’Bryan did a great job getting all of these people together and I, too , own a copy of the transcript which I will gladly share with anyone who wants to listen to it. I bought it for
            my members, and because Cynthia Kupper was also on the panel. I am a proud member of the Gluten Intolerance Group NA and a Branch Manager of the only group in CT. Furthermore, all of the experts in the field today are saying there is no connection between the genetic alteration of crops and the increase of celiac or gluten sensitivity. I have trouble myself accepting this information and am withholding judgement until more information comes to the forefront.

        3. Backtracking re the Summit: I was very suspicious of it originally, until I checked with Cynthia Kupper, Executive Director of the Gluten Intolerance Group (of which I am a Branch Manager in CT). She informed me the only reasons she and Dr. Fasano were involved was to ensure correct information was given out. As a result, especially after hearing Dr. Davis’ address, I ended up ordering the transcripts of a couple of addresses so my group would have access. The good thing about it was that people could pick and choose what they wanted to hear and request transcripts of what they wanted, nothing was forced on anyone and information was, generally, very accurate.
          As for Osborne, I never bothered listening to him and can’t comment.
          Dr Tom O’Bryan, on the other hand, seems to be a pretty decent fellow.

            1. Hmmmm, Irish Heart, you have given me a thought-provoking comment, and I would love to hear more about your opinion of O’Bryan. I haven’t yet caught him in anything wrong or bad and,yes, he does have his own agenda, but he does not seem to be preying on people the way Osborne does, nor doing any harm. Please, would you expand a little bit? I am very curious and always willing to listen to other opinions.I like the way you think!

            2. Take a look at his website.
              Here is one of the problems: “become a certified gluten practitioner for a mere $997.” What is that exactly?


              Here’s another: He told a woman her celiac son killed himself from drinking dairy because it caused hi severe depression. This was in the emails he sent out from the summit.

              Here’s another: you all can do some investigative work and really check his credentials. Yes, he is a chiropractor, but he has a bunch of other credentials in his bio that seem dubious


              ” Using the tools of applied kinesiology….” etc.
              applied kinesiology?

              Current evidence does not support the use of applied kinesiology for diagnosis of any illness.[2] Applied kinesiologists are often chiropractors, but they may also be naturopathic physicians, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, or veterinarians. According to their guidelines on allergy diagnostic testing, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology stated there is “no evidence of diagnostic validity” of applied kinesiology,[3] and another study has shown that as an evaluative method, AK “is no more useful than random guessing.”[4]

              all of his creds can be checked in this article.


              I just do not buy any of it. IMHO

              Dr. Fasano and Ms. Kupper may well have participated to keep things real there, but I know that no leading celiac researcher agrees in the “18 cross-reactive foods” he suggests can be diagnosed by Cyrex labs that are “keeping celiacs from healing” and I know they do not think everyone has an issue with gluten as is this man’s overwhelming suggestion.

              An estimated 6% of the pop has gluten sensitivity, not “everyone”
              on the planet.

              I could go on, but I get tired of talking about these internet “doctors” like this guy and dr. clark and dr vikki (all chiros) and others who think they know everything there is to know about gluten and celiac.

              I just hope people are wise enough to find the most valid information they can from celiac researchers and not depend on “the doc du jour”.

            3. oh my gosh irish heart! you mentioned Dr Clark, he is another one i listened to! Geez…his information is what put me in panic mode thinking i had to take my son off of most food, and i did, which is probably why he lost 7 lbs that he didn’t need to lose. i am so glad you and others are getting the word out about this, i only hope other “newbies” don’t fall into their crap like i did.

              Im so happy i came across this thread and am now getting proper advice. keep doing what you do! you are awesome

            4. “dr clark” is not a celiac specialist hon.

              he’s a chiropractor and lists his creds as a functional neurologist

              “Functional Neurology
” –no one can show me where that’s an accredited degree. Ihave asked.

              Just click on any of his “articles” on his site…are they peer-reviewed and published in medical journals? no, they are all his ‘stories”.

              My own chiropractor ( who sticks to fixing backs) finds this all absurd.


            5. pardon me while I choke on that one… “Functional Neurology”? what the devil is that? Never heard of this Clark person, I hope others who are reading this string, pay attention to your words! Let’s emphasize this: any chiropractor professing to fix anything other than neuro-muscular problems relating to necks and backs, has a roomful of expensive supplements they are trying to sell you, wants to sell you expensive kits to diagnose Non -Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (there is no such thing), BEWARE! This is an expensive scam- nothing more, nothing less! Chiropractors are not medical doctors- they cannot order tests, write prescriptions, nor diagnose medical problems. While there are many good, honest, hard-working ones out there who do a lot of good, there are just as many jumping on the GF gravy train and making a fortune off scared, vulnerable people suffering from CD and NCGS.!!

            6. Irish Heart– you have raised many very valid points and I appreciate ou taking the time to do so. You have obviously done a lot more research on this guy than I have (and should have) done. That said, I have heard a bit about this “practictioner” thing from a couple of medical doctors, a naturopath and a few nutritionists.From what they told me, he is looking for professionals who have a sub -specialty diagnosing and treating celiac patients, and helping with the nutritional aspects of diet. Only one so far in the state of CT has taken him up on the “mere $997” fee! The idea itself isn’t bad, so much as what IS bad is the number of chiropractors putting themselves out there as something they are NOT. They have no business diagnosing or pretending to practice medicine. Frankly, I don’t think any self-respecting medical doctor would stoop to this level, so that leaves Naturopaths, many of whom are a lot better at diagnosing and treating celiac than some physicians. Thanks again for opening my eyes to another danger in our midst. Guess I better do some more research!

            7. No offense to NDs. (I met one back in 2008 who tried valiantly to help save me pre-DX) but often, they are not able to write the scripts for valid testing for celiac. They will instead order these test kits for you at $400+ each to “diagnose food intolerances”

              But, there are no valid tests for NCGS or food intolerances, so really, when you think about it, …what can any “practitioner”offer anyone except bogus testing??
              …. and..the purchase of supplements and homeopathic remedies (which DO NOT TREAT CELIAC)

              Believe me, I went that route pre-DX when I was desperate and dying and frankly, all that happened was we spent thousands of dollars on…NOTHING. 🙁

              This is why I try to pay it forward nearly 3.5 years after DX.
              I hate to see desperate, sick people being taken advantage of this way.

              Celiac takes a toll on the body and the brain. It takes a while to reverse the damage. Patience is the key. It’s the greatest mother-of-all exercises in patience, this healing process.

            8. There are bad apples everywhere! I am familiar with 4 NDs, two of whom requested my newsletter and do write scripts as well as order blood tests and some of my members swear by them after being mis- diagnosed by regular physicians. Another one spoke to my group and is a trained medical doctor now practicing as an ND. In fact, when I was deathly sick after surgery, he was the one who realized I was having a bad reaction not only to the anesthesia but also all the pain meds, got me on ginger root then ordered pain patches instead of pills. Within 3 days I was back to normal. There are also a few I have come across who are as you describe!
              As I’ve said before, I am severely NCGS, it takes but a crumb to make me sick for 2 days. Hearing of children nearly dying before proper CD diagnosis , of adults losing half their intestines and stomachs before someone suggesting CD, listening to the hair -raising stories my members tell of doctors saying “it’s all in their heads” -makes me more determined than ever to keep on raising awareness, supporting my members and others– it will continue to be my life’s work as long as I have breath.
              You sound like a remarkable person.

            9. Stanley, you are wrong, I can not eat ORGANIC Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn or Amaranth. It is not the glycophosphates that are the problem with someone who has a true allergy. A allergy panel confirms that I am anaphylaxis to Oats which has a different form of Gluten. And yes, Gluten Free Guy you should avoid corn because there is a certain percentage that are allergic to corn protein aka corn gluten. I am one of them. And a doctor charging a fee for his services is NORMAL. If you went to a traditional doc you would be charged for his time and expertise too. DAH!
              I should know I was married to a doctor and Dr. Osborne is charging a lot less than most. For people who have limited access to or who get limited appointment time with a doc he is providing a service by teaching his members more about their disease. Charging a fee for it is not evil as you make it out to be.

            10. Corn allergies?Yes, my granddaughter at the age of 30 just found out she has a total allergy to corn in any form- fresh, starch, syrup, anything kind of odd as last summer I gave up eating fresh corn pop corn, corn meal- as I was showing digestive discomfort- but i am ok w corn starch. She isn’t. She also found out she is allergic to all blue and yellow food/clothing dyes, and certain metals!

            11. Stanley Colimon

              Hi Dona
              Really sorry about your anaphylaxis to oats. But I think it’s a problem different from so called gluten sensitivity. People with gluten sensitivity have lots of reactions from dermatitis to celiac desease, but I never heard about anaphylaxis caused by gluten. Even Dr Osborne has changed his mind after his interview with Stephanie Seneff from MIT. Check the verbatim of the interview:


              Did you know that people are having “gluten” reactions even after eating a fruit or vegetable or worst, after drinking water, tap or bottled. This is because glyphosate is everywhere specially in North-America, in streams and groundwater. 25% of glyphosate sold in the world is spread in the US. We know that Canada is almost a copy of US.
              You said you cannot eat organic wheat. Let me tell you that I never found in North-America an organic wheat that I can eat and I’ve been trying very hard for 8 years. So I’m not surprised. If you want to know the brand I found in France (just received 20 kg of flour and 40 baguettes), just let me know.

  15. Thank you for writing this Dude! Doc Osborne and I butted heads a few times. He sent me some emails that were downright scary. All he cares about is taking advantage of the truly uninformed for personal gain. I have no use for him whatsoever. He is not a nice man. I wish I had saved his emails, but they just plain creeped me out.

  16. He calls himself a glutenologist, is that a real thing?
    It felt “scammy” to me from the get go.
    Many, many people seem to suffer NO ill effects from corn, rice, other grains. You can’t paint EVERYONE with the same paint brush. What I see often is someone feels better going grain free and thinks EVERYONE should do it.(My other pet peeve is sanctimonius people that NEVER EAT PROCESSED FOOD and OMG why would you put that in your mouth? But that is a rant for another day)
    ***gently stepping off my soap box***

      1. Your should study more about before putting your stupid comments up. Our gains so genetically modified and full of round up and if you guys can’t do your studying about it you shouldn’t even be on here.Yes this guy’s an idiot. keep it eating your gains and we will see what happens to when you get older.Years ago our gains use to be good and healthy for us .But today its modified so much that it’s tears the inside of your stomach up.and you calling out the causes inflammation which causes heart attacks which causes diabetes get your facts straight dude.

        1. Deb,
          What are your sources? Please provide them, and please don’t say “Google it.” Google is not a reference. Also please don’t use the terms “wake up” or “sheeple.”

          1. 🙂 Ken

            I could barely make out what the point was here, but I told the dude that “I think she may be saying you are full of shyte” hon.

            Just love those drive-by trolls.

            1. Haha IH! I have a propensity for translating nonsense, and so do you.
              Maybe she’ll drive by straight into a wall.

        2. Deb,…Deb…Deb. Being on the internet does not make something true….unless of course it’s on this blog;)

          Most scientists and people in the medical community have already debunked the “round up causes celiac disease” mantra. I’m more than happy to have an open discussion but it’s gotta be grounded in truth.

          1. Hey Dude, glad you came out and said this! I am sure most of us on your great blog were thinking the same thing but held off….the problem is convincing people this IS the truth.

          2. Yes, and those studies were paid for by the companies who profit from you consuming their product. Follow the trail backing any of the studies and I assure you you’ll end up finding Monsanto or similar. Wake up! Man has always tried to “improve” food and what always happens- oops. We didn’t see that coming. If you wouldn’t go into your shed, grab the round up and squirt a little in your mouth- you shouldn’t eat food that contains it. My source- my common sense.

  17. GD-

    Quack+Medical Degree=Idiot.

    Hopefully this blog reaches a lot of people so that we can stop them from joining this scam society.

    Jersey Girl

  18. Well you could always put Dr. in your name. I swear half of them got their degrees from a Cracker Jack box anyway….at least you’re ahead of the curve. 🙂

    Dr. Dude has a nice ring to it. 🙂 You’d probably get more visitors to the site simply because those two letters seem to legitimize things in some people’s thoughts.

    Thanks for posting this. I thought he was a quack too when I was newer to this (it’s only been 4 months) but I think he’s even more so now that I’ve been doing this for a while.

  19. I disagree.. all grain does have gluten in it and you might do some research.. there is research showing your body does react to gluten in other grains just like it does wheat. Alot dont get well going gluten free and I am one of them. You are very quick in judging people.. Do some research . He knows more than most doctors do about this subject and people get well when they werent getting well from seeing 2 or 3 other doctors. Time will tell if he is right or you? Actually he does offer free information. I pay nothing to get information off his site. Yes he uses it to advertise just like companies do.. To all the non believers. I was still getting sick because I was eating rice and corn.

    1. Except for most of his research has been called out as being false by real medical doctors at ICDS – the symposium for THE BEST AND MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE DOCTORS in celiac land. Yes, there is a form of gluten (protein) in these grains, but not every celiac reacts to them – only a small portion, so him scaring the shit out of people isn’t very helpful to a population that is already scared of everything.

    2. Connie, true gluten, with gliadin and glutenin, is limited to certain members of the grass family. Corn and rice are sometimes called glutens, but their proteins differ from true gluten. That doesn’t mean that some aren’t sensitive to them (and many other foods) especially if the gut has been severely compromised, but that is not true across the board. To suggest that all of us who need a lifelong gluten-free diet should avoid these grains is fear-mongering.

        True– not all grain proteins are the same chemically! Come on folks–are all veggies the same chemically? all fruits? Bless you for publishing this diatribe, I am with you 100%! Lets go to Texas and stop this guy!

    3. I totally agree with you , Connie . I really enjoy Dr. Osborne and his videos and I pay him no money at all ……………….his info has been very helpful to me . Corn is not good for most people ……….our bodies cannot digest it ……..rice also has a small percent of gluten . I am better with no grains myself .

      1. “Corn is not good for most people ……….our bodies cannot digest it ……..rice also has a small percent of gluten .”

        With all due respect Linda, this is the kinda of stuff we’re talking about. Who says corn is not good for MOST people. And rice does NOT have gluten in it. It’s fear-mongering…nothing more, nothing less.

        The truth shall set you free…

            1. This whole grain controversy may carry some weight. If you read Loren Cordain’s book and publication called Cereal Sword, and follow his Paleo Diet, or other publications about this theory, the truth seems to be none of us should be eating any grains. According to those theories man was never intended to consume grain, We were hunters and gatherers, lived on meat, fish, poultry, fruits, nuts and veggies. That said, this diet does seem to work for some people, just not everyone for various reasons. Half the world’s population is being saved from starvation by eating grains, the other half gets sick. (Cordain’s view). Whether you choose to follow this is a personal choice. If it works for you, fine. If it doesn’t, that’s ok too. Try something else. For many newly diagnosed celiacs, giving up dairy for several months helps. As both dairy and gluten are digested in the same place of the small intestine, once the villi are healed, many can go back to eating dairy. Does this mean everyone? Of course not. It also may be helpful to try different kinds of rice from different countries, and also wash it well before cooking,. Rice from California, Asia, and India evidently does not contain the arsenic that is found in other areas. Corn is indigestible by many folks- celiac or not. Which may or may not include things like corn meal, corn starch, even Xanthan gum. Everyone IS different. Stay away from fear mongers. Make sure you are getting the vitamin supplements like D and B if you need them. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies organic preferred, avoid processed foods if at all possible. You CAN do this! Happy Thanksgiving!

    4. Thank you Connie. I completely understand that everybody is different. But I too along with many people I know CANNOT eat ANY grain. I am by no means suggesting that ALL Celiacs are the same but with that said what is so scary about what this Dr. says….Why are some many of you AFRAID you may not be able to eat GMO’s or if your lucky enough to find any truly organic corn or rice ??? Corn which many pass whole because it isn’t digested (I like this site GD but you even said you don’t eat corn) or the oh so arsenic filled rice? Please by all means continue to put billions of dollars in these lying deceiving food companies pockets who by the way spend millions fighting to keep you in the dark about whats really in your “Gluten Free Products”…Are we that addicted to the processed world out there that we can’t accept the way we were meant to eat… Are any of you Doctors?? And wait please do tell me how many of you suffered for years with a misdiagnosis and OH YEA told that it was all in your head…. by a “MEDICAL DR.”. Medicine is exactly that medicine…Yes I know there are those in the “Medical” world who have dedicated their lives to this…I respect that…but have any of you spent time researching “ALL” the information out there….Old or new…50yrs of on going research continued by Elaine Gottschall can’t possibly be “wrong”. I wish all well I really do but the same way I won’t tell you not to eat corn don’t tell me I can…And how many of you still have horribly expensive health insurance and or are still taking any medication, prescribed or over the counter. I”m not…Damn this doc if you want for making a living but he is no different than the arrogant Dr.s we have all encountered who make hundreds of thousands prescribing toxic medicines that never treat the root of the problem. To each is own..It would be lovely if we could live in a place that made life easier for all of us…but really what are we missing out on??????

      1. I appreciate your comment Jmarn and I agree to an extent of what you are trying to say. But he is selling FEAR. I have always said to do what works best for you. But that doesn’t give this guy the right to sell it as a wholesale solution (and charge out your ass for it.)

        Hey…I actually gave up corn last year (along with dairy). But I would never in a million years say that corn is bad for everyone. And I certainly wouldn’t charge for it either.

        Guys like him and Dr. Agatson and all of the others jumping on the damn bandwagon just to make cash off of people’s fear is putrid.

        1. Hey GD, I totally agree!!!!! Preying on those with our problems is just sick….I have never put out a dime, I just take in all the different info and decide what works for me. I was still sick for a year after diagnosis and am thankful to have found that the other grains (corn,rice etc.) were the problem.. shoot I can’t even have quinoa 🙁 and worse if I have white vinegar I cry the whole next day…) I happen to be super sensitive…and a little bitter. I dealt with a lot of “DR’s” for YEARS that told me I was fine.
          I really do understand where everyone is coming from. I am just thankful that the info about removing all grain was there. Otherwise I’d still be a wreck. Just a quick shout for something I love (not being paid to advertise) JKGourmet has the best Almond Flour …they too are great women with an awesome site, they happen to cook according to the SCD diet which is what works for me…I just hope we can all continue to throw the different options available out there just in case someone isn’t getting better on the traditional GF diet!
          Thanks for all you do!

    5. I totally agree with you , Connie . I feel the same way as you do about Dr Peter Osborne . I’ve never paid him a cent and I’ve benefited tremendously from his site . My body can’t handle grains either and majority of people ……if honest with themselves would be far better off not having them . I watched the “Gluten Summit ” and thoroughly enjoyed it . Check out Dr Tom O’Bryan …….he’s one of the best when it comes to having knowledge about gluten …….his website is thedr.com .

        1. Well….. celiacs CAN drink beer if it is brewed properly and is certified gluten free. Again, personal choice. And as for grains, all one has to do is read “Cereal Sword “and you will never eat any grains again: half the world is saved from starvation, and the other half is being made sick from grains, so again, personal choice. But do know that grains are not necessary for health or life and can do a lot of harm. That’s what the Paleo diet is all about. There were some wonderful presentations on the Summit- most notably the first one, Dr Marsh, whose appeal for earlier diagnosis made me sit up and take notice. We must begin to market that idea to health professionals and convince them how important this is. The ground is shifting beneath our feet, changes are in the wind. Wait and see.

          1. I have since gotten off his list- too far a-field for me. If grains are a problem for anyone- don’t eat ’em. Do what ever is good for you and works for your body. Period.

  20. This post made me laugh! What you say about that site is 100% true. At least on Mercola’s site he buys you dinner first by allowing you to access all of his articles for free. Osborne doesn’t even buy you a drink but still expects you to put out.

  21. Thanks, Fellow “Dude Peeps”!! You never fail to call foul when necessary. Ada, Tiera and Nicole nailed it for me today.
    Sweet jebus – a “Summit”, “glutenologist”…WTF

    Wish this post came with the pounding heart beat in the background.

  22. He is a doctor…..of chiropractic! and clnical nutritionist, I think. I second the good dude’s comments…I keep subscribed to the site so I can “know thy enemy” or something like that.

  23. After being diagnosed with Celiac disease just a month ago, I’ve been doing extensive research on web resources. It was immediately evident that Osbourne’s site was a scurrilous money making scheme and I beat a hasty retreat.

  24. As a registered dietitian (which requires a degree in Nutrition and a supervised internship and continuing education) I have to compete with people who call themselves nutritionists and preach his style of glutenology. A person who graduates dead last in his medical school is still called Dr.
    I am also a 20 year celiac who raised a celiac child and post all of my 250 recipes for FREE at glutenfreepoodlehome.com.
    Thanks so much for this post, this guy irks me to no end.

  25. When I was first diagnosed, this site jumped into my radar. Ads on my FB page and in my inbox were really compelling. I would click the link whenever it offered something free, but I soon realized nothing was free except the ads. This was not helpful to me in any way. It’s a good thing you have put this news out there, so that others might not get burned. Thanks GD!

  26. This video is hysterical! I can’t tell if I’m watching a preview for Star Wars or an SNL spoof. Seriously though?!? Half of me wants to yell at him and half of me can’t stop laughing. Thanks for always brightening my day, Gluten Dude!

  27. I seriously don’t have time to even sit and look at all the crap this suppose Dr. has to offer … it is so sad all the people that seem to want to profit from what has now become a fad – Gluten Free Living ~ and do not take into consideration all the people with a real disease like Celiac Disease or a real condition – Gluten Sensitivity or Intolerance. Makes me ill.

    I have a hard enough time trying to live a full life …

    I really only have time to follow and read one Dr. … Dr. Dude (ha ha as someone earlier dubbed you) no but seriously … you do more for this community than most. One you care, two you are not in this “caring” to profit off our disease, and THREE you actually have real experience with this disease and put the facts out there ~ whether they are pretty or not.

    I so respect you and agree with “most” of your comments (after all no one knows everything about this disease or how it effects every person differently – which you have totally owned up to) ~ but I say I find your approach refreshing, often humorous, and very informative ~ and you have an awesome community of amazing people that I love to read the comments usually as well.

    So thanks for watching out for the little (or especially newly diagnosed) folk – you seriously ROCK Gluten Dude …

    As do the rest of you – hugs

  28. I actually posted on their website that I wanted to see citations of the studies indicating that corn and rice have the same gluten protein that Celiacs and gluten sensitives react to.
    My comment was never replied to and never posted on the site.
    It’s a cult. Be wary.

  29. What a load of Bull S–t!. Definitely a scam. Why would anyone pay money for shit like that. I read on your Facebook page that some people actually think he is doing good. Yeah he is lining his wallet and padding his bank account. Sorry Gluten Free Society, I am just going to keep doing what I am doing. No cults for me.

  30. First, many thanks & much appreciation to you for all of the work & dedication that you do towards Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity. I am one that is thankful and grateful for any and all resources and information available to me, always. (Especially when it doesn’t take me two weeks worth of research to find an answer, LOL!)

    When I encounter an ‘unknown’ or little known company that handles anything to do with my lifestyle, especially one like Gluten Free Society, the first thing I do is hit the Better Business Bureau website to see if there is ANY sort of feedback available. (The good, bad, and the ugly.) Unfortunately, sometimes there isn’t anything available – unless someone has filed complaints with them & they are being investigated. That’s when I follow this rule of thumb, I print out the necessary info, questions, etc. & I take it into my primary physician and my GI specialist for feedback if I am in doubt. With a company like this, there wouldn’t be a question of needing to do this thankfully.

    I think that companies it is absolutely abhorrent that there are businesses/charities/sites that prey on those individuals that are newly diagnosed or introduced to a gluten free environment and desperately seeking answers… enough that they are willing to pay a high price for them. I know, I’ve been there. Fortunately, I didn’t have anyone take advantage of me or my family. And I’m thankful & grateful to businesses in the areas around me that keep a dietician on staff, (free of charge), to help those of us that need it – newly diagnosed or not. The same can be said for the online businesses/charities, bloggers (like you Gluten Dude!) that hold webinars, support groups, etc. that are free of charge but play a huge role in educating the Celiac/Gluten Intolerant community.

    So, I applaud your efforts and I sincerely thank you for sharing your information!! And I will certainly be sharing it with those around me as well.

  31. Many of us have been busting this guy for a long time, (and trying to get others to see that many chiropractors out there are using their title of DR. to say we should not eat 18 other foods, too) but maybe your post will reach more people. Thanks for taking a courageous leap. 🙂
    Do not be surprised if you get some backlash from your post today. They have many followers.

    I have a problem with anyone who charges tons of money to help
    other celiacs. By the time most celiacs are diagnosed, they have spent all their savings trying to find out why they are dying and/or they are vulnerable and very ill and subject to being mislead by wrong information. There are plenty of reputable sites that offer current information about celiac disease for free.
    University of Chicago Celiac Center, for starters.

    And hey, I give it out for free!!!. (the info that is….I personally do not come cheap) 😉

    And for the love of mike.!!!….the only “enemy grains” for celiacs are wheat, rye and barley and their derivatives. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is incorrect.

    Someone could very well be intolerant of corn, or rice, I guess (although that is usually the one hypoallergenic grain that most people can choke down) but it is NOT because they contain the same type of gluten as those gluten grains we need to avoid.

    I assure you all, if rice, corn and gin were a danger to celiacs, I’d be stone cold dead by now.

      1. You should see people’s faces when I tell them that anything distilled is ok– and they can continue to enjoy their Scotch or Rye cocktail, the vodka martini, or the vinegar (remember rice vinegar is milder) on their salads! Corn in the form of flour or meal is tolerated by many, not by others. Corn on the cob is actually not digested by anyone. It bothers some and not others. Everyone is different. As for rice- it’s one of the most innocuous foods we can eat. Dude, you are doing a great job with this blog and my hat off to you– the gf community is small enough but vocally strong, can’t we unite and get rid of this guy?

  32. wwwwhew…dammmnn. So so so SICK of this bull…they really do think we’re STUPID, these scamsters. Thank you, big time dude…we know who’s got our back’s. You’re the BEST!!

  33. Nonsense. Everywhere I turn someone is trying to profit off of my disease. I am a doctor, at least my degree says so but nowhere on it does it say medical or medicine. The title alone should not lend anyone credibility, it means nothing (or that you paid far too much for your prolonged education).

    You should consider adding a donation link on your site. I cannot imagine how much time you spend keeping this current and providing feedback to comments. I know I value it and I am sure others do as well. A donation link gives the option of financial support for the site without requiring it. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.

  34. Thank you for this post. I followed this site on Facebook when I first joined and after reading the BS with absolutely no peer-reviewed studies to back up the claims I “unfriended” very quickly. I would post questions about where I could find the studies for some of his claims and my posts were deleted. Every. One. Of. Them. Sadly, I wasn’t being snarky. I really was trying to learn if what he said was true. Would someone who is legitimate delete the questions rather than answer them (or even ignore them)?? That told me all I needed to know very quickly.

    It’s bad enough to be diagnosed and have to wade through the correct information without having people like this look legitimate to the newly diagnosed and have not even a shred of science behind their claims.

  35. So I just saw a post from GIG of North America on facebook about a free online “Gluten Summit” November 11-17 featuring 29 of the world’s experts and opinion leaders on the topic of gluten-related disorders, nutrition, and gluten-free living. Guess who one of those 29 experts/opinion leaders is ….?

    1. I searched for GIG of North America on Facebook and couldn’t find the page. Is this the name they are under?

      1. It’s Gluten Intolerance Group of North America in Auburn, WA – their page has over 10,000 likes. Let me know if you still have trouble locating them on Facebook —

        1. Thanks! Facebook doesn’t have the most reliable search. I’ll try the whole thing and maybe have better luck.:)

          1. For Miss Dee Meanor,
            The link you want for the Gluten Intolerance Group NA is http://www.gluten.net. It is on Facebook as the Gluten Intolerance Group, and my group is on there as the Gluten Intolerance Group of ShorelineEast- if you want to see who we are and what we do.
            Ms Kupper as the Executive Director, participated in that Summit along with Dr Fasano- one of the foremost authorities on CD and NCGS, to make sure information given out was accurate. They were both fascinating to listen to,a as was Dr. Davis,another well-respected researcher. I sincerely doubt any of those 3 people would ever do or say anything other than the truth about these conditions.Their entire lives and careers have been dedicated to accuracy and reporting the truth.

    2. I found it, Patti. Very diverse group of speakers and topics. I was only impressed with the credentials of 6 of the 29. I tend to question motivation when they are selling a book or promoting a medical facility that bears their name. I am particularly curious about the topic “Biohack your own brain to optimize health and performance.” What??

      Are you going to register for this?

      1. Nope:) But it gives me pause because the support group in Atlanta is affiliated with this GIG organization and I’m wondering why they are promoting an event that includes someone like him ….

      2. Dee, This is the exact same comment I made on celiac.com just a few days ago.

        Check the creds on some of those people. I am not sure what the experts are doing there with those others, but maybe it is to help enlighten?

        1. I know I’m a Pollyanna, but I had never considered the possibility of respected medical professionals and I-don’t-even-know-what-to-refer-to-them-as being presented as if they are equals. Is it just me or doesn’t the mere presence of these highly credentialed experts lend credibility to these others? Guess I was hoping there would remain two paths – one with established, researched medical information and then another with easy to discount claims. Seems like it could be a slippery slope ….

          1. “doesn’t the mere presence of these highly credentialed experts lend credibility to these others?”

            No. Not at all.

            Maybe they accepted the offer to present at the summit so they could educate and enlighten.. Just because they are also there does not mean they lend credibility or that they endorse their views.

    3. GIG is not coordinating the summit, however the Executive Director will be speaking, along with quite a few other highly reputable experts, (thus the reason it was shared). Sadly this wackadoo got higher billing on it than the actual experts….

    4. I know and have advised my members to beware and tread softly. I was amazed to see Dr Fasano is on this as well as our own Cynthia Kupper, besides these two–Osborne and Tom O’Brien. And this worries me to no end, can’t help wondering how this happened!

        1. Hey yourself– I wrote to Cynthia Kupper last night and received an answer immediately. I have your email address and will forward
          the string so you will see in her words how they both will be on the
          offensive at this summit. I agree it is better to be on the offense than to sit silently and say nothing. There must be a way to stop this guy!

  36. First off the bat: What do these people (Dr. Peter Osborne, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Dr. David Clark, Dr. Adrian den Boer, Dr. Vikki Petersen, etc.) have in common?

    1. They are CHIROPRACTORS, NOT doctors.
    2. They have an axe to grind.
    3. They are after your money.
    4. They want attention and are seeking a boost to their egos.
    5. They make unsubstantiated health claims, and worst of all…
    6. They delay their patients in getting proper medical care.

      1. Furthermore, they all suggest people pay for “tests” for “gluten cross-reactive foods”…this is the biggest scam of all. I was stunned to see many GF bloggers promotng these tests as well. This is irresponsible and misleading.

        No celiac research center or expert endorses these “tests” and I have found no scientific or published medical literature that proves ” so-called gluten cross-reactivity”. There are no peer-reviewed articles or any evidence that celiacs should not be eating these purported foods. .

        I was disappointed to see a press release where the director of GIG was excitedly endorsing “dr.” O’bryan and Cyrex labs and these tests too.

        Buyer beware.

        1. And something else they have in common (now that I thought more about it): A good number of them are based in Texas! Now, I’m not saying that every physician knowledgeable about gluten related disorders in this state is a quack, however it simply cannot be coincidence. I don’t know how, since I don’t live there, but it seems a lot of sources of inaccurate information reside in this “Lone Star State”.

          I personally know someone who got a false negative result from Dr. Kenneth Fine’s gluten sensitivity stool test, who actually turned out to have celiac disease (when properly tested at the Mayo Clinic). She was IgA deficient, hence the falsely low readings.

          Fine claims on his website that his tests are “100% sensitive for celiac disease”, yet none of his research is published. Interestingly, other reputable researchers have found evidence to the contrary.

          Phew! I think that’s enough for one night.

          1. It’s true–Those lab tests have never been peer-reviewed.
            There are no tests for “gluten sensitivity” and in fact, IgG4 tests
            are not valid or approved for “diagnosing food intolerances”.

            …. but Dr. Kenneth Fine is not a chiropractor.

            He’s a medical doctor, board-certified in gastroenterology and he has published journal articles on his curriculum vitae

            and he also is a singer-songwriter

            He writes:
            “… proceeds from any CD sales will serve to raise money for not only my own not-for-profit organization, The Intestinal Health Institute, but also for other non-profit service organizations as well. I am starting this by helping North America’s gluten sensitivity support organizations and their local support groups.”


  37. This was one of the first sites I found after diagnosis when I was busy gathering as much information as I could. Didn’t take long to see that the “Society” info was far out from other reliable sources. Nevertheless, I followed them on Facebook.

    And then one night late (night owls of America unite) there was a picture posted on their official Facebook page of a morbidly obese woman (maybe two) in a bikini and “doctor” Osbourne posted some derogatory comment that perhaps was meant to be a joke? I was floored. It was like he was drunk posting. I left the FB page with the impression that he was NOT a nice man.

    So, even if his info was valid…or even free…I would say “no thanks.” I went to the first expo the yhosted and it was great, but after seeing the craziness slip out that night, I couldn’t bring myself to go to the second one. The picture and comment were pulled pretty quickly…but it was window into a place I care not to go.

  38. Your sarcasm just made my day, dude. Thx for getting the word out about this manipulative joke of a site. Awesome watchdog work! Carry on!

  39. This guy is an idiot. I saw his site before when I first got diagnosed. Luckily I didn’t fall for his smoke and mirrors.

  40. Hi Gluten Dude,
    Living in South Africa has it’s benefits, scenery, wildlife etc. but unfortunately it also has very little info on Celiac’s Disease. After being diagnosed and living a traditional GF lifestyle health issues like muscle recovery, bloating etc persisted. Pain dissipated. I found Peter Osborne web page. I did not buy anything, subscribe to anything but followed the advice given out. Rapid recovery happened. Don’t knock the info.

    1. Well said Craig
      Just so the readers of this post understand where I am coming from….I have a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Medicine (which is Clinical Nutrition), a requirement of obtaining my degree alone was that I obtain 300+ hours of clinical experience prior to graduating, my qualification requires that I have proven continuing education and I research topics such as this daily. I too took the advice by Peter Osborne but followed up and bought ‘No Grain, No Pain’. When off all grains, I am pain free in my joints and move freely. If I eat grains, I’m in agony within a day and sometimes hours. Peter Osborne’s advice is spot on. The people he associates with such as Tom O’Brien, Amy Myers, Stephanie Seneff, Joseph Mercola and Alessio Fasano to name a few are well informed. The book ‘No Grain, No Pain’ is well written and bursting with helpful information INCLUDING REFERENCES OF CLINICAL TRIALS….i.e. EVIDENCE BASED. The GlutenDude website wins hands-down as the most negative, vicious, ill-informed website I have ever had the misery to read through and I feel soiled by having just read the negative comments, including by the owner of the website (who incidentally has a ‘donation’ button and a book for sale! I’d say this smacks of hypocrisy considering his comments on Peter Osborne’s website practices. To the readers: do yourself a favour and investigate the scientific evidence that is there for your taking – both free and at a cost via sound professional consultations that look at the root cause of your disease. By this I am referring to consulting with Functional Medicine Practitioners such as Clinical Nutritionists, Naturopaths and Integrative Doctors.

  41. Hey, now! Don’t mess with Texas! 😉

    If is seems like we have more than our fair share of wackos, it maybe just be a numbers game. More people=more fun! With a population larger than Australia’s, it’s unfair to hold our quantity of bad doctors up in equal comparison to smaller states.

    I’m pretty sure we can all agree that doctors with poor or little information about celiac disease are, unfortunately, too widely spread.

    As a final flashy display of my jingoistic pride: Houston is home to the world’s largest and highly renowned medical center. Our theater district is second only to NYC in size and we are one of only five cities US cities with permanent professional resident companies in all of the major performing arts. Plus, Houston elected an openly gay mayor. We got us some science, culture and progressiveness up in here!

    So, please, don’t judge us by the few that hog the lime light.

    1. Inaccurate information and quackery is world-wide indeed. 🙂

      P.S. I was wondering if you and/or CAMILLE saw that Texas reference.
      🙂 lol

      1. Lol. I only saw because I read your comment! 🙂

        All I can say is NO state tax!!

        It is a giant state. We have lots of everything.

  42. Do you think that if Dr Osborne meet Roger Mason (of “Young Again” – who thinks that coeliac disease is caused by mental health issues, and is psychosomatic) met, there might be a big explosion?

      1. Indeed!
        Selling gluten supplements to coeliacs to cure them of their mental illness seems to be the least of his wrongdoing.
        Fortunately, we live in countries where one its innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, thus means that nutcases can peddle rubbish as long as nobody can prove they have done something criminal.

  43. To be honest, I don’t have any faith in Dr.Fine or Dr Rodney Ford either. You can be a real doctor and still be a snake oil salesman too….They are also selling bogus tests online. Seriously…look for the disclaimers on their websites. They are there. Look for them and read them..

  44. Gluten Dude,

    Are you a science major? Do you know that all grains contain glutelins AND prolamines to varying degrees which are “gluten” substances? I will agree that Peter Osborne is “cashing in” on his knowledge on his website, BUT the facts remain. Celiac patients, while they may feel better initially, do not heal their guts just avoiding wheat, barley and rye/oats. The traditional “gluten-free diet” really isn’t totally gluten-free. Please visit my website/blog and learn more about this. It is important for you since you have been diagnosed with celiac. I won’t try to sell you anything, I promise. Knowledge is power for all of us. I would love to hear from you.


      1. “Celiac patients, while they may feel better initially, do not heal their guts just avoiding wheat, barley and rye/oats”

        My gust and my recent biopsy results beg to differ.

          1. Robb Wolf (The Paleo Solution) has done research in Colorado with Loren Cordain proving we all pretty much have low levels of intestinal inflammation with the ingestion of all grains, regardless of celiac diagnosi, or not. He speaks of this often when interviewed. The anti-nutrients lectin and phytates are at least partially to blame. Inflammation in the gut often leads to “leaky gut” and the autoimmune responses involved. Celiac patients are not immune to this response. It is cause for all of us to avoid grains. If your biopsies indicate you are inflammation free after just avoiding traditional glutens (wheat, barley, rye and oats), Awesome for you!! That is not the case for most of us and I do wonder about the accuracy of the testing involved, having worked in the operating room and endoscopy suites for MANY (to many to count) years. We all need to decide what is best for us as individuals. Life truly is a journey. I continue to try and “hack” my own biology as the saying goes.

            Best wishes and optimum health to you,

            1. “That is not the case for most of us and I do wonder about the accuracy of the testing involved”

              With all due respect, this is a general statement without any evidence and you can wonder if you wish, but it does not make it fact.
              I can assure you, my endoscopy and biopsy was done with skill and care by one of the best GIs there is.

              I understand your desire to spread the word about the paleo diet ( and I have followed it myself, so I do not have any prejudicial feelings about it) but to say that most celiacs–and even those without celiac– cannot tolerate non-gluten grains and it causes inflammation is simply not true.

              Maybe SOME people can’t, but you keep making sweeping,inclusive statements that are not really applicable to all celiacs. (or all humans, for that matter. )

              We will have to agree to disagree, I’m afraid. 🙂

              Best wishes to you!

          2. I’m curious…not to sound rude but did they test every inch of your intestines??? UMMMM last I heard thousands of people get a false negative biopsy for years before being properly diagnosed…what would be amazing is if our disease was made more important in the education of GI docs. The fact is many of them will still tell someone if they don’t have chronic poops or any of the very few listed symptoms that they most likely don’t have it. We are all on our own journey and can claim to know what is fact and what isn’t, as long as we support each other regardless of our own beliefs that’s all that really matters…

      2. Dude,

        Weeks ago I emailed you a sampling of the studies available showing inflammation (not symptoms) in people with celiac ingesting grains of all types. No response?


  45. Actually, I interviewed Dr. Osborne this summer, because I wanted to know why he prescribes the diet that he does. His diet is very similar to the paleo diet, which many people have felt better on after a regular gluten-free diet didn’t work for them. We *only* talked about his diet. I didn’t ask about all the other things that he sells…

    I looked into his science, and I didn’t see anything blatantly wrong (scientifically) with what he said. A lot of paleo experts say similar things.

    But I do think there is something wrong with his approach. He uses scare tactics and he doesn’t allow access to information that should be free. You have to buy his supplements, etc. I think if he were a bit less “snake oil” salesman-y, people might take him a little more seriously. Its too bad, because much of what he says is actually true.


  46. Gah! I just drove 3.5 hours from Austin to Dallas for the Gluten and Allergy free expo, walked into a seminar that was already halfway done, and heard a few things pretty quickly that made me raise an eyebrow. I Whipped out my phone to find out who this yahoo is, and then realized it’s this guy. I’m not buying anything. I think I’ll go visit the vendors. At least they’re completely honest about wanting to take my money. 😉

      1. I was about 35 minutes late to the hour talk, and I just heard some crap about how people with illnesses have made themselves sick by eating the wrong foods. Sometimes that may be the case, but it seemed like a scare tactic and trying to blame the victim, which doesn’t really help anybody. I didn’t make myself get Celiac or Hashimoto’s or any of the other things I have by eating the wrong things.

        He also said Celiacs react to corn gluten and should cut that out. I’m not sure if that is true or not because last I heard on that, there hadn’t been any conclusive testing done.

        He did make one good point, I thought, warning people against continuous use of antacids. He had something about the magnesium in them and what it does to the body – blah blah blah – but then made the good point that you should try to solve the cause rather than treat the symptom. But then said there’s some Celiac symptom that feels like but isn’t reflux, so if you’re taking a bunch of antacids, you might be treating the wrong symptom.

        By that point I was just catching up on my Facebook. 😉

        I went to two other seminars but didn’t really learn much. I was really excited about the one focused on the mental and emotional symptoms we have before diagnosis and after when we re-enter the world afraid people are going to poison us. There was a decent handout about that, but the presenter basically read from it. I could’ve read it on my own. I would’ve liked to ask her a few questions, but everyone else in that one just wanted to ask about safe restaurants, and I chickened out on bringing us back to the topic of the seminar.

  47. One of the attendees at my FREE celiac support group in Merrimack NH, who was recently diagnosed sent me his link. I was disgusted that a chiropractor could call himself the ultimate resource. How? I at least on my business card call myself a resource for gluten free living, which I am, but no way would I call myself an ultimate resource. I have a culinary arts degree, have written a monthly column for National Foundation for Celiac Awareness for nearly three years and these and many other gf recipes plus links to my appearances on NH’s ABc are all free on my blog http://www.royaltemptations.com/blog. I have been the featured chef for Healthy Villi in Boston at their conferences and have been invited to present at GIG expos. I agree with an earlier commenter, when I saw that everything on Osbornes site cost money with no validation, I just warn people about him. My blog also gives details on my gf cooking classes. BTW I was just in Dallas for the gf expo and was impressed at the availability of gluten free in restaurants and supermarkets. Like me at gluten free cooking with oonagh.

  48. I have a copy of Loren Cordain’s interesting paper called “Cereal Grains Humanity’s Double-Edged Sword” published by the University of Colorado Department of Exercise and Sport Science, it is a 55 page treatise given to me by a friend who owns his own biochemistry lab (not in the USA).He helped me understand some of the science but I was able to grasp most of it on my own and, frankly, you MAY never want to eat any grains – ever. Point being while cereal grains are helping save half the world’s population from starvation, the other half are suffering irreparable harm. If anyone wants a copy, please email me at Shoreglutenfree@yahoo.com.

  49. I think you are judging Dr Osbourne unnecessarily harshly. First, no one ever has to spend any money on his site, I never have, in fact I had not even spotted any thing for sale, but that is because I am interested in information, not products. Second, his ‘glutenology’ tab provide a series of excellent FREE lectures with good graphics to illustrate his subject. Three, the word ‘gluten’ means somewhat different things and it certainly is in rice and corn. Never heard of glutinous rice? It is the sticky sort, and gluten is sticky, like a glue (that’s where the word comes from, and the flour and water glue kids used to make). The gluten in rice and corn is different from that in wheat, say, and does not provoke the same reactions in everyone, but there are certainly those who cannot eat any grains at all, not just the usual wheat, rye, barley and/or oats. All grains (i.e. grasses) contain prolamines in their seeds, which are the proteins needed for that life form to live. Since we are not actually a grass eating species we are compromised to a greater or lesser extent when we eat any grains. You, Gluten Dude, appear to be emotionally unstable (to me) in your reaction to Dr Osbourne’s site, and it may well be because you are continuing to eat the so-called gluten free grains which are leading to an over reactive emotionality expressing itself as irritation. Why not register for and listen to Dr Osbourne’s interview on The Gluten Free Summit which is running all this week and is lead by Dr Tom O’Bryan. The interviews are all only available free of charge for the 24 hour period during which they are aired, but Dr Osbourne hasn’t been on yet, so you can catch him on Friday 15th. If you register for the Gluten Free Summit (which is free) you get the opportunity to own all the lectures for ever at a charge of $67 (or all on CD for $400 odd) but if you listen on the day it’s free.
    I don’t know what you do for a living, but I wonder, do you charge money for it or get paid? If so, don’t freak out if others do the same. It isn’t so unreasonable.

    1. Actually, you are totally incorrect in your explanation of glutinous rice.

      Despite the name, it doesn’t contain the form of gluten that’s dangerous to those of us with celiac disease or gluten intolerance; the term “glutinous” simply refers to the fact that glutinous rice gets glue-like, or sticky, when cooked.

      Glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa; also called sticky rice, sweet rice or waxy rice) is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast and East Asia, which has opaque grains, very low amylose content, and is especially sticky when cooked. It is called glutinous (< Latin glūtinōsus) in the sense of being glue-like or sticky, and not in the sense of containing gluten.

      The gluten food protein has nothing whatsoever to do with glue.

      They are two different words entirely.

      Get your " facts" straight.

  50. Gluten Dude – Just because something is not true for you does not mean it is not true for others. While I am put off by Dr. Osborne’s strident tone, I detect an equally strident tone in your posts. I am a scientist and have done extensive research and reading of my own since learning earlier this year that I am gluten intolerant. These are the facts: wheat gluten is comprised of two proteins – glutenin and gliadin; gliadin is a type of protein known as a prolamin and it is the sub-fraction to which gluten-sensitive people react.. Other grains, including corn, are comprised of prolamin-type proteins; corn prolamin is called zein. The prolamin peptides in wheat and corn contain amino acid sequences that are similar enough in structure to cause cross-reactivity in some wheat-gluten sensitive people. Cross-reactivity is a well-documented phenomenon in food allergies and sensitivities. Each patient’s immune system is different, which accounts for the wide variety of symptoms and severity experienced by people with the same diagnosis. I have kept a food diary during my medical odyssey and it helped me discover a definite relationship between corn consumption and worsening of my symptoms. Conversely, I am allergic to latex; often latex-allergic people experience cross-reactivity with bananas and kiwi, but I do not. Life is infinitely perplexing for those of us with food intolerances -let us not make it more so with other forms of intolerance.

    1. I had to look up what “strident” means. Loud and harsh; grating.


      I always say to listen to your body and if something isn’t hitting you right, then by all means give it up. I’ve actually given up corn for the most part.

      But that doesn’t mean that corn is not gluten free. There is a huge difference in telling the truth and spreading fear. I try to do as much as possible of the former and as little as possible of the latter.

      1. Except that there is a big difference between documented, valid “cross-reactivity” in food ALLERGIES and pollen or other substances that are IgE-mediated allergies –not celiac
        (plenty of Pub Med articles on that medical condition)

        and the alleged

        “cross-reactivity” of 18+ food proteins like coffee and corn that supposedly “damages” celiac guts like gluten does.

        Can’t find a single celiac researcher that says this is a fact..
        No Pub med articles either.

        Google cross-reacitivity in Pub Med and see what comes up.

  51. Corn isn’t digested by anyone in the kernel form. It is one of those things that passes through exactly the way it enters- even if you chew it thoroughly. Corn in the form of corn meal, corn flour, corn starch or other varieties still bothers some people just because their
    bodies have trouble digesting it in any form. It still is, of course, as you say, gluten free and it does feed a huge portion of the Latin American and Central American world.
    Perhaps- here is a crazy idea:
    if your gene pool is from Russia or Northern Europe where corn isn’t eaten nearly as much, maybe you do have trouble with it. However, if your gene pool is from South and Central America or Mexican descent, where corn has been eaten since the times of the Incas, maybe you don’t have a problem with it? Hey Dude, what do you think? Is this possible?

  52. Thank you so much for your post Gluten dude and responding to many of the comments. You don’t ‘sound’ strident to me or even like one of those pseudo-skeptics/scientists that are always trashing alternative medicine, you know, like the amazing Randy and the cults of rational/critical thought.

    You’ve done a real service perhaps in “de-sensitizing” the collective consciousness to these gluten-free cults.

    I’ve been a naturopath for over 20 years. You’d think I’d be pro-anti-gluten, and to some extent I am. I know gluten free diets help many people, and become imperative for others. I believe that GMO’s, which skip natural evolutionary interrelationships are unsafe for people and for the environment and that Monsanto is evil.

    But there’s more to health than diet, and these GF exploiters are not healthy. What led me to your blog was trying to find a voice in the midst of this weird anti-gluten miasm. (homeopathy term)
    I wasn’t able to unsubscribe to the spam of another branch of this, namely “The Gluten Summit” I think these Drs. have lost it, or are also just out for the bucks. The problem with grains are that through genetic modification/ultra-selective breeding they’ve lost their individuality. These GF cults are trying to do just that to humans, shaping their opinions to suit their own agendas, just like gene tweeking, undermining their individuality. See the pattern? The GF miasm: a destructive one, worse than the tubercular or even the syphilitic! Next thing you know, and ironically, they’ll be the next Monsanto.

      1. that might well be true of some of them but not all.
        Especially not Dr Marsh who has been doing phenomenal research since the 80’s; Dr Hayman who has done wonderful work with the autistism/casein/gluten free connection. Cynthia Kupper certainly isn’t in it for the money, and as for Dr Fasano, he did leave U of Maryland because U of Mass/Boston offered him more money for research and more prestige. I really think research is where things are at now. Education and awareness of doctors is my next goal.

        1. Thank you Sybil
          And I don’t mean to generalize so much.
          Or negate good research or the good work of certain Drs.
          I suppose its like anything that gets a bit too much on the
          bandwagon. Awareness is a good thing for Drs.
          But there does seem to be a camp of Drs who aren’t really convinced of any correlations and one camp that all disease is about the gluten. Not long ago, most conventional Drs were of the group opinion that diet had nothing to do with disease. Well thats changed now a little.
          I think it does absolutely, or I wouldn’t be an ND.
          But with my years of experience, I know its more complex than that.
          And differences in cause and susceptibility amongst different people is part of that complexity. So its good to be not all or nothing on things and look for ways to address individual susceptibility.
          Thats why my favorite modality is homeopathy, as it does just that.

      2. Am I the only person to notice that so much wild and wacky health/nutrition advice seems to come from Doctors of Chiropractic? Is nutrition a key part of their training? Is there some reason why so many D.C.’s seem to branch out into nutritional counseling?

        I’m definitely not trying to criticize a whole profession. However, if my spine needs crunching, then I know that I have some different options; but if I have celiac disease, what special credentials does a chiropractor offer?

        1. It’s funny, but I asked my own chiro about this and he rolled his eyes.
          He feels that his specialty is just that –chiropractic medicine.

          I don’t care if someone wants to have a sub-specialty, but I do care that
          a large number of them are having clients spend money on tests that “diagnose”gluten sensitivity …. when there are no valid tests for gluten sensitivity yet..

          “Currently, there are no recommended methods to test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Some doctors offer saliva, blood or stool testing. However, these tests have not been validated and are therefore not accepted.”
          Dr. Guandalini states:
          “..there is absolutely no biological readout that in no way can this diagnosis can be supported by any laboratory investigation. No antibodies in the blood are specific enough, or sensitive enough, for this condition. No antibodies in the stools can be utilized to diagnose or screen for this condition.”
          Dr. Fasano:
          ..stated that his team is currently conducting research to identify biomarkers that may help to test for and diagnose non-celiac gluten sensitivity:
          “…as Dr. Guandalini explained when the only way to make a diagnosis of gluten sensitivity is by exclusionary criteria since we do not have tests that will point in that direction. And that’s where our current efforts are all about. ”


          AND YET, THE INTERNET IS LOADED WITH TEST KITS FOR ‘GLUTEN ALLERGY’ .and “gluten sensitivity genes”.

          1. And THANK YOU Irish Heart for stating the truth regarding testing
            for non-celiac gluten sensitivity. You are correct- glad you quoted
            both of those esteemed doctors– I just wish others would pay attention and stop selling these ridiculous “tests”.

            1. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have posted this same relevant information over and over again on here and on celiac.com, but I am often met with anger and debate.

              There are many people who insist these tests are valid, but until the leading celiac researchers say “we have developed a test for NCGS!!”. then I just can’t suggest them to anyone seeking help with a diagnosis.

              There are no valid tests for IgG4 food intolerances either.

              Conclusion…”Therefore, testing of IgG4 to foods is considered as irrelevant for the laboratory work-up of food allergy or intolerance and should not be performed in case of food-related complaints.”


              Or “gluten cross-reactivity” foods.

              But someone will read this post and come back and say

              “You’re wrong, Irish….” and inevitably, it will be up to the people reading this ongoing debate on the internet to determine for themselves whether these tests are valid or not.

            2. @IrishHeart, Excellent points. But your second article comes from the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital—not a likely source of reliable information. The irony of a homeopath criticizing the validity of someone else’s science is too rich for words.

            3. Actually, I posted that one to show that even those folks do not see it as a diagnostic tool.

              See my point now? 🙂

            4. Dr Olins

              You’re getting kind of cheeky for me there when you say…

              “…But your second article comes from the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital—not a likely source of reliable information. The irony of a homeopath criticizing the validity of someone else’s science is too rich for words.”

              First of all, when I looked at the article, it seemed like a primary study to me. So what do mean by criticizing “someone else’s” science? Secondly, do you have something against a homeopath’s use of science? I’m wondering if I smell a pseudo-scientist/skeptic.
              The rhetoric is emerging.
              Incidentally myself and my colleagues get many curative results for food intolerances, and IBS conditions, including Celiacs. The beauty of it, is that when patients do well, they eventually need not avoid the aggravating foods.

              You seem a little prone to cynicism there Dr Olins

            5. @naturopathdude — Homeopathy is remarkably similar to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy: they all offer comfort to the innocent.

              I think that in some cases where there is no effective therapy, it can be appropriate to use a placebo. However, I object to the widespread promotion of faith-healing, not just because it’s ethically questionable, but also because it undermines the patient’s ability to make informed choices about future diseases, which may be serious or life-threatening. In other words, homeopathic practitioners undermine the skepticism that we all need to have.

              I also fear that practitioners may be too willing to administer placebos, rather than admitting that they might have to ask for help from a more qualified specialist.

              As regards cynicism, anyone who sells a bottle of water to someone who is sick probably fits that category pretty well.


              BTW Skepticism means demanding evidence before drawing a conclusion, while cynicism is drawing a negative conclusion that cannot be shaken by evidence. We all need to be skeptics; especially about things we read on the Internet.

            6. Thanks for these comments, I wish everyone could see them. Those who hand out placebos and useless medications come in the form of medical doctors as well as alternative practitioners, which leads me
              to believe that “snake oil salesmen” are still around, they just wear white jackets and and have different titles.

            7. Ahaaaa!! I knew it Dr Olins
              I could have almost wrote your reply for you, since its right on queue with the typical rhetoric that comes from ignorant pseudo-skeptics like yourself.
              Sorry you’re not a true scientist or skeptic – someone who questions *all* accepted opinions(Oxford), you’re a religious zealot whose religion is science, the meaning of which has been skewed by your self-righteous opinions.
              A scientist is open to evidence and doesn’t draw conclusions until enough evidence has been shown. Great scientists like Einstein, are open to something totally counter-intutive. People like you don’t wait for the evidence. You admittedly have no time to even embark on the possible truth. The science on homeopathy has never dis-proven its clinical effects, and there’s a lot of evidence that points in its favor clinically and that ultra-dilutions have biological effects beyond doubt. And when I see tumors in animals and temper-tantrums in children disappear in 3-4 weeks, I hardly would attribute that to placebo.
              It’s never been proven to be a placebo, except by one embarrassingly flawed meta-analysis study presented by the totally biased Lancet. So save your snake-oil/Santa Claus comments for something else please.

        2. THANK YOU! This is exactly the problem I have with chiropractors branching out into diagnosis and nutrition– neither of which comes under the umbrella of their degree. They seem to have jumped on the bandwagon just to make a buck from it– YET, it’s really funny, I do
          know people whose chiropractors have “strongly suggested” they might be celiac or gluten free” and urged them to be tested.
          So go figure..

          1. One chiropractor who “treats” “leaky gut” once told me that he usually doesn’t rely on tests: he “just knows” when his therapy has succeeded. So there you have it: fictitious disease + fictitious diagnosis + fictitious cure. And one more boat payment covered.

            BTW he also believes that celiac disease is caused by a deficiency of stomach acid—which, of course, he can treat.

          2. My father- in-law’s chiropractor has told him “gluten isn’t good for you” so we watch him order gluten-free pasta then help himself when the bread basket is passed. With a son and granddaughter with celiac disease it would be nice if he would get tested – especially since he has 9 siblings. But he clearly feels as if he’s taken care of the possibility of having celiac disease with his half-in half-out gluten free diet since “gluten isn’t good for you” anyway.

          3. Yes, I agree with you. (And I’ll comment on everything I’ve read so far on this page.)

            There’s nothing wrong, of course, with someone suggesting a test for celiac disease when it seems as if that might be their problem. I suggest this to people from time to time. I also pass along the name and phone number of the University of Pittsburgh physicians who helped me.

            I have no problem with a chiropractor making the suggestion that someone should see their physician for the test. I agree with you that it’s not their area of expertise. They, themselves, should not be making the diagnosis nor should they be performing the tests. A physician should be doing this.

            Part of the problem may be the physicians have been unwilling to consider celiac disease and many didn’t know anything about gluten sensitivity until recently. If you can’t get help from a physician I can see where you would turn to another type of doctor, even a Chiropractor, if they’ll work with you.

            I also agree with much of what The Gluten Dude has written on this topic.

            I was directed to a number of these sites when I was first diagnosed, watched the videos and was stunned to see some of them telling me to give up corn and rice. Upon further inspection I came to realize that the word “gluten” didn’t just mean wheat, rye and barely gluten and that we probably use the WORD gluten too generally.

            But I also realized that the type of gluten in wheat, rye and barley was the source of my troubles and the type of gluten in rice and corn was not. So why would I want to give them up?

            Also, I’ll pass along some good advice a University of Pittsburgh allergist gave me: “If something makes you ill, don’t eat it!”

            You really can’t argue with that. If corn makes you sick, don’t eat it. If rice makes you sick, don’t eat it. But if it doesn’t, why would you give it up? You’re already given up so very much.

        3. And this right here is why I feel like I’ve found a safe celiac haven on the internet. It’s an oasis of reason in a desert of stupid.

          1. and Ken, I always laugh right out loud when you post such a great line! lol

            thanks 🙂

            …..meanwhile, somewhere in paradise, the Dude just laughed too.

            Hey kiddo! stop reading your emails! you’re on vacation! 😉

  53. I would agree with your statement. In fact, many of my members go to ND’s, Recently on a local TV station, an ND diagnosed a young boy with eczema with a gluten problem. All the steroid creams in the world prescribed by his regular pediatrician, weren’t curing the problem, Mom took the child off gluten and, in fact, all grains, and the eczema is entirely gone. I’ve told many people the same thing so not being a doctor myself, they look at me like a have 2 heads but I know from experience with my members, gluten is frequently the cause of many of these problems. That said, it is not ALWAYS the cause or the solution. I am strongly of the opinion we need to get MORE medical doctors on board and aware how important early diagnosis really is. Randomly handing out pills is NOT the answer!

  54. You can’t be a “little big pregnant” and you can’t have a “little
    bit of gluten”. Sadly there are many celiacs and those who are NCGS who continue to think they can do just that. One cookie does enough damage to cause problems even if they don’t feel a reaction. As much as we try to help people there are those who just won’t listen and end up with far greater problems like cancer. Just makes me sad.

    1. Just read this on line:
      It only takes 1/64th of a teaspoon to do harm to a celiac’s gut. That is the size of a crumb. If this describes you, PLEASE eliminate gluten completely from your diet and do yourself a favor!! Like trying to explain what 20 ppm is to people: it is like eating 5+ pounds of gluten at one sitting, or more than 5 boxes of pasta. You wouldn’t do that would you? Then don’t cheat. Period. It’s only food. Eat what’s good for you and forget the rest.

      1. It sounds so simple. And I HAVE eliminated all gluten that I know of. The problem lies in that crumb that gets in there inadvertently.
        But I guess that’s another thread.

        1. We are all susceptible to the “crumb” once in awhile despite being diligent. However, it is those who don’t take the diet seriously, who think they can cheat all the time or not pay any attention to the diet– it is those to whom I am directing that remark. And they are also the
          ones who don’t read this column and who don’t seem to care. I feel very sad for them. Down the road they will suffer and have bigger problems. You can lead a horse to water…

          1. “You can lead a horse to water…

            but you can’t hold his head under”


            (I’d like to take credit for that one, but it’s Steven Wright)

            1. LMAO 🙂

              I will if you will. 😉
              Hey.. we carried the important discussion while the dude got some much-needed rest.


            2. I have no idea who the hell Irish Heart is but I love your sense of humor and approach to life. That was a really good discussion too, and I am delighted to have found this Dude to set up the format and let people run with it! Just for haha’s I am the Branch Manager of a local GIG support group in CT It has taken me nearly 8 years to acquire some knowledge. It’s STILL a learning proposition every single day. I am not a doctor nor do I profess to be one, while I do have a limited medical and nutrition background.

  55. I know this post is kind of old, but thank you Gluten Dude! I started getting emails from the “Gluten Free Society” even though I don’t remember signing up for them. Me being recently diagnosed, I wanted to learn as much as I can so I visited the site. He lists quinoa and vegetable oil as NOT gluten free! He also says that the reason some celiacs can’t stomach cow’s milk is because cows eat grains, which are passed through their milk. Even little me, gluten free for just 2 weeks, thinks that sounds a bit ludicrous. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. For a minute I wasn’t sure what to believe. You helped clear the air.

  56. You do know, of course, none of this nonsense is true? That guy is a charlatan, snake oil salesman. Quinoa is a seed from a fruit. It is NOT a grain/grass (member of the grass family) and it IS gluten free. What cows are fed has absolutely nothing to do with beef that comes from them, or the milk they give– except that cows allowed to graze on grass the milk tastes much better. I don’t have time to say more. I also get too upset and angryl

  57. I’ve heard that quinoa contains gluten like compounds that have similar effects to gluten
    And if the grass fed cows produce milk that taste good wouldn’t it follow that grass fed cows produce meat that taste better than cows fed corn (although corn is a grass!) antibiotics and steroids?

    1. “I’ve heard that….” is not science or a fact.

      Quinoa is safe for celiacs to consume.

      Quinoa does not contain “gluten like” compounds. Please show us where you found this information.

      Quinoa is a seed of the “chenopodium quinoa,” a plant related to spinach, chard and beets.

  58. Right there in your statement: “quinoa is a plant related to chard, spinach and beets.” It is NEITHER a grass nor a grain and does not carry any of the gluten compounds other grasses/grains do. It is actually a seed from that plant, it contains more healthy protein than any grain, loads of minerals, easy to cook and digest. The Incas have survived on it for centuries. Unfortunately, it often gets classified as a grain which just adds to the confusion. Oh, and a little goes a long way. When cooked (rinse it first) it will keep for a couple of weeks in the refrigerator, or freeze it in serving size plastic baggies.

  59. Trying to debunk the health misinformation on the Internet seems like a fruitless game of whack-a-mole.

    I checked a random page on G..F..S.org a while ago. It claimed that corn oil causes villous atrophy. Ouch. What it doesn’t mention is that the ACTUAL research study was in mice injected into their abdomens with cyclophosphamide (a highly toxic chemotherapy agent)! Contrary to GFS, all I can conclude from this research is that if you’re a mouse being injected with a toxin, eating a large amount of corn oil may be a bad idea.

    I cannot conceive how even a 10-year-old could read this paper and conclude that corn oil is of concern for people on a GF diet, but I guess this is the price we have to pay for freedom of speech.

  60. Where in the world does this guy from from GFS– who is neither a scientist nor a medical doctor– get the temerity to come out with these claims? Utterly ridiculous and it borders on dangerous! That said, SOME people with celiac (and some without) DO have a reaction to eating anything made from corn– from the canned corn kernels, to cornstarch, corn meal, Xanthan gum – etc., but I would not claim to know if this includes corn oil or not. If someone with the proper credentials would weigh in on this question, it would be very helpful.

    1. I have reactions to corn products. I don’t know about ALL corn products because I don’t think I’ve had them all, but I cannot tolerate sweet corn, popcorn, corn meal, corn starch, corn gluten, or corn flour. I don’t think it has anything to do with celiac though, unless my intestines are so damaged by celiac that they are just extra sensitive to corn, which is hard to digest for a lot of people.

  61. Hi, Happy New Year and thank you all for the thoughtful comments.

    Sybil, re your Dec 14 post, do you have references that dig a bit deeper, please? Agreed that quinoa is not classified as a grass or grain, but isn’t identifying proteins something separate, requiring lab testing? Where are the references for studies that identify the proteins and their relative contribution (i.e. “x”%) in quinoa, amaranth, teff etc.?

    I think others who posted on this board already tried to get Osborne to answer this question.

  62. As every package of quinoa I have bought or seen has the
    nutritional value on the package, that would mean it has been
    tested somewhere in order for that information to appear in print.
    That said, I do not have the scientific or nutritional background to comment further on the science behind these claims, although I do know several nutritionists who could. This goes for other grains and all foods as well. As for Osborne, I am not familiar with his crazy claims and pay little attention to anything he says. If I see something that is obviously skeptical, I do say something,

    1. I guess you must be in the minority; good luck to you and your family. If you read these posts, it seems most people believe otherwise and do not follow his claims. Including me,

      1. Sybil,
        Do you ever get tired of posting calm , intelligent, reasonable, helpful and scientifically -and- research-supported claims..?..Yeah, me too.

        I have been BEYOND ” sick enough” ..and you know what?

        I ate quinoa and corn and other certified GF grains (even oatmeal!!) and I recovered full gut lining and villi and returned from the walking dead.

        Before anyone starts with the “but, I am super sensitive!!”..yeah, so am I.
        Still healed and still not buying the BS this guy sells to celiacs.

        Just sayin.

        1. I am with you all the way on this… I have seen too many cases of others just like you also super sensitive who won’t even eat out, who are now also healthy. I think he does more harm than good (along with some others out there) but if some believe they were helped,
          more power to them. People hear what they want to hear, believe what they want to believe. You can lead a horse to water….. just
          like a lot of celiacs refuse to stick to the diet even when they are
          told they have a 4 times greater chance of developing certain digestive cancers, they just don’t care. Personal choice.

          1. Hi Sybil.

            yes, I travel and I eat out and I dine at friend’s homes. They all “get” cc and how to avoid it and I never get hit. I live my life as fully as possible. 🙂

            I do not believe in fear-mongering nor do I believe that having celiac means “no life”….that’s simply not true.

            This is just me and my approach to living (celiac or not) ..Cheers!

          1. Ditto to both of you! I Not celiac,– I am severely non-celiac gluten intolerant and rarely get sick. Very supportive family and friends who no longer question my motives or needs. It is just part of what I am and it does not define me. I go everywhere and manage,make do. Never expect anyone to do anything special for me. This is life, I choose to live it. Things could be so much worse. I am so grateful all I needed was a diet change and some vitamins– not medication!

    2. I totally agree with you Summer ……..Dr. O knows what he’s talking about ……..I have learned so much from him and he has helped me so much and it hasn’t cost me a penny . I’ll take his advice over conventional doctors any time . I spent more than half my life going to them and just kept getting sicker . It was a HOMEOPATHIC doctor that finally diagnosed my problem with GLUTEN ………………once I eliminated it , my body healed . I am 62 in a couple of months and feel better than I did at 25 . I continue to follow Dr. Osborne and refer his website to others ……… hope they can benefit as much as I have . He never tries to build himself up by putting others down . You don’t HAVE to BUY anything unless you choose to . I love his videos ………..he’s taught me so much …….forever grateful to him .

  63. Recently saw Dr. Osborne to discuss the results of my enterolab gene test & celiac panel. I was tested because my son is gluten sensitive & I had a bout with diverticulitis at a young age (35) My mother in-law is a diagnosed celiac, so I always just assumed it was her genes at play.
    I carry 2 celiac genes (DQ8 0302 x2), but tested negative on the blood work. He strongly encouraged me to go gluten free based on my genetics. He also said I am gluten sensitive & eventually it will manifest into something more severe. I felt pretty good about his recommendation until I stumbled upon this blog.
    With the exception of the diverticulitis I don’t seem to have any other symptoms.
    Seems like there are some veterans of the gluten free world contributing to this blog (great site BTW Gluten Dude), thought someone may be able to offer some advise on my next course of action.

  64. Like many others on this site I am not a fan of Osborne at all.
    That said, he gave you excellent advice and I would agree that
    you should probably be on a gluten -free diet. It may well help the diverticulitis problem,. I hope he at least told you that treatment for your condition has changed over the years and you should be eating lots of fiber and only avoid nuts or seeds if they bother you..
    The fact you have the genes is enough indication you would be better off with the diet, By the way, your mother in laws genes have nothing to do with you! As for your son, I would have HIM tested for celiac as the likelihood is he may well have it if you have both genes, there is a strong chance he does too. In your shoes I would see a good GI doctor who has a full understanding of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. I know lots of chiropractors diagnose celiac in patients but I believe only a medical doctor or a naturopath should do that– in my humble opinion.

    1. “I believe only a medical doctor or a naturopath should do that– in my humble opinion”

      I hasten to add: but ONLY if the Naturopath can order the celiac panel..

      Some of them cannot write lab test scripts.

      and “Gluten sensitivity testing” does not diagnose a thing.

      1. Hi Irish, thanks for adding that point. Was not aware all naturopaths
        were not alike re lab scriptsl And that’s also true that there is NO test that can diagnose non-celiac gluten sensitivity regardless of what you may read elsewhere. It is simply UNTRUE. What many doctors will do is prescribe an “elimination diet” which will often disclose the problem, similarly to what many people find out for themselves.

  65. Sybil thanks for your response. I really appreciate it!
    I think I will see a GI.
    Also, I realize I don’t carry any genes from my mother in law. I had always figured my son’s problems were a result of her genes not mine.
    Best Regards

    1. You are welcome,of course. My guess would be your son has a
      double-barreled problem getting it from your mother-in-law and you.
      As it is inherited, your whole family might benefit from the diet.
      Just do it- BUT see the GI doc first. It’s too late for the upper
      endoscopy, the gold standard, unless you want to eat gluten for a few weeks, but the blood tests should be enough. Good Luck.

  66. I like to differ just slightly from the norm here, if you’ll excuse me. 😀

    Having read the above post and subsequent comments, all I can say is that individuals behind these brainwashing atrocities (as you like to call them) will always have mental/psychological problems.

    In this case of Gluten Free Society, it’s very clear that Dr. Osborne needs help – preferably sooner rather than later – to see the light and act accordingly (i.e. remove the misinformation from his website that playing to people’s fears).

    However, since this man so strongly believes that gluten is such a major contributor to brain problems, psychological assistance is the last thing I should expect Dr. Osborne to seek.

    As for his comments that “Traditional Medicine is Flawed”:

    There is no such thing as traditional medicine. It is either evidence-based or not evidence-based. Very simple.

  67. As “brain fog” is one of the symptoms mentioned by so many
    of us with celiac or NCGS, perhaps that is what Dr.Osborne meant?There are also neurological symptoms and emotional problems as a result of years of not being diagnosed properly, I suppose one could lump all of those symptoms together as “brain problems” so called a when a practitioner like Osborne has neither the training nor the background to make that kind of a diagnosis. It just is another illustration why those people suffering the symptoms need to see a GI medical doctor well versed in celiac disease. Not all are! And few internists are either, even fewer pediatricians!

  68. Just to add: I feel sorry for Dr. Osborne, not because we’re upset with him but because he clearly is not a peace with himself. He’s desperate for answers, as we all are. The difference here is that I do not believe his motives are not right. If they were, for a start, he wouldn’t charge for his (mis)information. To me, he seems like a good person that needs to get back on his feet. As I said earlier, I doubt this will happen.

  69. n my humble opinion, I think Osborne may have started off with good intentions– but like that proverbial “road to hell”, he saw opportunities to make a pile of money off this condition like so many others.
    At that point, with neither the scientific background nor the required medical education he elevated himself to a higher level and went off on his own tangent making outlandish claims in order to attract attention to himself. He seems to be all about Osborne first, and
    celiac disease/NCGS second.Otherwise, why be one of the few
    charging for (mis) information when truthful, accurate help is available for free from so many other professionals? Like in all other businesses, there is good and bad out there. We just need to be cautious and wade through the bad to find the good.

  70. He is full of BS. I am on the gluten free diet, have been for 4 months now, and I hate it. Simply hate it. However, my thyroid calls for it. Gluten-free is not like a weight loss diet where you can once in awhile have the “offending” foods….oh no, you can NEVER have them again because it will set off the inflammation cycle again. NO pies, no cakes, no cookies, no rolls, no bread, ever! Need some dessert, how about a small scoop of vanilla ice cream twice a year? LOL. BE very cautious with dairy…I now drink almond milk,….actually, that i can handle. All of the above are per my MD. This is to help my Hashimoto’s. Again, I see the necessity behind GF, but I hate it. I will never like it. Perhaps if I could afford a personal chef to create things for me day and night, but no…plain and simple and boring and YUCK. Ok, vent over. Love your site.

    1. To Howard: your comments made me feel very sad for you and others who may be misinformed about the gluten- free diet. Doctors are neither nutritionists nor dieticians. Most of them have no first -hand knowledge of the gluten- free diet and just tell patients this is how you have to eat for the rest of your life. You can have all of those things you mentioned– you do not have to give them up you just need to maintain and be strict about everything being gluten free. Please consult a professional who can help you through this. As for dairy– you need to avoid it– as dairy and gluten are digested in the same place as gluten– and you have to give the villi a chance to heal.
      I drink almond milk too (Blue Diamond original) and actually have come to prefer So Delicious Coconut Milk “ice cream”–there are
      really good bread, rolls, cookies etc., already on the market and more in the pipeline so please get some help and,if possible, join a support group who can help you get going in a positive direction,

      1. Hey, thanks for your encouraging words. The only thing that really was a bummer was the “no dairy” part of your comment lol. The only dairy product I currently consume (I hate dairy milk) is 1 Greek Yogurt per day. That is out also? I love almond milk, coconut milk I did not like, coconut ice cream I cannot afford:( , but I do love coconut water. My MD has Hashimoto’s and increased TPO and follows gluten-freen herself, so that is where I am getting a lot of in my info, She is a lot more practical than the online Youtube chiropractors who state if you consume 1 gluten product after being gluten freen for so many days, weeks, etc., you are back to square one. So really, no Greek Yogurt?

        1. Howard,
          I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s long before my CD diagnosis.
          My tsh levels were bouncing up and down like crazy so my doctor sent me to a GI who did a blood panel and an endoscopy/biopsy, and found I have CD.
          After going off gluten, my tsh levels have stabilized, but I still need thyroid medication.
          There is a link between CD and Hashimoto’s (http://www.celiac.com/articles/1135/1/Connection-Found-between-Celiac-Disease-and-Hashimotos-Thyroiditis/Page1.html) which is why I’m surprised your doctor suggested the GF diet without running further tests. It sounds like an educated guess, but I know when it comes to my health, I’d like to be as sure as possible.
          Oh and I have gone off whole milk for now. I enjoy it normally. I do have the occasional ice cream or slice of cheese with no ill effects.

    2. @Howard—I am amazed how many “alternative practitioners” prescribe a GF diet for almost anything under the sun. (One practitioner I know claims that 90% of her patients are sensitive to gluten!).

      Autoimmune diseases (such as CD or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, etc) are often clustered—presumably because of an increased genetic susceptibility. However, there is very little evidence that the triggers are therefore the same. I haven’t come across any published evidence that a GF diet is appropriate for Hashimoto’s (unless, of course, you also happen to have CD, too).

      [Of course, specific diagnoses should never be discussed over the internet, but I would encourage anyone who is being sold the “GF for everything” myth to make sure that they have found a qualified physician].

      1. Thanks for your reply. I have been hypothyroid for about 18 years, and over the past few years my TSH became increasingly more difficult to control with thyroid hormone so my new PCP ran the TPO antibodies and they were significantly elevated above 1000. She suspects Hashimoto’s and herself has been down this route and responded nicely to gluten-free. She did not state it was the only way to go, but highly encouraged it along with some other supplement advice. I am on my 2nd increase of levothyroxine and we will see what the TSH is doing in a few weeks. I do not as far as I know have CD. However, your comments are interesting. It seems to me the alternative docs really touting GF are the chiro docs on YouTube and elsewhere on the net. I have not seen an endocrinologist, as my insurance is not grand at the moment, and I am not really that keen on it. I can understand not discussing diagnoses over the net. I am pretty comfortable with her for the moment though. Really interesting to me were your comments about GF as it pertains to Hashimoto’s. Thanks for the information.

      2. Yeah, I’ve never heard of a gluten free diet being an appropriate treatment for Hashimoto’s, which I also have.

        I wouldn’t ever choose to stop eating gluten if not for the CD. Your doctor should be able to find the dosage of synthetic thyroid hormone that works for you. If your doctor insists you have to be gluten free for that to happen, I would get a second opinion. I doubt you’ll find a second doctor who insists you give up gluten for Hashimoto’s.

        You should probably be tested for CD, but you have to be eating gluten to be tested. If you’ve stopped eating gluten, you can’t be tested until you start eating it again.

        There is a gluten free substitute for everything you mentioned, so if you feel like you need to be gluten free, don’t think that means you can’t have cookies and cakes. You can. You just have to buy or make the gluten free version.

        *I’m not a doctor, but I do my best impression of one anytime someone mentions the word “gluten.” 😀

        1. Unreal! I can only afford the blood tests right now for CD, not the endoscopy and other things. My insurance is crappie at the moment. I see her in 3 weeks to run another TSH, so I will ask her about running CD panels and how long I need to be on gluten, etc. Thanks! I am at 225 of Levothyroxine now and it still is not in range. It is not terribly out of range, but not in range and I am tired all the time, depressed, etc. Ain’t life grand! 🙂

          1. So grand, right? Keep your chin up. I know how bad low thyroid levels can make you feel, but keep telling yourself that it’ll get better! I promise it will get better.

            1. I appreciate the helpful input and the encouragement. I am a medical editor/transcriptionist, so I hear this stuff all night long…when it comes time to take care of me, I am so sick of hearing about medicine and diseases I want to avoid it…but that cannot be done of course. Thanks again!

            2. Sorry I am late to chime in here, (my internet was out) but I have to offer this other scenario regarding thyroid dysfunction. I was Dxed with Hashi’s in 2008, put on meds and I went HYPERthyroid and the meds just made things worse. I was very ill, had multiple confusing symptoms and as it turned out, I did not have autoimmune hypothroidism (no high antibodies) but rather, my thyroid was suppressed as a result of UNDIAGNOSED CELIAC! Once I was off gluten, my thyroid functioned normally.

              I do NOT have Hashi’s, after all…. and I take no medications.
              Some people may be told they have thyroid disease and need to be on medications for life, when in fact, their thyroid is not diseased, but rather, malfunctioning (as many organs do) because of celiac.

              A recent excellent article by Christine Boyd in Living Without Magazine, discusses this very topic.

              “Thyroid disease is relatively common in the general population but it’s significantly increased in celiac disease,” says Daniel A. Leffler, MD, director of clinical research at the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

              Likewise, Jeffrey Garber, MD, keeps celiac disease on his radar.
              “Celiac disease should be considered or looked for in anyone with autoimmune thyroid disease who has persistent gastrointestinal complaints despite good control of their thyroid disease,” he says. “Additionally, if patients are taking their medication correctly but it’s still hard to control their thyroid, that is, levels vary a bit, consider screening for celiac disease.”

              “It has been shown that thyroid antibodies sometimes disappear in those with celiac disease, once they’re treated with the gluten-free diet, but these people probably didn’t have established thyroid disease,” says Peter H.R. Green, MD, director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University. Having thyroid antibodies indicates a higher risk for developing thyroid disease but thyroid function may still be normal, he explains. “Apart from celiac disease, we don’t think treatment with the gluten-free diet alters the course of established autoimmune diseases.”

              Just some thoughts., Kind regards, IH

            3. Thanks for chiming in, even if you were late…that last paragraph speaks volumes! I see her in a month and I am requesting I be tested for CD and if it is absent, I want to know the reasoning behind GF as treatment in addition to thyroid hormone. Great post!

            4. Howard,
              You need to be consuming gluten for several weeks (some research centers say 6, some say as many as 12) for the antibodies to be present and for accurate testing results.
              Also, just to muddy the waters a bit, sometimes people are seronegative and test negative on celiac panels (I am one of them) but have celiac nonetheless. The Pub Med articles explain how different stages of villous atrophy may be present, despite NEG blood work.
              I do not tell you all this to discourage you, but to make you aware of the
              difficulties celiacs face trying to get an accurate diagnosis, and good follow up care, and a celiac-savvy doc who knows what hell s/he is doing. Celiac is a head-to-toe disease, affecting multiple organs and creating a plethora of health issues and AI complications.
              As we push for greater awareness, we hope for more doctors who are willing to specialize so diagnostic protocols are followed (and when the testing is negative, they see that gluten may very well still be the culprit).
              I wish you all the best. Please keep us posted.

    3. Who told you “no cakes, no pies”, etc? That’s not true! You may not be able to have GLUTEN cakes, pies and bread, but there are a lot of good alternatives. Jules Sheppard sells a wonderful gluten free flour that I use all the time. I have bread every day!

      What the video at the bottom of http://www.julesglutenfree.com and I assure you that you’ll feel better! You can have your old favorites again!

  71. A few of the members of my group have this same condition and all have been told to they must be on a gf diet. There is evidently some kind of connection between CD and Hashimoto’s and not being a doctor myself I can’t speak to it– except to say if the diet helps, fine. If it doesn’t after a few months, do something else. If you can afford it you could ask for the genetic test- DQ2 and DQ8. If it shows you have either or both genes, it is a good indication you have CD. That endoscopy is the gold standard but if you can’t afford it and many doctors don’t like to put patients back on eating gluten, try for the gene test instead and see what happens. You have nothing to lose.

  72. To Ken who printed that link for CD and Hashimoto’s- thanks so much for putting this out there– for all of us. I knew there was a sold connection but not exactly what it was- so this is really helpful not for me so much, but for the others who are suffering with this condition.

  73. Howard, if your doctor is also suffering with the same condition, it
    sounds like he/she has a handle on it and wold be the best person to tell you whether or not the Greek yogurt thing is ok for you. There are other yogurts– coconut for one, that are supposedly darn good,but that is for you and your doctor to decide. Usually, no dairy means “no dairy”, not even butter. But don’t force yourself to consume margarine either (it is one molecule away from being plastic), the soft coconut oil spread is very good,

  74. You have all been amazing. I seriously did not know I had stepped into a CD group and understandably all of you would be GF, but you have been most helpful. I have a lot to look into now and I appreciate once again all the great responses. Have a great week!

  75. Excellent advice, all of it. Those of you on the edge not knowing which way to go, frustrated by too much information, moreover too much incorrect information, trust your “gut” and your instincts and do what is right for your health.

  76. Howard,you have been given excellent advice on all sides. You would do well to follow it. If you can afford to start with the genetic test to see if you have either or both of the genes (DQ2, DQ8), do so as if you don’t have one or both, you don’t have celiac. Period. My doctor was positive I had celiac, all the symptoms were present,but the blood test revealed I did not have either of the genes. End of discussion. Rather than going back to eating gluten and being
    miserable for weeks, try this blood test first. Then make some decisions. I am surprised your doctor hasn’t mentioned that route.

  77. In all the 20 years I’ve had in living with this condition, I have never felt so alone. Here’s why…

    1. People actually consulted with health care providers before going gluten free. After all, people didn’t follow this regimen unless they needed it due to its restrictiveness. They therefore understood that the gluten free diet was a strict, lifelong requirement. Nowadays, they dismiss the matter reminding me that there are plenty of foods I can have.

    2. I consumed healthier foods like rice, meat and fruits and vegetables. Gluten free bread tasted awful but at least people got an idea about how much of a challenge staying GF was. Friends respected me for adhering to such rigid guidelines.

    3. Television and radio shows that discussed the gluten free diet focused on the need for gluten free foods by those with celiac disease. Celiac experts actually appeared in front of the big screen and the media actually helped promote awareness of this public health issue. There were no Dr. Davis’s or Perlmutter’s who seem to now dominate EVERY interview spreading fear, delaying proper diagnoses and giving false hope.

    4. The numerous chiropractors (Dr. Vikki Petersen, Dr. David Clark and – don’t forget DR OSBORNE) who partake in medically unfounded gluten-bashing and fear stirring on the web these days had absolutely no idea about celiac disease not that long ago. Yet they now claim to know more than the doctors and experts who’s claims ACTUALLY are evidence based. How ironic?

    5. You couldn’t just pop an unproven pill that claimed to digest gluten or “cure” celiac disease because people didn’t have that “little bit” of knowledge. My mom always said that a little bit of knowledge is not always a good thing. Need I say any more?

    Each and every year I live with this I feel more and more isolated. It’s extraordinarily awkward to tell friends that I can’t eat at a restaurant because, although they have a “GLUTEN FREE MENU”, their staff have sickened me due to their carelessness and lack of commitment.

    1. SPOT ON!!

      I especially love this line…The numerous chiropractors (Dr. Vikki Petersen, Dr. David Clark and – don’t forget DR OSBORNE) who partake in medically unfounded gluten-bashing and fear stirring on the web these days had absolutely no idea about celiac disease not that long ago. Yet they now claim to know more than the doctors and experts who’s claims ACTUALLY are evidence based. How ironic?

    2. You bring up a very interesting point….MANY PEOPLE NEED a GF diet to be healthy and feel better, but many do not, and I think the GF diet is being handed out and suggested and even insisted upon by many practitioners, practitioners who don’t truly understand the science behind all of this. GF has become to be looked up as some sort of panacea. And if you don’t feel better, well then you must not be trying hard enough or you are sneaking gluten containing foods or cheating. Thank you for that story. Very interesting indeed.

  78. You know that when someone HAS to refer to himself as “Dr.” instead of simply listing his name followed by M.D. or D.O., he is not a real medical doctor. Sure enough, this fellow is simply a chiropracter. What makes a chiropracter such an expert on gluten free living he has the chutzpah to charge so much money? Ridiculous.

    There are lots of individuals giving high quality advice on living glute free FOR FREE. Stay far away whenever individuals seek to sell you information that is widely available for free!

    1. “There are lots of individuals giving high quality advice on living gluten free FOR FREE!”

      Couldn’t have said it better.

      3 years ago my aunt opted to try the gluten free diet. After hearing I was a celiac and being told by her chiropractor that

      “Gluten is bad for everyone and trying a gluten free diet is NOT dangerous.” and that…

      “The centers for celiac research and treatment continue to be ignorant about it all.”…

      she decided to give GF living a go.

      She felt *slightly* better but was still extremely nauseous, tired, fatigued and constipated. Six months ago, she finally consulted with a celiac center over the phone and upon being genetically tested for her celiac risk was found to be HLA-DQ2/8 negative.

      Long story short, she undertook a hydrogen breath test, which the center suggested, and was found to require a Low FODMAP diet.

      This was very interesting, to say the least, and something that her chiropractor would probably never have picked up on despite her complaining that the gluten free diet wasn’t working. He just told her to take enzymes and probiotics (which btw contained ingredients that are off-limits with her new diet, that her chiropractor believes are healthy) and avoid all sources of gluten exposure.

      He even went so far as to say that the reason she felt sick from the probiotics was because of a “die-off” effect from years of gluten-induced damage.

      While she is still required to significantly reduce her intake of wheat, rye and barley (due to their high fructan content and NOT due to gluten) among other foods to a greater extent like leeks, asparagus, onion, garlic, artichoke, chicory, apple, pear, honey, etc.

      She now feels absolutely great, does not require a gluten free diet and could have never discovered this on her own so quickly had it not been for the doctors and dieticians at the celiac center. Unfortunately the diet is far more restrictive that the gluten free diet but we are still working out her thresholds as time goes on.

      So yeah, that’s my two cents about chiropractors.

  79. I ran across this website when i first went gluten free…i guess i have a mixed approach to this.

    First either the stuff he says is true or not…if it is and it seems like it may be at least for certain segments of the population…then hes free to charge for whatever he wants. The market will sort it out. I dont disagree with him charging…much of what he says about antibodies has held up to scrutiny and has been confirmed. To my knowledge the antibodies nutritiinists test for when trying to discover other food sensitivities are the same antibodies he recognizes to be the issue with gluten sensitviities. Ive found nutritionists have helped me WAY more than doctors ever did….especially if you come from an uncharted family history. They dont like doing tests for some reason unless you have a family history…i smell health insuramce bottom lines at work here..sniff sniff….i wouldv never figured my problem out had my mother not found out in her fifties that she has celiacs. I was diagnosed ncgs…since my endoscopy came back negative.

    With that said…i also strayed away from this site for the mere fact i couldnt afford it and eat the stuff im supposed to eat…i also found help with a DO who is trained in functuonal medicine and eastern emdicine.

    I dont think i woukd be so willing to comment so violently against somebodys motives without knowing them personally.

    Ive seen free sites…God bless them…and pay sites. They have all helped….From what i have seen these are many of the people bringing this issue to the forefront of society. I cant get mad at anyone doing that even if they have a pay website.

    Gluten dude…you may be right about glutenfreesociety.org i dont know. But im sure the market will weed him out or in.

    Btw…thank you for your site. If you choose to charge in the future…i will have to weigh the cost versus the quality…versus what i can afford.

    But for whatever you do provide for free…it is a Godsend to people just learning to deal with the lifestyle.

    1. There is usually some research available to support someone’s bias. It’s how it stands to scrutiny that counts.

      There is no “orthodox medicine”, “traditional medicine”, or “alternative medicine”. It is a matter of whether it is evidence based or not.

      Dr. Osborne is targeting a niche market of desperate people. He is not a doctor. Therefore, he may or may not have sworn The Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm.

      A very good article in the Sydney Morning Herald emphasises that for many people “by restricting grains like rye, barley and wheat you miss out on these indigestible carbohydrates that are so important for gut health.”

      Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/diet-and-fitness/blogs/chew-on-this/food-for-a-healthy-gut-20140106-30cjr.html#ixzz2uBkxkEN7

      Regardless of the circumstances he does do harm when he encourages desperate people to adopt a gluten free diet, stating time and time again that “traditional medicine is flawed”, persuading them to avoid receiving proper medical care.

      1. I absolutely love that line, “indigestible carbohydrates so important for gut health”….. if they were so important for gut health, wouldn’t those carbos be digestible? Hello? Am I missing something here? What those of us not eating these carbs due to malabsorption from either c.d.or ncgs, are, in fact, missing important vitamins which must be replaced one way or another– either supplements or food. Just be sure those supplements don’t contact wheat or other bad things. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies (half your plate) and steer clear of processed foods even if they are gluten free.

        1. But, in this case the term “indigestible” does not actually mean “bad” though.

          Those Fruits & vegetables you mention? ARE considered “indigestible” or “complex carbs”. GF grains, too are all excellent sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Sure,some folks can give up grains and feel well, but this does not mean all indigestible carbs are “bad”.
          “Indigestible carbohydrate” is often referred to as “roughage” or “fiber.” It is important to the health of the digestive system because it attracts and holds water, swelling up like a sponge, which increases the bulkiness of the feces, making them easier to pass out of the body.

          Some complex carbohydrate substances are indigestible by human enzymes but can be partially digested by the microbes normally
          living in the intestine.”

          Foods like broccoli are considered “indigestible carbs” and broccoli is a fantastic food.

          These foods contain vitamins, minerals and fiber…. and they include:

          Others are
          Apples• Artichokes• Asparagus• Bananas• Beans• Brown rice• Brussels Sprouts• GF Buckwheat• Cabbage• Carrots• Cassava• Cauliflower• Celery• Chickpeas• Corn• Cucumbers• Dried apricots• Eggplant• Garbanzo beans• Grapefruits• Kidney beans• Lentils• Lettuce• Low fat yogurt• Navy beans• GF Oatmeal• Okra• Onions• Oranges• Other root vegetables• Peas• Pinto beans• Plums• Potato• Prunes• Radishes• • Spinach• Split peas• Sprouts• Strawberries• Sweet potato• Tomatoes• Turnip Greens• Watercress• Whole grain GF Cereals• Wild rice• Yam• Zucchini

          1. Can we not call them “indigestible”? I totally agree these are the fruits and veggies considered good for digestion and healthy on many levels and these foods do digest on a somewhat slower “schedule”.
            Thanks for your explanation! Some time ago back in October, regarding arsenic in rice…. stick to rice grown in California like the organic rice products from Lundberg, Asia or India. Those 3 places have the least amount of arsenic, if any. As for corn, it has undergone so many changes over the years to keep it free from disease, grow faster, etc., it may be difficult to find one that is completely organic. Same with apples.

  80. Well, I ate a Boar’s head Roast Beef sub with 5 grain bread yesterday and I actually feel better. I think the gluten purged some toxins:) I was starting to feel BAD. Seriously. I cannot wait to see the doc.

    1. Howard, be careful, please. While Boars Head products are inherently gluten free, if the person operating the slicer doesn’t clean it first before slicing your meat, it becomes contaminated from
      whatever was cut earlier. That person is supposed to clean the machine on request, and it will take awhile, so plan on waiting. Or if you get there when the store opens and you are the first one served, the machine will be clean. This is something you would learn in a ‘support group not necessarily from the internet. And what kind of 5-grain bread was that? Glad you feel better!

  81. HI, Sybil. I did not have them clean the machine, so I messed up there. It was gluten-free 5 grain bread…that is how they had it advertised. It certainly could have been something with gluten in it, but I don’t think so or I would have felt pretty lousy after, as I often do if I accidentally consume very much gluten. But thanks for the tip and warning on the machine cleaning. I love Boars Head. It is a nice splurge.

    1. Hi Howard, I was actually just curious what kind of bread it was, and I did assume it was gluten-free! Next time you are in the store, speak to the deli manager (if it isn’t too busy NOT lunch hour) and find out
      from him/her, the best way to go about getting your meat or cheese
      sliced on a clean slicer. He will then be your friend forever,

    2. Howard and others: if your grocery store will not clean the slicer or otherwise comply with standards, that’s ok. Go to the vacuum packed deli aisle and buy your deli meats that way: Boar’s Head are totally gf, as well as man others. Read the labels to make sure. I just learned this the other day, Grocery store deli counters/kitchens are not now and never will be gluten -free to the extent of meeting the 20 ppm rule, so accept that, beware and be careful what you buy.

      1. Hi Sybil…I have been doing just that…I cannot afford BH all the time, but when I buy it I go to the deli meat aisle where it is packaged and buy it. They were willing to clean the slicer for me, but I would have to wait 30 minutes while other customers went ahead of me and it was a lengthy ordeal. I just didn’t have that kind of time with working 3rd shift. I am barely awake most of the time 🙂 Thanks for thinking of me.

  82. No, you raised an interesting point, Sybil. I do hope it was gluten free. In the future I won’t be so easy, I will ask to see it so I know for certain I am using GF. I needed your input. Thank you!

  83. To all others reading this exchange, I hope Howard’s experience has been helpful to everyone. The beauty of this particular site has been the free, wide open, and honest comments coming from ordinary people like myself who have been living with this diet for several years. I don’t claim to know everything. What I do know and impart to members of my support group is based on solid information, not rumor or innuendo. Good Luck Howard! and to everyone else, read labels, call those 800 numbers and,above all, don’t believe everything you read online!

  84. Thanks Gluten Dude and everyone else who has commented here!

    Since you’ve brought this organization to my attention, I’m going to join Gluten Free Society to see what it’s made of. It looks like it’s $69 and since they actually offer a money-back guarantee, what have I got to lose? 😉

    I’ll keep you updated on my journey at http://glutenfreesocietyjourney.blogspot.com

  85. I have reconsidered my decision to join glutenfreesociety.org and instead used the money to purchase the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center ICDS 2013 program videos.

    My most recent post summarises it in greater detail.

  86. He is not selling fear. He is trying to educate the public on the dangers of wheat for some people. Dr. Osborne was the only one who could diagnose my celiac when I had three specialists who couldn’t. Dr. Osborne saved my life. I am so thankful for him. Had it not been for him, I would still be trying to figure out what was wrong. Thanks to him, I have been gluten-free for six years now and I feel better than I have in years.

  87. Those specialists could have ordered a simple blood test to determine if you were celiac or not. It IS a shame they didn’t. If they didn’t perform the Gold Standard endoscopy, shame on them. The Good New is that you were finally diagnosed and are feeling better. The bad news is that “Dr.” Osborne has done more harm than good with his preachings and sales to a vulnerable community which is why this site exists and the many complaints about him have been validated over and over. At least he didn’t do any harm to you and that you ARE feeling better. Unfortunately, I know too many people who have been harmed by chiropractors venturing out of their realm of expertise and others who have been helped. Each to their own.
    By the way, Quest Labs has been advertising in CT, at least, a great ad for a blood test for Celiac. Terrific ad. Finally!

  88. Gluten Dude, I’m right with you!

    I missed a bowel cancer diagnosis as a result of following Dr. Osborne’s advice. I went to see him as a chiropractor. He asked me if I had any GI complaints. I told him that I had pain in my colon. He told me that I had celiac disease. He put me on a true gluten free diet, and said “DO NOT go to a GI doctor, they can’t diagnose anything. Stay away from grains, we aren’t supposed to eat them anyway.

    “Since when should we prioritize convenience over health!”

    When I didn’t improve he said the reason that I wasn’t improving was because I was non-compliant. He put me on Max Digest and Ultraimmune IgG which did nothing. I told him that I really needed to see a GI specialist before I came back because none of his products were helping. He told me that I would waste my money if I did this.


    This is because while his recommendations and unvalidated treatment plans may not directly cause injury in and of themselves, they could result in a missed and critical diagnosis.

    I went against his recommendations, made an appointment with a GI, did not have celiac disease but worse: colon cancer.

    Long story short, my prognosis is poor. 🙁

    1. Mary, I am so sorry to hear about your story and the idiocy of the person/s who guided you. Let’s hope your prognosis turns around and you beat this. I am so sick of all the crap being spoken out there. Most of the chiropractors on You Tube are complete quacks..>I listen to them and shudder. Here’s to you reclaiming your health!

  89. Not sure if anyone caught this the other day:
    “To be precise, the 2012 Medicare data reveals that in 2012, Medicare paid $496 million for chiropractic treatments in all 50 states.
    This is a stunning amount. It dwarfs the funding that NIH wastes on alternative medicine through NCCAM, which is itself an egregious waste of money.
    Chiropractors are not medical doctors. They primarily treat back pain, but they claim to treat a wide range of other conditions, which some of them believe are related to mis-alignments of the spine, called subluxations. This belief has no scientific basis. Nevertheless, chiropractors have succeeded in convincing the government to cover their treatments through Medicare.”

    1. In all fairness, there is merit to chiropractic care. If there weren’t,
      large health insurance companies like the Empire Plan would never approve co-pays for this treatment.

      The American Chiropractic Association states that:
      “Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.”

      That’s ALL they should be treating. They should not be “diagnosing”–or misdiagnosing in some cases–anything.

      I can attest to getting relief from severe back and neck pain from chiropractic care. Medications did squat for me, so I tried it and it helped. I paid out of pocket for those treatments and the guy I went to was ethical and extremely helpful. He did not try to sell me anything nor did he claim to know anything about food intolerances. In fact, everything he learned about that–came from me. 🙂

      My husband has had a few sessions and it helped him, too. Medicare is willing to pay for a certain number of treatments for him (as well they should because he is covered) but I do not think they would pay for someone like dr. osborne, nor would medicare cover supplements and sham treatments.

      I, personally, do not lump chiropractic into the same boat as things like “live blood cell analysis”, ‘allergy testing” by pulse test, “food sensitvity tests, muscle testing and applied kinesiology for food intolerances, and assorted other bogus “diagnostic tests” some chiros are utilizing in their practice.

      Just my opinion. 🙂

  90. Mary’s story is outrageous and unnecessary. While there are honest and excellent chiropractors out there who perform due diligence and can alleviate certain problems, they are NOT medical doctors and have no business venturing out of their field of expertise. They also sell supplements at hugely inflated prices– which is how they inflate their income and pay the rent. Hey Dude– this is a classical example — what can be done to stop Osborne?

  91. Is this the same guy who posted the article about “Why Most Celiacs are Slowly Dying”? That link always seems to turn up at the top of celiac search results. The first time I read it I was newly diagnosed and absolutely terrified. It took time and a better understanding of my condition before I realized that the article is meant to generate traffic to the site and scare the hell out of newly diagnosed celiacs into buying the books and supplements they recommend. It’s the fear mongering that turns me off to researching information online because even after 18 months of living gluten-free and feeling better I’m still susceptible to caving in to that fear.

  92. Hi there Irish Heart
    You said it far better than I did, but it was also my point– there are good and bad in every profession! there are many- if not most– chiropractors who don’t venture away from their training and do provide relief for many people. If you walk into such a office and see the shelves full of supplements and other products, and all kinds of meaningless tests are suggested to find the “root” of your problem, run – do not walk- the other way! There are still some patients who will swear their chiropractor diagnosed them with a gluten problem, and if so, do get a second opinion from a GI specialist!

  93. Miranda Rodrigues

    I’m glad I ran across this site and it’s exactly what I was looking for in order to make a decision. So, today I took our 7 year old daughter to Dr. Osborne after I googled functional medicine doctors specializing in Celiac disease. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in September ’13 and just last month we got a diagnosis for Celiac after antibody testing and biopsy. No one seems to know how to help with autoimmune disease. It’s very frustrating especially for a parent to try and help their child. I’m an RN who is currently in grad school and staying at home with our kids. I should have said no when we made the appointment which required a $25 deposit. On the other hand I thought this is a different approach to care so maybe this is common. I’m familiar with Dr. Hotze’s Wellness center as well so I thought it’s probably similar. Anyway, I do say that he did a through exam for her and pointed out some physical details to be signs of vitamin deficiencies. I do agree with what he says about we are all affected by our surroundings such as chemical, mental and physical. I mean yes that is a given. It’s like common sense. However, when the visit was over, they brought me to the front. She said what insurance do you have? I don’t need to see it, I was just wondering? Um.. okay. So she brings out this paper with labs that he wants to order. 1) Spectracell Blood Work: $485 and discounted price she mentioned. Testing vitamin function and mineral analysis. 2) Elisa Act Allegy Testing: says $1250 (Out-of-Pocket) and it test 315 items…foods, molds, food coloring… 3) Then, some Quest labs (which I agree need to be tested) Vit D and Metabolic Panel and Iron. However, her pediatrician can order these under insurance and will not cost the $130-ish amount he is charging to not file under insurance. 4: Probe and Stool Analysis (home kit) :$700 which I purchased because I’ve researched about hashimoto’s and autoimmune disease relate to leaky gut. 5) Alletess, 25 Food Panel IgE, $325. Then he recommends that you prepay for a total of 4 visits at $165/visit. Lastly I paid $23.95 for Kids Omega supplements that he said she was obviously deficient in fatty acids due to the scaly appearance to her skin on her stomach. I’m good with supplements if needed and I had already planned to test her for leaky gut but WOW! I just had a strange feeling about the place and the people there but wasn’t sure if it was just a predisposition that I had about the whole non conventional approach. I don’t want her to suffer in the future for something we could change easily now like diet and learning to live as healthy as possible. Many people who have autoimmune disease have more than one and I don’t want to keep adding to what she already deals with right now. We are gluten free but he told me today that she also needs to be rice and corn free. Along with dairy and soy. I just don’t want to be foolish and taken advantage of and I already am feeling that way just by taking her there now. 🙁

    1. Miranda,

      It sounds to me like you are desperate for answers. By saying that “It’s very frustrating especially for a parent to try and help their child”, I am led to believe that you are using the Internet as a means to *grasp at straws* (so to speak).

      Please read the following pages from Quackwatch and the NHS regarding some of the laboratories mentioned in your comment.

      SpectraCell Laboratories: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Tests/nonstandard.html

      ELISA/ACT Testing: http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Tests/allergytests.html

      Leaky Gut Syndrome:

      1. Miranda wrote: “He said she was obviously deficient in fatty acids due to the scaly appearance to her skin on her stomach. I’m good with supplements if needed and I had already planned to test her for leaky gut but WOW”

        NO ONE CAN SAY someone is deficient in ANYTHING BY LOOKING AT SCALY SKIN. This is not a valid diagnostic approach at all.

        Hon, there are no tests for “leaky gut”. This condition is something promoted by alternative med people to explain the plethora of health issues that fall under “IBS”. NO MEDICAL doctor thinks we all have leaking guts. If we did, we’d be very sick and hooked up to IV machines. not even Dr. Weil, an MD with an alt med approach thinks “leaky gut” is for real.

        Do a celiac’s guts “leak”…well, not exactly, but there are junctures that may allow things to pass through. This resolves off gluten.

        “For example, many web sites offering information on leaky gut, recommend taking L-glutamine supplements to strengthen the lining of the small intestine. Lee says that, theoretically, that makes sense, given glutamine’s role in intestinal function — but there is no research to back up such claims.”

        “There’s no evidence that if I give you a pile of glutamine pills, that you will improve”


        Get your child to a good pediatric gastro doc and an endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid disease. But, unless your child has thyroid antibodies, she may not even have AI thyroiditis.

        Many celiacs are initially “DXed” with hashi’s–only to discover the thyroid was just sluggish from the undiagnosed celiac. Once gluten is removed, the thyroid make very well function normally and then, there is no need for medication. (I am an example of this…Dr. Peter Green–a celiac specialist– mentioned this in a recent article) So she will have to be monitored carefully.

        Above all else, stop wasting your money on people who want money “up front” for something, That’s the biggest scam of all.

  94. Miranda, please pay attention to everything Irish Heart has mentioned. She has give you the keys to your child’s wellness.
    You don’t say where you live; however, in your shoes I would run/fly/drive to the nearest celiac research facility and have
    my child seen by a specialist. There are several: Dr Peter Green at Columbia Presbyt, New York City; University of Chicago Celiac Center (someone please spell that doctor’s name for me!, Dr. Fasano at Mass General in Boston,Celiac Center; and Dr Dan Leffler at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston (he is a pediatric specialist). As for taking her off dairy: yes, temporarily until the villi heal- some people find that helpful and fairly easy to do these days with so many new substitutes available. I would not take her off rice, however, as that is a mainstay of the gf diet and there is no research anyway proving it is necessary. As for corn, some people with celiac do have a sensitivity to corn – however, personally, I wouldn’t take her off it unless absolutely necessary. I am not sure about soy and someone else can comment about that.. And finally, yes, her pediatrician can order any tests which might be needed. Good luck! Please report back and let us know how you make out. Thank goodness your daughter has a mom like you!

  95. Irish Heart– yes, of course that’s who I meant– knew someone would come through!.I just seem to have a mental block when it comes to his name. Agree, she needs to get that child to a specialist- too much is at stake. Dan Leffler is the pediatric specialist- have met him, and aware of several kids (and parents) he has helped. They are all excellent. Thanks for your comments about rice. Since the 1940’s at least, hasn’t it been a baby’s first solid food for a reason? I do want to add, watch out for rice grown in some southern states may have a higher level of arsenic than in places like California, India and Asia. With brown rice especially, rinse it first in plenty of water, then proceed to cook it… just to be safe. Products like basmati rice and jasmine rice are all fine. Beware of rice mixes, however, and stick to the plain ones unless specifically market gluten free.

  96. I think you just wanted to tag gluten free society in your blog so you get some of his hits.

    Dr. O. is very forward thinking and is the expert on gluten. He exposes how the traditional gluten free industry is a money making scam not the other way around as you say. People pay $8 for a loaf of gluten free bread that is made with what? Rice or corn. Both have protein in them. Gluten is just a generic term for the protein in grain. So you are just getting processed food that is over priced.

    Do you treat clients or do you just blog about your experience? I am not being rude by asking but there is a difference. I used to blog about my experience with gluten and my students who I taught. He has treated gluten sensitivity for over 15 years (when no one even knew what is was) and he heals them.

    Do I believe everything he says. No. Do I buy everything he sells, no. Is it a scam? no. The gluten free diet sold but the government (I mean the celiac association) is a scam.

    1. Where do I even start Heidi?

      – I “tagged” him for blog hits? Why…so I can cash in on all the ads on this site. Oh wait…I don’t have any.

      – Gluten is not a generic term for protein. It is “specifically” found in only some grains.

      – He “heals” them. How exactly since there is no cure for celiac or gluten sensitivity?

      – The celiac association is a scam? I don’t even know what that means.

      I can only assume you’re gullible and you fall for his rubbish, or you are actually him.

      1. “Dr. O. is very forward thinking and is the expert on gluten.”

        I just spit my drink right across the room. Hilarious.

        If you want the expert on gluten and celiac, consult Dr. Fasano.

  97. Glad you answered her, Dude; frankly, I am speechless to the point of not knowing where to begin! Perhaps others will weigh in–like Dee, or Miranda with their “Osborne Horror Stories” on these pages recently, not to mention previous entries. I am not even sure her entry is worthy of a discussion! As you said, someone is either very stupid, very gullible, or is totally lacking in common sense.

    1. From my experience as a celiac forum moderator for 2.5 years, I can tell you this: the vast majority of people who come into an established community and post a “drive-by” comment like that—well, they do it for a few reasons:

      for jollies (that’s just sad)…that’s a troll
      OR they have an agenda
      OR they work for a company that sells something
      OR they are just some frustrated people and they want to cause a “problem”. That’s a different type of troll.
      OR (and this is important) they have gluten rage .In which case, they should put the gluten down and start living a healthy life–in body and mind.

      IMHO, this post….is just another attempt to make us respond.
      Here is my very best advice:


  98. Miranda Rodrigues

    I wanted to follow up with all of you that seem to comment frequently on this blog. So just to give a little more information, I myself have a medical background and have practiced for over seven years in pediatrics so I’m well aware of my anatomy, pathophysiology and resources. Also I would like to add we have been trying for a year to uncover what was going on with our daughter.
    GFHardy, I’m not sure of those resources that you utilize to support your comments. “Dr.” Stephen Barrett, the founder of quackwatch.com appears to be not so reputable himself. This is is a quote from http://www.educate-yourself.org:
    “Stephen Barrett is now delicensed (he voluntarily gave up his Pennsylvania medical license, the last of four medical licenses he once held, in the early 1990’s) and the Vice President of the NCAHF. He also operates at least 20 websites affiliated with his main site, Quackwatch.com. The website and its affiliate web sites are seemingly designed to spread deceitful, untruthful and malicious propaganda about chiropractic and other non-conventional health practices; similar to the way the CCHI did under the auspices of the AMA. NCAHF is also involved in similar activities. In addition, Barrett and his groups also frequently consult for major media magazines, television, radio, governmental agencies such as the FBI, FTC and FDA and even the AMA” — interesting….
    Also, I find it funny how loosely you all use the word “desperate”. No, I’m sorry, I’m not desperate and no I have not gained all my knowledge from the internet. I have library of personal resources in addition to the fact that I know how to search for information I need. So, next time you use the word desperate in describing someone, I would suggest you take some time to consider your connotation.

    I understand that “leaky gut” is not a ICD-10 code for diagnosing. However, I do have enough knowledge to understand exactly what is being discussed when someone refers to those terms. Maybe you ALL should research it a little more than using webmd as your resource which by the way is for people like you I’m sure, lay. Unless you do have a medical background and if so I would HOPE that you wouldn’t be spurting out information like you do on this blog. Here are some better references that you might consider from medical journals:

    Leaky gut and autoimmune diseases.
    Fasano A.
    Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2012 Feb;42(1):71-8. doi: 10.1007/s12016-011-8291-x

    Mechanisms of disease: the role of intestinal barrier function in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal autoimmune diseases.
    Fasano A, Shea-Donohue T.
    Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Sep;2(9):416-22

    Tight junctions, leaky intestines, and pediatric diseases.
    Liu Z, Li N, Neu J.
    Acta Paediatr. 2005 Apr;94(4):386-93.

    Oh and it would be interesting if this Dr. Fasano who is the author is the same as the one you were referring to in your comments.
    Also, going back to your comments about my daughter’s diagnosis. Yes her TPO was greater than 2000 and her Ttg was 71 for celiac. She does have a severe allergy to certain grasses which was my understanding of why removing dairy would be good for her. She has a intricate history that you do not know so that is another reason in which you nor anyone else on here should not give medical advice to anyone. I keep very detailed medical records on her, she sees every specialist she needs to at this time and we live in one of the largest medical centers in the US so I think we are good on the medical approach. The funny thing is that NO ONE seems to know what exactly to do about her situation. Everyone keeps passing us along to the other doc.

    When I first posted my comment, it was more because I had a strange feeling about being at such a facility. This is more because of how it’s ran and not what is being taught. I do realize that me being a medical person, I have enough knowledge myself to know what I right or wrong and if not I’m going to find out. I appreciate your feedback but as you can see I’m taking it with a grain of salt because unlike others who may believe ALL the crap that falls out of everyones mouth. No Dr. is 100% and they for sure as heck don’t know enough about autoimmune disease to be certain. By posting, I was simply looking for experiences with similar situations in order to confirm mine or my thoughts. You all should be careful with how you so eagerly and freely give your thoughts and advice. Oh and here are a few more books and cookbooks that I have read in cause you want to read up on Autoimmune disease.

    1. Abramovitz, Autoimmune Disorders
    2. Velasquez-Manoff, An Epidemic of Absence
    3. Hartwig, It Starts with Food
    4. Blum, The immune system recovery plan
    5. Wentz, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for finding and treating the root cause
    6. Walker, Against All Grain
    7. Ballantyne, The Paleo Approach

    Listed by Author, Title

    And GlutenDude… just something I’ve recognized in all your comments you seem to be an angry Dude. May be a misconception but you are pretty harsh.

    1. If you’ve only read this blog post, yep…I’m angry. I’m angry when people get scammed out of their money. I’ve gotten a bunch of emails privately from people who have lost their hard-earned money to this guy. I’m trying to get people to see that.

      For the most part though…nope…not an angry guy.

      1. Miranda Rodrigues

        That is fair…
        I understand what you are trying to do and it’s helpful for some. I also realize that people’s approach to getting the point across differs and is needed for some folks.
        I myself don’t totally trust any docs. Practicing medicine is not 100%. You do what you can at your best ability.
        I found information about what I was specifically looking for on your blog and appreciate your openness.

        1. I’m signing off on this conversation. I don’t need to have my agenda questioned.

          All we do here is try to spread the truth. Not our version of the truth, but the actual truth. And we do that solely because we want to help those in our community.

          Spend your money as you wish. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.


          1. When you’re suffering from more than one autoimmune condition due to your ignorance, that’s when you’ll be looking for a doctor like Osborne and other functional medicine doctors who know the true cause of celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases. You’ll be begging them to help you get out of the mess you’re in. You are the one spreading misinformation and hurting those you say you want to help by perpetuating the lies fed to you by big food and celebrity celiac disease sufferers out to make money off their celebrity through you. If you have celiac disease and you keep eating grain and dairy, you will be sorry. Do some research and find the truth before it’s too late for you. Then, spread the truth to all your lemming friends who believe the crap you’re peddling on social media. Oh, before I go, you might want to look up molecular mimicry relating to autoimmunity. Now, take two digestive enzymes, a high-quality probiotic, and call me in the morning. You’re welcome.

    2. Miranda
      We were agreeing with YOU that his tests, supps and “up front” payments sounded fishy and we all agreed with your thoughts….and now you have returned to argue back with us? That makes no sense to me, but okay.

      For the record, I never suggested I have a medical background. And I always say IMHO. And I say feel free to take it or leave it. You are basing your thoughts about us based on one blog post?.

      We are all fellow celiacs and NCGSs . But you can disregard everything we said if you want. None of our comments were hostile towards you, we were trying to help!

      I offer VARIOUS Pub Med articles for people to read. I do this on a daily basis and only AFTER I have read them and talked about the vast majority of them with my GI/celiac doctor.

      I don’t just pick and choose from the internet. Even if I used the wed MD resource this time, so what? the article has been written in conjunction with a real MD, not some pseudo doc who is making money off bogus cures and potions.

      When Dr, Fasano writes about a gut that may “leak” he means in a celiac .(not every single person on the planet) Furthermore, he says it opens the door for AI disease.It maye have “loose junctures’ because of the activity of zonulin. I’d tell you more but you said you already know all this. Dr F’s article:

      “When the finely tuned zonulin pathway is deregulated in genetically susceptible individuals, both intestinal and extraintestinal autoimmune, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders can occur. This new paradigm subverts traditional theories underlying the development of these diseases and suggests that these processes can be arrested if the interplay between genes and environmental triggers is prevented by reestablishing the zonulin-dependent intestinal barrier function. This review is timely given the increased interest in the role of a “leaky gut” in the pathogenesis of several pathological conditions targeting both the intestine and extraintestinal organs.”

      See? he puts it “in quotes” because it is not an actual medical diagnosis per se. He is describing the process–as it applies to celiac disease and the onset of autoimmune diseases and body-wide symptoms.

      When I say the liberal use of the term “leaky gut syndrome” is overused by alt med types, It’s true. Not everyone has a “leaking gut”!

      If you actually read what I wrote, you would see I make the distinction.

      I heard Dr. Fasano explain this myself just a few weeks ago. His book gives a detailed explanation of it.

      And, the Dude is not the only angry one around here. But I am not angry about this topic for no good reason. I am angry whenever good people are taken down the wrong path and misdiagnosed for years.

      Hope you find the answers for your daughter. I just do not think it lies in giving this man all that cash he wants up front. But, it’ s your call.

      Sincere best wishes to you.

      1. Furthermore, check dr. Osborne’s credentials please.

        “functional pastoral medicine”…what degree is that exactly?
        Look it up and see what is involved in obtaining that “degree”. Eye-opening.

        If my child were having issues post celiac diagnosis, I’d take her to
        Dr.Guandalini or Dr. Fasano rather than trust someone with “creds” like that.

        Again, IMHO.

        1. Hey there, it’s been awhile!. Your advice to bring that child to either one of those acknowledged celiac experts, is the right thing to do. It is not easy to get appointments with either of them but if a parent is willing to wait, they will oblige. They are both very busy men. Every time I have recommended bringing a child or an adult to either of them, the patient has come home very grateful. This is what they do!! Why go to anyone less than the best?

      2. Miranda Rodrigues

        Maybe I didn’t clarify myself very well in the first post. I was only seeking confirmation in the questionable financial obligations. I can make up my own decision as far as labs go. Yes, I did purchase the stool test for “leaky gut” and I’m just fine with that but the cost was a little overboard I do agree. I will be taking the other labs he wanted to have done to my PCP to have ordered so that we are not paying that out of pocket cost.

        And nope… not trying to argue. Just trying to make you aware of my impression. Like I said, I have a medical background so I can distinguish (not that someone who doesn’t can’t) the information and take what I think is valuable then disregard the rest. However, someone who is coming in seeking medical advice might not. Just saying be careful how you disburse.

        I did read what you wrote. I read what everyone wrote more than once. It seemed like from what I read you were totally bashing on alternative medicine and I disagree. I think there is a happy medium with both. You just need to educate yourself.

        I’m in this for my family, for my children’s future so they don’t have to live in anguish their entire lives. The endocrinologist told me that her thyroid would never heal and that she would require synthetic hormone for the rest of her life. I chose not to accept that and so I’m on my mission.

        Like I said to GlutenDude, I appreciate the information and yes I will take/leave what I want as I do with everyone/everything. Not trying to argue with anyone or prove anything. I personally don’t have time for that and as a matter of fact, this will probably be my last post.

        Thank You for your time

        1. “It seemed like from what I read you were totally bashing on alternative medicine and I disagree. I think there is a happy medium with both. You just need to educate yourself.”

          but, I was not “totally bashing” on alt med in general. I never said that. I said that there is no evidence for the “leaking gut syndrome” that alt med types use as their basis for the reason why everyone is ill. This could lead to potentially misdiagnosing something deadly.

          BTW,I go to a chiropractor. I’ve been to an ND and acupuncturists.
          They do not treat celiac. I am well-educated in both approaches to treating patients. Sorry you think what I have said is of not use to you and that’s fine. 🙂 .

          Kind regards,

        1. Like many others I could say I have a medical background– I am neither a doctor, nor a nurse, but I did work in EMS for 20 years, as an EMS-I for 5 years, worked for the VNA for 18 years, have a certificate in volunteer program management, and worked for
          several other health organizations. It does not mean I have a right
          to diagnose or otherwise dispense any medical information as such.What I can do is teach others what I have learned about celiac disease and NCGS in the last 7 years by going to conferences, reading books by Fasano, Green et al., and studying everything I could find to help me better understand this condition,all in order to help others learn to live with this the best way they can. I love this site and have learned so much from many of the folks on here who have given us links and quoted authorities. Hats off to people like Irish Heart and the Dude who so willingly impart their wisdom and help us all. THANK YOU!

  99. In terms of raising awareness of gluten-related disorders throughout the community, and getting friends/family members and the general public to appreciate the seriousness of our condition, Dr. Osborne and his team at GFS are is part of the problem – NOT the solution!

    I’ve been on a gluten free diet due to celiac for 19 years, and back in the day it was MUCH easier to manage my emotions, exercise restraint and have people take me seriously when I told them I need to have gluten free food. Fear generated by inaccurate information is a very common barrier to non-compliance. I am a counsellor and celiac and have had numerous people come to me who are either self- or newly-diagnosed, many of whom have stumbled upon said organization (in one way or another).

    It is as though my clients have been brainwashed by this *CHIROPRACTOR* and undoing the psychological impact of this man on the customers he swears he his helping.

    If only I could psychologically help Dr. Osborne in some way, perhaps he’d reconsider his agenda.

    1. “Fear generated by inaccurate information is a very common barrier to non-compliance.”

      ….not to mention paranoia, rage, further spreading of misinformation,,, blah blah blah.

      I cannot tell you how much myth-busting I have done for the past
      3 years. I even gave up my position as a moderator (on another site) because I just could not do it anymore. Why? because no matter how many times I told people the “valid info”, I had 5 more tell me I was wrong. It was insane.

      okay, then….let fear run your lives and never leave your homes.
      Take out 97 more foods because some pretend-doc told you his
      “Test kits” say so.

      After awhile, we all just have to let it go. We tell the truth.
      I always give the recent info from celiac centers. People will have to learn for themselves who is telling them the truth about managing this disease.

  100. Not sure there is really any way, psychologically or otherwise, that
    can help a dangerous egomaniac (Osborne) see the error of his ways and make changes. He is in too deep, has misdiagnosed too many
    people,. caused too much damage, made too much money off vulnerable patients and hurt the gluten-free world more than any one else. Other than pulling his license and legally finding a way to
    stop him from practicing his brand of medicine, charlatan snake
    oil salesmen like this man are going to be out there, like it or not.
    All we can do is keep speaking the truth and issuing warnings about the dangers of predators in our world as well as others.

  101. As I said earlier, I used the money I was originally going to spend on Gluten Free Society to purchase access to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center ICDS 2013 program presentations.

    I have learnt a lot from the presenters and information made available, and it has been great to see that my money actually went to something worthwhile.

    Thanks GD and the rest of you for keeping it real. 🙂

    1. For pete’s sake….if the authors of these articles–and the general public– would actually READ the Pub Med article and stop using the inflammatory headlines, they would see that the study does not say NCGS is “fake”. It concludes that quite possibly, these people who went GF and still had symptoms actually
      had bowel issues related to an intolerance to foods with short-chain carbs called FODMAPs. (one of those foods being wheat)

      “These data suggest that NCGS, as currently defined, might not be a discrete entity or that this entity might be confounded by FODMAP restriction, and that, at least in this highly selected cohort, gluten might be not be a specific trigger of functional gut symptoms once dietary FODMAPs are reduced.”
      A low-FODMAP diet is a common prescription for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.”

      “The problems lie in the complexity of wheat and the ability of its carbohydrate as well as protein components to trigger gastrointestinal symptoms, the potentially false assumption that response to a gluten-free diet equates to an effect of gluten withdrawal, and diagnostic criteria for coeliac disease. Recent randomized controlled re-challenge trials have suggested that gluten may worsen gastrointestinal symptoms, but failed to confirm patients with self-perceived NCGS have specific gluten sensitivity. Furthermore, mechanisms by which gluten triggers symptoms have yet to be identified.”

      >>>. This does not entirely “negate gluten sensitivity”.

      However, even the celiac researchers have determined that the FODMAP diet has been extremely beneficial for people with various gastrointestinal diseases and there are studies now that suggest that NCGS could actually be a wheat sensitivity–as in some component of wheat is causing the symptoms— not necessarily gluten. (that study was out of Stanford) and appeared in Living Without magazine this month:

      “MYTH #4 Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is caused—of course—by gluten.

      FACT Experts aren’t sure.
      The term gluten sensitivity refers to individuals who don’t have celiac disease but whose symptoms improve while on the gluten-free diet, says Nielsen Fernandez-Becker, MD, clinical assistant professor of gastroenterology and hepatology and associate director of the Celiac Management Clinic at Stanford Hospital. But gluten might not be to blame; it could be a different component of wheat.
      “Clearly, more research is needed to sort this out,” she says. “The mechanisms by which gluten causes symptoms are not well understood. It’s not even clear whether gluten is the culprit in this condition. Wheat sensitivity may be a more appropriate name.”

      There are other researchers, like Dr. Fasano who believe in NCGS as a clinical entity whose recent published collaborative study also discusses the FODMAPs/celiac/wheat allergy/NCGS conundrum..

      ” Recent studies raised the possibility that, beside gluten [13] and wheat ATIs [40], low-fermentable, poorly-absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates [21] can contribute to symptoms (at least those related to IBS) experienced by NCGS patients. These new findings need corroboration through additional studies involving larger numbers of subjects. If these studies will confirm these new findings, they will probably prompt a change in nomenclature from NCGS to wheat sensitivity to reflect the fact that, beside gluten, other components of wheat may be responsible for the symptoms reported by NCGS patients.”


      See the problem here?

      But until all that data is examined, people should read all the science, all the research and look at the various gastro disorders before proclaiming “gluten sensitivity does not exist”.

      It exists, of course, but there are probably many people who have some other gastro disorder (such as this problem with FODMAPs) that keeps them from feeling better because they assume it’s NCGS and they have never been tested for anything else.

      But, as usual, the vast majority of people rush to judgement from reading a headline, posting it to social media and then the feeding frenzy begins.

      The internet is full of opinions, mean- spirited people and false information.

      I honestly do not know how you guys can stand all that nonsense “out there”…. this is when I am glad I am a dinosaur.

      I keep saying this same thing wherever I see this “NCGS is fake” nonsense, so if my response looks familiar, it’s because I am cutting and pasting myself like mad. 🙂

      1. thanks IR for the breathless rendition of not-very-much-is-known-and-what-is-known-may-be-wrong-and-clearly-needs-more-study.

        The Gluten Free epoch is, I hope, drawing to a close but I’m fairly certain it won’t go away until people understand that grain – including wheat – is a terrific source of nutrition and that wheat especially is perhaps the perfect food source. It simply needs to be properly prepared. This last little nugget of info comes to us from a long, long line of bread eaters dating back to the Egyptians and is still rigorously adhered to by most European bakers where people eat good bread everyday and have for countless generations and are well nourished for it.

        1. True: if you read his treatise about this topic, “Cereal Sword”, by Lorn Cordain, half the world is being well nourished with wheat, and half is being made sick with it. Wheat should not be totally condemned – it is still a healthy product for those who tolerate it. We are the ones who have to’supplement those good B vitamins because we AREN’T eating it!
          Thanks, IH– I am tempted to “steal” your excellent response and use it in my newsletter! You have said it better than anyone else! (but I won’t).

        2. Doug

          Not sure if you mean it or are being sarcastic, I can’t tell from your post ( & either way is fine!)..but I stand by what I post here on GD’s site.

          Bottom line: some people can eat wheat. Some can’t.

          Nobody knows why exactly, EXCEPT for what triggers celiac.
          This is established and not arguable..

          But, non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a clinical entity (check Dr. Fasano’s work) and anyone who dismisses it surely is ignorant and not paying attention to the research.

        3. Quoting:
          “It simply needs to be properly prepared. This last little nugget of info comes to us from a long, long line of bread eaters dating back to the Egyptians and is still rigorously adhered to by most European bakers where people eat good bread everyday and have for countless generations and are well nourished for it.”

          The first description of celiac disease occurred in 200AD. While a majority of people were (and still are) able to consume wheat bread without consequence and maintain good health, many individuals afflicted with “the coeliac affection” paid a dear price. This was always the case, irrespective of how the bread was prepared. Sadly, since no one knew what could be done for those afflicted in such times, as a result, many (preventable) complications occurred including premature death.

          So, this is not a new problem…

  102. As it happens, just this morning I noticed the MD who figured
    out I might be NCGS 14 years ago, is on staff at one of the
    local hospitals in the Hartford area and is speaking to groups
    about this particular topic. While I am not trained to speak to the science behind the conclusion of this study, I do think much more
    research needs to be done before it becomes a proven fact. We
    already know the gf diet should not be undertaken as a fad by
    anyone who does not medically require it. We also know there
    are millions of others who are benefiting from a gf diet regardless of the science behind it.

  103. Well that’s exactly why Dr. Osborne is doing so well! I honestly have no idea why Dr. Osborne offers certification courses for doctors. If I ever saw a CGP or Glutenology certificate in some local doctor’s office near me I would reconsider them to say the least.

    Could someone tell me exactly who these certificates are for? What MD in their right mind would even attempt to obtain something so costly to their own credibility?

  104. My feeling is that Dr. Osborne is a very unhappy man. In the unlikely event that all of America went grain free overnight just to suit his agenda, I would be very surprised if he was much happier.

    All he’s doing is encouraging eating disorders with this form of (mal)practise.

    He’s in a bubble that needs bursting.

  105. I agree with you. I stumbled upon his site a few times recently and he seems to use a lot of scaremongering to push sales. Celiacs have enough to be concerned with, and this quack isn’t doing anyone any favours. Unfortunately there’s a lot of crap misinformation on the internet and we have to sift through it and take things with a grain of salt.

  106. I used the service of Dr Peter Osborne While I do believe he is correct in regards to other grains, rice, corn because they do effect me.
    However, I found his staff to be completely rude. Because I did a phone consolation, I sent them lab results of test I had done, so he would not request them. And told them I was going to over the phone when they gave me my appointment. Yet, when the office received my lab work they called me up very rudely and said mam who are you and why did you send us all this lab work. I said hello, I told you over the phone when you gave me the appointment.
    This was only one of many rude encounters I had with the office. It was every time I spoke with someone there. They make it impossible for you to contact them, it was frustrating.
    In the end he recommended his Gluten Shield and IGG Immune. After a couple weeks of taking these my stomach was worse and felt burnt inside.
    I requested a full refund and was given one.

    I want to clarify that I liked Dr Osborne but I don’t think he knows it all. He staff need great work and their customers service!

      1. He doesn’t always use his own products. I’ve ordered supplements from him and when they arrive they aren’t his own. He simply makes sure that what your getting are quality products. He does the work for you. Not sure how that can be a bad thing.

        1. And I bet you paid a fortune for those supplements which you could have bought for much less at
          any one of several sources. Every time a “so-called professional” in the health field dispenses or recommends supplements, that is where they are making their money, and a lot of it. This includes but is not limited to chiropractors, naturopaths, nutritionists and anyone not an MD. I am not casting stones at these practioners, many of whom have thriving practices and do a whole lot of good. I AM saying
          perfectly good gluten-free supplements are easily purchased at a much lower cost at many drug stores and on- line from Puritan Maid and other o-n line sites. And taking advice from a health professional who never sees live as a patient? Really?

  107. Well all I can tell you is this is the one resource that helped me get well without spending a dime on any of their products. I learned what I needed to, went to a naturapath who indeed verified I was gluten intolerant, have Celiac Disease and who soon have been on my death bed had I not got rid of most gluten out of my diet. Literally all my body organs were involved at that point and the next step was cancer and death if things did not change. I knew I was slowly dying for a couple of years but could not figure out why before learning what was killing me. There is a lot of good info. on the Gluten Free Society and you can bring back your own health with the info. and not purchasing their products. Just use common sense but don’t bash the whole website out of ignorance.

  108. Mr. Gluten Dude. It is so amazing to me that you are annoyed that someone asks for a fair exchange for his services. Wanting everything for free is just vampirism to me. Dr. Osborne DOES OFFER a lot of free information on his site and has a lot of youtube videos which show that he has a lot of knowledge. Also if you subscribe to his newsletter, he sends daily information which is very interesting.

    You just make it sound like he was just a careless mercenary when in reality is ALL THE CONTRARY. He is a very compassionate and honest Doctor that REALLY CARES about people and his patients. He is one of the gluten experts that took gluten information to the next level. He is also a VERY RESPECTED Functional Medicine Doctor.

    I encourage people to really check Dr. Peter Osborne Sites, subscribe to the newsletters, watch his videos and evaluate by yourselves, perhaps after this you’ll decide to make a appointment to see him in person, where you can confirm that he really DOES care about people and that he is a very prepared and capable doctor.

    Remember that experiences come from one’s filters of perception, so depending the state of your filters your experiences in life will be pleasant or not.

  109. I also have to say that my experience with Dr. Peter Osborne’s staff has been the best. They are all very sweet, warm and respectful people. I was actually very impressed with how well they treat patients. I haven’t seen something like that before. So I don’t understand why Ms. Becky experience was that bad. Mine has been a very nice one.

  110. I agree with RUBI…I have had a wonderful experience with Dr. Osborne and his staff. I feel lucky to have found a functional medicine Dr with the knowledge to help heal my autoimmune hepatitis. I was told that I would need to be on steroid treatment for the rest of my life before I found Dr. Osborne. After 4 months of following his plan and supplements my liver enzymes and immunoglobulins are down. My body. I continue to see a liver specialist and he monitors my bloodwork. He is astonished at my bloodwork after following this funtional medicine path.
    It has cost me money but when it comes to my health It is worth every penny!

    1. I agree! Dr Osborne has been a godsend for me. I never feel like he’s trying to make money off of me. I’ve been having phone consultations with him for almost a year now, I live in Orlando (he’s in TX and I’ve never seen him in person) and have been to many doctors who were unable to find out what was going on with me, their exact words “I’m not sure how to help you any further”. After running a series of tests Dr Osborne was the one who turned it around for me, I don’t ever remember feeling so good! Initially I had to shell out some cash, but that has changed dramatically and I too agree you can’t put a price on your health!

  111. He may not be your cup of tea because of his need to make money selling stuff for a living, but without Dr. Osborne I know myself AND my family would still be VERY sick from eating our ‘gluten free’ packaged shit that was supposed to be gluten free, but wasn’t really. We would be eating grains still and wondering what type of cross contamination had given us a ‘gluten reaction’. I started following Dr. Osborne at this site way back in about 2009, before he had supplements or the other stuff he sells, so I guess I have a different perspective . I also found scdlifestyle, SCD and GAPS. They all preach the same thing: ANY AND ALL grains can knock a Celiac to the ground! And they were to my family. I was scoffed at, ridiculed and the entire family was shunned from family events because our GF pizza, GF breads, GF cornbread were no longer possible.

    Without Dr. Osborne and others in the Celiac community spreading the word, no matter how annoying it is to bread eaters, how to go True Gluten Free to regain health destroyed by those GF foods, so many of us would be so sick. I cringe when I read comments from fellow Celiac disease sufferers on private groups and chat/advice forums how they are still sick or still having symptoms but can’t figure it out. But I know due to years of experience now that if I mention going Grain Free/Paleo, whatever, I will be jumped on like flies on..you know what. Literally people suffering with bleeding IBS that leaves them housebound do NOT want to hear that going grain free could solve their issues. I got a look the other day from a fellow Celiac whose son is suffering right now from IBS when I mentioned the Ultra Restrictive Auto Immune Paleo Protocol could be a good trial as if I had suggested her son go from Bruce to Caitlyn.

    All the selling from Dr. Osborne may be a turn off, but it’s really sad to see you disparage someone that has helped SO many left out in the cold by the Big Celiac Centers that team up with Big Food to keep us sick and uninformed.

  112. Hi GlutenDude (and everyone), I came across your post because I googled ‘Dr Peter Osborne’. I am from Spain and recently moved to Orlando, Fl for work. I am very new to the GF lifestyle (healthy lifestyle in general) I’ve been having symptoms and health issues for 3 years now, I’ve been told I have leaky gut, gluten sensitivity, possibly RA, candida and food alergies. My nutritionist from Spain, knowing I was moving to the US, recommended me to buy P. Osborne’s Genetic test (which I did buy a few days ago and they charged me 395$…ouch) I’m desperate, yes. Because I’ve been to 6 doctors in 3 years, each one telling me something different and prescribing tons of supplements. I have a year eating GF, dairy free, sugar free, I am highly active in spite of how bad my joints or my belly hurts and I am still not getting better. I googled PO because I’m thinking about scheduling an appointment, I feel so hopeless at this point and got excited when I found out his resources on his page. In my country, gluten is still a weird concept to people and to the health system. I guess what I am struggling to say (please forgive my english) is, can you or someone help me by directing me to the right path? Anyone knows a great doctor in the Central Florida area or in the US (I am willing to travel to another state if I have to!) Anyone knows another source of information and/ or online resources? I would really appreciate any kind of enlightenment. Thank you. Happy Holidays, Rebeca S.

  113. I don’t know what all the hate is about, but your statements seem rather childish.

    They’re not selling fear. GlutenFreeSociety shares information, and you are free to do with that information whatever you want. I know a lot of people have benefited from his information, and I am one of them.

    It really all comes down to one thing: no food has ever become better by the touch of man’s hand.
    The message that he sends out and that many diets such as the paleo diet send out is mainly that the cure to many diseases and issues is a lifestyle change.

    And that lifestyle changes means eating pure, preferrably biological/organic non-processed, non-GMO foods.

    It’s really crystal clear, but some people just can’t seem to deal with the fact that humans have contaminated the food industry. Some rather live in denial.

    The only reason I see for you to try bash him like that, is because you yourself are obviously a competitor.
    Just because you have been gluten free for 9 years and have access to internet, that doesn’t at all mean that you know better than someone who actually has access to conduct scientific independent research.

    Yes, he does sell products and promotes them. But guess what, so are you. You’re going in against your own arguements.

    Aso, what works for you will not always work for another, and the other way around.

    I’m sure that both you AND Dr. Ozbourne have interesting information to share.
    The difference is that he at least aims for helping people, while you seem to rather be getting your right and bashing people who stand for the same ideology, instead of co-operating.

    I’m happy other people do see the goldmine that’s to be found on GlutenFreeSociety.

    All the best

  114. I love love love the info I found on the GlutenFreeSociety website and even more so the info I got from Dr. Osborne in the many interviews/videos/free info-summits. His info really changed my life. He states clearly why in order to be GLUTEN-FREE we have to be GRAIN-FREE and this info I REALLY needed in my life. Selling fear? I would rather say handing out vital info. I could not wait to buy his book when it finally came out AND I am happy I did. After reading it I changed my life completely – and my life has changed completely after kicking all the grains for good.
    Other than that I do not intend to buy anything from Dr. Osborne – so no need to pay a ton of money. Cashing out the money for a book or two of course is THE ingredient of me having found my way to health in my life.

  115. Did I read that “Dr.” Osborne is a “Chiropractor”? Wow, just follow these non-medical “Dr.s” as they try to make more money by delving into related fields by fear and lies. Shameful that PBS fell for their propaganda. He has taken a known disease and exploited it for his own enrichment . Chiropractors have gone into the nutrition business (vitamins) etc. because they can not use medicine -in fact very anti-medical. Check out the qualifications and facts before you fall for these charlatans!!!

  116. Since Chiropractics is based on pseudoscience it’s no surprise that so many are hucksters. From Wikipedia: “The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, especially spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), manipulations of other joints and soft tissues.[5] Its foundation is at odds with mainstream medicine, and is sustained by pseudo-scientific ideas such as subluxation and innate intelligence.[6][7][8][9][10]

    Numerous controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have been conducted, with conflicting results.[6] Systematic reviews of this research have not found evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain. A critical evaluation found that collectively, spinal manipulation was ineffective at treating any condition.

    Dr Osborne may have inadvertently helped some suffers of CD, but his motivation is obviously money, the only helping he intended was helping himself to your wallet. Always check the science first.

  117. I just got back from an appointment with Dr. Osborne. I live in Houston so I met him first hand. You fill out a 12 page questionnaire before you even go into his office. He visits with you personally. He didn’t really ask a lot of questions. I did a lot o the question asking to prod his brain. He seemed like he was pretty knowledgeable, but the vibe he gave off was cold. It just didn’t seem like he even cared about me at all. He did the basic listen to my heart beat, knocked on my knees and ankles, and following the finger with my eyes. After that he said if I had any more questions, I did not. Saw a sweet girl afterwards and she sat me down to give me the run through… 14 tests=$4,147… I kept expressing how expensive that was and she said I could apply for some credit card. I felt so hopeless after I left. I have a problem with gas, bloating after almost everything i eat. I cut out dairy, most gluten, eat whole foods, wild caught fish, pasture raised chicken..the whole shabam, but it still seems like I don’t feel quite normal. AFter I left, I just had a bad taste in my mouth. Like it shouldn’t cost THAT much! I am not having surgery done… it just seemed like I was being taken advantage done, and now feel super hopeless.

    1. You will likely get many replies saying pretty much the same thing. Your instincts are on target and you were wise to leave. Most GI doctors would want to do only a T-cell test and possibly an upper endoscopy neither of which will cost that much but are considered standard for celiac. I am a bit concerned as you state you have given up MOST gluten. If, in fact, you are celiac.. you have to have to give up all sources of gluten and avoid cross-contamination. Otherwise those hair-like projections in the small intestine won’t heal and you will continue to feel sick. Healing takes strict attention to the diet, dedication towards living a totally gluten-free life, adding supplements where needed if your doctor says so. And be patient – healing takes time., as much as a year and you will always need to be careful. You should be able to find a good GI doc from U of Houston medical school or website. Make sure they are Board Certified. Good Luck!

    2. Hi Steph I am a 28 years old male, around 4 years my physical problems started, I was not able to do exercise because of joint paint, fatigue (since my mid 20s I have been used to sleep 8 hours), and most of the days I wasn’t able to think straight, some kind of brain fog, including headaches almost every 3 days. Also had a lot of trouble going the restroom (number 2, usually constipated by 3 or 4 days ) . When I went to a regular doctor, but he didn’t have clue of what was going on, beside the regular blood test he order an MRI, nothing was wrong, then he order and MRS and a PET, and again everything was ok. H pylori test came back negative too.
      Hopeless, I did some research only and I found that some people with similar symptoms had some positive results by going gluten free. So I tried, after 6 months going gluten free nothing happened I was still sick, I changed doctor and told him about the gluten free diet, he order a test and It came back negative, so he told me that the diet was useless for me and that he did not know what was going on.
      Then I watched a Dr Osborne testimonial video on youtube so I decided to try again my luck with him, he had a 4 months waiting list so I was about to cancel and look for another similar doctor but my wife told not to, if he had a waiting list is for a reason.
      On my first visit I was ready with that big questionnaire that you mentioned, he ask me about my diet, and my lifestyle habits, then he told me that I needed some test to find out what was going on, but he also instruct me on some life style changes. I agree with you, test were really expensive (around 4k in my case) but I was desperate so I order them.
      Two months later I saw Dr Osborne again and he told me that I was gluten intolerant (my previous doctor test was negative), and that i had some vitamin deficiencies. He also instruct me in to stop eating any kind of grain, and processed food, take more sunshine, etc. He also told me that I needed some supplements. He mention that to gain my health back I had to comply 100% with his protocols and that it would take time (months to see results), I saw him again 3 months after, headaches and brain fog where gone, but I still had the joint pain and constipation problem, he told me that i was doing good and changed the dosage on supplements.
      On month 10 after the first consultation I was finally pain free, yes I have spent a lot, but it has been worth every cent, now I can enjoy playing and spending more time with my kids, I also teaching my family about all that I have learned with Dr Osborne, and my wife says that she feel great.
      I also think that he seems cold, but I think the reason is that he wants his patients to take him serious to follow his instructions.
      To end I would like to recommend him, but as he told me, if you are serious about your health and follow the protocols you are going to be healthy again. If you want to take shortcuts it is not going to work for you.

    3. I agree he charges WAY too much he has at least 6K of mine and wants more to retest! Instead of working with my budget he took all my savings and I’m no better and he refuses to answer my messages because I said I couldn’t afford any more testing. For a guy who seems to take health seriously you would think he of all people would know that stress is huge in getting well again.
      His book did help me by getting me off all grains because gluten IS in all grains my body was screaming this to me after I avoided wheat barely and rye for years. I slowly started realizing corn oats and rice made me just as sick as wheat especially corn. I have the celiac gene HLA-DQ8.

      Its too bad Osborne is heartless and has a horrible bedside manner. He should remember the oath ‘First do no Harm’

      He’s obviously fired and I will not be saying anything positive about his charges to people like me who have next to nothing to live off of. Now I have nothing saved and cannot save anything cause my income, a disability benefit is tiny. On top of that Dictator Trump wants to steal that to give MORE tax breaks to the filthy rich@!

    4. I am also a patient of Dr. Osborne, and have recommended him to a number of my friends as well. But I was a bit overwhelmed on my first visit too, and back then his book was not yet out so I didn’t have the advantage of reading that first either. He is an intense guy so I can see how he may come across cold, but I’d rather have a doc who is focused and down to business and not wasting the time I’m paying for. I seem to remember the on the first visit some of the same physical testing, and going over some of the things on my questionnaire to clarify. I know he talked about the testing, but honestly I think I was a bit overwhelmed and it didn’t all sink in. So afterward when I was told the tests and the amounts I was practically in tears. I almost didn’t do it, but I called my husband, and decided that I’d come this far and other things hadn’t worked, so I wasn’t going to back out now.

      The trouble is that the pharmaceutical companies control so much of what happens in the medical world, and this approach is stepping away from most of that. Instead of finding a drug to treat symptoms, we are looking for the origin of the problem so we can target that and heal. But insurance companies aren’t on board with most of that, so we end up paying the full price for the tests instead of the insurance companies covering it, and it can get pricey. Not Dr. Osborne’s fault.

      Now I understand the reasons for all the tests and why they were necessary. I didn’t feel bad after eating things, and GI issues were not what brought me in, but I did find out I’m gluten sensitive, had a gut infection and leaky gut and most likely gut damage that was keeping me from absorbing a fair number of key nutrients, which could be determined by the tests. I did a natural protocol to get rid of the gut infection, balance the gut flora, and heal the leaky gut, which worked. Other tests showed me I had delayed and acute food and chemical allergies, so I was able to eliminate them from my diet for 6 months to allow my body to stop fighting them, and in the next test I had eliminated all but one of those allergies, which may be innate and not acquired from my leaky gut. I had some heavy metal toxicities and was able to detox those, and was extremely low in iodine which was affecting my thyroid, so I was able to supplement that to get my thyroid numbers better without resorting to synthroid or other drugs. More detailed blood panels can show deeper details related to cardio and metabolic. I was pre-diabetic, but a chromium deficiency was likely as big of a problem as my diet and those numbers have all improved.

      Allopathic doctors are great for surgeries, emergencies, etc., but for chronic lifestyle type conditions the functional medicine approach can be so much better, and that is what Dr. Osborne does. I am so much healthier now, and got rid of my numerous headaches, joint pain, skin issues, restless legs, hair loss, low thyroid, etc., things my MD was either attributing to aging or my genes and I was told to use rogaine or drugs and I didn’t want that approach. I am drug-free and doing well, thanks to Dr. Osborne and his approach.

      I understand how Dr. Osborne doesn’t want to do it piecemeal – if you are fueling a fire from multiple sources, eliminating just one of the sources won’t put out the fire and you may not even be able to tell that it helped. By doing the testing, he can see what the issues are and go after all of them, and you are much more likely to see results. With my many headaches, I had earlier decided to eliminate all artificial sweeteners, especially the multiple cans of diet soda I consumed each day. That alone eliminated 1/3 of my headaches, so I did see a result with doing just one thing, since it was a biggie. But the 2/3 remaining went completely away after making all the other lifestyle and diet changes based on my test results, not to mention all the other healthy lifestyle things I hadn’t been doing that all of us should probably incorporate.

      I see my father on a whole ton of drugs, with side effects to boot, and lots of degenerative conditions, and I don’t want my future to be like that, and I don’t think it has to be even though I share his genetics. I feel like I’m investing in my current health as well as my future quality of life, and I think it is worth it. It is a change of mindset though, because we can spend thousands on our phones or other things, but we are so used to the insurance companies paying for our healthcare that it seems wrong to have to pay for things ourselves. But to me, my health is worth it.

      Anyway, I hope that you find the right things to help you get better. (And by the way, like another person said, cutting out “most gluten” isn’t enough, since even a crumb can set off an inflammatory cascade that can affect you for days.) With all the negative on this site I wanted to present a testimony from someone who has been to him personally, did his full protocol and found success, and I think he is a very good person too.

      1. If you are looking for a scam…..how about the fluoride scam. Look into how that toxin was used by the nazi’s and the corrupt scientists deceived information about its viability to claim to us americans that flouride is an answer to tooth decay. Can’t ask for a bigger scam. I also was affected by fluoride but didn’t realize it until recently that back in 1977 when I moved to the city from my parents farm, Within the next year I started having diarrhea. I was given drugs galore, tests and yes, I was diagnosed with celiac disease and IBS…but the constant bowel leakage was not controlled by any drug. Not until I changed my water source in 2015, that I, within two weeks, finally stopped the leakage. Then to learn how many foods and products to avoid that are heavily ladened with flouride. I was a big tea drinker, and all those little bags of teas are high in fluoride. This toxin is just that…a toxin. It disrupts our organs. How can other countries not allow it? But their dental health is fine.

  118. I love Dr. Osborne. Everything’s he says adds up. It makes so much sense. I have relished his autoimmune summit. He has such great speakers with wonderful advice. I am happy for you that your diet does not have to be so restricted. You might just try it though. Don’t knock it until you try it. Isn’t that what we say?

  119. As one who has suffered from inexplicable gut/pain issues for several years, I can say with confidence that gut issues are not isolated to Celiac Disease. I’m thankful that so many have found a pathway to healing outside of the parameters offered by Gluten Free Society and Dr. Osborne. There are many who have not. The Society and Dr. Osborne may seem frivolous and akin to a scam for those without a need for them. However, they offer hope and healing to so many who, without them, live in chronic pain and with base quality of life.

  120. Hi Donna, I think your comment is the best one, and that analogy is perfect to describe Dr Osborne approach, he needs to see the whole picture of your health to be able to help you.

    I have to confess, when I visited Dr. Osborne the first time I didn’t came back for a second consult, instead I went back to a regular doctor, who gave me some prescription meds, of course I felt better, but the drugs made me feel sleepy all day, then I started to gain weight (I ended up adding 50 pounds in 8 months), and then I got non alcoholic fatty liver with high cholesterol, the doctor just added 6 more pills to my cocktail, I was NOT getting better.
    Then my beautiful sister told me about her friend a Dr. Osborne’s patient, that was feeling way better after seeing him several times, my sister encouraged me to try again she even offered me financial help (which i decline).
    Fast Forward today after 5 visits with him and 8 months since my first visit, I’m off of all my medications, and in the best shape of my life (48 years old), I am still taking supplements .

    It was expensive? yes, about 4 thousand bucks just on testings.
    It was worthy? Yes, I think the value he added to my life is worth the money i have spent, even more.
    Would I spent that money again with him? Not likely, he teach me what I need to do to keep my health in track. But if he wants to do more testing, I happily will comply.

    BTW Im not gluten intolerant but I am way better without it.

    I want to point out that many people prefer to spend money in material things rather than in their own health, I was one of them I was driving a beautiful 2015 BMW, of course spending each month more than 1.5 k on the payments. I don’t remember exactly own it hit me but, I realized that I was putting my money in the wrong place, so I sold the car, now I’m driving an used Mazda, and I have more money to spend in real food for me and my family.

    I know that not everyone can afford Dr. Osborne, but there are many people that can and yet call him names, because they prefer to invest in everything but they health.

    This “dude” is just hating.

  121. Pete Osborne is not even a medical doctor, yet he uses the Dr. title as a deceptive tactic. He claims to be a doctor of “Pastoral Science”. So a quick look into “Pastoral Science” and it is a completely made up field of study and Osborne has a link to the “Pastoral Medical Association”, which is a sketchy “association”.
    “The Texas Medical Board has just become aware of the term pastoral medicine in the past couple of years, says Mari Robinson, the board’s president. “Folks are purporting to treat and diagnose illness using that term,” she says. “It’s not a degree; it’s not a license.”(http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/04/25/475165193/pastoral-medicine-credentials-raise-questions-in-texas)

    Such licenses may be mostly marketing, says Stephen Barrett, a former psychiatrist and founder of the consumer website Quackwatch.org. “There are lots of credentials you can buy, and this is just one of many,” he explains.

    According to Barret, many doctors of pastoral medicine have their patients sign confidentiality agreements that prohibit them from suing if something goes wrong. Instead, they insist that an ecclesiastical tribunal settle all disputes because—supposedly—any advice they give is pastoral in nature. “In other words, ‘If I give you health advice that’s not health advice, that’s pastoral advice'” (Silverman, “Shots,” NPR, 4/25).

  122. REALLY!!!!!!! Just because YOU have no problems with certain foods, does not make you the authority. I was diagnosed with celiac in 1990 and never got better after changing my diet. It took years to finally learn these so called gluten free grains were also causing the same gluten reaction. Maybe listen to what he really talks about and that he has helped those with various health problems by simply NOT EATING GRAINS! Had I the information given by this doctor years ago, I would not have had colonoscopies, endoscopies, drugs and other wasted tests and my time wasted. What really is a scam is our so called health system. Look into how pharmaceutical companies are killing people right and left with their drugs and side effects. You are looking for an easy target. I learned alot from Dr. Osborne and it didn’t cost me a cent.

  123. You really don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to autoimmune diseases. You may be some of the few that can tolerate gluten but others can’t. Don’t be an info tyrant.

  124. Wow you are still getting responses to this post many years later! Dr. Osborne runs a practice in Sugarland, Texas, a suburb of Houston. Though I have been buying vitamins from him locally and on his cheesey, poorly implemented site for close to 10 years, I agree he his shady. Like a modern day snake oil salesman. He started with something good… recognizing the traditional GF diet doesn’t work for everyone– but I guess to build alternate streams of income and market himself, he got into all kinds of weird stuff. His vitamins are legit… and all I have purchased from him. I have used his front loading vitamin D to good effect for a few years now. But he is just rebranding other people’s formulations.

    My interest in this area started in 1997 when I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease… by 2000 I had discovered Celiac Disease in my family and put myself on a GF diet. Family thought I was crazy. Long story there. Didn’t consult doctors cuz I was broke, no insurance and my endocrinologist had moved to NY, couldn’t find him. Apparently I didn’t need him. Been euthyroid for 19 years now.

    Still, I was tired a lot and still having bloating/regularity issues. That’s how I found Dr. Osborne. From his site info I dropped all grains… legumes too… they all mess me up. Corn worse than anything. Can handle rice tho… I took his core idea, not convinced of his reasoning behind it. I find it funky I can’t tolerate most of the things he says celiacs should avoid… but his reasoning doesn’t add up for me and the scammy quality just underscores it. How is it a .org anyway? Maybe he started off with a support group and has been capitalizing on it ever since. Or he is a fraud and set up a “support group” to find a few marks…l

    Anyway, I am looking for other sources for supplements cuz I just don’t trust him. Mostly because of the spammy email, fear mongering, and weird “summits” that put you on other spammy mailing lists or are just leads for selling videos from so called experts. It’s like he is in this network of “alternative health practitioners” whose only connection is the same scammy sales methods. Like they bought into a multi level scheme of some sort…. just makes me feel like a mark.

    I think people like Dr. Osborne prey on people who fear our decidedly dysfunctional (and sometimes fraudulent) medical system, but who are not yet willing to truly take responsibility for their own health. We are taught to trust our doctors, and the entire system… but what happens instead is we turn over our responsibility for our own health to the “experts”. We do this out of fear or because we don’t want to make the lifestyle changes that will bring us into good health, or just out of ignorance.


    1. Trashy!!! Hi 😊 I was just diagnosed with Graves 3 months ago and am curious as what you’re talking about. No one other than my Lyme disease doctor (yep have Lyme disease for well over 20 years just wasn’t properly diagnosed “shocker” 😉) has brought up gluten. I’m a mess and have all sorts of weird shit that’s been happening which lead to the graves diagnosis but there is something else wrong and no one can tell me what

  125. Poster Child of Extreme Gluten Sensitivity

    Damn Dude I have never heard so much hatred against someone, gluten appears everywhere, rice, corn, and everything Dr. O mentions (with science), they are called prolamines (research again) which are subfractures of gluten (do your research as you will find other Doctors have the same views and information) it’s not about parts per million it’s what is contained, I gurantee my extreme gluten sensitivity is far worse than most Celiac/gluten sensitivity cases out there, I have had this extreme sensitivity since 1992, grain alcohols mess me up as well as corn, rice wheat, oats, distilled vinegar (said grains) and the list goes on, I’ll go in deeper, I am not able use hand sanitizer with GRAIN alcohol without having problems, that is including handling foods containing grains (hence why I use gloves while prepping my family’s food) when I stay away from said gluten ingredients I have a wonderful life, I found Dr. O out of desparation with no health insurance or money, I followed countless nutritionist like you and found Dr. O’s methods to work best for me, I have eliminated all grains from my diet as suggested and thats what works for me, my body is a mess when not following his guidelines, headaches, skin inflamations, IBS, vision problems, whole body pain, I have never purchased his products because of price and nor do I intend to, the only thing I can agree with you on is that, I can gather the same ingredients without purchasing his supplaments, and if like me foraging through nature has it’s own herbal remedies to benefit along the way with my disease, what supplaments work for one individual doesn’t always work for the masses, on the otherhand to discredit someone because your lack of knowledge which just works for you and mayber a small group of others makes you look ignorant. Dr. O has taken on thousands of patients with different and similar diagnosis, experience is everything dude, at times I feel like a professional nutritionist with 29 years of misery and learned knowledge but I am not, I can only make suggestions and pass that information that helps me along with hopes of helping someone in similar circumstances. If you want to discredit someone, try researching the quacks that claim gluten is not harmful.

    1. I’m sorry for your health issues and I’m glad you have found healing. Just a few clarifications:

      – Gluten is not everywhere.
      – Gluten is not found in rice and corn.
      – I am definitely not a nutritionist.

      And I stand by my article.


  126. Over the previous few years, human beings have realised that a excessive isn’t all this plant can do, as hemp and CBD oil were feasible utility-pushed and medial options for years together. That’s why the use of CBD oil to deal with scientific illnesses has come into exercise off late, buy cannabis medicine and cbd hemp, sanan ayurvedic hemp churan, cannabryl Raw vijaya extract however how wholesome is that this exercise?
    Is the use of CBD oil felony on your country?
    Let’s understand.

  127. OMG!!!!!! I literally typed in “Glutenology coupon” in my browser search bar as I was about to purchase I think it’s a lifetime access to a Masterclass and that society thing and I was scrolling down looking for a code and came across your site!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Seriously, thank you, you just saved me from being ripped off and pissed off. You are my kind of people 😘

  128. Thanks for helping me make my decision about a ‘doc’, Dr. Vikki Petersen, I saw a her channel online and cause Ive suffered from hiatus hernia and taken meds for 30yrs I was very interested in her claim that most hernia she can heal, when filling in her form on her site all seems well until you get to the final questions where you choose the best that explains your situation one is I dont have enough money, 2 is something like I have $1000 dollar to spend, and another one is Im willing to ‘invest’ $3000+ for my health, it makes you feel guilt if you choose any of the other choices, I hate this and realise all she wants is your money, no explanation of what is involved what do you pay for with her $3000+ package, you pay THEN find out, I guarantee it includes HER supplements, it also includes tests that her company get a cut, man – dont these guys care about actually helping people from suffering and death? Nope, unless you have money, LOTS of money

  129. Just came across this thread, and it makes for interesting reading! I think many people miss the point — that GDUDE believes Dr. Osborne is just out for the money. Many examples given. If one can get reliable information for free, why not? And why not read what various people have to say as far as studies and personal experience? I, myself, do not trust most “experts” (sorry, GDUDE) online, especially when thier “information” comes at a hefty price.

    We all know that people are different, and react to different things, at different levels of sensitivity. My having been a nurse does not qualify me in this area, but I will certainly try eliminating a food on the recommendation of someone who has done so and is now pain-free. Won’t cost me a thing. Trial and error, diligence, and an open mind may be my ticket to a better life. No need for personal attacks.

    Thanks, GDUDE, for the opportunity to learn more without shelling out my life’s savings, lol.

    1. Well stated Barbara. I certainly would never call myself an “expert” in living with celiac disease. Just passionate and trying to get the truth out there.

  130. I noticed this post is almost 10 years old, but wanted to let you know it is still true. The video quality is probably better. I’m new to Celiacs, took me about 25 minutes to recognize the scam.

    1. Glad you didn’t fall for his nonsense. I love the fact that if you Google ‘gluten free society’, my post comes up on page 1.

  131. This review is pure gold👌🏻
    …And, definitely more than worth the read. You have a wonderful and resourceful website🙃

  132. Somewhat ironic that you bash someone else for seeling stuff, when before I can read this article I have to close your ad to buy your book “at -$50 discount!”

    In my opinion, quality information arranged and disseminated well is definitely worth something. Go ahead, both of you, sell something if you think you’re qualified on it. But attacking someone else, who is essentially a competitor, then doing the same thing, and getting defensive in the comments when people ask you simple questions on the topic, makes your who article (and website/products) obviously biased, null, and void.

    1. 1. The ad is not for my book.
      2. He is not remotely a competitor.
      3. I am community first.
      4. Have a wonderful day.

  133. Wow so much hate.
    Talk about being transparent lol
    If you are not threatened by Osborne why the hate?
    It’s a free country! No one is forcing you to follow him like him or buy from him. If you’re so sure of how great you are don’t try to win ppl over by destroying someone else’s reputation.

  134. What I feel most have missed here is that some of the foods he is talking about it ,produce gluten mimicry. I also think our bodies are all different and we have varied symptoms to these foods based on our own unique body. My food sensitivity continues to change and increase unfortunately, along with sky high antibodies. I am willing to try anything to try and get my Hashimotos under control.

  135. Thanks for this post. I was just diagnosed with celiac and have begun the research. I came across Gluten Free Society and Dr. Osborne and my bs radar started going off.

    I’m not going to completely throw out the idea that other grains could potentially cause issues (as someone else commented, other factors including Monsanto and wide use of pesticides shouldn’t be ignored either). HOWEVER, Dr. Osborne appears to be a mega money grabber. Will steer clear if so that.

    Thanks again.

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I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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