Month: December 2015

does celiac cause blood clots

I FINALLY May Have a Reason for My Blood Clots: Celiac Disease

December 30, 2015 | 43 Comments

In April 2007, I began to urinate blood. Diagnosis…bladder cancer. And so began a very bizarre 18 months of my health and my life. Fast forward to September 2007. After a year of bitching and moaning to Mrs. Dude about constant stomach pain and […]

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Another Week in Gluten-Free Paradise

December 28, 2015 | 4 Comments

For the past four years, Mrs. Dude and I have been blessed to be able to travel with the same crew for a December vacation. It’s been nothing but pure awesomeness. Last year, we ventured to a villa called Baraka Point. When you find […]

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undiagnosed celiac

Celiac is Hell. But It’s Nothing Compared to Living Undiagnosed.

December 23, 2015 | 15 Comments

Hello everyone. It’s good to be back. Vacation was awesome and quite medicinal. I’ll tell you all about it in a future post, but for now I am in catch-up mode with my life a bit. So today I thought I’d share an unbelievable […]

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taking a break

In a Major Funk…I’ll Be Back

December 9, 2015 | 45 Comments

Remember last week when I said I’d help 14 celiacs in 14 days? Did you notice that I only made it through 7 days? Are you curious what happened? Well…on day 8, I realized that right now the celiac that needs the most help […]

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stress free gluten free vacation

How to Take a Gluten-Free & Stress-Free Vacation

December 4, 2015 | 15 Comments

Dude note: The holidays are all about giving. So I thought I’d take the 14 days after Thanksgiving and answer 14 emails I’ve received from my fellow celiacs asking for guidance. And I’d like this to be a communal effort. My advice, shocking as […]

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doctor after celiac diagnosis

Is a Doctor Follow Up Visit Necessary After a Celiac Diagnosis?

December 3, 2015 | 23 Comments

Dude note: The holidays are all about giving. So I thought I’d take the 14 days after Thanksgiving and answer 14 emails I’ve received from my fellow celiacs asking for guidance. And I’d like this to be a communal effort. My advice, shocking as […]

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office party gluten

How Do You Deal With Office Parties?

December 2, 2015 | 41 Comments

Dude note: The holidays are all about giving. So I thought I’d take the 14 days after Thanksgiving and answer 14 emails I’ve received from my fellow celiacs asking for guidance. And I’d like this to be a communal effort. My advice, shocking as […]

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young girl with celiac feels left out

I am 12 and I Feel So Alone in This Celiac Battle

December 1, 2015 | 23 Comments

Dude note: The holidays are all about giving. So I thought I’d take the 14 days after Thanksgiving and answer 14 emails I’ve received from my fellow celiacs asking for guidance. And I’d like this to be a communal effort. My advice, shocking as […]

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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