Take a Bow Folks…You Done Good


What a week. What a long, long week.

The kind that on one side makes you weep for humanity. And yet on the other side, be amazed at our ability to deal with the worst of situations, look evil and stupidity in the eye, and kick its ass.

I want to end this week on an uplifting note; to let you know that we are making a difference in our tiny corner of the world.

I know celiac is small potatoes compared to many of the issues in this crazy world we live in. But that doesn’t make it any less stressful for those struggling with this disease. And knowing that we are helping those in need gives me peace and satisfaction that I want you to feel as well

Last summer, I posted a Dear Gluten Dude titled I am a Teen with Celiac & I Need Your Help. Allie was really struggling with her celiac disease and asked for our community’s help.

Here’s an excerpt from the original email:

I am really struggling with not being able to just eat what I want, or always bringing my own food to swim team carb parties. I am in the middle of working at/going to a summer camp, and they try to be accommodating, but most of the time I end up with peanut butter and jelly or a salad.

If you could help me at all, that would be great. I am really sick of not being normal, and what used to be a source of joy (food, cooking, baking) is now a source of frustration and pain.

As usual, our amazing community kicked booty with their responses.

Well, we heard back from Allie yesterday and here is what she said:

I want to thank everybody for all of the kind words and great advice. It is nine months after I wrote this email, and I am doing pretty well. I have only been glutened once, and luckily I didn’t get too sick. I must admit that some days I just don’t want to do this diet anymore, but on those tough days I come back to this post and read all of your comments again.

I am headed off to college in the fall, and am leaving my small rural town and going to a city where my GF options will expand exponentially. My little cousin recently had to go GF and I not only pointed her to this site, but this post. It was originally some of my long-time Celiac family members who introduced me to this site, and it felt great to do the same for her.

You all are amazing, and I know for a fact that this community we have created for ourselves helps us all in more ways than we could ever imagine.

With Love,

See that folks? We are making a difference in people’s lives.

And that’s what it’s all about.

Thank you…to all of you…from the bottom of my gluten-free heart!

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6 thoughts on “Take a Bow Folks…You Done Good”

  1. I don’t always know if I am helping, but I put my two cents in because no one should suffer alone. Even though Celiac disease is “small potatoes”, it affects our ability to “break bread” with our family and friends. We are no longer just people. We are different and when you are different people look at us with a variety of different issues. We are not part of the status quo. I am glad I found this site. It helps. Thank you Gluten Dude.

  2. Good for you, Allie.

    Anytime anyone gets a handle on this disease and moves forward with a positive attitude is a warrior princess in my book!

    Congrats on your graduation and I wish you a lifetime of good health
    and happiness!
    Thanks for telling us your great news.
    ( I could really use it right now.)

    Enjoy your summer.

  3. Well done Allie for getting to grips with the gluten free diet, and getting on with life.

    It will stand you in great stead for your exciting new life.

    I wish you the very best for the future, thanks for letting us know how you are doing


  4. I’m still at the thank God I’m not the only one feeling that this sucks and wondering how to deal with it for the rest of my life. So these stories I relate to and I’m thrilled to hear the successes is so uplifting!! Thanks for sharing and all the best to you in college!! Thanks for the hope u gave me I needed it today 🙂

  5. Good luck with college, Allie! Most college campuses are definitely willing to work with people with allergies/celiac. Make sure your residence hall and dining staff understand your celiac diagnosis. Also, don’t be afraid to meet with Counseling Services – they can help you talk through any anxieties you might have transitioning to a new environment (they’re great people AND its a free service to students!) Most importantly, get involved with a student organization (and I will bet there’s a student org devoted to health/wellness issues). If you need any help, let me know. My life’s work is to help new college students be successful in college.

  6. Allie-as another “Allie” who is gluten intolerant, I am glad to know that you are doing better on the gluten free diet and are staying strong and not letting it control your life negatively! Way to go girl! I am currently a freshman in college and went gfree right before I left for college, which was a hard transition. It has been a whirlwind of a year learning the rules of the gfree diet and trying to not get glutened by cafeteria food, but you can do it!!! I would recommend talking to the nutritionist/dietician at your school and making sure you have enough gfree options! Let me know if you have any questions about being gfree in college! I just started a blog about my own gfree college experiences- gfreebennie.blogspot.com. Good luck with everything! 🙂

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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