An Awesome Gluten-Free Beer Company Needs Your Help


I am all about helping the gluten-free community. I also love beer. You put the two together and we’ve got today’s blog post.

You see, there are companies that do gluten-free beer wrong (see Omission, Daura, etc.) and companies that do it right. And Ground Breaker seriously does it right.

gluten free beer in cansNot only are their beers completely gluten-free (NOT gluten-removed), they’re also seriously high quality and come in a variety of amazing craft brews (Fresh Hop, IPA, Squash, Coffee Pale, etc.)

Unfortunately, they also only come in 22 oz bottles, which makes it very difficult for them 1) to be sold in restaurants and 2) get distributed nationally. So they want to start making their beers available in 12 oz cans.

This is awesome. This also costs money.

This where you come into the picture.

They have started a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds necessary to make their canned beer a reality. They need to raise $20,000 by March 13 and if they can do that, they’ll have their first canned beer by June of THIS YEAR.

They have already raised almost $10,000. So they have $10k to go. This is a good company run by good people and I am hoping we can help them reach their goal.

If you love quality gluten-free beer, want to help the community and have a few dollars you can spare, please consider donating to the campaign. They have all sorts of cool rewards they’ll be giving out for those donating.

If nothing else, if you could at least share this page so we help them, it would be most appreciated.

[button color=”orange” link=”” size=”big”]Learn More / Make a Donation[/button]

In the meantime, I’ll let the good folks tell their story. Cheers!!

(If you cannot see the above video, click here.)

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at

11 thoughts on “An Awesome Gluten-Free Beer Company Needs Your Help”

  1. Even though I don’t think I’ll ever see their brew show up here in Tennessee, I pledged toward their campaign in hopes it will help not only Ground Breaker, but perhaps spur others to get into cans. I loved what he said on the video about just the fun of digging into a cooler for a cold can.

    1. Thanks Carole. The problem with their current beer is that it’s 22 oz. So you almost have to drink it once it’s open.

  2. I am curious, and I don’t know the associated costs with either process but why not use bottles instead of cans? I used to love beer. I found that I hated canned beer, mostly the metal taste when drinkimg beer from a can. So I preferred bottled beer. Now, hate to admit it to Gluten Dude, but I loved the taste of Ommission beer! Obviously I was disappointed to find out it wasn’t truely gluten free. But I really did like the taste. I wish I could describe all the wonderful tasting beers I drank years ago while visiting Belgium. It made me ditch the crap at college parties amd go for premium brands instead (usually in bottles or tap). Yes, I used to be a beer snob. Ironic that the whole time, I had Celiac (I’m convinced my diagnosis was 14-16 years too late). Anyway, I am also curious if the shellf life of canned beer over bottles is not of concern. I realize that canning process could very likely be more cost effective. Anyway, I wish I was closer to Portland to give this beer a taste test, but I’m stuck in the frozen Midwest. 🙁

  3. Success — I just checked their page and they reached their $20k goal, surpassed it even, at $21,000.

  4. I LOVE Ground Breaker Brewing. Am lucky enough to live near Portland and eat at their absolutely delicious restaurant, too. It is the best feeling in the world to eat and drink in a place that is 100% celiac-safe GF. Am so glad they raised the funds—I try to support them by eating and drinking there as often as our budget allows!! (such hardship 🙂 ).
    Yay Portland! Best place in the world to live and be celiac.

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