My Gluten Free Blogger of the Year Acceptance Speech

gluten free blogger of the year

As you may or may not know, I recently had the honor bestowed on me of being selected as the Gluten Free Blogger of the Year by the good folks over at Naked Pizza (hee hee…I said naked.)

When I lost the award last year for Personality of the Year, I gave a concession speech so I thought it only made sense to now deliver an acceptance speech. So here goes nothing (and yes I’m pretending to be at a big awards ceremony. Play along with me.)

I am so, so honored to be here tonight along with these other exceptional gluten free blogger of the year nominees. Really, none of these wonderful bloggers deserved to lose. But since there could only be one winner, I just want to say I’m totally ok that it was me.

First, I’d like to thank the academy, also known as Naked Pizza. When Mark Cuban retweeted my review of your establishment to his kajillion followers, it helped put me on the map so to speak. (I’ll ignore the fact that he has not returned any of my calls since then.) You folks are truly a celiac’s best friend and all you do is much appreciated.

Next, I’d like to thank ONE of my parents. I’m not sure which one of you carried the celiac gene but if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here tonight. I also wouldn’t spend half my day in the bathroom and the other half asleep. So mom or dad, if you’re out there and you can hear me, I thank you from the bottom of my bloated belly…and Scott’s bathroom tissues also sends their thanks.

I’d also like to thank the Dudettes, my wonderful daughters. Because you have given up gluten along with me to show your support, you have made my gluten-free journey so much easier and meaningful. I know it’s been a long five years, but hasn’t it been worth it?

What’s that? You haven’t given up gluten at all? You’ve eaten gluten every day since my diagnosis? Oh…in that case…ummm…thanks for not putting the bagels directly inside the ice bin so my Titos on the rocks doesn’t get contaminated. Every little effort counts.

In all seriousness, you are the two best kids a dad could ask for and I love you to the moon and back.

And of course, I need to thank the woman behind the scenes; the one who keeps me sane; the one who has to deal with all my sh*t; the one who grabbed the gluten free lifestyle by the throat on day one and never looked back. Mrs. Dude, you are my rock…my soul mate…and you’re stuck with me for the next 40 years (knocking on wood). Remember…for better or for worse. I love you.

And lastly, I want to thank the entire celiac community. I know not everyone agrees with my style. Why just yesterday, I was called, and I quote, a selfish a**hole for acting like an “elite celiac”.

But for the most part, you have opened you arms and your hearts to me and have helped create one amazing community here.

I love your emails. I love your tweets. I love your Facebook connections. I love your Instagram pics…yes even the ones of your cat.

I love the 10,000+ comments you have left on this blog in the past 16 months.

Yeah…I’ll say it. I love YOU.

Oh…how could I forget. To all those who voted for me, especially the ones that voted over and over and over again (just kidding), I can’t thank you enough.

Ok I gotta go. I’m heading over to Elton John’s house for the big after party.

I sure hope he has gluten free food there.

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at

34 thoughts on “My Gluten Free Blogger of the Year Acceptance Speech”

  1. Thx for the laugh this morning! I love your humor…most of the time. Sometimes NOT appropriate at all!!

    Keep up the great work! I’m proud of of you!

    PS. We use Charmin toilet paper.

    1. Miss Dee Meanor

      Charmin UltraSoft should the the official TP of Celiacs. I don’t know why they don’t jump on the marketing bandwagon, too.:)

  2. Sue In Alberta

    Again, I get to have a chuckle on my daily “drive-by”. Yup, just
    another day in gf paradise, right?! Have a good one, Dude.

    P.S. I’m still working on my elite status…….

  3. LOL! Who ARE you? How did you get to meet George Clooney at the Oscars?!?!?

    Congratulations on your award. Your speech is truly heartwarming, and I hope you get to give it on national television someday.

  4. Socorro Piontka

    Your speech deserves it’s own Oscar. I laughed so hard my belly hurts. You are amazing. I send you many blessings, and no I’m not an old lady.
    TY for all your struggles and your fight for us celiacs. You have given me a better outlook to living with celiac.

    X X

    1. Somebody on FB said I should have been holding a bottle of Tito’s Vodka instead of an Oscar. I’m so disappointed I didn’t think of that first.

  5. Wow, I know a celebrity! I may never wash my touch pad again! Seriously, this is amazing and well deserved. We all keep following you because you make a great contribution to the celiac community. It’s nice to know that someone of your status understands what it feels like on those days we look like we swallowed a pumpkin. At the same time, I’m sorry you do. I’m saddened by how many people know how this disease can restrict and disrupt your life!

    Please, keep doing what you’re doing and we, the fans, will be here!!!

    Much love Gluten Dude.

  6. Congrats on your award! Always great words to read and great graphics to go with them!

    And “elite celiac” ??
    ….does that mean it’s way cool to have celiac?

    1. Sue In Alberta

      Pretty much the coolest, Kathie! Not being celiac is SO yesterday.
      So just get out there and spread your coolness.

      1. Hey Sue in Alberta! I’m in Alberta too 🙂 ….um just wanted to shout out to another Albertan!!

  7. Gluten Dude you have helped me get out of my funk about getting diagnosed. No one thought I should get angry and pissed off. Even the dietician thought I needed therapy because on the bottom of the page of my food diary I wrote in capital letters “I HATE THIS DIET!!!!!!”. Its not sunshine and rainbows to have this disease as it impacts you for the rest of ones life. Now I found my groove with eating mostly a Paleo diet. You help us and we need to get pissed off and feel a little sorry for ourselves and then we can move on. My diet is not second nature but first nature. I am happier. Go get em Gluten Dude—we are counting on it.

    1. Yep…I know we’re all supposed to be giddy that we found a reason for our suffering. But I was pissed just the same. But yes…get angry…and then move on and think positive.

  8. Gluten Dude! What can I say? YOU are one awesome DUDE! I appreciate all your hard work, effort and energy you put forth in keeping the Gluten dude community going. I appreciate that you put yourself out there and that you do not let the haters get you down! Your blog makes my day and allows me to laugh and feel normal! You are making a huge difference and you give me the strength to put myself out there in my community and educate as much as I can!!

    Congratulations and enjoy the moment!! 🙂

    1. “You are making a huge difference and you give me the strength to put myself out there in my community and educate as much as I can!!”

      Too cool…thanks Camille.

  9. When you got to “thank the woman behind the scenes, the one who keeps me sane…” I started to blush, then you got to “puts up with all my sh*t…. and I knew you meant Mrs. D.

    I’m proud of you and I am happy being another “a$$hole celiac” who loves you.

    (P.S. I do not think she called us elite, Dude, she said “entitled” 🙂
    and yes, our group crowns have been ordered. We can practice balancing them on our heads )

    (P.P.S. I am the one who uses the phrase “celiac elitist” to describe celiacs who look upon NCGIs as if they are “not really as important”
    and I don’t like that at all. Makes me get all pissy and want to rant, which you have allowed me to do from the very first day you recognized me for the “trendy person” I am .)

    (P.P.S.S. Hope you got a kiss from Clooney for me!! .)

    P.P.S.S.S.and I have no clue if there even IS such a thing
    as P. P. S. S. S., but one last thing:….

    You deserve it. I know how hard you work on this blog. I know you really and truly want to help people with Celiac and NCGI and all that comes with it —-the funny, sad, pathetic, scary, and the often infuriating.
    Keep up the good work and big congrats, my friend. 😉


    1. Dang…that’s right…entitled, not elite.

      You, my friend, are such a key component to this community and am blessed to have you on my side.

      And I did indeed get a wet one from George.

      1. 🙂

        Thanks, although I have had a few people call me some rather unpleasant names too.
        oh well. least I am in good company! But we really need some cushy bar stools in here…..

  10. Great job Gluten Dude. I’m happy to say I put in my vote for the winner. I guess I should have bought a lottery ticket the same day!
    Whenever I’m needing a laugh, I know I can head over to your blog and get one, or two, like today.
    Congrats on the well-deserved win.

  11. Congratulations on your award and awesome speech :).

    Thanks for all the blogs and celiac awareness that you do!! This site has kept me sane and made me feel like a normal person again The award is well deserved.

    #MadRespect. Lol.


  12. Dude-

    Love the speech. Maybe you could celeb endorse Charmin Ultra. Wait. no, not a good idea.

    Jersey Girl
    Jake: Why is your head exploding?
    Charlie: Well, I drank a little too much wine last night.
    Jake: If it makes you feel bad, why do you drink it?
    Charlie: Nobody likes a wiseass, Jake.
    Jake: You have to put a dollar in the swear jar. You said “ass.”
    Charlie: Tell you what… here’s twenty. That should cover me until lunch.

    Two and a Half Men


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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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