One step forward and two steps back. One step forward and two GIANT steps back. The story of a celiac’s life.
The gluten-free “trend” has picked up some serious steam in 2013 and once again, it’s our crappy, do-anything-for-a-buck media leading the charge.
This time the guilty party was Rachael Ray (as pointed out to me on Twitter by Katya Czaja).
In her magazine’s March 2013 issue, there is a cover story called “Dinner Makeovers Everyone Will Love: Gluten Free, Vegetarian, You Name It”.
See…gluten-free is the hot thing right now. So if she puts it on the cover, she’ll sell more magazines. I get it…capitalism it all its glory.
But when you turn to the page for the story, this is the image staring back at you:
Yep…she’s saying that those who are gluten-free are picky.
You know what the definition of picky is? Excessively meticulous; fussy; finicky.
Yep…that’s me.
And crap like this is EXACTLY why there is such a backlash against gluten-free. It’s the reason for the eye rolls. It’s the reason why, in my mind, many restaurants simply will not take the necessary precautions in order to keep us safe.
Because we’re labeled as picky.

But wait, it gets even better.
Rachael has blessed us with a special gluten-free recipe as part of this article.
Except it’s not gluten-free.
The recipe calls for cornflakes.
When you hear the word cornflakes, what brand do you think of?
And what’s the third ingredient in Kellogg’s Cornflakes?
Malt flavoring.
In other words…gluten.
Nowhere in the recipe does it state that cornflakes could contain gluten.
Perhaps Rachael confused wheat with gluten.
Gee…what a surprise…an uninformed member of the media elite.
So Rachael…first you label us as “picky dieters” and then you provide a recipe that could be poison to us.
That’s quite the double whammy.
We’ve been down this road before in the past year and every “celebrity” I call out simply ignores my plea for a response.
What do you say Rachael Ray…are you game for an apology?
Or better yet…here is what I am asking. On both your website’s home page and your next magazine issue, I’d like an apology to the celiac community and also a retraction of your recipe.
Will you do the right thing??
Wow, you would think an editor at the magazine would notice that.
You’re assuming the editor even knows cornflakes aren’t gluten free….
Honestly, I think she’s such a bimbo that this would never even occur to her. I’ve never taken this woman seriously and neither do some other cool chefs, like Anthony Bordain. But, yes, it would have been nice if she had educated herself a little more about Celiac Disease instead of just dismissing us as a bunch of “picky” eaters and then not done her research again with her “gluten-free” recipe.
sigh….so gracious in her “attitude”….
Don’t do me any favors, Rachel. You’re not helping and you screwed up royally with your remarks and your “recipe”.
Long before I knew anything about being a celiac or that I had necessary dietary restrictions of my own, I had one friend who ate grain free and one who was a vegetarian. I made sure they ate well in my home and welcomed the opportunity to cook and bake for them–all the while looking out for their needs.
Shame on her ! And just like that over-rated hack, Martha Stewart….if you make fun of the guests at your table, no matter what they need to eat safely? ….well, you’re not gracious at all.
In case any of you missed Martha’s comments on this “picky” way we celiacs eat:
“Oh my God! Don’t ask! My rule is do not ask about dietary restrictions,’ she says, clearly averse to making an extra effort for certain guests.
‘We had a charity dinner – we had every single kind of restriction. It was horrible!’ she recalls to the newspaper.
The cooking maestro, seemingly so welcoming and in control, does make one minor concession.
‘You have to be semi-prepared,’ she says of picky eaters. ‘But don’t fret about it. Everybody can miss a meal.’
Read more:
Okay, my mouth dropped open on Martha’s comment. It’s really surprising in this day and age. It’s almost like they really think we are simply being “picky”. I guess for some until it happens to them or someone close to them they just don’t understand what it is we go through.
That line about the mustard sauce burning calories is a good one, too. Because of course that’s what your gluten-free guests are REALLY thinking about, right? Right?
If hosts like their plumbing its a VERY bad idea to serve anything that burns the stomach (or cornflakes for that matter) because go figure an intestinal disease probably needs ZERO help eating up your guest guts.
Suggestion is bombard the editor demanding not only a full page retraction (as opposed to the regular 16 oops items on a back page) but maybe a discussion of how the Supreme court decided yes this is a disease covered under ADA with her. Rachel making fun of cancer kids or stealing wheelchairs isnt ok, why is poisoning then making fun of celiacs??
P.S. Loving the blog title…!! it’s “punny.”
Mine? Thank you! I thought of so many terrible puns that I’m going to have to do a blog post sometime on just the punny names I decided NOT to use. 🙂
Yes, yours! very clever! 😉
You’d think that someone writing an article would actually do some research first. When I develop recipes, I’m meticulous in researching all of the ingredients and double-checking brands so I can say what to avoid, and what is okay. Really, a simple Google search of “What is gluten?” would have educated her/her employees enough to know that malt is a no-no. It is crazy that this big of an oversight would go to print. Hopefully she’ll issue a correction soon!
I also was miffed at the introduction – having to avoid gluten for medical reasons is not the same as being PICKY!
Thanks for bringing this to light Gluten Dude!
I hear you on calling us picky, however I think citing the cornflakes to say that they’re trying to make people sick is a bit much and here’s why…
Disclaimer: I would NEVER EVER make this recipe because it just sounds gross and I do not eat food like this nor recommend this to clients.
That said, there are GF cornflakes… so perhaps they could have referenced “GF” in front of “cornflakes”, or perhaps at some other point in the article they said, “make sure you get GF products as manufacturers recipes will differ”. But I’ve no idea how this was set up since I don’t have the magazine.
The reason I say this is that there’s other ingredients in this recipe that could also be suspect aside from the cornflakes, namely:
1) deli ham lunchmeat
2) dijon mustard
3) paprika
Not to mention the fact that many folks who are GF are also intolerant to dairy. I’m not defending Rachel Ray nor the editor of the magazine, but I also think it’s a little over the top to point out one ingredient when there are clearly several in there as being problematic.
#Epicfail to Rachel Ray and the author who really needed someone else to help them out with this and shame on them for dismissing our diets as picky. But I don’t think the issue is about the cornflakes… it’s that GF folks have to know where gluten could potentially be hiding and educate themselves so that they don’t get glutened by either the obvious ingredients or those less so.
Just my two cents.
It’s a good point Jennifer. I should have called out more than just the cornflakes.
Yes, those of us who eat gf should notice the cornflakes issue right away. I’m more concerned about our helpful friends and family who might make this for us, not knowing the potential land mines. No, really, sweetie, I found this gluten free recipe, it’s safe for you to eat it. Oh boy.
Her show and her magazine sell a lot of ads to big food companies that don’t want to acknowledge the growing incidence of food allergies and sensitivities. Using the word “picky” was shallow, to say the least. However, it is very easy to find gluten-free organic corn flakes. (i.e. Erewhon) Hating Rachael Ray is a waste of energy and not good for your digestion. 😉 All we can do is educate the people around us about our ‘alternative’ food choices. Mainstream media and mainstream stores are very, very slowly catching up to the rest of us.
Bingo. Most of Ray’s success can be chalked up to her being such a “friendly” media figure – i.e., everyone can trust her to softball them, avoid what they ask her to avoid, and champion whatever it is they’re coming around to shill. If you just want someone to tell you what to do with 20 minutes and a pound of hamburger, that can be fine, but no one should ever trust someone like that as an even remotely serious source of information.
So….. now I’m a “Gluten Abstainer”. Hmmmmmm…. does she even have a clue WHY we “abstain” from gluten? I guess not, because everyone is doing it now. Right?
I’m sticking to Emeril.
Always choose Emeril.. Atleast he knows what he’s up against since his daughters were diagnosed with gluten allergies and celiac in the early 2000’s
How true is this info? I saw him make regular wheat pasta, scoop out the noodles, then pop the GF pasta in right afterward. This was about a year ago, and I stopped watching.
I guess he gets points for not making fun, but yeah. That would still poison somebody.
Yes, Emirl has two older daughters,Jilly and Jessie, who are Celiac. They have written a gf cookbook. I’m not sure how much he knows about Celiac, but they should. It would be nice if they would call Rach out on this.
Or better yet, go on her show and educate the public.
Rachel who?
It upsets me that I don’t even find stories like this surprising any more. It’s become all too common that people who are gluten free are either fussy or on a fad diet. No wonder no one takes coeliac disease seriously, or that so many people out there are undiagnosed.
Ah, bleep. Seriously Rach?
Jersey Girl
You know I wouldn’t serve my family this crap. First you would think they would do their research before planting ‘gluten free’ on their product and you know Jennifer @ gluten free school is right it sounds gross! I’m really appalled how celebrities throw the word gluten free around like ‘yea’ it’s not big deal well you know what to a parent of a child who has it, IT IS A BIG DEAL! I have to look at every ingredient I am putting in my child’s mouth. They don’t understand even the slightest bit of wheat can hurt! I’m sorry just venting!
She had a show on a year or 2 ago where she said that spelt was a safe alternative for gluten free. I think its a bit like Dr. Oz Show, someone tells them what to say. they need better researchers
Thank you for mentioning Dr. Oz too. The things he sells to people as “healthy” drives me crazy. It’s one thing to be the mouth-pieces for corporations, but to do it in the name of Health just adds insult to injury. Aaack!
An Air Canada flight attendant argued with me that spelt was gluten free in 2010. Her argument was that their dietician knew about gluten and that I should have trusted them! I said the dietician needed to be fired. I also wrote a complaint to the Airline.
I just sent a Question For the Cook to RR’s website which asked for her to issue and apology and a retraction. And sent a link to this blog. I hope she shows up here.
You guys are real Fucking Assholes. It’s a mistake and she’s still a super great cook and helpfull too. You perfect bimbos are cruel that’s why your no Rachel Ray.her mistake is small and is not like a tax scandal or spending big money on Canadian/American idols when there’s starving people.fine it’s a mistake but why go so far to slander and/or name call . Take a pill people! A pill!
Your comment is uncalled for. Feel free to disagree with anyone as much as you like, but using profanity to denigrate the people you disagree with is not only inappropriate and rude, but it’s counterproductive as well. Rachel Ray is just like most other high profile celebrities: a public mouth piece used to lend support to a corporate agenda. Whatever they tell her to say, she’ll say and whatever they tell her to promote, she’ll promote. Why? Because people like this are more concerned with the bottom line (i.e. money) than they are with morals or the wellbeing of others. No one needs to “take a pill”. If anything, I’d say some empathy and understanding are in order, because the insensitivity people like you demonstrate is one of the reasons many people are up in arms about this issue in the first place.
And for the record, there are two definitions to “bimbo” and while I suspect your use of the word refers to the description of an inept, foolish, or stupid person, I’d suggest you’d be more careful about throwing such a loaded word around. Especially since you don’t have any way of proving that anyone commenting on this blog is in any way intellectually deficient or incapable of utilizing their thinking skills productively. And even if your use of the word was referring to a person deliberately behaving in a seductive manner, you’d still be out of line for the very same reason as stated before.
I apologize to this blog’s moderator if my comments have in any way overstepped any boundaries.
Rachael Ray has probably learned everything she thinks she needs to know about Celiac Disease from Dr. Drew and the Wheat Belly Dr. Davis’ blog. ..
Jess where is the line for those two pumpkin heads toilets?? Nothing like a glutened celiac in your bathroom to make you want to move to get away from the smell & realize something aint right going on in there!!
Thank you thetxlady!! I just almost wet my pants from laughing so hard!
This is another chance for us to help educate her as well as others claiming to have gluten free recipes. I guess instead of attacking her, we should explain to her why it’s so important to research ingredients. Yes, she should know that, but maybe she has no idea what gluten does to us. I think that sometimes we get so upset about the mistakes that we lash out in anger instead of being part of the solution. I have celiac so I know how important it is to avoid it and mistakes upset me too. And I hate being called picky or trendy. However, I make it my own responsibility to know the ingredients and not expect that others do it for me.
Angie – I am more in line with you and it seems am in the minority on this topic. I love Rachael Ray. In my opinion, she has done a lot of good in so many ways. She was the first “chef” i saw on tv that seemed to make it easy fun and quick to make more home cooked meals. She wasn’t super strict and gave substitutions.
Obviously what is in the magazine is unfortunate, but is it really that necessary to attack her ? Educate her and tell her how things like what is in the magazine can do more harm to us than good – YES, but attack her – how does that make us look ? I guess if i were her, or more likely a staff member and i was reading some of these comments i would think what a mean bunch of #@%#@. Its up to us to take personal responsibility for what we put into our mouths (i know we all share that here) and sadly we also need to educate people. I get WAY more angry at the celebs and general population who are out and say they re GF but eat a few bites of bread because its “just a little”. What’s the waitress or family member who sees this supposed to think ? Those are the people that cause us to be called “picky”, etc.
Believe me when i say that i was disappointed too when i read this post, but like others I’m not that surprised and I believe knowledge and facts are better to use against someone than attacks and anger. I am oe celiac who will continue to watch RR but will take a trip over to her website to voice my concerns.
You guys are 100% right.
I advocate for celiac awareness every single day and I am always saying we should take the time to educate, not blast people. And I should not have used the B word.
Not sure what go into me and I will ask the Dude to remove that word from my post.
Lately, though I feel as if our efforts go unheard.
Maybe I am just a bit tired after 2 years of doing this advocacy, but it seems as if we get no respect and this “trendy, picky ” label—or to hear a medical professional say that CD is not a disease at all– makes me very disheartened.
Thank you for all that you do Irish!
Well, thank you too, Denise! We’re a tribe here on GD. 🙂
Disagree. She is a chef. Her job is food. I don’t think understanding what celiac is and what food it equates to is out of her job spec. I think all the comments are great ones, and if she thinks we are f-ers so much the better because we deserve as much (if not more) attention and understanding that all of her other audience receives.
Jersey Girl
Actually, she has never claimed that she is a chef …. in fact, she is a television personality who cooks! She goes out of her way to drive that point home!
Unfortunately, not everyone is up to speed yet on what the ramifications are if someone who has Celiac Disease eats Gluten. Calling them a B*tch does no good whatsoever! Educate so that next time, her staff knows better as it is highly likely that it was her staff’s error … not Rachel Raye’s.
I would have to disagree with this, I’m afraid.
If I am a well-known celebrity and my name is connected to it, I’d make sure it was correct.
Ultimately, she is responsible for the content.
EXACTLY even if some college intern gets their dreams ruined by being fired for this, the root of the problem…the one that put her face on tv & said what was on the prompter is Rachel Ray. Its her brand, her image & ultimately her hate speech that went out under the rachel ray brand.
This is no different than kathy lee swearing made in the USA clothes while sweat shop children in 3rd world nowhere made them. Martha & I’m such a great hostess…but don’t ask about allergies cause it will ruin my meal I want to make. The list goes on & on…rachel ray here’s your sign!!
Not at all to argue any evidence of corn sensitivity but I happened to ask the question about corn at a Celiac conference and was told that while a lot of people do have corn sensitivity that the gluten in corn is different than the gluten that affects Celiacs. They said that there are certainly Celiacs that also have a corn sensitivity but that simply being Celiac doesn’t mean you can’t have corn. RR just should have listed how important it was that the cornflakes be gf.
Well put Angie. Maybe our anger at times is what leads them to think we are just picky eaters. Seeing your comment makes me rethink a conversation with someone about the Wheat Belly Diet. I did tell her that although she may not be Celiac, she may benefit from the GF diet, although she has to take special care that she is getting adequate vitamins and minerals. Although, i did mention that I don’t like Dr. Davis as a person because of his cocky attitude. I could have left that last part out….:(
Hi Dude!
Love your blog!
I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first time Rachael Ray has done this. I remember a couple years ago reading a thread on about her saying farro was a good option for those who are gluten or wheat sensitive (I can’t remember which) because it has less gluten in it. I think if you’re “sensitive” to gluten/wheat you probably shouldn’t eat it (regardless of how low the product’s gluten levels are), and she shouldn’t be telling people with this sensitivity that they should be eating it.
I actually used to like Rachael Ray because I thought she made cooking more accessble (i.e. you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to make a good meal). Now, I’m not such a fan. She, or her writers/editiors, should do some research before they start “educating” the masses.
Thanks for everything you do, Dude!
I actually did a quick search for that thread on It’s from a couple years ago, but in it was the following link: See 2:00 for her brief bit on farro and how “good” it is for those who are wheat sensitive.
That’s it! It was Farro. Many people wrote comments and complaints but nothing seemed to come of it. It still says its good for gluten sensitive on RR’s site
I had to look up “Farro” – I think it’s what we call spelt or emmer? Neither of these is suitable for coeliacs, but because some people who are wheat intolerant can eat these, it causes a LOT of confusion over here as well.
While I am happy to support any effort that sheds light on the often baseless and unfounded claims made by pop-media (Celiac Disease, gluten-free living, or otherwise) – we need to take argument with all of those involved in this cultural ‘watering down’ of gfree living.
Clearly for those of us that require a gfree lifestyle (I use that word purposely) out of medical neccesity understand the absurdity of describing it as a ‘picky eater’ situation. So what is still inspiring this gluten-free-by-choice approach to gfree in pop-media? Well, for the same reason why celebrities parade around in meat dresses and Hammer Pants can still be found in most thrift shops – because there is a market for it!!!
Its true, the squeaky wheel gets the -in this case- E.V.O.O. I think its prime time for those of us that MUST live gfree to start ‘calling-out’ & distancing ourselves from the gfree-by-choice & gfree-for-weight-loss atmosphere that has taken America by storm!
There should be two separate labels:
1) “Gluten-free” for those who don’t have health issues.
2) “Celiac Safe” for the rest of us.
Yes! That’s brilliant Dude! Using those terms would clear up so much confusion.
YES. Maybe someone could make a petition and get enough sigs and send it all around to various companies. If nothing else,it might get some companies to add CS to their labels.. though there would be a lot more involved in making something actually safe.
“Gluten-free” versus “Celiac safe” . . .
It gets tough.
I don’t know if I have a gluten-intolerance or if I have Celiac (can’t afford health insurance and out-of-pocket medical expenses). What I DO know is that my world is jacked every time I accidentally ingest gluten.
So – does that mean that only people diagnosed with Celiac are the true ‘sufferers’? Not in my book.
With that said though, I operate a local farmers market booth and I sell gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, non-soy, non-corn, non-any known allergen soups. Just fresh local seasonal vegetables obtained by the farmers who vend at my local certified farmers markets. I’m lucky – my county has 20+ going throughout the year. VERY lucky!
My signage states “gluten-free and Celiac safe”. I consider that the cue to fellow sufferers that I know what I’m talking about. I know it’s not a fad, it’s not being a picky eater, it’s not some life CHOICE – it’s a life NECESSITY. It’s serious and I take it serious and they can take me serious.
So, for those of us that know what Celiac actually is, but haven’t been diagnosed with it, either due to finances or due to testing showing it’s a gluten-intolerance instead, do we use the code word ‘Celiac’ to communicate with each OTHER about our needs, or do we continue to educate that it’s a medical condition that leaves our bodies intolerant of gluten, period, Celiac diagnoses or not?
Every time a market shopper stops and asks me what Celiac is, or what ‘gluten-free’ means, I educate. But I can tell you that people who HAVE gluten-intolerance (Celiac or otherwise) come talk to me because of my signage.
Personally, as a person who suffers from THIS – whatever THIS is, I derive zero comfort seeing the phrase ‘gluten-free’. I know I still have to ask tons of questions, and probably educate the server/manager/whoever that soy sauce, malt, “natural flavors”, “spices”, “sauce” – all out of the question.
If I were to see “Celiac safe”? I could ask two or three questions to know if they know what they are talking about.
Like I said – it gets tough. I just hope “Celiac” never becomes a buzzword!!!
As I’ve said previously, when I use the term “celiac”, I use it for ALL people who must remain 100% gluten-free for health reasons.
An excellent idea! There’s no question if it says Celiac Safe. Well, you would hope so anyway 🙂
Right on! Actually, you can check out a post for those of us who must live gfree and stay strong! Lets keep getting correct info out there!
It’s ironic that picked up that issue *because* it had GF recipes… my 8 year old loves to cook and I figured the recipes would be easy enough that he could follow them himself.
This stuff is especially hard on my 12 year old. When he goes to someone’s house he doesn’t want to be rude by double-checking what they make — but he’s been served rice crispy treat before with non-GF rice crispies. Frustrating.
Have to say I’m a little surprised by this one. The gluten-free marketplace is a thriving business and everyone wants to be able to attach “gluten-free” onto something and sell a few more.
But I guess what surprised me was the lack of research by Rachel and her team into what is and isn’t gluten free. It wouldn’t have taken someone over an hour or two to find a site that lists safe foods and then make a recipe around them.
And the choice of the word “picky” – no, we’re not picky. We’re simply a growing number of people who are physically unable to eat these foods.
And I don’t know if I’d want two labels – gluten free has to simply start meaning gluten free and any more labels might make things a bit more complicated. And manufacturers would probably take the easy way out and go for “gluten-free” over taking the time to make things “celiac safe”.
But I was just thinking – shouldn’t food be completely gluten-free for those trying this way of eating for themselves, too? I realize many of us have celiac and eat this way because we have to but so many people are realizing on their own that eating this way just makes them feel better. To me there’s always been an extremely fine line between celiac and gluten sensitivity and intolerance.
I agree. Am I picky because I don’t like cooked tomatoes? Yes! Am I picky because I have an auto-immune disease and can’t eat gluten? Absolutely not! Pull your head out, Rachael!
I have never been a huge fan of hers anyway… but this just makes me that much more disappointed in her and in the way the media is treating Celiacs and those that need to eat gluten-free for other medical reasons. First of all, I am appalled any time I read that anyone is calling us “picky” …first Martha Stewart and now Rachael Ray?? I don’t necessarily like either one – but many women worship these two as Chef Gods (or Goddesses, I guess!) But, then to actually send out her own magazine with a recipe that is labeled as gluten-free that is clearly NOT gluten-free? You’ve got to be kidding me. Some newly diagnosed Celiac just starting out may go to Rachael Ray expecting her to KNOW the difference and to offer some assistance. They wouldn’t necessarily know to seek out a gluten-free version of cornflakes or to check the label on the dijon mustard. This tells me that neither Rachael nor her staff bother to have anyone double-check this with anyone to confirm it was “safe”….starting from someone who may eat gluten-free on her staff….. to sending it to one of the Celiac organizations – JUST to make sure??? What happened to responsible journalism??
Again – I am just disgusted and disappointed.
But, Gluten Dude – I’m loving your idea of making two new labels…. one for just “gluten-free” (for those eating GF without health concerns) and one for “Celiac safe” where everything is double and triple checked for errors and possible hidden gluten. AWESOME idea. 🙂
As a point of good-practice, when CUK publish recipes in their magazine, they always asterisk the dodgy items, and put “please make sure that you choose gluten-free versions of these ingredients”. Presumably, this is so that if we lent the magazine to a friend, they would know to double check the ingredients. Maybe a step in the right direction, but not far enough.
And it’s insulting to call people with special dietary requirements “picky eaters”. Whether people avoid certain foods for medical, religious or cultural reasons, it’s important to them, and it’s only respectful to observe a guest’s wishes, even if it is slightly inconvenient. My definition of a picky eater would be someone who avoids a large variety of foods and eats a narrow diet simply because they do not enjoy many foods.
Gluten Abstainers? Doesn’t “abstain” mean to “not vote”? I vote – I vote to avoid gluten.
Of course, the recent Miley Cyrus tweets (I’m gluten-free and I just ate a pizza etc…) and other similar people just don’t help our friends/hosts/restaurant staff distinguish between those who are eating less gluten-containing food right now, and those of us who need to avoid all sources of gluten for medical reasons.
I’ve gone on a bit – sorry folks.
First paragraph correction…
Maybe publishing these recipes in a major magazine is a step in the right direction for coeliacs, etc, but the magazine editor could have done more to ensure that the recipes are clear about which ingredients are gluten-free, and which you might need to check the ingredients list and maybe buy special gluten-free versions (or grab some from the coeliac you are cooking for).
Angie- I completely agree with you. Like it or not, there are a lot of people out there who are eating gluten free who are not Celiac. I love the idea of a “celiac safe” label. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!! For now though it is our responsibility as Celiacs to check that what we’re eating is safe for us. I find it even varies from celiac to celiac because there is unfortunately still a lot of “gray” out there when it comes to what’s safe (some of the questionable ingredients in her recipe would be considered safe to some but not to others, ie. paprika).
Now her comment about gf eaters being picky is just plain offensive and is only adding to the misconception about my disease that I deal with daily. I do feel that she should do another article explaining that Celiacs are not picky eaters. Being picky implies a choice and oh how I wish I had a choice!
I don’t mind Rachel and Dr. Davis wedged between the love stories. It reminds us to keep appreciating and acknowledge our support team, because I think we’re already seeing defensive tactics from the food and medical industry.
Think of how Nestle launched a massive marketing campaign at the turn of the century to tell women that only the poor and uneducated breastfed; science created something better than nature. That was before the internet and mass media marketing yet the impact changed the way a nation fed their babies–for decades.
Celiac has become trendy as the food industry scrambles to make a profit off new found awareness. But they don’t want people looking too deeply at the reality of the disease or the their own practices.
And so, we get the eye rolls and the Rachel Rays, the Dr. Davis and Drews and the flim-flam snake-oil man who just want to skin the surface enough to gather anyone flitting around the word ‘gluten’.
But we have a secret weapon. We have our loved ones and we have each other. We will keep putting out good information and offering support one
loved one
fellow celiac
at at time.
Sorry to the other Kristin here 🙂 I just realized there were two of us. I will use my last initial from now on.
ha ha…. I actually noticed that previously; however, I always agree with everything you say – so I figured even if someone thought we were one and the same… I was ok with that, LOL!! But, to avoid confusion – I will change my “name” as well. I’ll be Kristin in CA from now on. 🙂
Research indicates that there are quite probably forms of gluten in corn, as well. So, I have excluded it from my diet. My opinion is that corn products of any kind should not be labeled GF. “Picky” does make me want to scream, but I agree that it is most important to educate. (Although, she could join one of us in the restroom after consuming her recipe, and get the concept!) I get so tired of having to ask what is in a dish. I recently ordered black beans over brown rice, topped with salsa after discussing my dietary needs with my server. After about two bites, I looked down and spotted a huge kernel of corn. When I showed it to her, she said that they “like to sneak veggies in wherever they can”. Corn is NOT a veggie. It’s a grain! The menu actually suggested it for GF diners.
Sometimes, I feel like I’ll scream if I have to read another label. But, alas, it won’t help much. All that to say, I join you in your frustration, but education would be the more profitable action to take.
(Somehow my comment ended up in the wrong place above–sorry about that!)
Not at all to argue any evidence of corn sensitivity but I happened to ask the question about corn at a Celiac conference and was told that while a lot of people do have corn sensitivity that the gluten in corn is different than the gluten that affects Celiacs. They said that there are certainly Celiacs that also have a corn sensitivity but that simply being Celiac doesn’t mean you can’t have corn. RR just should have listed how important it was that the cornflakes be gf.
Agreed. I don’t want to start spreading “gluten fear” when it’s not necessary. Although I do not eat corn nor dairy, it doesn’t mean all celiacs should refrain.
While a “Celiac Safe” label sounds appealing it could lull us into a false sebse of security. AND might prompt many a discussion similar to this one on many forums. Even many Celiacs have created their own definitions of gluten, gluten free and “safe” based on their own food philosophy and what is safe for them personally. I have discovered I swell and ache when I eat foods made from Pamela’s Baking and Pancake Mix which is gluten free and was developed specifically for Celiacs. I may be sensitive to the xanthum gum or perhaps I need to avoid all refined grains (white rice flour). It doesn’t make me as ill as gluten but I DO feel it. I had to be GF for 6 months before I was improved enough to detect other triggers.
So… while Pamela’s mix may be gluten free and safe for many Celiacs, eatong it is not in MY best interest. 🙁 It might impact some other Celiacs the same way. So, “Celiac Safe” is a rather broad statement for any company to legally assert.
The alternative would be to force companies who are not “over the top” in their gluten free efforts to post “not safe for Celiacs” and I bet every brand not specifically targeted to us would use that label for self protection. They’d be slapping “not Celiac safe” on milk cartons and ears of corn. lol
We know the world cannot revolve around us. I’m grateful for the more recent improvements in food labeling and wish there were more safe esting establishments, but over all we have to do our homework and take personal responsibility. At first I subsisted on salads, bunless burgers and Wendy’s chili. Too tired and foggy to do better. But even that led toward enough improvement that I was able to take it to the next level…. and the next. I’m 6 months in and learning!
“We know the world cannot revolve around us. I’m grateful for the more recent improvements in food labeling and wish there were more safe eating establishments, but over all we have to do our homework and take personal responsibility.”
Agree wholeheartedly.:)
We will never see “celiac safe” labels. Even the “gluten free” designation on packages is subject to too much “loose” interpretation. (and the new law for GF status still needs to be passed.)
And Robyn, you may well be able to “do” Pamela’s mixes down the road. Things can change as your gut heals. I could not do dairy for a long time and now, I can. 🙂 Hang in there!!
The Celiac community needs to do a better job of educating people about the disease. Who else is going to? I don’t think Rachel is alone. A lot of chefs and restaurant owners have no clue about gluten. Many of them think it’s just in wheat.
Maybe if all of us who commented here actually wrote into her magazine, perhaps she would set the record straight about gluten and Celiac. Like her or not, she has a huge following. A letter in her magazine would do a lot to educate the non-Celiac community–more good that us just bashing her here.
Thanks for the conversation, Dude!
Damn! THEY Blew my cover! I am one of the “picky eaters” of which THEY peak. All this time, since I was diagnosed by biopsy, after having positive antibodies in my blood called anti-tissue transglutaminase (which I am sure THEY know what that is and all the consequences that go along with it since they obviously fully understand), I thought I was supposed to remain gluten free to avoid the debilitating migraines, constipation, bowel obstructions, fatigue and and various other problems that have cleared up since I started the MD prescribed GF diet. Thanks so much to these learned individuals who have free me from the constraints of being a picky eater! !!!!
Here’s the deal folks. We are screaming a bit. You ever ask your child to do something, or stop doing something, ten times? What happens on the 11th time? You tend to raise your voice a bit to get their attention.
I’m raising my voice because soft and gentle isn’t getting us heard.
Awesome analogy!
AMEN, GD!!!!
Rachel Ray is a female version of A-Rod…a BIG SOUL LESS WEENIIE
Except for the fact that she had or still does have a Pittbull (I love pitties), I can’t stand the lady anyway. She has no idea what she is talking about. Yeah, I’m “picky”, uh cause I don’t want to spend weeks sick. Shame on you Rachel Ray. I never liked watching her because she is way to hyper for me. She clearly has no clue, so she is not worth my time. I wouldn’t EVER eat in one of her eating establishments—that if she has one. BOO!!!
I thought I remembered Rachel Ray endorsing a gluten-free cookbook and found it!
There is a cookbook called “Cooking for Isaiaih” which contains all gluten-free and dairy-Free recipes by Silvana Nardone who was (at least when the book was published in 2010) Editor in Chief of Every Day with Rachel Ray. The author of the book has a son who is gluten and dairy sensitive. She writes how hard it is was to learn to cook again. Rachel Ray writes the forward for the book and expresses admiration for her friend “Sil”. This is NOT a mistake she (or her Editor in Cheif) should be making.
..and please ignore the typos. This is what happens when you have only two-minutes to write something..LOL.
Amazon link:
Okay . . . that makes this whole article in her magazine just a little stranger! Still can not get over that whoever proofs and edits her magazine allowed the word “picky” – when it’s currently estimated that 1 in 16 Americans (roughly 18 million Americans) have some form of gluten sensitivity. As many as 30 million have some sort of food intolerance and over 12 million have at least one food allergy.
How does someone who cooks for a living not more aware of this? This has had to come up with people she’s cooked for before at her home and some guests you’d have to think. That really surprises me.
And one other thing I want to add, too, I’m Italian and I’m still eating all my favorities foods. I didn’t give up pasta. Tinyada pasta tastes just like regular and we even make a dairy-free lasagna with their brown rice noodles and never miss the cheese.
I did say that a form of gluten had possibly been identified. Since when did education become “spreading gluten fear”?
This type of reaction is no better than what you’re complaining about. Maybe this isn’t the quality blog I had hoped it was, but just a place to complain and criticize, instead. Your resources are more accurate than mine?
If we want gluten identified, then I’d prefer that ALL gluten be identified. Then, I can see if it’s right for my family or not.
Sorry for the misunderstanding Jacque. I just want to make sure this site keeps to the facts as much as humanly possible.
Can you provide a link where it says corn contains gluten?
I’m all about spreading the truth and I’d be happy to let the world know if the claim can be backed up.
Actually the word ” gluten” , originally, referred to the various types of proteins in all grains. Celiac disease is a reaction to the specific kind of gluten in wheat, rye and barley ( oats for a few,too).
Now the use of the word gluten, in regular conversation, refers to the wheat, rye & barley gluten but not the gluten in rice or corn or any other grain.
Lima Bean, not necessarily so. Research, thankfully, continues. That may be your opinion, but not necessarily the truth. New discoveries are being made. The gluten molecule in corn is different from that of wheat, yet a form of gluten, none the less. That of rye and barley are not identical to the one found in wheat, either.
Just like all reactions to gluten are not the same, neither are all forms of gluten.
Might we ask that you cite your references, as well?
Ok. I don’t have time to look up the anatomy of grains. Let’s just assume the common use of the word “gluten” as in -Celiacs need to eat gluten free.
I followed the link from this medical center:
Corn has zein, not gluten, it is not considered a part of the gluten family, and they have a completely different composition. “Corn gluten” is a slang term used within the feedlot milling industry for protein content or added protein in livestock feeds. There are certain individuals out there who are promoting “research” which is in fact misinterpreted scientific studies as a ploy to manipulate people into buying their system or product (I’m not sure what they’re calling it these days… but it’s just a play to get your money and scare consumers.)
Corn flakes contain malt flavoring which is usually made from barley, so NOT gluten free
Whenever in doubt call the 800 # on the box orcontainer, they’ll let you know
Yep. And I thought that was what we were all saying until someone said corn isn’t gluten free and said I had to prove it was.
Can we have some more fun topics? Pleeeeeeeze, Mr. dude!
This is a link that shows that sometimes corn can be cross-contaminated by gluten. The corn tested in the study was found to have 82 ppm of gluten in it due to cross-contamination.
Our family can’t seem to tolerate corn, maybe this is part of the reason.
I had trouble with corn right after my DX too, but my digestive tract was pretty damaged. I can tolerate corn just fine now and I think people’s tolerance for it varies. (just like dairy, soy, etc.)
This study you have linked to is often posted on, but I think it is only fair to point out that the small number of participants were given the corn in a rectal challenge that created “inflammation” and upon further testing, found THIS particular batch of corn in the study was cross-contaminated.
A few people, one study, a select batch of corn– does not sway me to conclude that corn is hazardous to me or to celiacs in general. IMHO
The author of the article himself concluded:
“To use this single study as ‘proof’ that corn gluten is bad and dangerous for all those with celiac disease, is likely inaccurate and overly inflammatory.
Also using the terminology ‘corn gluten’ to potentially confuse people with gluten intolerance that corn is to be avoided in the same way as wheat, rye and barley is likely adding a greater burden to an already challenging diet than is absolutely necessary.”
I agree, one study isn’t enough, but maybe it’s something that should be tested further. Be curious just how many foods we do eat contain gluten by cross-contamiination. lists many foods on their forum that have been tested by members and have been found to have hidden gluten. Something to consider for those like me who are very sensitive to gluten and may have removed it from their diets but are still getting sick.
Often, too, I think corn may bother those with celiac if it is GMO corn which can cause more inflammation and issues. Dr. Anderson, author or Real Medicine, Real Food explains that GMO foods change the signature of the gene sequence for that food. It becomes something foreign – something that doesn’t exist in nature. Our immune system looks at it as foreign, too, and attacks that genetically modified food creating an inflammatory reaction. And that in turn can lead to a whole chain reaction of other issues and symptoms for those with celiac.
I’ll have to do some searching, as I didn’t purposely save it. Although I did find it much more than once. I’m not being sarcastic, I really hadn’t planned to have to cite a source on it. Am not feeling well today, so it may take a few days.
I am an RN, and have researched this issue for more than two years, in my battle towards wellness. I had developed my own flour blend, that did contain cornstarch, and was still not feeling like what I hope is my best. I just reformulated my blend without corn a few weeks ago, and am testing it out for myself.
I’ll try to remember to touch back when I have the info.
Thank you
I have been a long time fan of Rachael Ray. I like that her recipes are clear, easy to follow, and always work. I am able to make the recipes gluten free friendly for the most part. However, she lost me a few weeks ago when she had the author of “The Virgin Diet” on her show. After the audience took a survey about the top food allergens, wheat being one of them, the majority raised their hand to say they most likely need to avoid these allergens and make a change in their diets. Rachael went on to say that this did not apply to the rest of the population, huh? has she heard of a random sample? and that if you tried to take pasta away from an Italian like herself, that fists would come out. I found her comments ignorant, and archaic. She is in total denial about how far reaching celiac and gluten intolerance are, even in her mother’s native Italy, and refuses to make some simple changes to her recipes, like mentioning that you can use rice or quinoa or corn pasta and still keep the flavour of the dish. Yeah, I get that you love pasta Rachael, and so do I. We eat it at least once or twice a week in our house, while still maintaining a gluten free diet. Shame on you Rachael!
She’s right, I am a picky gluten abstainer. I abstain from gluten and I’m picky about what I will watch on TV and which magazines I will read. And my choices have never, and will never, include anything involving Ms. Ray.
People, please educate yourselves about your own disease. Celiacs are sensitive to the gliadin fraction of the gluten protein in wheat, eye, barley and multiple other hibridized forms triticale for example. Most Celiac sufferers can eat corn, as it does not have the gliadin. Some cannot or choose not to do so. Just as some celiac sufferers cannot eat dairy or any number of other foods. The entire purpose we should be supporting here is the proper labeling and identification of ALL foods we are consuming and the further education of these embiciles who claim to know what it means to cook gluten free. Stop all this in fighting educate yoursleves and THEN try to help educate others!
My family has been eating gluten free due to Celiac Disease for over 30 years; which is more than most of the commentators here I’m sure. We were figuring it out back when no one had ever heard about it. For all those years Corn Flakes Crumbs have been a blessed event. We’ve eaten the cereal and breaded our chicken with the crumbs. It didn’t need a GFree label on it to make it safe for us. There are degrees of sensitivity and it seems to me that those who was very sensitive and hopefully you know this, have, to be extra alert and take care of themselves more diligently than other celiacs may have to do.. Truly there’s no need to get all worked up about this. It may or may not be a recipe you want to use. Whatever. Save your energy for something that needs it; not a rant against a TV cook who thought she was doing something tasty. Some celiacs may have found this worthwhile others not. That doesn’t make it a national disaster. If my family freaked out every time some chef took out the dairy in a GFree recipe we’d still be eating leafy greens and wondering what was next. Ease up folks.
Pat…are you saying that some celiacs can tolerate gluten if they are not “as sensitive”? That’s a dangerous message to put out there.
I agree! This is a very important distinction. You’re level of “reaction” has nothing to do with the safety level of eating gluten. You may or may not have a strong reaction, but if you have Celiac Disease, you are damaging your body and possibly setting yourself up for more illnesses regardless of having a reaction or not!
That being said, there are some Corn Flakes brands that are gluten free. I think we are talking about a specific brand here but the Whole Foods in my city sells a brand called ENVIROKIDS Organic AMAZON FROSTED FLAKES that are GF ( though it does not state that it is certified GF, it does state on the package that “This product has always been gluten free”. I know they sell other brands that are GF and probably, but I am not certain, some that are certified GF. Maybe the writer that said they have been eating corn flakes for years may be using one of the safe brands. If not, she’s eating gluten!
In regard to “corn gluten” I have read alternative health sites that claim this is a problem for Celiacs. Though “corn gluten” is not the gluten that is known to be a problem for Celiacs, it does cause confusion and these sites state it is fact. I cannot tolerate any grains and many alternative sites claim no one, including Celiacs should eat grains.
I do not know of any well known Celiac expert that currently recognizes the “corn gluten is not safe for Celiacs” as fact. Maybe the alternative sites are ahead of their time, maybe it’s due to cross-contamination of the corn, and maybe some Celiacs have trouble with corn and some do not. I think we are all individuals and react in different ways to different foods.
I think we need to be careful because there is SO MUCH info on the internet about Celiac and Gluten Intolerance that is not scientifically proven and I would be careful to get fact based info if you don’t want to go insane with worry! Also, if you are not improving on your current diet, maybe the more alternative suggestions may help you as they did me but they are not for everyone and are not yet PROVEN!
I’m not worked up over the recipe. I’m “worked up” about the careless attitude she used calling me a “picky gluten abstainer”.
You may have been at this longer than most of us, but you have your facts wrong. If you have been consuming Kellogg’s Corn flakes for 30 years, you’re eating gluten and it does not matter what your “level of sensitivity” is. No gluten is acceptable for a celiac.
Quite right, Irish Heart. The Kelloggs cornflakes available in the UK were considered to contain too much gluten for coeliacs when the “safe limit” was 200ppm – and the current limit in the UK is 20ppm, which now excludes ALL products from all the well-known manufacturers. This may well be different where you live, but it’s the reality here.
If we aren’t certain whether a product is safe for us, we should leave it alone.
Pat, although I am sure you consider yourself an expert, it seems you are content with being partially informed and informative. I see nothing in your statement that makes me believe that simply because you have been dealng with this for a long time that you Yvette made effort to have more than a cursory idea of how this disease affects you. I sincerely hope that this tolerance of which you speak means you and/or your family memebera have somehow overcome this disease process (not possible). Otherwise, just because there is not an overt reaction that causes a symptom to present itself, it doesn’t mean your immune system is not reacting and causing atrophy of the billion in your small intestine. Thus type of insidious damage can silently lead you directly to deaths door with the sequelae of lymphoma (the most common but bybfar not the only cancer that is linked to Celiac disease.) So, of you want to bury your head and remain uninformed, and to be content with the status quo of uneducated chefs, nurses, doctors, family and friends, feel free. I, for one, will continue to educate myself and attempt to help others learn to help us help ourselves (sorry if this is full of typos, on the phone here and my arms are too short to see this tiny print, )
They have cute reading glasses at Walmart and Target for less than $15! :). Looks like you did pretty well though!
Seriously, I still hear uniformed doctors telling patients a little gluten won’t hurt you. I bet that 30 years ago that doc was even more mis- informed.
So glad to see so many ‘on track’ responses to Pat’s uninformed post. While earlier I commented on our need to stay strong and patient in order to educate the public, Pat’s post highlights how much mis-information is still lurking out there amongst our very own Celiac community! Pat, my response is in no way meant to be rude or crass, but an attempt to reach out and keep you informed of harm you are doing to yourself and others with Celiac.
Please understand, all of us with diagnosed Celiac Disease – an autoimmune reaction is an autoimmune reaction is an autoimmune reaction, whether you feel it or not! When someone with Celiac Disease ingests (a minute amount of) gluten an autoimmune response is triggered, causing systemic inflammation and all of the other cancer-associated consequences it brings with it!
This erronous “Celiac sensitivity” is something I often hear talked about and spread through Celiac circles and the public, and it really must stop! If a person with Celiac Disease does not FEEL the autoimmune reaction that does not mean they are “less sensitive” or have been “cured” from the disease. In fact, research shows that the majority of people with Celiac Disease have ‘silent’ symptoms – one of the reasons CD is underdiagnosed in the US.
Above post….Yvette should be have. Billion should be villi.
Lima Bean, I have some of those glasses, but can never seem to find them when I need them. My current GI tells people this. I know better thank goodness. My previous doctor was adamant. Zero gluten….it never ceases to amaze me how much misinformation is perpetrated by the medical profession.
I know the feeling! I went to the grocery and had to buy a pair of readers to continue shopping!
Thanks for this! It burns me up that the fad is to be Gluten Free. I am allergic to wheat and hence gluten. I carry an epipen with me in case I’m exposed. It probably will at least give me a chance to get to the hospital in time. I hope. Until you’ve experienced a life threatening attack, don’t judge me because I’m, what was the word, picky! It’s sickening to think of the child that could eat that and die because someone was misguided in believing what she made was Gluten Free.
I think it would be effective if we all wrote to her to explain why what she said is so harmful. She is just IGNORANT. If we can all educate her maybe she’ll become an advocate for us!
Just because I have a food intolerance to gluten AND corn, I haven’t lost my sense of humor. I realize I’m a high-maintenance dinner guest, so I always try to bring a dish (or two). I understand the “picky” comment, but I’m so disappointed to see cornflakes listed under a gluten-free recipe. Dude, thanks for pointing this out. It’s important to point out when the media gets it wrong, so we can get it right. I intend on sending her a note (or at least a tweet).
I don’t know about all of you, but I stopped reading at “picky eaters…” If there’s one thing I never was before GF was exactly that. I loved everything, and loved trying anything new. Seafood, pork, chicken gizzards, etc., you name it! I boil when even my mom says, “Oh, I fixed this or that, but I know you don’t like it…” and, I lash out at her and tell her “I do like it, but just can’t have it!!!” Darn it! Oh, well. I guess it’s just payback from when I used to think Vegetarians were picky… :/
I would just like to point out that being vegetarian is a choice and having a medical issue, Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance, is not. A vegetarian chooses to not eat meat for many different reasons, including some for health reasons but it is not a disease. A person with Celiac or Gluten Intolerance cannot digest gluten and eating it is very harmful to the body. There is a big difference!
Jane, I know what you mean. Now that I know I need to eat gluten-free, for the first time I feel a bit chagrined about the vegetarianism I’ve maintained for several years. I plan to continue being a vegetarian, for all the same reasons I was one before, but now I feel like I’m doing a disservice (however slight) to the celiac community by presenting myself as extra picky, which might be generalized to everyone else. So…sorry, everyone! I really am picky. Just not JUST picky. 🙂
In all honesty I was only very recently diagnosed (three weeks ago) and the research I did didn’t show the hidden danger of corn/maize. So far I have been doing a Whole30 to clean out and heal up. I would have re-introduced it and glad to know not to.
Maybe they did the same search I did and came up with the same results. My doctor may have diagnosed me but he sure knows less than me about Celiac. Which is understandable I guess as the test for it isn’t all that common in South Africa yet.
Corn is know to be safe for people with Celiac disease but there are some who have problems with it. A good scientific resource is the The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center. You can go to their Facebook page or go to this web address:
There is a lot of false information out there and it is important that you get the facts, especially when newly diagnosed. Another great resource is the Gluten Intolerance Group, GIG provides information, education and support to those with celiac disease (CD) / dermatitis hepetiformis: Good luck!
“There is a lot of false information out there and it is important that you get the facts, especially when newly diagnosed.”
Amen to that, Jane! 🙂
Sadly, sometimes, it gets harder and harder to “myth bust” and sometimes, we get blasted for telling the truth because people assume that everything on the internet must be valid. We have many people claiming to be “gluten experts”….
Could someone please indicate where in the heck a reputable site says corn is NOT okay? As I’ve said before, it may bother some people but it is totally Celiac okay!!!!!! Any problem with corn is separate from Celiac disease. Also let me verify, anyone can and should be able to choose what they will or will not eat for whatever reason they choose or must without being labled as picky!!!
“Could someone please indicate where in the heck a reputable site says corn is NOT okay?”
Nope! Not possible!
I hope I’m not ranting but I would like to point out that every single “alternative” health site that I have read that talk about corn being bad for Celiacs has things to sell you (for profit) and not one of the “traditional” medically accepted sites sell additional products. There are newletters and membership fees but what you pay is only to cover their costs. You may take that into consideration when choosing who is reputable. Why would you buy anything from their site if it was just the same ole information that is already free?
Here’s an scholarly article, siting research that indicates some Celiacs have an inflammatory reaction to corn. It’s important to note that corn and gluten are not the same thing. Most of what is known about Celiac and gluten have to do with gliadin, which is found in wheat only. I can only speak about my own experience, but I cannot tolerate gluten or corn. Here’s the article:
*Here’s A scholarly article… I’m moving too fast!
Thanks so much for this comment. It’s what I was trying to say. We aren’t all alllike and don’t all react the same to gluten, wheat, corn, giadin, and the host of other potential allergins.
This same article was already posted up above, but I’ll repeat my response here.
This study you have linked to is often posted on, but I think it is only fair to point out that the small number of participants (13) were given the corn in a rectal challenge that created “inflammation”.
A few people, one study, a select batch of corn– does not sway me to conclude that corn is hazardous to me or to celiacs in general. IMHO
Further discussion in another article (the author who admits he does not think corn is a good grain for anyone, but who is reasonable about the data) concluded:
“To use this single study as ‘proof’ that corn gluten is bad and dangerous for all those with celiac disease, is likely inaccurate and overly inflammatory.
Also using the terminology ‘corn gluten’ to potentially confuse people with gluten intolerance that corn is to be avoided in the same way as wheat, rye and barley is likely adding a greater burden to an already challenging diet than is absolutely necessary.”
Just because some people have a problem with corn does not mean all celiacs should not eat it.
I get terrible pains from beans, lots of people do, but I don’t conclude that all celiacs should avoid it.
sorry, that should say “avoid them.”
Dude, we need edit buttons!! 🙂
Coming soon…I promise 🙂
I know….I’ll be patient 🙂 🙂
Maybe I’m just uneducated, but how is sticking something up someone’s butt a good indicator of how a digestive system will treat something when it’s put in the proper end? Wouldn’t your colon be offended by introducing ANY undigested food?
I know mine would be. 🙂
CAUTION! we need to be very careful with the type of language and messaging we use to ‘educate’ ourselves and the public about Celiac Disease. While it is very true that, in general, people with autoimmune diseases (not just CD) have increased risk of other food intolerances, sensitivities, allergies, etc., I think it is important that we all understand that when we discuss CD it is a disease specific to gluten from wheat, rye, barely, triticale and any derivative or product (malt or otherwise) “contaminated” with it – there is no research/evidence to prove it anything more or less at this point.
It is important, though, and is something that I discuss on my blog and at speaking events often, that those of us with autoimmune diseases not fall in to what I call the “one and done” trap. By that I mean, it is importat that we continue to be mindful, after diagnosis of CD, of other changes taking place in our body and recognize any other sensitivities/intolerances of which we may not have been originally aware.
HOWEVER- while it is common to have multiple autoimmunity ‘issues,’ more imporantly, we must always remember that our individual experiences do not qualify broad-stroke statements like “people with CD have dairy/corn intolerance, etc.” Much needed (reliable, reputable, systematically constructed, and repeated) research is needed to validate any such claim before we flood the internet with our personal experiences as if they are fact. Information overload, especially info based on personal experience, does not help our CD advocacy and education of the public – too many unfounded claims and too many biased opinions muddy our waters!
Can I just say – if I invite someone to eat at my house, unless I know them very well, I will ask:
Is there anything you really enjoy eating?
Is there anything you dislike eating?
Is there anything you can’t eat?
If the answers to these questions throw up queries, I ask my guest/s for advice.
Is this because I know a lot of “picky eaters”? No, it’s because I want my GUESTS (!) to feel comfortable eating food I have prepared.
I’ve only been diagnosed for four years, but have always considered it good manners to accommodate my friends’ needs/wants/preferences as far as is practical.
In California, we had Prop 37 on the ballot:,_Mandatory_Labeling_of_Genetically_Engineered_Food_%282012%29
After doing all my research, in order to vote with knowledge, I will NEVER eat corn, soy, cottonseed, canola etc. again.
The government pays farmers to grow products that are genetically modified, which are in abundance now and thus in EVERYTHING we eat. Everything.
Our food is making us sick. The very food our government allows in our food stream is ruining us . . . but we’re “picky eaters” ::eye roll::
I just thank God every day that I don’t have kids. It would eat me up knowing they were stuck with this problem.
I think I am missing something, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to write The Rachel Ray Show and her magazine. I looked on the web site but somehow I can’t find it. Does anyone know how to email or write the show and magazine?
You can always give Facebook and Twitter a shot, but I don’t think they will respond. Or try one of the methods on this page:
Thank you! I am not looking for a response. I would like someone from her camp to understand how what she said was not a good thing and why. I don’t want to bash her. I am hoping to educate her. I do think if enough people wrote her at some point it may get noticed!
Sometimes letters are printed in magazines. Maybe it would be a good campaign on our part to start writing to shows, magazines and news publications. If we’re persistent, maybe we can get some more advocates on our side to help educate a broader group. Just an idea. I know there are people working to educate the public but somehow the public keeps getting wrong information or they are confused, to our detriment.
Rachel sounded judgmental! Of an illness! Obviously, she does not get it and if someone as educated as Rachel Ray doesn’t get it, imagine how our restaurants and servers, educated or not, may view us? I find it frightening!
I wasnt diagnosed until I was 21 before that if you called picky you where right I only eat certain foods but after being diagnosed I started eating so many more things and try everything i can now as long as its gluten free of course. being picky is a choice having a coeliac is not believe me i would do anything to be able to have anything i wanted on a menu. people like this are the reason I havent had a meal out in 6 years. i tried so many times but after getting the “we dont cater for fad diets” routine i stopped bothering. its sad that a person whose life is dedicated to food and entertaining has actually got no interest. I can only imagine whats shes been feeding her friends and family all these years.
Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the serious gluten free community. My husband is one of those whose numbers were also off the charts, with the tiniest bit of gluten making his seriously ill.
I have a couple of suggestions:
1. Contact the Food Network that airs her show.
2. Start a petition to (a) ask for a correction and an apology or (b) my preferred choice–to have her remove from the air waves.
3. Contact the national gluten advocate associations and ask them to weigh in.
We have enough problems navigating the world of food with people like Rachael Ray, Kathie Lee Gifford and the likes making life even harder.
Again, I applaud your efforts!
Thanks Jackie.
Hmmm, I love your blog -your candid honesty is so refreshing – you are helping people, when I first found your blog I was so happy to find out I’m not the only one who isn’t feeling all roses and sunshines about being gluten free – it’s no suprise so many of us (myself included) continue to harm ourselves with carelessness or…I… just… need that cake…uggghhh…that wasn’t worth this sick for days afterwards…but I still do it…. and I love coming here – just laughed my butt off at the Channing Tatum post, and this one’s really got me thinking.
I subscribe to her mag (I’ve hated her and loved her – I like some of her idea’s and the mag is like a big wish list for me lol – such great gear in there). I read this recipe – didn’t even notice the picky dis (am I just so used to this attitude? as a mom with a child with multiple food allergies who has multple intolernaces of her own am I really just so used to this kind of attitude that I didn’t even notice…yup)…I read the recipe and thought “I should call them about that..since cornflakes aren’t gluten free…(followed instantly by my own persoanl apathy and calusness)…well people should know that”… It didn’t even occur to me that the recipe was not for the GF person but for a host…who most likely knows nothing about malt containing gluten and well…I’m calling the mag right now, for what it’s worth to them I’m gonna give it a go.
Thanks, this blog is BY FAR my favorite non recipe based blog – LOVE it!
Oops, I forgot to spell check…darn now I look like an idiot LOL sigh…calling mag now…
Let me know what they say…if anything.
Love your Gravatar 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I’m emailing them, I’ll let you know if/when I hear back 🙂
If you will send the email, I will give them what’s left of my mind!
Nice to have comrades in this gf war I found myself in 3 1/2 years ago.
For what’s its worth, my pastor asked me to find a gluten free bread that would work for the entire congregation so that my husband either could not take communion or had to take communion at a different time. A little Internet work discovered that one denomination was advising to go ahead and eat the bread because that little amount of gluten was not enough to hurt anyone. A Catholic site said that bread not containing gluten was not holy. My pastor disagreed!
We may lose a few battles which is okay as long as we win the war!
Keep up the good work!
Dear Gluten Dude,
Thank you for your note about the “Make Over Your Dinner Party” feature in the March 2013 issue. In retrospect, the use of the word “picky” was unfortunate. We should have distinguished more clearly between selective eaters and those who are gluten-free for health reasons. Our intention was not to make light of any health condition or allergy.
Our editorial staff—which includes people with celiac disease—aims to be especially vigilant when recommending recipes and products as gluten-free. Starting in our January/February issue this year, we even added the “Gluten-Free” category to our recipe index, another effort to recognize and meet the needs of gluten-free cooks.
In regard to the Cornflake Chicken Cordon Blue recipe, we are aware of the fact that Kellogg’s Corn Flakes contain gluten. We developed this recipe using gluten-free cornflakes—as a matter of fact, several brands make gluten-free varieties, including Arrowhead Mills and Erewhon. Because of an editing error, the specification “gluten-free” was removed from the cornflakes in the ingredients list. We regret the mistake and are running a correction in our next issue. In the future, we will be sure to indicate when an ingredient should be gluten-free.
Thank you again for bringing this issue to our attention.
The Every Day with Rachael Ray Team
Wow! Is this for real? Sounds like a corporate response. Maybe they are finally “getting” it?
Now if they can just get RR to stop saying stupid stuff about gf foods or “picky” eaters.
Nice, glad to see this post.
Fantastic! Let’s hope this she is sincere!
Well, it’s a start! Glad to see a response.
“Nowhere in the recipe does it state that cornflakes could contain gluten.” Was there anything in the recipe that stated that the cornflakes were Kellogg’s?
If I hear the term cornflakes without a brand name attached, I think it could mean Kellogg’s, but I definitely do not assume it. Consequently, I do not assume it has gluten in it or that it is gluten-free. Though it would have been useful for her to emphasize that she was using gluten-free corn flakes, I don’t think it was on obligation. We have the responsibility for checking the labels of packaged foods we buy.
Without it being clear that she was specifically talking about the Kellogg’s brand, I would never have claimed that she was making a gluten-free recipe with gluten in it.
It was listed under Gluten-Free recipes Dan. And what if it’s not you but someone else who makes it for you and says it’s totally gluten-free. I agree…we need to be our own best advocates, but the recipe was dangerous to celiacs.
Newly diagnosed people or people cooking for a GFreer is not likely to know that Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are not GF. Why would they?
Unless you’re educated about celiac and sources of hidden gluten, you may not know that the malt flavoring is a no-no.
So, yes, it is necessary to stipulate GF corn flakes.
For sure it does! Last year just before I went GF Kellogg’s Canada pulled a bunch of boxes they had on the box “as always gluten free” but they aren’t. It’s so important to clarify since the only ones that are GF specify it – 99% of people wouldn’t think corn flakes had gluten in it – why would they? They’re corn flakes…
It happened here too…in this highly viewed parody of GF life on You Tube…
In her defense. There are Gluten Free cornflakes. She never states use “Kellogs” or a specific brand. “Natures Path Corn Flakes” are gluten free so her recipe can be gluten free. Honestly they should have written in the recipe to use GF Corn Flakes but we all should be smart enough to read labels/recipes as well.
I do have to wonder where the current tidal wave of gluten avoidance is coming from. Seems to be trendy to avoid gluten now.
yes, well, thank you for your uninformed and basically useless “opinion”.
One- time posters always smack of “trolls” 🙂
How “trendy” do you think it is to develop a rash after TOUCHING wheat or anything related to wheat?! Do you think it’s “trendy” to get intensely painful cramps across the lower right corner of your ribcage (intense meaning bad enough to make you cry) after you have eaten wheat?! What about having to wear a hole in the floor between your bedroom and bathroom from pooping the bottom out of the toilet after eating wheat-based foods?! I have Celiac and i guarantee you that I didn’t willingly go gluten free. Unless you have Celiac Disease and experience these symptoms yourself, please don’t comment that our needing to go GF is “trendy” or “cool”. Suture that opening underneath your nose when you feel the need to make such stupid remarks.
Just another over rated american goody good whom we are all sick of .Just praying on peoples problems ,ellen ,opray etc all need to be banished from tv .
Sad, that people who are clueless about Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten intolerance feel the need to comment on something they know nothing about!
I agree with folks who want to kindly EDUCATE Rachel and others, about gluten sensitivity (both Celiac and non-Celiac types).
If kindly done, it might have far reaching good results!
It may feel good to bash ignorant folks, but, earnest, passionate, yet kindly informing them, might yield cooperation, rather than protective reactions against being bashed.
I REFUSE to watch Rachael Ray and Martha Stewart because of their stupid and ignorant attitudes towards Celiac Disease. I hate these two bitches passionately. I would love for them to be able to trade bodies with anyone with Celiac Disease or any other food intolerance so they can better understand what we have to go through. But it’s a shame that science hasn’t come that far.
I had read this and forgot where (now I realize it was here, last year) but never forgot about what she said. So when I came across this article again today it made me laugh because I’ve had this information in my head all this time and it’s the reason I’ve been throwing out all the Everyday with Rachael Ray magazines for the waiting room in my office (I didn’t order it to begin with)…
My own little revenge/protecting clients from her insane ramblings 🙂