Dude note: To help celebrate and promote Celiac Awareness Month, I will be writing 30 blog posts over 30 consecutive days (weekends excluded) with the theme “30 Days of Helping 30 Celiacs”. Each post will be aimed toward helping one specific person or group of people. If you or someone you know needs help, guidance, advice or a shoulder to cry on, please contact me and I will do what I can to help. On the 31st day, you’re on your own. Totally kidding.
Today’s 30 for 30 blog post is for: Parents of children with celiac disease.
After Monday’s post became such a debacle, I thought I’d give my blog a rest for a bit. The internet can drain me at times. Spend a day on Twitter and your head will explode.
But then I received the following message on Facebook and it put a smile on my face. A big one. It’s a poem someone wrote to her best friend’s daughter, who had just been diagnosed with celiac disease.
I hope it puts a smile on your face too.
She loved the poem so in the spirit of helping other Celiacs, I thought I would share it for other mothers to share with their children.
“Ode to Celiac Disease” by Tracey Decter
When Celiac has got you down,
Poke his eye and you won’t frown.
If you prefer, just bop his head,
And make HIS tummy hurt instead.
This little guy is super cute!
He thinks it’s funny when you toot!
Although you may feel constipated,
Gluten foods are overrated.
Don’t use a fork to eat your soup!
Don’t tell me when it’s time to poop!
I wish you well with all my heart,
But leave the room if you must fart!
She sent it with a stuffed animal stomach.
Thanks for everything you do. It has helped me help my daughter this past year.
That’s awesome! I don’t care how old you are – fart jokes (and poems) are funny. 😉
The last post did get crazy didn’t it? Don’t worry – those parents will be fine. Most of us get to the point where we can see through the BS. They will too if they’re not in fact there already.
Great smile for the day! Thanks!
Excellent!!! That’s the type of poetry I wish I could write. Alas, I
can’t- that’s right, I said “alas” . There ‘s a word we don’t use nearly enough.
Have a good one, GD.
Alas, Sue, I agree, we don’t. Let’s bring it back. 🙂
You can write poetry. Just pick up your pen , let your mind go and just write….. free style it. Bet you come out with something
Perhaps I will, forthwith…I’ll stop now:)
No, don’t. I love old school tawk. lol
Alas, me too. Now I shall go forthwith and make myself something more to eat 🙂
methinks we would enjoy a health repast together sometime.
alas, we are scattered across the planet.
Love love love it!
Gotta read that on Stern SMILE
oh wow, heart rhyming with fart = superb!
After getting hit last week, this is the first thing that’s made me genuinely laugh. I really needed that.
Love it. Can I have a go?
Dear Celiac,
You suck.
You are a literal pain in my butt.
You trigger such reactions,
like headaches and depressions.
You truly leave me tired,
confused and uninspired.
If I could take you,
eradicate you-
rid of you forever;
I would bury you like a Soprano
in Jersey
Ciao. Forever.
Jersey Girl
That s got “rap” written all over it. You’re good.
You’re right. I actually read it like I was 50 cent.
Yeah you got that right! JGirl I always love your music quotes at the end of your comments and you’ve got some skilz 🙂
yo ! JG got some mad skilz!
i’m cool. we all cool
Nicely done JG!!!
I can’t wait to share this poem with my kids when they get home from school. They love to laugh about farts and poop…
Thanks so much for writing it, Tracey, and sharing it, GD. Hope that your week improves.
My entire family thinks fahts are funny.
Must be a Bahston thing.
As president of the “I’m really not that mature” club, farts will always make me giggle.
Phew GD, what a day yesterday! Love it and big ups for the reprieve. What a job you have! Hope you can chill and have a Tito’s 🙂
I just may take your advice…
it’s not even Friday, but it sure feels like it.
I am exhausted. 🙁