Are You Sick of "Gluten-Free"?

sick of gluten free

Gluten-free is everywhere.

You know that. I know that. It’s quite the buzzword.

Frankly…I’m sick of the word.

Oh…I love it in the sense that it keeps us safe. I love seeing it on the back of a package when I’m scrambling for something to eat. I love the fact that there’s more awareness.

But when you have a buzzword, you will always have shills trying to profit off of it. And man…are they everywhere.

Why am I bringing this up (on a Sunday no less)???

Today’s New York Times had an article titled “Words for the Dumpster“. The article listed 8 of “the most annoying, overused and abused words of the year”.

And what was on that list? Yep…gluten-free. Here’s what it said:

GLUTEN-FREE: It’s a public service to warn the less than 1 percent of the population who suffer from celiac disease that bakery products might contain something that could make them sick. But putting this label on things that have no connection is a cynical corporate play for clueless consumers who buy something simply because they think it’s healthy. Red Bull boasts of being gluten-free. So is paint thinner.

While I think the article was pretty lame and I don’t like the fact that he overlooks the 6% who have gluten sensitivity, I actually love that second sentence…”a cynical corporate play for clueless consumers who buy something simply because they think it’s healthy.”

To me, that sums up perfectly what gluten-free has become to the mass market.

The gluten-free products market is expected to reach $6.2 billion by 2018. And here’s the kicker: 46% of this staggering amount will be spent on gluten-free bakery and confectionery products, followed by another 20% on gluten-free snacks.

In other words, we’ll be spending $4.1 billion on gluten-free crap.

But the best part? Research has shown the most important factor behind buying gluten-free food is…wait for it…that they are considered healthier than conventional products.


So the question becomes…how do we keep the awareness AND kill the buzzword?

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51 thoughts on “Are You Sick of "Gluten-Free"?”

  1. I can annoyed…but to tell you the truth, I see it as progress. It may be labeled with a superfluous “fact;” at least the manufacturers are realizing the need for gluten free foods and beverages. Yes it can be annoying IF you know the many, many foods and beverages that are naturally GF, but there are some folks who may not know this right off the bat.

  2. I am starting to dislike it because of the number of products labelled gf that are actually not safe for me… <20ppm can still be too much, especially products made in a shared facility. Everyone I know thinks I can eat anything that is labelled gf, and when I politely decline they think I'm rude and crazy. I'll stick with things certified to at least <10ppm, and also avoid anything that says "naturally contains no gluten ingredients." Ha! I see what they did there…

  3. Frankly I think “gluten free” is a meaningless term. As my savvy husband has come to realize (though thankfully is about to change somewhat with the new American labeling laws), things can be naturally gluten free *and still unsafe* (due to handling and processing).

    Those of us who are gluten free for medical reasons know that the diet itself comes with a whole host of side effects (constipation, B-complex vitamin depletion, etc). This isn’t necessarily a *healthy* diet – though it is healthier for those of us who have to be gluten free than the regular diet is. for 93% of American society it is an annoying meaningless phrase. And for the 7%… we should be pissed off because it diminishes the reality under which we live, either with celiac or non-celiac gluten intolerance.

    But look at what is guiding the “healthy” rhetoric… the fact that some people do seem to lose weight going gluten free. Why? Is it the gluten itself, or a change in lifestyle? So in part the link to the gluten free rhetoric is also linked to the obesity rhetoric (which is also crap). “Gluten-free” gives people an excuse to continue eating (versions of) what they want without feeling deprived. Here’s a hint: just stop eating crap, whether GF or not.

  4. I guess I’m the odd person out. I don’t mind gluten free bananas or pork chops labeled in the store if it means that in a rush I can find some GF cold cuts or crackers to eat for lunch on the run.
    While I do think red bull being labeled GF is a crazy marketing ploy, how many debates have been had here over which sodas or vodkas are safe? By adding a USDA defined word to their label the company is legally binding themselves to what that word is defined as (soon to be<10ppm). Yes it may get them sales from GF band wagon jumpers that somehow believe going gluten free, or sugar free or fat free are somehow magically healthier. The flip side is that those of us unwilling to be full paleo toting a lunch box every day can find a hard core cider, snickers bar or udi's GF hamburger bun for those times when the idea of yet another salt/pepper seasoned steak & plain baked potato for dinner on the go is just unbearable.

  5. Gluten free item..healthier for you. Not true at all. Now, it is “healthier’ for those of us with celiac. I feel so much better now. That being said…I have to have blood work yearly or more often to check vitamin levels..have to be aware of vitamins that are missing in gf foods. I take fiber pills daily because of the lack of fiber in gf foods. I see my GI doctor at least once per year. Since my dx ..five years ago..I have had four lower colonoscopies and five endoscopies. I could go on and on.

    When I read all the hype in the news about gluten free and I see all the gf items, I wonder sbout the thought process behind this snd I feel it is to put money in the pockets of those who probably don’t really understand the seriousness of celiac disease

    And that frustrates me.

  6. I do like the little gf circle on products but usually when I have to talk to people about things I can/can’t eat I tell them I can’t have wheat, barley or rye. I get less eye rolling that way…

  7. While I am somewhat annoying about the labels, what I look for is where its manufactured. Especially if its alternative flours, such as nut and bean flours. I really don’t care that much for most of the GF foods. Just because it says gluten free, doesn’t mean that its healthy. I and my son make most of our baked goods anyway. The way to raise awareness for me is to stay healthy myself. To each his own I say. Labeling GF foods is a double edged sword. Some good and some bad. Be an informed consumer and may the force be with all of us.

  8. I think that the GF label goes a long way in helping us with Celiac, but it is always a good idea to read the ingredient list, to see if the item was actually processed in a dedicated facility – generally, if I didn’t cook it myself, I am not going to eat it unless I know what is in it. my family is used to this 🙂 and there is waaay less eye-rolling if I just explain with ‘I have several food allergies besides gluten, it probably best if I don’t eat that’.
    Better safe than dead.

  9. I recently subscribed to several online support groups for a few weeks, hoping to gain some insights into what questions my celiac patients and blog followers are having. What I found was that many of the comments and questions really have nothing to do with gluten free. They had to do with GMO, soy, corn, no dairy, no grain, Paleo, Skinny Fiber, organic, vegan, glutenology, etc. Needless to say I have unsubscribed and hope that my blood pressure will be returning to normal soon. 18 years ago when I was diagnosed you had to learn what ingredients were naturally GF and stick with those. Very few products told you they were GF. I learned to bake and cook with GF grains. I am saddened to see that is not any easier for new celiacs and probably harder. One mom posted a question , what could she make for her celiac child out of Ronzoni corn pasta? Another mom replied with helpful comments about adding cheeses, tuna etc to make several dishes. A third person responded, “Are you crazy? Don’t feed your child corn and GMO’s and dairy.” A long line of comments bashing the mom’s looking for help.
    Gluten free is big business. Many people who are not health professionals are making their living scaring people in the name of health. People are afraid to buy any thing that does not say GF. Olive oil? Doesn’t say..must have gluten. Milk….rice…beans…? I predict that this will get a whole lot worse. The amount of money people are spending on these GF products out of fear will keep it going.

    1. Nobody says you can’t know the actual gluten free ingredients. That does not interfere with the products being labelled gluten free.

      I am shocked. I live in a European country, where we don’t get these same luxuries of companies who care about gluten free. I dream to have this comfort zone, where I don’t have to worry about a joghurt or sauce not being gluten free. Where spices, and nuts don’t all say “may contain gluten”.

      Yet I find so many people here complaining about a phrase.
      Spoiled people.

      1. I saw your comment this morning (but had no time to respond) but I thought about it all day.

        You make an excellent point, Piotr and I agree. SOME Americans probably do sound very “spoiled”. We do have an easier task negotiating the GF life because of food labeling laws, tons of certified GF products and a general acceptance of what GF means and better celiac awareness and yet…for some people, it’s just not enough.

        My heroes are the people who were diagnosed 20+ years ago when there was NO awareness (and celiac was not a popular word) and they had to figure this out for themselves. I met a guy who was DXed 50 years ago as a babe and his Italian-born mother literally said to the doctor “what the hell am I supposed to feed my boy?”

        He ate a lot of meat, fish, fowl, rice, fresh cheese, veggies , fruit, salads , gelato (yaay)…and rice crackers back then. And he is a healthy man today.

  10. I’m sorry to say this, but the bulk of “GF” labelled foods in the US would fail the GF test in Australia. In OZ, foods can only be labelled GF if “there is no detectable gluten”, which basically means <3ppm, not 20ppm. Having said that, there is nothing wrong if manufacturers elects to label foods GF as a marketing gimmick. As a celiac, I certainly appreciate it as it makes my life a tad easier. However, because suddenly everyone thinks that eating GF is a priority and necessity for good health, I'm concerned it's diluting the health message that gluten is poison for the 6-10% of the population that are either celiacs or allergic to the protein.

  11. The NY Times item is just the sort of thing we need to fight the buzzword quality of the term “gluten-free”. When the faddish aspects of it are recognized by a major voice like the NYT, the term loses some of its fad power. It’s a step in the right direction.

    As far as Red Bull goes, I’m not much of a beer drinker and I’m not a sports fan, so my inclination was to ignore the product, which I mistakenly took for a beer-based product (comes in a beer can, marketed to sports fans: probably beer). So I can’t quarrel with them marking their product “gluten free”. I still won’t buy it, but at least now I know what it is and isn’t.

    And to me, the bakery products aren’t all “gluten-free crap”, since I haven’t learned yet how to make baguettes as good as Schar’s or pita as good as MyBread Bakery’s flatbread.

    I’m hopeful that the fad aspects of gluten-free will die down, but I think we’ve still got a year or two before the next big food fad comes along.

    BTW, I find it funny that people trying to lose weight are going gluten free– since I went on the diet in September, I’ve put on a few pounds. But that’s probably because I’m a celiac and had malabsorption problems which seem to be lessening.

    1. Dick wrote: “BTW, I find it funny that people trying to lose weight are going gluten free– since I went on the diet in September, I’ve put on a few pounds. But that’s probably because I’m a celiac and had malabsorption problems which seem to be lessening.”


      I gained a whopping 45 lbs. in 3 years post-DX.
      (I had lost 90 due to malabsorption).
      I could have used only about 10-20 of them back on.
      The G F diet plus all those G F goodies loaded with
      carbs made me chubby. I was just so happy to be able to eat and keep things IN after so long that I ate when I felt like it. My Doc encouraged me to enjoy food once more. It was great fun, but
      now….. I have to lose weight. sigh..

      We’ve gone Paleo in our house.

  12. I’d like the rules to require them to disclose, “gluten-free,” and “processed in a plant that also processes wheat,” in the same line of text. Lots of the higher ppm gluten-free items say those two things in different places in the text.

    For the most part, I have to avoid things made in shared plants–like Amy’s entrees, and Bob’s Red Mill flours–and knowing that something is made in a shared facility would give me a better idea that the ppm is probably higher than 10 ppm.

    I also (and this is probably more important) think that they should not allow ANYTHING that is, “gluten-removed,” to be labeled, “gluten-free.” I’m not a beer drinker, but I’ve gotten sick from, “gluten-free,” gluten-removed rice milk made with barley. Just testing to less than 20 ppm isn’t enough.

    1. I use the GF label as a starting point, then investigate further. I too would like to see consistent labeling that states whether the product is made on shared equipment, and/or made in a facility with gluten. With very few exceptions, I won’t buy anything that is not made in a dedicated GF facility. So, like you, I won’t buy Amy’s. I do buy Bob’s Red Mill GF flours, as they have a dedicated facility now.

  13. Today at the grocery store, Jewel in the Chicagoans area, I saw gluten free tags on all the shelves. But really did they need to tag Kool-aid packets?! Sure you can still eat junk food while being gf but if you want to eat healthy stop the processed food.

    1. There will always be people who chose to eat unhealthy, nutrition lacking foods. Those with celiac need to be able to make that choice even if it involves koolaid. A healthy gluten free diet is the ideal however gluten free is the necessity.

  14. I feel divided on this. I do dislike when things are labeled “gluten free” as an obvious marketing ploy and recognize where it does not help the cause. I also find it crazy that people think gluten free is “healthier.” But on the other hand, for family and friends who are not familiar with the diet, it can be really helpful.

    After a full year of us being gluten free, my parents are still pretty clueless about gluten. They still have to ask me if sweet potatoes are safe. They just don’t know what they can serve to my husband and daughter.

    I tell my mom if she isn’t sure what kind of salad dressing is safe, to look for one that says “gluten free” on it, because I can’t rely on her knowledge of the ingredients list and it would suck for her to buy the wrong thing only to find out we can’t eat it later. It makes her feel more confident that she’s keeping my family safe when we visit and that’s not a terrible thing.

    And am I glad I can buy a ginormous bag of gluten free pancake mix and the one-pound Udi’s bread loaves at Costco? Heck yes! Sure, I could spend $30 on 3 bags of different kinds of flours to make my own, but starting gluten free didn’t turn me into a millionaire with baking skills and lots of free time, so I’ll take the “processed crap” so I can give my daughter a grilled cheese sandwich or Mickey Mouse pancakes once in a while.

  15. Happy almost new year dude!!

    Ty so much for all the great blogs in 2013. Looking forward to a ton more next year. Completely convinced this has been year of the gluten. Eh. Over it. I am glad they are tagging food/bev;s- the newly dx’ed celiac/gluten intolerant will find it helpful. Us old timers can use it if we want or just ignore it and aim to eat healthy. As long as I can have vodka and chocolate, i’m good.

    Cheers Y’all-
    Jersey Girl
    The Road Not Taken

    “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”

    Robert Frost

  16. I find myself being grateful to companies who are willing to be bold enough to actually label products as gluten-free rather than the side stepping so many of the larger companies now seem to do. What I have to bite my lip over are people who don’t bother to educate themselves and smugly order pizza with gluten-free crust (because gluten is bad for you) and a salad without any idea if the dressing is gluten free or not – or even if it will arrive with or without croutons…

  17. “‘Gluten-free’ … a cynical corporate play for clueless consumers who buy something simply because they think it’s healthy. Red Bull boasts of being gluten-free. So is paint thinner.”

    Yep. Most self-proclaimed GF food (a) is at least 2x more $$ than their conventional counterparts, (b) tastes like crap and (c) isn’t even all that healthy to begin with.

    Funny how you never hear much about fruit, vegetables, unprocessed meats, dairy, legumes, flax, lentils, etc etc from the so-called GF food industry.

    I don’t need GF doughnuts and I certainly don’t need them at over $2 a pop. Because I never really needed doughnuts in the first place.

  18. Aside from all of the excellent points already mentioned, I would like to compare the “Gluten Free trend” to the “low carb/ diabetic trend” from a few years back. It happened to come about just as my dad was diagnosed with diabetes. He was excited because he was able to find a plethora of “safe” products without being overwhelmed by the changes he was going to have to make in his diet/lifestyle. Eventually, he did learn to eat without all of the gimmicks, etc. But it was nice to have a safety net at the beginning. When the trends changed, however, a lot of the products he had gotten used to just completely disappeared almost overnight. All of the companies that were so dedicated to diabetics had jumped on to the next bandwagon. Now that I am trying to wrap my head around the changes I will be making for myself and my daughter, I am wary of the GF trendiness. Just like another poster, I am sure that I will buy the bread and pancake mix. I simply am not that great of a cook. But will I also be switching to a more natural, whole foods approach? Absolutely. 🙂 Thanks for the website, Dude. I really appreciate a place to land in all of my internet travels. 🙂

  19. I appreciate it anytime a product is labeled with “Gluten-Free”. Not enough products are labeled. I find myself having to Google many things which can be a pain in the ass in a pinch. Most the time I end up on some forum with people debating about the said product.

    I’m not hostile towards the baked goods (donuts and otherwise). I like choices, the more the merrier. If companies choose to label products with other facts such as shared facilities and ppm figures they will have me as a loyal customer. I’ve already built my diet around several products that I like, but I’m always looking to expand.

    I can only imagine the limited choices and high costs if products were only marketed to Celiacs. Yikes.

  20. Haven’t had a chance to read all the comments but, as the father of two daughters with celiac disease I don’t care it seems to be or actually is a money grab. The labeling helps me choose items more easily (even though I do read ingredients) and I’m all for it. It is also wrong to assume that everyone who requires gluten-free products is able to tell from the ingredient list if things are safe. I don’t care if they label water as being gluten-free. Let it continue.

  21. What makes my blood boil is how celiac can be dismissed due to being “only” a small percentage of the population. What difference does it make if its 2% or 80%? That percentage, no matter how small or large are actual living humans, each and every single of those humans deserve to be treated with respect. And while certain people may be tired of hearing what is GF, for those of us who suffer at the hands of all things gluten, that label can be heaven sent.

    This is what bigots do, they minimize the needs of the few(er), by pointing out how their group is larger and therefore has more importance, than those requesting equal treatment. Think of the way certain immigrant groups are treated, race relations, and the hate the LGBT community receives all based upon these groups being a small percentage of the population.

    1. It’s not just “small percentage” – it’s also perceived imminent risk of death. Peanut allergies are a “small percentage” too, but we’re not necessarily going to die immediately if we ingest it (like people with peanut allergies do). Somehow, if it’s not going to immediately kill you, we’re just being too fussy. Bleah…

    2. Morgan
      It’s not that we think of 1 or 2 percent as small or large. It is about you taking more personal responsibility. Why penalize the rest of society for your problem. Get off your lazy ass, research what you can and cannot eat and buy it. Your term “heaven sent” simply means that you are too lazy or stupid to follow your diet. If I know that I cannot eat onions, I will not try to “replace” them with shallots, I will eliminate the entire genus.
      No one hates the gluten afflicted population you asshole. I hate the opportunistic fear-mongerers that currently dominate the GF marketplace.
      You know what! Turkey, asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce, chicken, prime rib, brussels sprouts, carrots, and milk are gluten free. What the fuck do you want? It’s not society’s fault you have your problem either. Get over yourself! I pity you does not translate to I need to cater to you.
      Grow up!
      People with peanut allergies face far more obstacles and do considerably less complaining that you do.

      1. I don’t understand where your attitude is coming from, but its 2 AM where I live so keep your voice down. And I also don’t know if US doctors are that privileged considering the life of oncalls and debt. Anyway, I really don’t understand what the fuss is about, are you gluten addicted? If you wonder why so fewer were afflicted then I think you are finding all the wrong reasons, go to literature. Please. Yes I packed lunch thousands of times. Maybe I am a pompous ass, its because I did medical school, and work as a doctor, its a life of challenge, duty and competition. If as a caterer you cannot make the least effort to put food on my plate that I am able to eat, like you do on other people’s plates, then who is the pompous ass? Whats your excuse?

  22. I have a pair of gym shorts that say

    “These buns are gluten free”

    on the butt…..

    Apparently, even I have a “GF” label.


  23. Perhaps “gluten-free” as a marketing gimmick has begun to abate. This was the front page headline from a national newspaper in Canada this past Saturday — Farewell To Gluten Free: Why We Are So Easily Fooled By Pseudoscience And Marketing Gimmicks When It Comes To Food.



    “… gluten has lately acquired a famously bad reputation among trend-savvy nutritionistas, who blame it for everything from irritable bowels and autoimmune disorders to bloating and lethargy, even diabetes, depression, autism and schizophrenia. A whole industry has risen up to capitalize on its wholesale rejection, in which gluten-free foods are often sold at a massive mark-up over ‘regular’ products.

    “But cracks are appearing, not so much in the medical science, which for the truly gluten-intolerant has made major strides in lockstep with the trend, but in gluten as the pop cultural food obsession du jour.

    “From nearly nothing a decade ago, by 2012, the Canadian gluten-free market was worth nearly half a billion dollars. But a forecast by industry watcher Packaged Facts suggests the market has now ‘peaked.’

    “Growth has slowed, early adopters have made most of the profit they will ever make, and if you missed the train three years ago, there is no sense trying to jump on now as it slows down. As one report for the pizza industry put it, ‘If the decision is made to enter the trend either: Prepare to downsize production as the trend downsizes to the appropriate audience … [and] have a fast-acting exit strategy.'”


    Farther down in the article it also makes passing reference to “a divorce in which father was less diligent than mother in respecting their celiac daughter’s gluten-free diet,” a subject to which GD devoted an entire post a few months ago (could even be referencing the same family for all I know). It’s a sad story to be sure, but it’s a positive that real stories of hardship from this disease are starting to appear in the popular press.

  24. I took a course in High School many years ago about advertising. It taught me a lot about how to look at ads and how products were portrayed. I learned about a term they used back then called “water is wet” advertising. They used it on margarine at the time, saying that margarine was cholesterol free. That was actually advertised. They were eventually stopped from doing that. Or my water is wetter than your water. This is what Red Bull is doing and any other company that has a product that is naturally GF.

    This is not new.

    1. Then there’s the old story, most likely apocryphal, about the fish cannery that canned a pale, almost white salmon– they were losing business to the other canneries that canned the more common pink salmon, which consumers assumed to be of higher quality. They responded with a campaign that proclaimed their fish was “guaranteed not to turn pink in the can”.

      As usual, has a more complete telling of the tale:

      The concept has been around for a long time, and as noted, is being applied now in our area of interest: recently I bought some “Farmland All Natural Fresh Pork” that was labelled “Gluten Free”.

  25. I think gluten free, and paleo are money grabbing. Everyone is getting brainwashed by all kinds of media & quack Drs. All to think healthier & lose wight, All want to be like stars. They should just learn to make their own food. They save recipes & cookbooks & have favorite tv chefs but lets be real. Everyone buys quick fixings for home cooked meals &follow fads. Lactose isn’t something that affects all. Celiacs have that problem. quit feeding children all this faddish stuff, they won’t grow up healthy. I find our society so conditioned & brainwashed to try all these new things, why, why do they fall for it?

    1. ….because most people are like lemmings? 🙂

      Just a few responses to your comments:

      (1) I have celiac and I am not lactose intolerant.

      (2) The paleo diet didn’t help me lose weight either. In fact, the only thing I gained from it was discovering I also have a histamine intolerance as well and that some fruits and veggies and fresh shellfish were actually making me sick….go figure.

      (3) I could go a whole day and not hear the phrase “gluten free” and I’d be so happy.

      (4) Saw a bottle of water labeled GF the other day….good to know.

    2. I am coming back to this page every once in a while and it just brings horrible dissapointment for me. Although not only here I see the scepticism which is hurtful. Every once in a while I hear it from individuals who try to have their independent views.

      Keep in mind, that the ones who promote the gluten free diet, are usually the sufferers and their close ones!

      What part of gluten do you not understand, to actually discredit the entire effort of other people who try to have a life without it?

      So irritable bowel sydrome! yes! anemia! yes! arthritis! dermatitis! yes! depression! yes! schisofrenia! yes! crohn’s! yes! hashimoto thyroiditis! yes! infertility! yes!

      All these diseases have been shown in certain patients to be caused by gluten. Why is it so difficult to comprehend? Just because it doesn’t affect yourself it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
      I have met people with all types of symptoms. Ranging from the classical type of celiac disease to simply thyroid nodules, or the scary sclerosis multiplex, or those involving dermatitis, arthritis, crohns.

      Its bad enough, that the society is sceptical. You are turning your own weapon against yourselves, making it easier for even medical professional to sometimes dismiss symptoms which are caused by gluten and a big portion of society turns a blind eye to the problem.

      Trust me, I am a DOCTOR myself and I follow religously, how effective doctors are at diagnosing celiac disease.

      Being a sufferer from gluten myself ( I was initially diagnosed as a baby then rediagnosed when I was an adult in med school 7 years ago) I had tremendous doubts whether I will be able to work in my profession because of symptoms such as fatigue and lack of readily available safe foods.

      At the time I was the only one I knew with the problem, but since then I have seen at least 5 people I knew starting to discover that they have this medical condition.

      The lack of easily available good nutrition ( most things where I work would be teaming with gluten ) actually affected my choice not to go into a surgical specialty.

      To read these opinions which try to meddle with this whole effort to make gluten free accessible to all it just breaks my heart. Its like having been given a second life, and then somebody saying it was a mistake.

      That’s all. thank you for reading.

      This is only meant as a general advice and does not substitute for a medical visit with your doctor.

      1. Just makes me wonder why sooo many fewer were “afflicted” when I was younger. You all want to point fingers at the “poo-pooers”. Did your parents smoke pot? Did you smoke pot” Were your parents in to “new age cuisine” are you in to new age cuisine?
        Is it because cultures are mixing? Is God smiting you? Are you a latent homosexual? Did you forget to put out the trash?
        Did you ever think of packing a fucking lunch? You pompous ass!!! Typical narcissism I expect from people of privilege – doctors especially!

  26. I keep seeing “gluten free” on things I figure wouldn’t have gluten in them in the first place, like this coffee I just bought. Alcohol I can understand, since it’s made from things like barley, rye, & wheat, but gluten-coffee? Is there coffee somewhere with gluten in it? & why does gluten free cinnamon coffee taste like bubblegum?

    I think the annoying aspect of “gluten free” for people who don’t worry about gluten is that it makes you worry about why some things are ingredients for products at all, when they wouldn’t be found on any homemade recipe. It’s like finding out there’s rosemary & garlic in your cat food, which are both toxic to cats. Why would they even put that in? & yet I’ve seen them on labels.

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