Mrs. Dude is On the Mend


Hi everyone. Where in the world have you been??

What’s that? I’m the one that’s been MIA? Oh…in that case, where in the world have I been?

In a nutshell…to hell and back. But hey…at least I’m back.

5 Star Accomodations
5 Star Accomodations
And I’ll be back in full-force next week.

For now, I just want to give a quick Mrs. Dude update.


She had the double mastectomy last Thursday and was home by Saturday.

The hospital staff could not have been better. My undying gratitude to everyone who took care of Mrs. Dude.

The best news? She is cancer free. While they found a bit more in one of her breasts, the lymph nodes were clean! And a big PHEW to that!!

So now it’s all about healing and moving forward (and paying off the pile of bills sitting next to me.)

Many thanks to you all for your support! I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it…BEST COMMUNITY EVER!!


And keep em coming…

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55 thoughts on “Mrs. Dude is On the Mend”

  1. So glad to hear this positive news!! One of my friends just had the same surgery in June. Prayers and more positive thoughts heading your way for you, Mrs. Dude and the Dudettes!

  2. GD/Mrs.GD-


    If you guys need anything, let us know, we can give back to someone who has touched our hearts, help keep us sane (well kinda) and changed our lives.

    This community loves you.
    Jersey Girl
    Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Clear them little bottles off. And when I get off the phone here, call up Hyman and tell him I want it wall to wall with John Daniels.
    Charlie Simms: Don’t you mean Jack Daniels?
    Lt. Col. Frank Slade: He may be Jack to you son, but when you’ve known him as long as I have… that’s a joke, son.
    -Scent of a Woman

      1. great great news… and she looks so cute, much love to you and yours and take care of you… may the next 20 years be healthy and wealthy.. (those damn bills, they just don’t respect the distraction of a life crisis do they)

  3. So glad to hear this. I was actually thinking of you two just the other day. So thank you for the update! Onward!

  4. SO great to read that it never made it to the lymph node highway!! I hope that you are starting to recover as well, as I am sure that you have not eaten or slept well over the past week or so. Positive thoughts to your entire family…… onward ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. This is awesome news! Sometimes profound bumps in the road (like a diagnosis of cancer) have the ability to make one view an ordinary life as the extraordinary miracle that it actually is. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery.

  6. “…And all was well in the land. The Beginning.”

    Soon, this will all be in your rear view mirror. Here’s to life!

    Love and hugs, G.

    “I have a little poem I’d like to read in honor of this occasion, if I may. Spaulding, get your foot off the boat!
    “It’s easy to grin
    when your ship comes in
    and you’ve got the stock market beat.
    But the man worthwhile
    is the man who can smile
    when his shorts are too tight in the seat”.
    Okay, pookie. Do the honors.”

  7. Yay! Wonderful news! Will continue to send good vibes and healing mojo her way.

    And on a side note, can I get one of those lattes you’re having? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Yay!!! This is the best news I’ve heard all week. Love and support triumphs. Congrats to you both, I love hearing good news.

  9. YAYYYYYY!!!!! Now THAT’S some good news!!! Let the healing commence. It would have been hard to take a deep breath waiting for results. So, take care, Dude Family. Enjoy the good every day.
    What a freakin’ ride this life thing is, eh? And yes, I said “eh” ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Fantastic news!! have a speedy recovery and back to all that walking you guys do!!!! I am so excited about the results!!

  11. I am very moved to read this, and relieved. It is difficult enough when one person in a relationship/marriage has serious health struggles, but when both do it can be beyond overwhelming. But I can say from my own experience that patience can find the love that has been buried by the stress, and when that happens the bond grows closer than when it began. My heart goes out to both of you. I’ve always felt you are lucky to have her, and now I can say emphatically how lucky she is to have you.

  12. Question for Celiacs who are silent. So I’ve tried to keep my son safe from Gluten for the past 2 weeks ( biopsy results revealed CD). We order GF pizza today and half through the slice it ‘hits’ me that buffalo chicken could be breaded in regular bread/flower. I make my son drop it, start calling the place and sure enough – I was right. My son was devastated that I wouldn’t let him continue to eat it ( he is 12) and I felt like killing the person who took the order. He goes nuts because he feels just fine but now has to follow this diet. My question is: so he had a few bites of that ‘breaded chicken’. Now what? Does not completely cross out all the ‘good’ that we’ve done all this time? How does that work? A tiny crumb or two will continue to damage this stomach even if he has been so good for some time? I am so frustrated I begin to get paranoid….

    1. I am hardly a silent celiac,in any sense of the word, but I can answer you. ๐Ÿ™‚

      No need to be paranoid. Ever.
      Okay, so you made a mistake. It’s okay. It doesn’t reset the clock so to speak, but you do want to avoid future glutenings. It does not damage his stomach, but the small intestine.

      I know it’s hard to get used to all of this, but you need to educate yourself and your son on CD so you both can be aware of where gluten may be found. It gets easier, I promise.

      You can still order the G F pizza, but make some buffalo strips up yourself with some Purdue GF or Ian’s GF or Applegate Farms GF chicken tenders and buffalo sauce. Keep them in the freezer and pop them on the pizza for your son.

      Stop worrying too much. That won’t do either of you any good. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Get the book Real Life With Celiac Disease by Melinda Dennis and Daniel Leffler. Anything you could possibly want to know is in that book. Relax, mom…It’s okay….and have a good Labor day!

      1. P S. That “GF” pizza IS coming from a place that has a dedicated oven and peel, right? The pizza shell is made in a separate space too, right? because it’s not really GF if they are sharing all those things.

  13. I just want to say I am so happy for the Mrs. Truly….. You are beautiful strong woman, not to mention unselfish and giving. I know how difficult it has been. So between you and Mr. You are a great team and wonderful people. So on we go with life, another challenge conquered. One other note, you never stop trying to help others, I am amazed and greatful……..

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didnโ€™t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, Iโ€™ve done my job.

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