Is Heineken Gluten Free? Don't Ask Heineken.

is heineken gluten free

Usually, simple questions result in simple answers. The answer is either yes or no. That’s really the beauty of yes/no questions. There are only two possible answers.

Here…let me give you some examples.

Did I sleep well last night? No.

Is iOS 8 taking more than 16 hours to download on my phone? Yes.

Do I like having celiac disease? No.

Was Seinfeld funnier than Friends? Yes.

Will I ever be a professional musician? No.

Is my hairline beginning to seriously recede? Yes.

Is Congress doing a good job? No.

Is Mrs. Dude the best ever? Yes.

See…easy peasy.

Now here’s one more: Is Heinken gluten-free?

Now you and I both know it’s an easy answer, but let’s go directly to the source and see what they have to say.

First question for you Mr. Heineken…what are your ingredients?

“Heineken contains water, barley malt and hops.”

Great…thanks. So then does Heineken contain gluten?

“Beer contains gluten, which comes from the grain used to brew it. Only a fraction of the gluten in the grain gets into the beer – the exact amount depends on the kind of grain used.

Brewing beer with barley leaves only traces of gluten in the beer, while wheat contributes considerably more. The brewing process can also affect gluten content. Generally speaking, the clearer and blonder the beer is, the less gluten it contains.

Some people are allergic to gluten and have to follow a diet that minimises or excludes their gluten intake.

Whether beer can be part of such a diet or not depends on the extent of the allergy and the type of beer consumed. In many cases, lager beers pose no problem for people who have a gluten allergy. However, it is up to individuals to assess their own sensitivity.”

What the ever-living hell was that???

By the way, that was taken directly from their website.

Ok…now I’ll pretend I’m Mister Heineken and you ask me the same question.


Hi Mister Heineken…does your beer contain gluten? YES!

So then is your beer gluten free? GOD NO!!!!!


So here’s the deal. If they just flat out said “no it’s not gluten free”, they’d lose at least 1% of their potential customers. So they answer in complete gobblygook instead.

And you know what? It works.

From the reading I’ve done this morning, there are plenty of celiacs who will drink what they are stupidly calling “low gluten beer”. That’s right…many of your fellow celiacs are drinking Bud, Bud Light, Coors Light, Corona and of course Heineken.

Why? Who knows. Convenience, lack of discipline, wanting to feel “normal”.

Want to feel “normal”? Stop eating gluten!

So to recap: Heineken contains barley. Barley contains gluten.

So does Heineken contain gluten? The answer is obvious to everyone…except Heineken.

Like Claire in The Breakfast Club, just answer the question.

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at

65 thoughts on “Is Heineken Gluten Free? Don't Ask Heineken.”

  1. Dude I’m not seeing why you’re shocked…omission beer claims to “boil out the impurities” of gluten & our government accepts that as gluten free. Why should budweiser brewing the largest brewer in the world not market beers to the 1% of the population that would otherwise not be able to use any of their products?

    It really is as simple as multi-billion dollar corporations are more than willing to use the “bart principle” of gluten free ___ “we promise, trust us we are marketing directly for your weakness so it MUST be true (on some other planet)”. The desperate “cheater” will use this as an excuse to cheat & convince the gluten free for hypochondriacs people we must all be fakes crowd that there is no deceptive trade practice that could hurt people going on. I would have bud’s marketing department call bart & ask how that works out in the end 🙂 🙂

    1. I can’t drink Omission and actually feel better drinking a highly filtered light beer, like Coors light or even Stella. The one truly gluten free beer I feel OK drinking is Red Bridge which is brewed by Budweiser, using sorghum and corn. I only wish they would’t use GMO corn (i am totally assuming this is what they do, correct me if I am wrong). I believe I am also sensitive to yeast which means ales, gluten free or otherwise can still cause issues.

  2. The gluten fad people will eagerly imbibe Heineken’s corporate lawyer vetted statement. That’s who the audience for this ‘fun FAQ’ is. At least Heineken didn’t make it sound like lower gluten means lower calories, because calories.

  3. Yet more products that will contribute the impression people have that those who are very careful about what they eat are crazy rather than prudent. “My celiac friend drinks Heineken, it’s basically gf because it’s pale!” I can already hear those conversations. Sigh.

    1. If being a pale ale was a real GF thing I guarantee the brewers associations & micro-beer people would be all over it. Considering 6 categories of american, pale & blonde beer types would suddenly have a bracket of consumers willing to pay considerably higher prices for safe GF products ($5.15 for Rudis bread @ walmart this week…WTF?) That wagon would have been marketed long ago. Master brewers told I have celiac look at me sadly shaking their head like a family member died when I ask about “real” GF beer options. Even most of them have never heard of new planet & recommend cider beers. Angry orchard is ok but if i wanted alcoholic cider I would add some to cold pressed cider not drink a beer alternative.

  4. That’s a cover your ass statement if I’ve ever heard one. But, it’s technically true and they are doing their best to try to tap that market share that’s willing to risk it. And it may actually be okay for those who are just intolerant. But the celiacs who drink this beer are the same ones who will have a big slice of regular cake after dinner. Those are the ones who will cheat regardless and there’s nothing we can do to convince them anyway. I say let them have at it. More New Planet for me. 🙂

  5. I have a celiac friend who still drinks Bud Lite. She says it doesn’t make her sick. I tried to explain that there is still damage being done. She doesn’t seem to care. Whatever. Not my small intestine. Lol

  6. I’m not sure what the problem is – surely anybody who takes their illness seriously will have consulted with a dietician shortly after diagnosis and been told ‘say bye-bye to beer’.

    I loved beer. Real beers. Ales, and Guinness mainly (lagers never did if for me) but since diagnosis, I don’t bother looking for substitutes, or easy ways out, I just drink cider. Beer/lager is – by default – off limits.

    With regards to Heineken – soon as I see ‘Barley Malt’ it’s alarm bells ringing for me. Same as with breakfast cereal…

    1. I have a friend who is diagnosed celiac and her dietician told her light beer is OK for her to drink……get this…..everyday! So not only is she making herself sick daily (claims GF diet not helping) she is now an alcoholic. She doesn’t think she is but she has to have that beer to sleep , I call that addiction. Grrrr

    2. I’m celiac and I stay with Glutenberg Blonde or New Grist. Really good tasting beers and do the trick for me

  7. Disclaimer:
    “Whether beer can be part of such a diet or not depends on the extent of the allergy and the type of beer consumed. In many cases, lager beers pose no problem for people who have a gluten allergy”

    Is that statement backed by any celiac research centers? Of course not.

    More importantly, I’m not “allergic” to gluten.

    I have Celiac Disease. It’s not an allergy.

    I don’t/can’t/won’t drink Heineken. It has barley in it.

    Okay, now…I’m off to walk on the beach! 😉

  8. It’s one of the issues I’m having this week, while at a convention in Denver. A lot of my colleagues (massage therapists) are the fad dieters, ordering a GF meal and then beer. The nice thing is that I can see a visible difference on the waitstaff’s faces when I order New Planet (locally brewed, so it’s everywhere). One waitress even let me know their fries weren’t GF without my asking, and offered the baked potato instead! I love my hometown of New Orleans, but I never get the service this girl gave me.

    And there I go off one a tangent.

  9. Are they kidding? “The lighter in color the less gluten it contains”.. It still has gluten in it if it’s made from barley malt.. so no, that is not gluten free! .PERIOD . But I agree, those of us that have Celiac Disease and take it seriously would never go near beer light colored or otherwise unless we knew it was certified gluten free beer.The ones that drink this stuff anyway are in denial and doing damage to themselves.What I don’t understand is why companies Like Heineken can get away with publishing false information like that?

    1. He can get away with publishing that statement because he never once said it was GLUTEN FREE. Simply contains a very small amount of gluten that may be ok for those that have a sensitivity not Celiac. I find it better that they don’t label it GF then claiming its Gluten Free then stating it has gluten just under 20ppm just like Ommision and many other GF beers.

  10. Maybe we should all email them to inform them that Celiac isn’t an “allergy”. I am sick of people talking about it like it is an allergy. Depends on how allergic you are? Some people have a worse allergy than others? Do I love the beach? Yes!

  11. WTF?! Beer isn’t GF if the brewers put barley in it. What a bunch of ignorant schmucks at Heineken. Maybe someone should kick Mr. Heineken square in the back pocket (and put some common sense into his brain)! I wouldn’t drink beer even if it was GF. It looks like concentrated pee and smells twice as raunchy. Re: “Lager beers pose no problem for those with a gluten allergy”. Right! And Heineken is safe for non-celiacs when we take a dump in the batch after drinking anything with barley in it!!! Just pass it off as Heineken dark with added nutrients. Sorry for the gross-out moment, but just needed to laugh at that stupidity.

    1. I think you are all miss interpreting what “Mr. Heineken” said above. He never once said that Heineken is Gluten Free! “Beer contains gluten” “the clearer and blonder the beer is, the {less} gluten it contains.”” Some people are allergic to gluten and have to follow a diet that minimises or excludes their gluten intake. “Whether beer can be part of such a diet or not depends on the extent of the allergy and the type of beer consumed. In many cases, lager beers pose no problem for people who have a gluten allergy.” {{ Not all people that have a Gluten Sensitivity/allergy have Celiac!!}} I pretty much quoted his whole response and all he said in a nut shell is that if you have a Gluten Sensitivity you may be able to drink Heineken but its up to you and your doctor to decide.

  12. Technically Heineken may be correct… just because a beer is made with barley does not mean that the finished product contains the gliadin which would elicit the reaction in a Celiac. I was told years ago by a specialist at OHSU that boiling temperatures should denature gliadin into its component amino acids, and that the chance that those amino acids would reassemble in the correct order to form the problematic protein is slim to none. The only REAL way to know if a finished beer has gliadin in it is to test for its presence.

    1. I have CD and like beer

      I have read a few different articles and done my own beer testing with the “GlutenTox” and “EasyGluten” kits (testing to less than 5 ppm at $10 a test)) and have come to my own conclusion that just because the beer is made with barley it does not mean it contains gluten in large enough quantities to be of concern to me. But the only way to know is to do your own testing. Estrella Damm Daura Spanish beer says right on its label that it is made with barley and contains less than 6 ppm. Is that too much for some or all Celiacs? I will concede to the Gluten Dude that if you think the risk of a few ppm of gluten causing you long-term grief is too high for you, then why take the chance and just go with the 0 ppm beers.

        1. Absolutely NOT! Corona was always, my favorite, summertime beer! No way, would I even put a bottle of it in my hand! Anyone, who believes, they can drink a beer, other than, a true gluten free beer, is killing themselves!

  13. mom to cutest celiac ever

    I have found that the number of words used other than “yes” or “no” to answer the question “is your product gluten free” is directly proportional to the amount of gluten you can expect to find in said product. That’s my rule of thumb anyway.

  14. Problem is that some camps say a little gluten is okay and others say only no gluten is okay. Where is the truth? Is a little gluten OK? Yes or No. Where are the “long term” studies that say “all” Celiacs will have no damage as long as they eat less than 10 ppm gluten in their food? And does that mean 10 ppm in a day? Or per serving? Or per meal (or drink)?

  15. Hi I am 13 and my name is Fran; have been doing some research on the cause for a homework and research project and came across your beautiful blog god bless that this issue is also so important to you as is to so many others I am doing a homework project on celiac and a little designing

  16. It is sad for me to hear that there are so many people with celiac who are on denial. Can you explain your friends that being on denial is not going to delay or disappear their disease and symptoms?

    Yes, we have a disease called celiac disease.
    Yes, we are on a permanent gluten-free diet.
    Yes, we are different because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we experience rejection because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we experience social phobia because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we have a disability, celiac disease.
    Yes, we can develop cancer because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can develop COPD because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can develop Multiple Sclerosis because of celiac.
    Yes, we can develop cardiomyopathy because of celiac.
    Yes, we can develop pneumonia because of celiac.
    Yes, we can develop depression because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can develop schizophrenia because of celiac.
    Yes, we can develop vitiligo because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can develop lupus from celiac disease.
    Yes, we can get in a wheelchair because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can die because of celiac disease.
    Yes, we can take responsibility for our lives because of celiac.

  17. Well look at this article about how a Chinese owned restaurant and how it closed its doors today to tell people to stop ASKING about Gluten Free and called Gluten Free a bunch of shit and said he will NEVER SERVE GLUTEN FREE

    Once again another Conservative Chamber of Commerce Gluten lobbied magazine approves of the Chinese Restaurants behavior and even enjoyed the Restaurants FOUL LANGUAGE to there customers contained in the sign. SAD HOW PEOPLE HATE THOSE WHO WISH TO FEEL BETTER BY NOT EATING GLUTEN.

  18. Its people like this that need lawsuits filed against them. In case the owner does not know Celiac Disease is considered a disability and an Auto Immune Disease

    Are we not protected by the Americans with Disability Act

    I do not live in San Francisco where this restaurant is located but if I did I would definitely consider file a lawsuit against his establishment for no respected people who have Celiac Disease which is a disability and Auto Immune Disease. I HOPE I HEAR SOMEONE FILED A LAWSUIT AGAINST THIS GUYS ESTABLISHMENT.

    1. What on earth are you talking about?
      A lawsuit over this sign? You can’t be serious.

      Having celiac does not automatically qualify anyone for ‘disability status”. If, as a result of long undiagnosed celiac, you have an additional condition that has rendered you “disabled” and you can medically prove it, only then do you fall under this ADA.

      “The social security administration does not award benefits based on simply having a condition, but, instead, will base an approval or denial on the extent to which a condition causes functional limitations. Functional limitations can be great enough to make work activity not possible”


      from “What The ADA Can and Can’t Do for People with Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity”:

      • The ADA can help you in a problematic hiring situation involving a potential employer.

      • The ADA likely can help you if you need more frequent restroom breaks at work.

      • The ADA requires that you be provided with safe food in an emergency shelter or in prison.

      • The ADA will allow you to bring your own gluten-free food to places where safe food won’t be available.

      • BUT….

      The ADA can’t help you force a restaurant to provide you with gluten-free food.

      Nor should they.

  19. Irish Heart:

    You talked about the ADA. According to the ADA’s definition of disability, celiac disease is a disability because simply it limits activities in at least an area of our lives (in our case, eating). Think of the times when we go camping for example and we do not find a place that sells gluten-free food; these could have serious consequences for people with celiac disease. Anybody not wanting to give you service because of your condition is discriminating against you and could be sued.
    If you have had problems with employers, government agencies, or anybody that did not want to understand the seriousness of the disease and have been really ignorant about
    you may present a complaint to any of the government agencies involved.

    1. what ?? I am not limited in any area of “eating”.
      I eat very well. In fact, I gained weight postDX.

      Seriously.. If you are going camping (which requires physical activity) you don’t have a physical disability!

      Go camping if you want and you bring your own food. !!

      Here is something all of you should embrace:

      Stop thinking you are disabled because of celiac disease. You’re not! I know people with serious disabilities and you’re all mocking them at this point. You are not disabled just because of celiac.

      I have major complications from long (and I mean long) unDXed CD and I have never considered myself ‘disabled”. On the contrary! I worked with a physical therapist, a massage therapist and occupational therapist for 3 years to regain the use of my muscles. How is your muscle tone? I bet it’s fine if you are going camping.


      Honestly? this is why we do not get the respect we should be afforded.

      This ridiculous concept that we are somehow “disabled” and supposedly “owed something”.

      My best advice? Get over it. All of you.

    2. Ok. This camping food is not a good example of the ADA “reasonable” accommodations principle. My kid goes camping where the only little store would have no ” gf food” if you are talking about gf pasta, cookies, etc. But…. They get hot dogs, eggs, bacon, soda and chips. Why should that store be required to stock gf cookies, pasta and frozen pizza….if there is no market for it? You can bet that if lots of people wanted it, they could afford to stock it. But it isn’t ” reasonable” to expect them to lose money to have these products.

      And the only reason they need to hit the store is because they are 21 and haven’t thought to pack enough food. They have packed sufficient lemonade and vodka…… But 1 pack of hot dogs, bag of marshmallow, half full jar of PB and an apple…. Not going far.

  20. Irish Heart, yes, we do have a physical disability and recognizing it is part of our lobbying and claiming our rights as people with disabilities ( In 2009 ADA recognized eating as one of the areas qualifying as limiting areas and that legislation opened the way to more legislation ).I guess, this is the reason why this website was created, to make us understand that we are not alone, that we do have a disability and rights we have to fight for. If we have so many doubts about our disease we would never get together to fight these many battles we have to fight, because we do have battles to fight ahead. Irish Heart, if we look at this matter well, we do have a physical disability:
    our genes are programmed in a different way compared to other people; our immune system reacts in a very different way. It is right we would be qualified as somebody having a disability that is not visible, but it is still a disability. And if we do not like the term “disabled” because society would reject us, fine, but there are studies out there proving people with celiac disease feel rejected by their support system because of their condition. And if somebody rejects you because of your condition, that probably means they see you in a different way( by the way, in the article about the Chinese store that did not want to take care of GF people ,they were rejecting people with celiac disease). You are different for them.

    Lima Bean, if your son does not have anything to eat one day, that means he has to stay hungry? How can other people have access to their food at that store close to the camping site
    and your son cannot? If the 99% of the population have access to gluten foods, why the 1% cannot have access to GF foods? (So, are you saying that in event of an emergency your son would have to stay hungry or die hungry at the emergency shelter because it is okay the emergency shelter does not have GF food and does not have to provide it? ) And talking in terms of store management, I would not think well of a store that does not have in consideration clients with all needs and preferences. I would not doubt eventually they would be closing their doors.

    1. Way to twist my words. I was talking about people taking responsibility for their own lives and “disabilities”.

      My son would not stay hungry because the store doesn’t stock gf cookies or pasta. They have eggs, bacon, fruit, etc. And my son’s lack of planning IS HIS FAULT. He chose to be there and not bring enough food. He is just lucky there is a store or he would have to go home.

      The store in the middle of nowhere (which is often where people like to camp) should not have to stock a product that doesn’t sell. They don’t stock steak or fancy rice or more than 1 brand and flavor of canned beans. They don’t stock almond butter but have PB. Is that against the ADA for people with peanut allergies? I doubt it – but your reasoning seems to say it is.

      An emergency shelter is another thing completely.

      The ADA talks about “reasonable accommodations”. It is not reasonable to force a little store that barely makes it to stock products that will not sell and become waste. It isn’t reasonable to require a factory to spend thousands, or more, to make it so someone in a wheelchair can do a job that requires standing, lifting, etc. It is reasonable to require companies to clearly label ingredients, install a ramp to allow the wheelchair to get to a machine or desk, or have the Red Cross trucks keep a supply of shelf stable gf foods like GoPicnic meals (just an example).

      1. Speaking for myself, this site is a venue where we can share our stories, educate the masses about celiac disease and share a laugh once in a while. It is not a “victim” website.

        I side with IH and LB…we are not disabled. No restaurant owes us anything…ever. I’ve said that from day one. They are running a business. They can do whatever they want and we can choose to eat there or not. But I ask for no pity and I ask for no special treatment. I just ask to be understood and validated that our disease is real and it sux at times.

        The story above shows that idiocy of the owners. That’s pretty much it.

        I’ll touch on this more in a day or two.

        1. When I first saw the picture – I just thought it was funny. They are a crappy cheap “Chinese” food place and make no apologies for it.

  21. Mari said:
    ” Irish Heart, if we look at this matter well, we do have a physical disability:our genes are programmed in a different way compared to other people; our immune system reacts in a very different way. It is right we would be qualified as somebody having a disability that is not visible, but it is still a disability. And if we do not like the term “disabled” because society would reject us, fine, but there are studies out there proving people with celiac disease feel rejected by their support system because of their condition. And if somebody rejects you because of your condition, that probably means they see you in a different way( by the way, in the article about the Chinese store that did not want to take care of GF people ,they were rejecting people with celiac disease). You are different for them.”

    (1)The sign never once mentions “Celiac Disease”. Does it?
    And I have a lot to say about this “sign” controversy, but I doubt anyone really wants to hear my take on it. Frankly, I laughed at it.

    (2) You do not really understand the LAW or the ADA ruling on people with celiac… sorry. I already explained it once (above) but by your second response, I can tell you did not read it or did not understand it.

    (3) No one has ever rejected me “because I have celiac”…never.
    I don’t play the celiac card as a way to garner any favors or pity.
    And I never think I am disabled in any way. That’s victimization and I don’t buy into that crap.

    (4) Lose the victim mentality or forever be angry and afraid of living.

    Sorry. I simply do not agree with your “spin” on things.

    Good luck with your approach, but it’s not at all mine.

    1. IH, I completely agree with you. The day I stopped looking at myself as being an invalid with a disability I really began living. And guess what, no one around me sees me as an invalid because I don’t see myself this way. I know what I can eat and what I can’t and don’t let what I can’t have ruin my day. I focus completely on what I can have.

      I read a book called “The Gluten Free Bible” by Jax Peters Lowell. It saved me from despair when I was first diagnosed in 2008. She talks about having the right attitude about Celiac and that’s really all it is. If you go about it with the right attitude then it can’t beat you up. It could always be worse.

      If a company chooses to cater to gluten free people and celiac’s then fantastic! But if they choose not too, that is entirely up to them. All I can say is that I truly appreciate honesty in advertising and specifically in restaurants. If they are up front about the fact that they don’t serve the gluten free population, fine. No problem, I’ll go elsewhere. Fortunately for us, there are lots of places to choose from.

  22. It is silly to think that every store or restaurant has to have gf food. Same as it is silly to think that every store or restaurant has to have facilities that accomodate a person in a wheelchair. If you can’t patronize the place because of health or your own restrictions then don’t. It is only public facilities that must provide accommodations. Not private entities. We aren’t victims any more than Dude’s wife. It is what it is. My husband has one leg. Not every store has aisles wide enough for him in his wheelchair. Am I supposed to sue them? NO. No one has to cater to the needs of others. It’s nice when they do, but they don’t have to unless they are a publicly owned place. We should just be grateful when we get a knowledgable yes or no to the question, “does that have gluten in it?” from any privately owned company. They cannot refuse to serve us, they cannot refuse to allow the wheelchair in the door, but once in, we determine whether or not we want to stay there.

    1. Deb

      a voice of reason in a sea of insanity (some folks used to say that about me 🙂 …but lately, I feel like a lone wolf sometimes on the internet… thank you, Deb!.

      Lima Bean and I can use some company.

  23. Most people who have a problem with gluten have a problem with gmo gluten. Most European beers contain non gmo grains and our stomachs can digest it.

  24. What Heineken says is basically what happens to me, i can tolerate without major symptoms the clearer beers while the darker ones not. Still, once i discovered my celiasis i keep it simple and i rarely consume beers. Sorry for my bad english, still learning.

  25. If you don’t have a disease in which gluten has a major impact on your life shut the fuck up. You fucking people make me sick. It makes me want to consume as much processed food and gluten products as I can . I’ll outlive all of you fucking liberal cocksuckers

  26. Beer is forbidden and poisoned by God( the monkey directly and not God the tiger) for it wakes up some brain power while you are drunk. Bread is poisoned by God if you are not a monkey( a good person). Aliens that stopped this fool allowed to him free will at small planets and he is very fool.

  27. I think you are asking the wrong question. The question is “does beer contain WHEAT gluten?”. All grains contain gluten. But the type that people are sensitive or even allergic to (celiac) is by and large the specific protein string in wheat gluten.
    So let’s review the list of ingredients in Heineken and ask the question again. Does Heineken contain WHEAT gluten?

      1. True. Except do some research as to which type of gluten the GFCO is watching. Gluten test kits only test for Wheat Gluten. Little known fact. Also, some beers give people cramps issue is a candida issue. Most people have it and have NO idea. Rice syrup!
        There is no specification “100% gluten free”. Only 20ppm (FDA) or 10ppm (GFCO). Barley converted to sugar consumed by yeast and turned into alcohol comes in way under that.

  28. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease over 11 years ago. Not every person who has CD is the same. Some people react different and on different levels. I can tell you this that the Gluten levels in Heineken is low enough that it DOES NOT bother ME one bit. Matter of fact, other beers who claim to be 100% GF, actually give me some small issues the next couple of days. This is your personal opinion based on your knowledge and experience. I’ve done my homework and tried out the beer on my own. I typically know within 15 minutes if I’ve ingested something with gluten. However, if people want to know what is safe for them and what is not, you have to test it out (if that’s an option based on severity of your allergy) and sometimes you’ll end up having a reaction. I’ve never had a problem with Heineken and my CD. You’re not educating the masses as you stated, you are forcing your opinion onto others who have not done their own research. That, I do have a problem with.

    1. Sorry…but you’re wrong. “It does not bother me” is not how it works. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone. I’m simplys stating facts to keep the community safe.

      1. The big beer companies including Heineken add a enzyme instead of filtering there beer. Malt is basically black and all beer starts very dark. Small beer companies filter their beer to the optimal colour but the big companies cannot filter so much beer and use enzymes. These enzymes attack and break apart the gluten in the process. That is why celiacs that are not overly sensitive can drink Corona, Coors, Bud and Carlsberg. They have trace amounts of gluten but they continually test to be at <20ppm. I know a big beer company master brewer and he explained to me why I do not get sick from their beer. Cheers

  29. In teh 1980 s when I was diagnosed with Coelic disease ( after many years) the dietitian then said beet was fine as teh brewing process knocked the gluten out the barley and teh amount left was a few parts per million. So I duly gave up gluten and regained my health as I had dropped to 9.5 stones and severely anemic. In those days being GF was a pain as you made your own bread did without pasta and many, many items. But not beer. I drank that but not a lot and never was ill again to this day, and boy I know how ill you can be with coelicac.
    Since then everyone seems to think beer is bad for a coeliac. well I think it depends on how dad their disease is. Some would fall over at the sniff of gluten. I know I am OK as I had another endoscopy a few years ago for a tonsil issue and I asked them to go down to my small intestine and have a look. They said it was fine.So be wary that some coeliaacs are more intolerant of gluten than others.

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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