Month: March 2016


Gluten-Free Oats & Profits Over People

March 29, 2016 | 14 Comments

Today we’re talking oats. First read THIS LINK that the Gluten-Free Watchdog posted and then come on back. Ok…welcome back. God bless the Gluten-Free Watchdog. There are so few celiacs out there who are truly looking out for the community’s health, it’s so refreshing […]

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celiac? stop eating processed foods

Got Celiac? Wanna Feel Better? Stop. Eating. Crap.

March 11, 2016 | 19 Comments

I finished my second Whole30 last week, but before I begin to tell you about how amazing it was (again!), let me get a few things out of the way. 1) I wrote a similar post a few years ago called Stop Eating Gluten-Free […]

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do i need to get retested for celiac

Does this 12-year-old REALLY Need to be Retested for Celiac?

March 8, 2016 | 28 Comments

Ok…confession time. When it comes to celiac disease, I know tons and tons about the realities of the disease and how to best deal with the ins out outs of it. But when it comes to the actual medical lingo, I’m not quite as […]

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gluten free hype

How to Cut Through the Gluten-Free Crap Hype

March 2, 2016 | 31 Comments

Dude note: This article appears in the current issue of Simply Gluten-Free Magazine, where I have my own column. It’s a good magazine run by good people. Heck…they even turned down an advertising opportunity from Cheerios. And until March 31, get $6 off a […]

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Who I am. And who I'm not.

Who I am. And who I'm not.

I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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