Hi…My Name is Scott.


After almost exactly 7 years. After 691 posts. After 33,627 comments. After, after, after…it’s time to come out in the open.

First…I don’t have celiac disease. I’ve never had celiac disease. I saw a business opportunity and went for it.


Totally kidding. I had celiac disease, but don’t have it any more after praying and taking some pills.


Ok..I’ll get serious now. My name is Scott and while I’m not going anywhere, I kinda am. Wait…huh? Exactly. Let me explain. While I’m not putting Gluten Dude out to pasture, I am refocusing my energy a bit. Why now? What happened? Lotsa reasons.


Like I said, I started this blog in October of 2011 and have put my heart and soul into helping the community; but I’ve lost steam. Here’s a perfect example: In the past few weeks, I have gotten tons of messages regarding two things that happened in the media. 1) There is a Coke commercial that calls gluten-free pizza “not real pizza”. You can watch it here. 2) There was a radio show where a woman called in and said she runs a bakery and tells customers items are gluten-free when they aren’t. Why? Who the f**k knows?

My point? I used to be the guy to write about this stuff. To call people and the media out. To give shit to companies like Udi’s, who put profit over the community. And I enjoyed it. I was passionate about it, even though I got TONS of crap in return.

But I don’t wanna be that guy any more. Why? Because it didn’t do any good. Gluten free is still made fun of. Celiac is still misunderstood. And Udi’s is still in business. All my ranting and raving didn’t do diddly. I’m angry enough about all of the injustice happening in our world right now to have anything left to be angry about here. And after 7 years, it’s time for someone else to take over the reign of calling the stuff out. Any takers?


I currently have 865 emails from my fellow celiacs in my inbox that I need to respond to. It’s a mental burden because I feel bad not responding to everyone. But it’s also a time burden. My days are filled to the brim with work. And writing a blog post takes time as well (this one took 3 hours to write). There simply aren’t enough hours in the day anymore to do everything I need to do and I need to prioritize, which brings me to my next point.


Yep…that necessary thing that I detest but we all need to live on. Take a look at the sidebar on my website. See all those advertisers? Yeah…me neither. A few years ago, I decided I needed to make something to help cover the cost/time of being Gluten Dude. So I took in a few advertisers. So where are they now? Like Keyser Soze…gone…never to be seen again. What happened? Let’s just say I’m not a product first guy. So one, it was tough to find companies I truly believed in who had the budget to advertise. And two, when they did, they came to realize I wouldn’t be shilling for their product, even if they advertised on my site. Not a good combination, so the market started to dry up. And then last year, I decided just to pull them off. Authenticity as an advocate is tough when money is involved.

I do have a mobile app though!! Check it out at glutendude.app.

The Community

Between you and I, I’ve become so disillusioned with so many of my fellow celiacs who treat their disease as a career choice, becoming brand whores along the way, while putting other celiac’s health in jeopardy. A real chasm has developed in the celiac advocate community. There are those who put the community first (few and far between) and those who put their own best intere$t$ first. There is celiac.com who has TOTALLY sold out, yet remains the go-to site for so many newly diagnosed. There is the Celiac Disease Foundation, which continues to promote Cheerios and a number of other shit products. There are fellow bloggers who promote dangerous restaurants. And the list goes on and on. There are a number of bloggers who do it right. Find them. Follow them.


I don’t eat “gluten-free”. I haven’t eaten “gluten-free” in a long time and my health has never been better. I almost don’t feel like “a celiac” anymore. I just eat clean, healthy food that happens to be gluten-free. I don’t struggle with the diet. At all. Is it a pain? At times. But it’s not nearly a big source of stress in my life. I’ve written a lot about this. Food can and will change your life. Please see all of these posts. I’ve seen it and I’ve experienced it.

This is not to minimize the struggles that others have with it. I know, especially for the newly diagnosed, celiac disease can be absolutely overwhelming. It was for me, for many years. I just kept trying different things (and listening to people who have been there) until I began to truly heal. And it is pretty much all in your diet. I implore you, if you have celiac and eat gluten-free, yet are still struggling with your health, change your diet. Even though many bloggers promote them, so many of the gf products out there are complete garbage. I know. I used to eat them. And they were killing me. You don’t have to feel ill all the time. Listen to your body and make the changes you know you need to make.

Ok…So Who am I?

My name is Scott Hayes. My lovely wife, aka Mrs. Dude, is Deb. Breast cancer survivor and all around amazing person. And my wonderful Dudettes, both who have saved their own health through food, are Courtney and Madison. Courtney is on her way to becoming a health coach, focusing on how diet can help those with dealing with anxiety. On Instagram, she is at Becoming Courtney. Maddie is a sophomore at University of Delaware and is thriving.

I was living in Bucks County, PA for 8 years but recently moved the Dude Ranch to New York City. I’m 53 years young. I have three older brothers and both of my parents, one an alcoholic and one bi-polar with addison’s disease, have sadly passed. I know…boooooring.

So What Happens to Gluten Dude?

He’s still here. I’m not taking the site down, deleting my social media accounts or anything like that. I’ll still post when I have something to say. I’ll still help where I can. I’ll keep you educated and entertained when I have the time. I call it Gluten Dude: Phase 2. Still tastes great. But less filling.

So hi…my name is Scott. What’s yours?

Update two weeks after the above post: In the original post above, I had stated, and since deleted, that I was going in business with Jennifer Esposito, and ChewOnThis.life is our new venture. This is no longer the case. We have decided to go our separate ways. I am no longer involved in the podcast or the website. Carry on.

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at GlutenDude.app.

96 thoughts on “Hi…My Name is Scott.”

  1. Hello Scott, My name is Julia and both you and Jennifer helped me find my way when I was first diagnosed and I am very excited about this partnership!

  2. Hi Scott
    I read your Dude blog not because I have Celiac but I feel much better when I eat good food that is gluten free. I will support your effort with Jennifer by buying her products.
    Thank you.

  3. Nice to meet you Scott, and thank you! My name is Sheri.

    You have helped me immensely as we navigated healthy choices when my husband was diagnosed 10 years ago. Then you saved me from poisoning myself with gluten infused Cheerios when I was diagnosed 3 years ago. It was one of the foods I was most sad about saying good-bye to. Without your careful research, I would have been eating it never questioning it. Now we can confidently care for our daughter who we believe also has celiac (but we aren’t willing to put her back on gluten just for the biopsy).

    By the way, whoever heard of a husband and wife who both have biopsy confirmed celiac. Sure makes it a bit difficult getting people to take us seriously.

    Thanks for all your work. I’ll slide on over and be a regular podcast listener.

    1. My husband and I both have celiac! (although I’m the only one who had it confirmed with a biopsy. But his dad, sister, and brother have celiac so it’s a firm diagnosis). I get what you’re saying. I feel like I get the eye roll in restaurants when I say we BOTH have celiac and need to eat GF.

  4. Hi! My name is Tabitha, I have been following you for a few years now. You have made my diagnosis of Celiac (3.5 years ago) easier with your humor especially, but also your candid-ness. So THANK you! I look forward to following your new adventure!

  5. Hi Scott,

    I’m Deb and have emailed/messaged you before. I don’t have Celiac disease, but do have Eosinophilic Esophagitis with oats and wheat being two of my flares; thus, I am GF and have followed you for a few years. You’ll find this interesting, I react to Udi’s breads but not to GF breads from Whole Foods. My food allergist and I are puzzled. Maybe it’s because I’m a big fan of yours and have followed the Udi’s saga. 🙂 Anyway, back to the main reason for writing today. Hooray for you! You are still learning, changing, and will continue to challenge us and teach us, along with Jennifer! I’m looking forward to your next iteration!!! As for your blog, perhaps you might invite guest bloggers who would pitch a topic to you and then submit their blog to you for your for approval and posting. This might keep the blog going while giving you a needed break and allowing you to branch out. It will also keep your blog in the spotlight, which you can use to direct traffic to your new endeavors. Just a thought. Whatever you do, GOOD LUCK!! And THANKS for everything!! To copy from Garrison Keillor, “Be Well and Do Good Work.” Hugs.

  6. Hi Scott. My name is Jill. You have likely helped far more people than you know. I’m sure there are many people who quietly read what you write and internalize it in their own way. For me I find that when I meet others who are new to CD I do all I can to help in some way. It is small but hopefully meaningful. Your advocacy is admired and appreciated. Best to you.

    1. We’re no strangers to love
      You know the rules and so do I (do I)
      A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
      You wouldn’t get this from any other guy
      I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
      Gotta make you understand
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      We’ve known each other for so long
      Your heart’s been aching, but you’re too shy to say it (say it)
      Inside, we both know what’s been going on (going on)
      We know the game and we’re gonna play it
      And if you ask me how I’m feeling
      Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you

  7. Hi, Scott. I just subbed to the new podcast on Pocket Casts (I’m on Android) and look forward to seeing what’s next for you guys. (I’m Terry, btw.)

  8. Hey Scott. I’m Shane, and I’ve had the Celiac diagnosis since February 2018, so for 8 months now. I still haven’t completely accepted it but every time I find myself in a slump about food or the fact that no one listens to me at home about food, I find myself diving into your blog. Even if you won’t be actively posting, I’m glad you’re leaving it here. I’ll probably find myself on it again and again, and I’ll probably be following your new venture with Jennifer Esposito as well. Good luck and best wishes.

  9. Hi Scott! I’m Jennifer. Great to know about the podcast. It’ll be amazing I’m sure. I wanna move to NYC!
    Anyway.. thankfully I found your blog first when I was diagnosed 5 years ago. So thank you for cutting through the bs for me right from the beginning.
    Good luck to you, your fam, and Jen!

  10. Thanks for all you do Scott. My name is Sandra, I have had celiac disease for many years and I now realize how many healthy foods for me there that aren’t ‘gf’. Good luck in your new endeavours.

  11. Hi Scott! I’m Mary. I have been celiac three years this month and I am still not healed – so I will definitely follow you on to your next adventure for advice . You have always been an amazing asset to the celiac community and I wish you great success!

  12. Hey Scott, enjoy this new chapter of your life. I’m born and raised in Brooklyn, so enjoy the city!

    I have enjoyed your site very much, both for your calling out corporate mislabeling/hedging and for your/your reader’s anecdotes, rants and suggestions.

    I was diagnosed with CD some years ago now, and I found your points in the health section most important. I encourage all community members to go back to basics: lean meats, fruits, nuts and vegetables. No paleo fad, no gimmicks, and no gluten replacements. It makes a difference, and now I/we may be more healthy than many of our fellow Americans. So, to me this is not a disease, it’s an improvement.

    Best of luck on your new venture.

  13. Hi Scott, I’m Jessica. It feels weird calling you Scott… but I’ll get used to it 🙂

    I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in August 2011. You were the first resource I came across when I started to reorient my life and my food choices around this disease, and I just wanted to thank you so much! You really helped me get my bearings and start to thrive again in this new lifestyle. And like you, I’ve begun to find true health again after ditching the gluten free food, and only eating real foods. I am a true podcast junkie, so I am so excited to tune in to your next adventure.
    Thanks for always keeping it real!

  14. Hi Scott my name is Susan. When my son was diagnosed with celiac disease I was so happy to find your blog – it was clear and truthful. Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences. Looking forward to your podcast with Jennifer.

  15. Hi Scott, my name is Cyn. I guess I have been with you most of this time, starting with e-mail. You educated me and kept me sane. My functional doctor did the rest.
    I certainly will stay with you! Great move
    By the way, did you ever renew your drivers license?

  16. Donna Chamberlain

    Hi Scott, my name is Donna. Thanks for being a Godsend to me and so many others living the celiac life. I am so looking forward to the good things to come as you & Jennifer join forces. We’re all very excited for you and for all of us who will continue to learn from you (and continue to laugh with you).

  17. Hi Scott. My name is Deb. Couldn’t agree more that the gluten free diet doesn’t f-ing work if you have Celiac Disease. My entire body was “shutting down” when I got diagnosed in 2001. I have followed you for about 7 years. I used to be passionate about DOING something to inform people about the reality of Celiac, but I got tired of the eye rolling and my words falling on deaf ears, especially from the medical community. I am 66. I have a lot of damage to my body from this disease, but not one of my doctors thinks any of it is connected to Celiac. I began clean eating a few years ago. It helped, but my husband refuses to eat gluten free. My Ttg is still slightly above normal. There is so much to learn about this disease, but I doubt I will be around when people finally take it as the life altering, if not threatening, disease that it is. Best wishes to you and your family, and good luck to you and Jennifer in your new endeavor. Thank you for all of your efforts to make a difference. I hope you can go forward knowing you did, and you will.

  18. Fantastic Scott and hi; my name is Maureen. So glad you made this move. I can relate, owning a gluten and allergy free restaurant feels “thankless” many times and most of us certainly don’t make any money! Sadly, many Celiacs would rather eat questionable food and hope that it is gluten free or just eat GF food filled with junk. You are so right about the “sell outs” too. Despite it all you have helped thousands and thousands of people and did not sell out and for that you should be so proud. Great idea joining forces with Jennifer and your new venture. The great news is that you educated others, continued educating yourself and learned a lot and are still moving forward and will continue helping people. There are 2 words for people like you..”Giver” and “Winner”. Phase 1 was well done. Can’t wait to see what Phase 2 brings. Best Wishes in your new venture.

  19. Hi Scott. I just found you and you are leaving! Seriously, good on you! Being new to the community because of my 11-year-old son’s diagnosis, I salute your commitment to independence. I have been very disappointed in the advocacy community (with one exception I’ve found in addition to you). I do want you to know that I shared your article about food bullying with folks at my son’s new middle school in preparation for his transition this fall. (We found even some of his best elementary friends’ behaviors baffling last year). It really helped them understand the issue beyond the need to be “gluten free.” Good luck. Already subscribed to he new podcast and will look forward to more news. Best, Deb

  20. Hi Scott… I’m in tears writing this. I was diagnosed in November 1999 and was thrilled when you started this site. You spoke truth and there was a transparency that is just not available to consumers elsewhere. I will definitely be interested in seeing what you and Jennifer do – I just subscribed to the new site. I wish you all the success in your future endeavors. Thank you for all the advocacy work you did and will continue in whatever way works for you for the community. I’m but one, but I greatly appreciate all you have done.

  21. Hi Scott…you know me! I was a Valentine story one year. Have loved you and your blog and help for years. Will be looking forwrd to the podcasts too!! Here is to moving on with your message on a different road. Hugs, Sue

  22. Hi my name is Tracy.
    Thanks for all your hard work Scott.
    Best I of luck in your new venture. I’ll be watching and supporting!

  23. Hi Scott My name is Mary and you have helped me save my husband. His recent blood tests are showing no “gluten” because I stopped feeding him anything you complained about. We eat healthy, no GF products and he feels great. Your blog has helped me feel a part of a community instead of being alone.

    I believe the major disease sites have sold out to big business and big pharma.

    Good luck

  24. Hi Scott. My name is Tristen. I’m a little over three years into this journey. After years of suffering and the promise to my doctor that I was NOT walking out of that office until someone figured out what the hell was wrong with me, I was finally diagnosed. Anyways, your story sounds eerily familiar. I went out and bought gluten-free everything and couldn’t figure out why I felt like shit. I now eat clean and feel amazing.

    I wish you nothing but the best on this new chapter. I will always be a fan and look forward to see what is coming.

  25. Hello, my name is Dawn. All 3 of my kids and myself have Celiac, and we have a motto in our house, “what would Gluten Dude think about this product, restaurant, etc”. You are a great force for our community, and I want you to know you voice has impacted so many lives and led us in the right direction.

  26. Hi Scott, I’m Janet. You were the first person I followed when I got diagnosed with Celiac. You were immensely helpful, and I am so grateful:) I have come a long way, and have navigated through my city to find very comfortable places to eat and shop gluten free. Don’t think I’ll ever leave San Diego now, as I have everything I need here, including awesome doctors. (I couldn’t imagine going back to Philly having Celiac, no cheesesteaks, pizza, and pretzels!) Good luck to you in the future:)

  27. Hi Scott, my name is Andrea and I was diagnosed with celiac disease 10 years ago. I have enjoyed reading all your posts, and usually the comments. They have taught me so much. I have made huge progress in my health over these years, but am psyching myself up to do the Whole 30 and see if that gets me off this plateau of fatigue, bloating, and aches and pains.
    I’m an avid podcast listener, so I can’t wait to subscribe to yours! Say hi to Jennifer, I’ve loved her performances in the shows and movies I’ve seen =)
    Say hi to Deb too – fellow breast cancer survivor.

  28. Hi, Dude/Scott – I am thrilled for your next step. I have followed you since I found you after my Celiac diagnosis six years ago. You are a bit of a celebrity in my house. My 12 year old (who has gene but not Celiac) says “see what Gluten Dude says about (whatever)…”
    We also follow Jennifer and visited Jennifer’s Way in NYC years ago and ordered products to our house for years. So, we are excited for this next phase. Thanks for being a Celiac hardass on our behalf.
    One unrelated question: You refer to Jennifer Esposito as “Jen” in your post. Does she LIKE to be called JEN? or prefer Jennifer?
    I would ask her. As a fellow Jenifer, that popped out to me…

  29. Hi Scott, I’m Whitney. Your work/blog has been helpful to me since I was diagnosed in 2012 at 35. Thank you. I now eat mostly clean and feel pretty fabulous as I prepare to welcome my first baby. Best wishes to you, your family and Jennifer.

  30. Hi Scott, I’m Donna. I’ve been a faithful follower (albeit most of the time simply a lurker) for years now. While I’ve missed your posts recently, I totally get the disillusionment and need to take time to heal the mental side of you too, which has certainly taken a beating as you’ve taken on the Udi’s of the world. I look forward to your podcasts — they will help me survive the hours of my insane commute — and for everything great you and Jennifer are brewing up.

  31. Hi Scott … I’m Julia! Just a quick thank you for all you do and for helping make sense of this somewhat overwhelming diagnosis 6 years ago. Your knowledge, humor and tact helped me successfully find my way back to good health. Sooooo excited for your partnership with Jennifer … will most definitely be supporting! You both rock!!!

  32. Hi Scott! I have to admit I was kinda fond of gluten dude and the dudette clan, but it’s nice to have a name. I appreciate what you have done and the community you created! Ya all have helped me more than ya know! Looking forward to what you and Jennifer have to offer. 🙏 Blessings! ✨

  33. Hi Scott, I’m Miriah and we’ve spoken before. You’ve helped my family so much over the 6 years we’ve been doing this. You’ve always been so inspirational and on the same page as us.THANK YOU…THANK YOU…..THANK YOU for all that you have done and will continue to do. Your post brought me to tears, I’m sorry this community has brought you down. I get it, we are there too…. we’ve truly appreciated everything you’ve done! Thanks again : )
    ~ The Bordoni Family

  34. Hi Scott. I’m Susan. GlutenDude helped me so much when I was first diagnosed with CD and I am forever grateful. Thanks for getting me through that very hard time. I’m looking forward to this new journey with Scott (and Jennifer)!

  35. Hi Scott, thank you. I’ve learnt so much from your blog, and I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next. My family is a LOT healthier thanks to you! My name’s Rina 🙂

  36. Hi Scott, my name is Eileen. I came across your website when I was searching for information for my sister, who was diagnosed with celiac disease. Also bought your book for her, and read it before I gave it to her. Good thing, because 2 months later I was diagnosed myself, as was my daughter. Your site and posts have been extremely helpful. Looking forward to your new venture and thank you for everything you do.

  37. Hey Scott, I’m Elise. Thank you so much for all you’ve done here for the celiac and NCGI (my husband) community. I’ve been reading your blog faithfully, and follow you on social media. I came for the information and stayed for the humor … just kidding. Anyway, congratulations on the next phase/venture in your life with Jennifer. I listened to the first podcast yesterday and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to many more podcasts, and ordering Jennifer’s products. See you on the flip side …

  38. Hi Scott, I’m Kathleen
    I was diagnosed 2 years ago and you have provided great info and humor. Your new adventure sounds awesome, best of luck. Will check it out

  39. Hi Scott, I’m Rachael and twice you were kind enough to let both my husband and myself give kudos to eachother on your blog. My two girls and I were all diagnosed in 2011 and I promise you, your blog helped us tremendously. I am so happy for you and excited to see what’s next! Thank you for all you do!

  40. Hi Scott!
    I’m Martha. I love your information, your no-bullshit style and your speaking truth to – bullshit artists!
    Just subscribed to the podcast, thanks!

    I appreciate every word you’ve shared with us, and understand the shift you’re making. Well done!
    Looking forward to seeing and hearing the good stuff you and Jennifer have to share.

    Ever Forward!

  41. Hi Scott, I’m Randi. I’m a hospice nurse and PhD student. I was diagnosed with celiac in 2014. Both Jennifer and you were and have been my go to. You have educated and inspired. I LOVE that y’all are working together it’s like the best of both worlds wrapped into one. Cheers to this next adventure!!! Thanks Scott keep on keepin on

  42. Hi Scott, I’m Kristine.

    While I don’t have Celiac, I do have a sever gluten intolerance. When I was first diagnosed back in 2013 I scoured the web for friendly voices that I could learn from. Lo and behold… there you were, in all of your Gluten Dude glory! I felt immediately comforted as you were willing to give excellent, passionate advice. And even though the means to communicate is via a blog, I was impressed by your desire to listen to your community (you posted one of my rants). I just wanted to give you kudos for all you’ve done over the years, and to say that I get every reason why you are focusing on other avenues in life. I’ve started my own blog recently and from what I can tell so far, writing/blogging is a thankless hobby. Good luck to you and Jennifer in your new podcast. I will make sure to tune in!

  43. All my best hopes & well wishes to you, Scott, Deb, Maddie, Courtney and Jen on y’alls Grand New Adventures !!!

    Jen not only helped saved my life but Jen & you made my life much, much better. I’m stronger now in broken places. I trust your new ventures will only add to your laudable achievements.

    Sweet Wife and I will be in New York from August 1-7, 2019 so hope we get to visit a few minutes if convenient for you two. It’d be nice to get my copies of y’alls books autographed in person.

    Best regards my Friend,


  44. You have absolutely had an impact on public awareness! Yes there is still the odd shitty commercial, but the general public has better awareness. Just hearing the general public talk about celiac now, more people take it seriously. And you’ve done so much to encourage kids with celiac. And your blog was the biggest comfort for me during my loong recovery. Thank you so much. Really looking forward to the podcast!

  45. Hii Scott, I’m Truus (Dutch girl)
    I have followed you for years and wish you all the best with this new venture.
    I know I have celiac disease for 12 years now (I was 56 then). And through your blog I learned a lot.
    Just clean simple food works tons for me, thank you for that knowledge.
    All the best!
    -peace begins with a smile-

  46. Hi Scott, my name is Jacquie. Jennifer’s book and your site helped me to get on the right path to healing. I just finished the first podcast and cried 3 times and laughed more. Thank you to you both, I truly look forward to joining the two of you for each episode.

  47. Hi Scott,

    It was 10 years on 10/10 that I was diagnosed with CD and I appreciate all you have done to seriously stand in the gap for the celiac community. Since laughter is the best medicine in addition to eating naturally GF, I also remember and appreciate the very humorous moments we shared including exchanging e-mails about What Famous Characters Would Say If They Had Celiac Disease and the hysterical Odes; yours to Shredded Underwear and mine to Gluten Dude:
    On day’s I feel a little low,
    Off to Gluten Dude I go,
    He lifts my spirits, He makes me laugh,
    He’s a cheerleader on my behalf.
    Not just Me, but many others…
    All my celiac “sisters and brothers”.
    He understands, He can relate,
    To this disease that we all hate.
    Do we want it? Do we have a choice?
    No, but with Gluten Dude, we have a VOICE.

    As a celiac support group leader, I totally understand the burn-out you are experiencing. Sadly, veteran celiacs who have worked so hard for so many years leading support groups and helping to spread awareness so that others could receive a more timely diagnosis and avoid serious complications, are experiencing lack of support and attendance and are disbanding, which is unfortunate. Younger people are not stepping up to the plate to volunteer and depend on the internet for information to navigate the GF lifestyle. They need to be very careful which websites they go to.

    Some national celiac organizations sadly have stopped supporting local support groups and seem more interested in accepting money from companies who promote their GF products, even after they’re recalled! If all those groups would pool their resources and start spreading awareness through TV advertisements, etc. they might actually benefit our cause. Unfortunately, it seems their priority has changed and is more about making money instead of increasing awareness.

    Thanks for all of the hard work you have done on behalf of all of us. I wish you the best in your new venture and I pray for continued good health for you and Deb.

    P.S. We can agree to disagree, but prayer is equally important as eating GF and I thank God that we finally got a diagnosis, learned how to live with CD, and that you are an advocate for us. I know He has a special plan for you!

    1. Thanks tons Andi. And believe me…I’m not knocking prayer…though you cannot pray your celiac disease away, which is what I was alluding to. Thanks for your support!

  48. You wonderful dear man. Scott. Thank you and your family for what you have given. You have changed more lives than you know..I share your frustrations really food.. I some times want to bang my head on a wall.. with how stupid some are.. I’m so sorry we took you for granted.. and rudely didn’t tip. . For you deserve not a tip.. by a massive parade and anot enormous cheque for all you have done. Sorry.. thank you.. and best iof luck

  49. Hi Scott, so very nice to meet you. I have never posted
    on your site but have followed you for years after a car accident had my body doing strange things and after numerous doctors telling me there is nothing wrong, I headed
    to the internet to find my own cure..And that is where I found you. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart a huge thank you to you and your beautiful family. I cannot tell you how much I have learned and how much your words have inspired
    me, made me laugh and made me cry. I know God has GREAT plans for you and I am so very excited to continue to be a part of that. The very best of luck to you, your family and Jennifer..I just recently listened to your first podcast and it made me laugh at times and cry. I definitely look
    forward to hearing more. Much
    love to you all.

  50. Hi Scott, Rian here. I only just discovered your site this summer, but I’m a fan and will continue with you…and Jen. Best of luck.

  51. Hi Scott,
    I’ve learned that you were right; I finally went on Whole 30 last June and while I learned that dairy is not my friend, (nor legumes) I learned that my acne and rosacea and achy joints improved immensely on the diet. I believe there were added benefits from just eating whole foods, mostly at home, and no processed foods at all. For the first time in 13+ years, [since celiac diagnosis] I was on a truly gluten free diet. I’m trying to normalize a bit; it is impossible to live in the world on Whole 30 forever, plus it isn’t that healthy long term.

    I no longer trust anything labeled, “gluten-free.” I do subscribe to Tricia Thompson’s testing project.

    Thank you for leading me to learn the power of diet in regulating my health.

  52. Hi Scott (& Deb), thank you for every post, every piece of advice you shared and for being a shining example of what a health advocate should be. I am grateful for the gift of you — your honesty, humor, and kindness in helping others navigate an illness that most people don’t understand. I’m so happy you’ve teamed up with Jennifer and I look forward to continuing to support you along the way. Welcome to NYC! Hope to see you around town. Be well.

  53. Hi, I found your book on-line and came by to see your blog. I can understand why you feel you have done all you can and why you need to move on. My youngest daughter (age 9) was just diagnosed in late June and I have an older daughter (15) that was diagnosed at age 9 also. I totally agree that this disease is not taken seriously and the impact on a child is so difficult. This does not make the impact less to an adult – but they can at least protect themselves in situations a child can’t. School’s ignore how to help. As a parent you are perceived as being a pain in their butts. Main reason – this disease is seen as an allergy and the long term harm is not something they choose to ignore. I wish you and Jen luck and truly hope you can get the true picture of this diease out there. All the best to your wife. Regards, Deborah

  54. Hey Scott, my name is Hetty like Betty, but then with an H 😉 So glad you’ve made the decisions as in the last couple of months, all I felt from your post was; unhappiness, anger, bashing. I didn’t enjoy your blogs anymore and didn’t really read them either. I was wondering if you were actually happy and enjoying doing this. YEAHH, for you and I’m glad you said YES to you again. When I was diagnosed with Celiac, I pretty quickly took the turn to AIP as I was feeling more crappy getting of gluten when I was diagnosed with Celiac. Today, most days, I feel alive, have energy and am glad I’m alive. So I hear you and I agree with you, totally. Keep on shining your light to where it is needed, where you are guided and where you feel good. From my heart to your heart, namaste!

  55. Scott, my story is so similar to yours. I’m a little younger than you but it hit us at the same age! For the first few years when I was really struggling, your blog was the only place I had for guidance and information. Now like you I no longer think about it everyday. There is still much room for improvement but I am much better than before. Without your blog I would have been adrift in the sea on my own. You have made a huge difference and good luck in your future endeavors.

  56. Hey Scott,
    I’ve followed you anonymously–never posting anything, or thanking you for your humorous and insightful comments. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease late in life ten years ago. Now I’m ten years later in life and doing well, in large thanks to your website. I appreciate your faithfulness to the Celiac community, and for your willingness to state the truth despite the inevitable flak that comes from that. I wish you well in the new adventure, and know that what you and Ms. Esposito come up with will be even more informative. Now, I’ll excuse myself and make my way over to the tip jar . . .

    All the best, Terry

  57. Hi Scott, my name is Scott. I was diagnosed in 2009 and once we figured out 1st degree relatives were at an increased risk, by two youngest (now 21 and 26) were diagnosed in 2010. I’ve followed your blog for about as long as it’s been around and greatly appreciate it. All of us already cooked and especially back then that was critical. Over the years, we’ve steadily started cooking and eating in increasingly healthy ways. That’s not to say we don’t bake gluten free desserts or try things from an allergen free bakery when we find one, but those are treats. Junk, including gluten free junk, does not form the staple of our diet. I agree with you wholeheartedly. It takes more than simply eliminating gluten to truly heal, especially if you have extensive damage by the time you are diagnosed. Your entire immune system is usually out of whack. And maintaining health requires constant care and vigilance, though over time it has become more like second nature. I’ve subscribed to the podcast and look forward to listening to it. Take care!

  58. Hi Scott. I like your blog. Thought I would promote your book on mine. From a fellow celiac, I totally agree that eating clean is just as important as eating gluten free. Even though the rest of my family does not have any gluten issues, I make most of the stuff they eat gluten fee as well. I ‘ve gotten pretty good at it so most of the time they don’t notice at all. 😊

  59. I’m so delighted to hear about what you’re doing. You’re an inspiration to me, and probably set me more confidently on my own path. This November will mark one year of GF / Celiac diagnosis for me. I say Celiac diagnosis, but my gastro has said he doesn’t want me to do gluten challenge. Like Jen, my liver was already being affected, and my diagnosis was way overdue.

    Whenever I waver and think, “Am I being too strict? Too wierd? Not commercial or simple enough?” I think of my liver, and of the decade of chronic pain that stopped when I became gluten free, really gluten free, like properly cleaning my kitchen and kicking the packaged foods out of my diet. I think of Casey the college celiac and how GF wasn’t enough for her either. So because of you and a few awesome people in the community, I stand firm. I go to great lengths to explain why and I’m sure many people think I’m paranoid, but there’s nothing sociable about being sick. So my social limitations around not eating together with others aren’t because I’m maladjusted, it’s survival, and at this point, it’s still a matter of healing.

    I just want to thank you for being a beacon of tough mindedness when we need it most. Telling the truth doesn’t make you popular with marketers, but it wins my respect and admiration. I’m glad you’re seeking new ways of financial support that are in line with your values. That’s a rare and wonderful thing and I can’t wait to see what comes out of it. Best of luck!

    1. Just saw that you’ve made that change; hope the breakup was amicable. I’ve enjoyed your views, diatribes, and information for most of the five years since I got diagnosed, and hope that you can find some way that you can keep a hand in the game. You had a unique way of stimulating conversation about the world of the celiac, and I learned a lot from all the comments on your posts, as well as from the posts themselves. But I know things change, and I thank you for a good several years. Best of luck to you in the future.

  60. Hey Scott, Ken here. Our 19 year old daughter was diagnosed yesterday with Celiacs and of course she is overwhelmed as are we, her parents. I just found your blog this morning and I appreciate the time you have put into it and totally understand scaling back. Looks like we just missed the boat, however, I will continue to explore your site as it looks like you run the gamut of celiac related issues. Thank you again to you and Deb for as we all know, behind every successful man is an amazing woman. Hope to see some new info in the future. We’ll continue checking.

    Thank you and God bless.

  61. Hey Scott! My name is Mariana and my boyfriend is celiac. We created BeBreader.com looking to help other celiacs to have a better and safer life. We would love it if you would check out our website and let us know what you think. Thanks!

  62. Hi Scott!

    My name is Barbara. I am a young but getting old fast 60 year old and just recently was diagnosed as celiac. I also just found your site! For many years I’ve had to work 2 jobs, so grab and go food had been the order of the day. Working 6 days a week doesn’t leave much time for celiac research, shopping or cooking. Anyway, I haven’t gotten to read much on your site, but my head is already spinning with news about Cheerios, Udi’s and not believing things that say they’re gluten-free! Dang it!

    Good luck on your next endeavor, Scott. From what I can see, folks really appreciate you and your help. But you should know that if you want to make money from your site, you probably need to post glamorous pictures of you eating big plates of gluten-free food. Stuff like that works on Insta anyway…

  63. Hello. I was diagnosed with celiac about three weeks ago. I think I’ve had it for 28 years, but it was never diagnosed even though I had a colonoscopy 18 years ago. Anyway, I have found your blog to be very interesting and I appreciate your tone. You seem direct. I wish you well as you design your career in a new fashion.

    1. Hi Ashley,

      I just found this blog and it’s been a great help. I’m suffering through a gluten challenge and wondering how long I can make it. I also have been feeling like hell for years and just found out I have the HLA DQ 2.5 gene; and although I don’t want to test positive, I do want to know what is up. I had cut way down on gluten because I noticed it helped me feel better and I don’t want to be going through this gluten loading in vain. I’m curious how you were diagnosed? I’m not sure how long I can wait. My doc is only running the test because I brought it up, and she had no idea about eating enough gluten beforehand to guarantee an accurate test. humph. I love helping doctors understand things, they are usually soooooo receptive 😉 She is performing a colonoscopy because of my 3 month long diarrhea saga. I was hoping she was planning on an endoscopy too; so she could just grab a quick biopsy while she’s in there…..no luck. So now if the blood antibody test comes back negative I will have a tough time getting her to go any further. Small town blues.

      1. Hey Ashley. I was one of the lucky ones. My doc, after looking at a food diary I kept, tested me for celiac right away. When the blood test came back positive, I had an endoscopy the following week. See if you can push your doc. No need to suffer.

  64. Hey Scott,
    Diagnosed 2 years ago. The brain fog, anxiety, and panic attacks continue to this day. I am a lot better than I was but still far from the happy and care free person I once was.

  65. I just wanted to say thank you, for being the only RELIABLE voice out there (that I’ve found). Starting out 5 years ago, I fell into many doctor “recommendations” that were a horrible choice to follow, and suffered for them. I didn’t find your blog right away, and went through many trial and errors on what gluten free really meant. I’m so glad I did eventually (last year) stumble upon your blog. Not symptom free by a long shot, but getting there, MOSTLY because of what you share, so again thank you.

  66. Sani Rulis de Barr

    Thank you Scott, completely support you and seethe value phase 2.
    My name is Sani Rulis de Barr, I’m 58 years young, hub is Howard and two great kids! I am an unofficial official celiac for the last 8 years by my GI team in Rockville.
    Last night I attended a screening of the Celiac Project, wow! Afterwards we had a Dr from the Celiac Depatrment of the University of Maryland.
    I’m making my appointment tomorrow.
    You know, I appreciate the honesty and I’ll be tipping the jar, we need you.
    Peace ~ Sani

  67. Hi — I’m Lynette. I was diagnosed with celiac last Sept. 11 (an easy date to remember). I discovered you (and your book) through the gluten-free magazine you used to write for. Thanks for all the insight — so helpful, especially for the newly diagnosed. I’m on the journey to recovery. At my six-month check-up, my GI doctor recommended that I try a low FODMAP diet….but now I’m wondering if the AIP might be the way to go. Food is hard. But I’m wondering if you have NYC restaurant suggestions. I lived in NYC for many years but moved to Chicago almost 3 years ago. I’ll be back in NYC for a visit next month–the first time since my diagnosis–and catching up with friends usually involves eating out. So any NYC restaurant suggestions you have would be great! Thanks for everything, and good luck with Phase 2!

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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