A Gluten-Free Bakery Gets Destroyed in a Flood Just Two Weeks Before the Grand Opening

gluten free prairie

If you cannot see the above video, please watch it here.

Imagine you start your own gluten-free baking company.

Imagine that you do it right…grow the oats in your own gluten-free field…create all of your items in a completely gluten-free facility.

Imagine that your products sell so well you now decide to open your own retail space.

Imagine you invest your life savings in creating this safe haven for the gluten-free community.

Imagine you work your ass off and the bakery is set to open in two weeks.

Now imagine a wall of water. A flood so bad the entire basement is filled to the ceiling.

And your insurance will not cover it.

And all of your equipment, along with all of your dreams, are washed away.

That is where the good folks at the Gluten-Free Prairie find themselves today.

Two weeks away from opening their bakery, they are left shattered.

But their spirit is not broken. They are determined to open their bakery.

And they are reaching out to the gluten-free community for support.

They have three weeks to make the needed repairs and replace lost inventory and so that they can fill orders and continue to grow their business.

You can learn more specifics (and donate to the cause) here.

This blog post is not a request to donate money. That is totally up to you.

But if you could leave a comment below to show your support, to rally behind one of our own, we can show the power of the awesome community that we are.

Many thanks!

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at GlutenDude.app.

20 thoughts on “A Gluten-Free Bakery Gets Destroyed in a Flood Just Two Weeks Before the Grand Opening”

  1. Just donated!

    What a loss – I’m heartbroken for the owners and hope they can get the money they need to reopen soon.

  2. Gluten Free Bakery & hugging your dog – how could I resist. We remember those days from Katrina.

    GDude, is a great cause but for us old non-trusting internet challenged, do you know anything about “gofundme.com”?

    I was in until they asked for my email address and zip code and I read their privacy policy. I’m not very trusting and less so since my client’s email was hacked last week and I received an email at 5:30 am Friday from some foreign land saying she was robbed in Greece and needed money to pay her hotel bill. She had to rebuild her files & contact list.

    GDude, your experience with “gofundme.com” and endorsement is enough for me.

    I saw Susan’s donation, do you know anything about “gofundme.com”?

      1. Thanks Dude – you’re dragging me along into whatever “crowdsourcing” & century this is!

        You should probably know that I resisted cellphones for a few years because I didn’t want to talk when I was out of the office since I always return my calls and I once turned off voicemail when it took me three hours to listen to & return my voicemails. Nothing against technology – I’m just not sure it has added any hours to my day yet.

        I must trust you since we’re fighting the celiac beast together – and your honest face!

  3. I remember when they ran their focus group, and they made a great product and were kind and conscientious folks. I really hope they can make it back to business.

    I donated as much as my budget could afford and hope to donate some more next month. In the mean time, I shared the page on FB and Twitter and hope that helps!

  4. They are in my prayers. Wish I could donate but at this time I am struggling myself.. It’s great to see another GF bakery opening.

  5. This is my brother’s, sister-in-law’s and nephew’s company – Thank you to all you that have helped them get back on their feet. It is good to know that there are still nice people out there! Thank you for a grateful sister…..

  6. omygosh, just a heartbreaking story…..and yes, of course we should all pitch in whatever we can to help!

    To the folks at Prairie, please know that our dear friends with a GF bakery in Latham, NY (Sherry Lynn’s) suffered a similar circumstance when their bakery was flooded back in 2008. Same thing–their life savings was put into that business and it was a labor of love.

    They rebuilt in a different location after the building they had leased was condemned and it went on to become a flourishing bakery and restaurant (they are relocating right now, but they have a loyal cleintele
    up there who is anxiously awaiting their re-opening).

    I hope this gives you courage to continue to fight to save your bakery. Sending all good wishes to you. Going to donate right now and I will send this link to everyone I know.

  7. Dear Sir, this is my family you wrote about and I want to say thank you so much for sharing. Your words brought tears and you restore faith in others. Thank you.

  8. So heartbreaking! I do hope the funds come in very soon to make the needed repairs.

    This is also a good reminder to everyone that most insurance does not cover damages due to flooding. I know here one must purchase an additional insurance policy to cover damages in the event of a flood and in some geographical areas designated as floodplains they will not even sell an additional policy.

    Best of luck and I hope this will be merely a bump in the road for you.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you. I certainly hope you will be able to move forward & open the bakery. Hang in there, perseverance pays off!!!!!!

  10. How heartbreaking! We need more businesses like this! I donated, I liked, I shared, and I will look for them on Amazon….wish I could do more.

  11. Wow! Our family is so touched by the outpouring of support from members of this site as well as the gluten-free community in general! We are making progress in the bakery and all the generous donations and kind words are keeping our tanks full of go-go juice!

    We are hoping to be open (for real, with no water in the building) in about a month. Our oven was delivered late last week and a neighbor is letting us store it high and dry until we are ready for it.

    We will continue to post updates as we rebuild. If you like our Facebook page you will get the most updated info.

    Again, from our Gluten-Free Prairie Family to everyone (especially Gluten Dude!) for sharing and caring with us through this rough patch.

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I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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