Dear Hostess: Please Don't Make Your Twinkies Gluten Free

gluten free twinkies

Hostess has announced that they are looking into making gluten-free Twinkies.

And I ask. Why?

When I was a kid, I loved Twinkies. My Mom? Not so much. She wouldn’t buy them. This is why kids have parents. It may be decades too late for this but I just want to say “Thanks Mom!”

At the end of this post is a fascinating image I organized of the 37 ingredients that go into a Twinkie. That’s right…37 ingredients.

The newest Twinkie has a shelf life of 46 days.

That’s not food folks…that’s a science experiment.

And now they want to make one that’s gluten-free? Feh. Feh I said.

Here is my plea to Hostess.

Dear Hostess,

Us celiacs are not that desperate. We don’t feel deprived because we can’t enjoy your “Golden Sponge Cake”. By releasing a gluten-free version of your Twinkie, you will be making a mockery of the health issues that celiacs face.

Your current Twinkies are manufactured with fourteen of the top twenty chemicals made in the U.S. Frankly, I don’t know how you sleep at night knowing people are eating this crap. But business is business and when there is money to be made, screw personal responsibility.

You know what the news outlets are saying about this grand idea? “Hostess considering releasing a gluten-free Twinkie for the health-conscious.”

Really? You want to go with that?

Please share with us, besides not having gluten, how exactly it will be healthy.

Look…maybe I’m wrong. Maybe your gluten-free Twinkie will be make with all natural ingredients.

But if it has even half the crap in the following image, I beg of you to reconsider.


Gluten Dude

Eating a Twinkie? Here is what you are putting into your body. It ain’t pretty.

twinkies ingredients

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Dude Note: Living gluten-free is hard and expensive enough. Finding safe places to eat shouldn’t be. That is why I created the Gluten Dude app. Leave the anxiety of crowdsourced listings behind and experience the freedom of enjoying meals at restaurants vetted by a passionate celiac advocate. Learn more at

144 thoughts on “Dear Hostess: Please Don't Make Your Twinkies Gluten Free”

    1. I absolutely HATE this article I was diagnosed when I was a tiny 3 year old. I have absolutely no idea what a Twinkie tastes like and because you don’t want to have twinkies they should just not make them GF. I don’t even know what they taste like a Twinkie is a treat that some people have never had before because of celiac and if they want to make them GF then they should you don’t have to eat it but I would just like to say your a very ignorant person. The world dosn’t depend on your opinion. Thank you very much.

      1. Hi hanna, i work at a gf bakery and i have good news 4 yous. My cake tastes like a twinkie!!! But better and fresher!!!! We have been open since 1995 and for 20 yrs prior our founding baker did it out of her home her entire life so theres a combined 100 yrs gf experience. Im currently attempting to create an actual gf twinkie size shape appropriate without patent infringement, as we already have faced warnings from saunders for our creation of gf bumpy cake, though many chain stores sell exact duplicates and use the name such as kroger. We ship too. Anyone who loves twinkies should check out gluten free specialties , formerly celiac specialties. P.s, the only uncool ingredient we use is corn syrup, its not high fructose, and we rarely use it, mostly in breads. If u try us make sure to try our cinnamon rolls, they r better than cinnabons! And im not a fully gf , im mildly sensitive to high gluten foods but choose our goods over gluten every time. We r on facebook or call-text 248-860-0680.

  1. Sigh. This is exactly what I was talking about last time, Dude. I don’t care if YOU don’t want to eat gluten-free Twinkies, but why would you ever think it’s a good idea to try to take away options from other people?

    I know you enjoy the occasional glass of wine. Wine absolutely ruins me. I have bloody diarrhea for weeks if I drink it. (Not so with processed foods – I feel fine.) Should I write to the vineyards and tell them, “Please put more gluten in your corks, our community doesn’t need wine” while completely disregarding that not everyone gets sick from something that makes me sick? I really struggle to understand your course of action here.

    1. Because I care about the celiac community as a whole. And having crap like this be labeled gluten-free does us no favors whatsoever.

      Did you see the ingredients list above? Yes, people are free to make their own choices. God bless America, yada, yada, yada. But this type of food is so harmful, I think it’s important to get the word out and educate. That’s what I do.

      I appreciate the conversation Nora. Honestly, I do. My take is simply that we don’t need more choices if this is what they’re offering.

    2. Its not about “taking away” our options Nora. Gluten Dude has always been about us eating more healthfully – note he never said don’t buy some nice brown rice flour, chick pea flour and make some cupcakes at home when you want an occasional treat. All he said was “please food company with your already toxic totally unnatural product that no one who is health conscious should eat please don’t make an equally toxic unnatural product mark it gluten free and consider it healthy and a good thing”

      1. Guys it is a TREAT. Even if all the hoopla about chemicals being “bad” is true, I do not care if treats are healthy.

        1. I agree with Dude & Maria,
          This is the statement that bugs us: “Hostess considering releasing a gluten-free Twinkie for the health-conscious.” Don’t say it’s for the health conscious when there is nothing healthy about it. Of course there are certain things that kids (and adults) might like to have on occasion and this makes it easy to indulge, but don’t call it “healthy” just because it’s gluten-free!
          Today I am making gluten-free “Goldfish crackers” for a couple of boys at a church camp who have Celiac. They are needed for a specific snack that shares a message so they need to be fish shaped crackers. Would I prefer to just grab a bag of gf goldfish just like I was able to grab a bag of gf pretzels? Of course, but I know that the goldfish I make are going to be at least a touch healthier because they don’t contain a bunch of chemicals to give them a shelf life.
          Yes, Nora, it is a treat, but the point is: stop marketing as “healthy” when they are anything but.

          1. Who are you to say what I should consider a treat? I don’t care how many ingredients the product has even though I can see that you do.

            You told me that you are speaking for “the celiac community as a whole” and yet there are celiacs on this blog and your Facebook saying that they do not agree. Maybe instead of making such a presumptuous claim to know what’s best for everyone, next time you could ASK celiacs what they think of something rather than assuming they are on board. This could make these conversations much less adversarial from the get-go.

          2. So how many ingredients are okay with you? Eight?Five?

            Hey I agree that this should never be marketed as a healthy option but I support making everything gluten free and letting us choose. Chips and chocolate bars and licorice are all nice treats after a month of carrots and apples.

          3. What about the kids or teens that actually do not care about eating so healthy? Hmm? You guys may think of it as “insulting” or “wrong” but for others it could be considered a blessing. Good for you if you don’t what it but other people may want it so just don’t eat it if you don’t want it. They’re trying to make it easier on us not taunt us. When I was little my favorite thing in the world was bread then around the sixth grade I had to completely stop. I feel tempted everyday and it would actually be easier if I could eat a Twinkie which I haven’t had in 9 years! It’s not always about being healthy. Sometimes it’s about what makes you happy. So speaking for a good portion of the younger people with this problem, I think they should make gluten free twinkies.

    3. If you want gluten free twinkies, (which does sound good to me) I have a recipe. We’ve been making homemade GF twinkies for 15 years with all natural ingredients. They still aren’t a health conscious alternative…

      1. I have been making twinkies for years because my kids love them. I make a bunch and freeze them. I have celiac and would love your recipe. I have a Facebook page. Gluten free cooking with Laura you can message me there or past it on my page. Love to make some. Thank you

    4. Agreed, this comes off as a little self righteous. I found this article because I was looking for…gluten free twinkie recipes! The occasional indulgence in something absolutely rotten will keep me from disregarding my health entirely, but to each their own.

  2. speak for yourself Dude. i’m all about the possibility of enjoying a twinkie again! my only concern is cross contamination. if they do it right then hell yea i’ll eat one.

    1. I am indeed speaking for myself Lindsey (and lots of other celiacs who feel the same way). We have an auto-immune disease where are insides have been compromised. We don’t need 37 ingredients just so we can enjoy a Twinkie.

      1. well when you say things like “us celiacs” it makes it sound like you are talking for all of us. yes they are not healthy, would anyone seriously eat a twinkie and think “this is a healthy decision’? We don’t NEED alcohol either, but we can enjoy it from time to time. I don’t see this much differently than that. it’s a bunch of crap, but if some of us want to indulge in a crap cake once in a blue moon then that’s totally fine. i appreciate the looking out, but im all about getting to enjoy a little junk food sometimes.

      2. I get what you are saying and it is true for those with compromised guts but… I am also a mom with an 8 year old who began having the same symptoms his dad had. He carries the celiac gene so to be safe he is gluten free. He is so good about it and I feel he is healthier for his choices but at times it is tough and can feel alienating. Nothing is worse than seeing your kid watching all the other kids eat pizza and cake at a lazer tag party. Yes he brings a little bag with a GF pizza slice or two (always cold because there is no way to heat without fear of cross contamination) and a GF cupcake. But still, it has to be explained over and over. Once in awhile I would just like him to feel “normal.” If on his yearly field trip I could put in a chemical filled GF twinkie he didn’t had to “explain” I would be so happy! if that makes me a bad mom so be it! Once in awhile mental health is also a factor and if a GF twinkie now and again makes someone forget that they have to always be extra careful about what they eat, bring it on!
        Not every Celiac is compromised, some heal. Not all need the drastic limitations some in the community need. It is a wide ranging disease. My point is that you can have your opinion but shouldn’t speak for “everyone” in any community. I agree with a lot of your posts but in this I disagree. and I’m not just a mom, I’m a teacher who sees how allergies and auto-immune diseases affect kids daily. I say let’s remember that with all that is bad for us it’s about choice and moderation. Two things that are easier to teach and stick to if young Celiacs are occasionally allowed to “safely” break the rules.

  3. Thank you for sharing this info and educating others. You do make a big difference in this world.

    The people that choose to still eat this so called food, will find out the hard way. And they can blame themselves. We can’t please everyone. Maybe the people that don’t like to learn about good health info need to go follow someone else. I love your work. Please keep up the great website. You have helped my family more than you will ever know.

    THANK YOU!!!

  4. I’m in agreement with you, Dude. The more I think about it, the more I think you’re absolutely right that celiacs just have to be more careful about what they eat.

    (Although, that varies from person to person: Paleo kept me sick because I also have problems with red meat and fructose; I do better being a gluten-free near-vegan. Gluten-free lentils, lettuce, tempeh and cheese are good for me, but that’s me.)

    Still, I don’t need (or want) gluten-free Twinkies. The more gluten-free junk food that becomes available, the more difficult it is to figure out the rest of the equation; gluten-free doesn’t just mean gluten-free.

    It also means, “Cut out the bad-for-you crap, because this is an autoimmune disorder, not an allergy.”

    If there is one thing I take away from what you write about food, Dude, it’s that–and you’re right.

  5. Why do so many ” gluten free ” foods have soy, corn, dairy and other ingredients that celiac people are not supposed to have? I don’t even go to the gluten free section of the grocery store anymore, there’s nothing there I can have.

    As for someone saying it’s okay to enjoy a treat once in a while . . . I guess so, if your stomach can handle it. Mine cannot and even if it could, I wouldn’t touch something with those ingredients in it.

    1. Last I knew, ths only absolute no nos for a person with celiac disease are wheat, rye, barley and contaminated oats. Some are lactose intolerant. I don’t bother with oats because the limit is a half a cup. What the heck is up with that? Either they’re gf or not! I was taught not to eat them back when I was diagnosed in the 1980s.

        1. I guess you didn’t fully read your own article. Not my favorite website… Here is a quote…it definately states “limited” amounts may be used if tolerated.

          “Most of the large celiac societies and clinical treatment centers now advise patients with celiac disease to consider adding limited amounts of pure, uncontaminated oats to their diet under a doctor’s supervision.”

  6. The only thing I have against Hostess is the fact they used to be made in Michigan by union empleyees. The compsny went ‘bankrupt’ to have an excuse to close the business and get rid of the union. I have a feeling they are made in China…even though they say Kansas. Remember the poisoned pet food came from China even though it was labeled differently. Hostess is quilty of union busting and for that alone I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole! I am from Flint, MI… Unions were once a big deal here….And last time I knew, booze isn’t all that healthy either. It tears up the stomach, liver and destroys lives…I watched my FIL drink himself to death….

  7. Then again, I’m picturing gluten-free elementary and middle-schoolers. I’d hate to make them feel excluded from their peers. This is stuff kids (and teenagers) eat.

    1. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but what kid or teenager eats Twinkies on a regular basis?

      While I was growing up, I ate fruit as a dessert and yogurt as a special treat. The only time we had any Hostess stuff was a once in a blue moon / holiday treat and even then, my sisters and I were limited to only one. Btw, I’m in my mid 20’s.

      Just seems a bit odd to me. Maybe I was just raised differently?

      1. What kid eats things like this on a regular basis? (Deep sigh) Well, you could likely start the list at ‘my family’ (my brother & I didn’t, mom didn’t let us and at 12 I took over 95% of all the cooking – homeschooled at that point, and my mom decided that cooking, meal planning, and grocery shopping worked as home ec. Worked for me big time to! I got $75, the statement ‘your dad expects red meat at least 5x a week, and you have lunches to pack as well, but you can keep any change’ and let loose. I think they thought I would maybe get a buck here or there… instead, I saved enough out of that budget to buy my first car in cash that I had saved out of just the first year I did this! Also made building a nest egg to get my own place at 16 when I graduated easier! I can pinch pennies until they powder. But the rest of the family and my husband’s as well. There is a reason beyond being a power lifter he once hit over 550lb!) and go from there. I come from an area where moms honestly DID/DO put soda in baby bottles. My own cousins do that with their kids. A ~box~ of twinkies are viewed as a single evening snack for A person. Is nutritional awareness on the rise? Yeah. Are there still people whose children can’t identify 3+ vegetables? Sadly, yup. Being diagnosed with celiac not only put ME on the road to getting better, it’s likely saved my husband from a massive coronary because he went GF at home with me, so he’s had to learn to pace things (You can’t hover the box of doughnut holes when a 10oz package is $8! Not on our $60 a week budget anyway!) and eat healthier – since that’s what I cook. (Weirdly saying that as a cheesecake currently is cooking – feel a bit of a fraud.) But yeah. There are still vast swathes of folks who live on, only eat, and only in vast staggering quantities pure unadulterated crap. A twinkie once in a blue moon? I don’t see a huge issue. But when it comes to ‘a case per week’ – it can be…. disconcerting to watch.

      2. Lots of people eat like that all the time, Chrissy. Its one of the reasons why the world is getting so obese – we do it and everyone else imitates it across the world.

        I remember as a child our treat would be to get to go to the Hostess outlet and pick out something. My favorite was always the Snowballs or the lemon pies, but my brother usually got a Twinkie. Our friends went to school with these things in their lunch every day. It was okay for a kid like my brother, he was running around 24/7 and burned off those extra calories, although most of the time we had things like dehydrated fruit or homemade fruit leather. For more moderate kids like me, it was not so great. I always struggled with my weight throughout school until the lightbulb came on that I could pack my own lunch, rather than letting my mum throw one together for me. After that, I didn’t have any problems until college ::grumbles::.

    2. Hi Lisa!

      I know I don’t speak for all teenagers, but I am 14 and absolutely hate ‘junk’ foods. Yes, I am a Coeliac and yes, I’m intolerant to over 70 other foods, but I never loved bought cakes, cookies, and biscuits etc while growing up. There are some of us who would take cucumber sticks and homemade hummus over Twinkies any (and every!) day!

      Best regards,

  8. To be honest, I think we need to wait and see what kind of gluten free Twinkies they bring out. We’re all assuming it will be loaded with artificial dyes, flavors, preservatives and crap. There’s a slight chance that they could make an actual all natural Twinkie.

    Look at Cheetos. Their main brand consists of yellow #5, artificial flavors and a metric shit ton of preservatives. Yet, their Simple White Cheddar version does not contain any artificial flavors, dyes and uses two natural preservatives (citric and lactic acid – one from citrus fruit, the other from milk).

    Since Cheetos was able to do it, there is a chance that Hostess can do it… a slim chance, but its still there.

    Personally, I only eat food with whole ingredients that I can understand and pronounce, no artificial flavors or dyes, and I try to stay away from chemical preservatives. Basically it’s fruits, veggies, some grains (quinoa or rice rarely) and grilled meat. Do I have the occasional treat? Yeah, of course! But it still has to follow my main rules in my usual diet.

    So I’m not condemning Hostess until I see exactly what they come up with. If it ends up being all natural, then awesome. If not, then they’ll get the riot act from me and a lot of other healthy minded Celiacs.

  9. I’m sorry but the kids can eat health foods in school. We are not doing these kids any good by sending them to school with this crap. How about we teach the class what this so called food really does to them, and then see if they are willing to eat it. I taught my own kids and they are not will to eat it. They also feel bad for their friends because no one is teaching them. I’m not looking for a debate so please don’t take it that way. I’m pretty sure kids where not born with a sweet tooth.

  10. Reading the ingredients, these twinkies look to be made of flour fortified with vitamins and iron…the same sweeteners,oils,preservatives, stabilizers, and artificial colors that most big companies use.

      1. Definately feel free not to eat twinkies. Hostess can go to hell! It’s not their ingredients that bug me…it’s what they did to their employees in the name of greed. Been there done that with General Motors! I couldn’t care less what you eat Christine…go forth and enjoy life on your terms 🙂 I’ll decide what I want to eat too…no nastiness intended…so please don’f take it that way.20

  11. Galwayfan made my point for me: looking down that list, the five ingredients between wheat and sugar are to replace the B-complex vitamins that the bromination/bleaching/processing of wheat flour causes. The Phosphates/pyrophosphates are the baking powder and aren’t the baking powder we use at home because it breaks down under the industrial machine. Caseinates are milk proteins which, alongside the various starches and soy isolates, are used to help withstand the industrial baking process.

    I agree with April over at Gluten Is My Bitch… if you want a Twinkie, they’re not hard to make at home – and it would certainly be less chemically derived but not necessarily healthy – which isn’t the point of a Twinkie. But again, it’s all about what it means as being marketed for the “health conscious” – and that’s where the really big problem is. People with celiac are “health conscious” insofar as we have a disease that if we don’t monitor can kill us by degrees. People with NCGI are “health conscious” insofar as we prefer to avoid things that render us incapable of functioning. People with other auto-immune disorders eat gluten free because while neither celiac or NGCI, gluten irritates their condition. There is nothing healthy about a Twinkie, period. A GF Twinkie is not about health – it’s about choice. Let’s just be forthright and transparent about what is actually being chosen – and why.

  12. The week before the company was starting to make Twinkies again I saw this news, so it isn’t exactly news to me. I read it and my first thought to be perfectly honest was omg… I wonder if they’ll be soy free and they’ll make Chocodiles out of them or if I could learn to make Chocodiles out of them at home? Now I’ve said this before, I generally tend to watch what I eat, make my own things at home, all that… blah blah blah. But if the company is capable of making them in a way that prevents CC, whatever, at least they are putting more effort into it than a lot of other companies.

    Food for thought Dude. Every time you pick up a glass of alcohol you are putting something unhealthy in your body. I don’t drink, yet don’t judge those who don’t and don’t make decisions for everyone else based on my choice. While I think it is appropriate to want safe gluten free food for all, saying that the community wants only healthy gluten free food is not speaking for everyone, just as it would be wrong for me to try to speak for the entire gluten free community saying that we all need to abstain from alcohol because it is unhealthy. There is a level of personal responsibility we each have to take on for our own health.

    Maybe one day I won’t find myself wandering around a gas station after being in the car for an hour looking for something to eat and the only thing is freaking chips. Maybe my options will be chips or a twinkie… both unhealthy, and maybe I’ll walk out with nothing like I usually do, but I’ll welcome the fact that it is my choice to make.

    1. Just to be clear, I am not judging other celiacs. Yes, I imbibe in the pleasure of spirits on occasion. At least alcohol, in moderation, has some benefits.

  13. I AGREE WITH NORA AND LYNDSEY and ADALAIDE. Dude if you don’t want to eat it then don’t. You should not write on behalf of “us celiacs”. There are foods that are not good for non celiacs too. You are making companies efforts seem like never enough. I want the option to have GF food that is not good for me once in a while if I choose.

    1. I’m starting to wonder if you and the other three mentioned are from the Hostess company. Companies hire individuals to scour the internet for anti company information and argue against it (I’ve seen it several times with Kraft and the yellow #5 war).

      If anything, Dude is writing on behalf of the Celiacs that actually care about their bodies and want the best. In case you haven’t noticed, his entire blog is on healthy eating.

      Does he have treats sometimes? Of course. So what if he has a drink every once in a while? Heck, I splurge and have a glass of wine. Does he have treats daily? Nope. Just like I dont.

      Even if so, wine isn’t as bad as all the crap in the Twinkies. Does wine have artificial flavors and dyes? Nope. Is wine loaded with chemicals? Nope. It’s no where near the long ingredient list with Hostess products.

      No one is taking your right to be overweight and eat crap. It’s a free country and you can do as you please. However like I stated on my blog, I won’t do the same as you nor will I advocate for you.

      1. Are you kidding me? A spy for Hostess? I am also not overweight nor do I eat “crap”. That is really an uncalled for comment.

        I do however, like to have choices available and like to support companies who try to offer that choice. If people can not or will not accept feedback on Blogs they should not write them. Also note I am not commenting on YOUR “blog”. I also am not ridiculing or being nasty and calling people names.

        Dude is certainly entitled to his opinion and choices. I appreciate anyone who advocates for a safe GF community but I prefer not to have him speak on behalf of all celiacs who do choose to indulge I a sweet unhealthy snack occasionally. I would prefer to focus on safety, cross contamination and false advertising. This shouldn’t be a war and if that’s how you are looking at things you are not helping yourself or your community. Neither are personal attacks like you made.

        I have a lot to say about your comment and really have some good counter discussion but I will not engage in discussions that are attacking in nature.

        BTW…I am a medical professional in upstate New York. I am 5’6 and 120 pounds. Most people find me quite attractive and fit. Not really an overweight unhealthy Hostess spy. LOL. My goodness!

        1. Gluten Free Seattle

          Accusing an opposing viewpoint as spying? Rediculous and further proves why speaking as “Us Celiacs” is too broad and inaccurate. We don’t all feel that having an unhealthy snack (37 ingredients or not) is harmful to overall health when eaten on occasion.

          I’m fine with people saying this product is not right for them and that it is unhealthy. I am not ok with the message being it is not right for any of us. It is not for any of us individually to decide.

          Educate oneself and decide how you would like to live your life – don’t try and dictate how others should live or limit their options.

        2. Hey, I’ve seen it happen before. Look at the arguments with yellow #5. Plus, it’s a simple way for companies to keep an eye out on the public opinion with their products.

          Some blogs aren’t meant for feedback, let alone beyond negative feedback. The Gluten Dude’s blog and my own are mostly out there to educate people. Mine helps the consumer with restaurants and allergies while his helps with general, GF and healthy ideas.

          Focusing on cross contamination is fine for you, keep doing it. However some others prefer to focus on healthy, safe GF food. There isn’t anything wrong about doing so. last I checked, the internet is a free speech style place so we’re all entitled to our own opinions. Now, asking him or me to speak on behalf of unhealthy yet GF foods? Not going to happen.

          As a medical professional, you of all people should know better about ingredients in food and healthy lifestyles. Thank God I don’t have a “medical professional” like you working for me.

          As another food for thought, you can be a normal weight but still be unhealthy.

          1. I did not solicit your personal opinion of me and have asked you stop. I will also not give my personal opinion of you. Thank you.
            I am not going to respond to your comments and suggest AGIAN that you refrain from personal attacks on comments.

          2. Gluten Free Seattle

            It doesn’t take an internet/social media expert to see that they people speaking up against having the “us” phrasing used, are not associated with Hostess. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that is the problem – this post is not coming from his own personal voice when he says it is from all of us.

            1. Honestly, I don’t see the problem with him using the word us. Basically he’s speaking on behalf of the celiacs and ncgs that are healthy minded and working against the media portrayal of gf = healthy.

              Also, those people mentioned may or not be from the company. I just suggested it since they seemed so for hostess that it makes sense in my mind.

              Personally, I’ve seen companies use tactics like this before so it does happen.

            2. For the record, I commented on this:


              And this:


              If I were trolling for Hostess, why would I have commented on this blog before Dude mentioned Hostess?

              Also, have you noticed that not one person disagreeing with Dude has bashed eating healthy, and that most have voiced their support for eating healthy? You’re not countering anyone’s point by saying that you care about eating healthy. We wouldn’t want to strawman people based on their desire for more gluten-free products, would we?

            3. I know you’re not a spy. No need to defend yourself Nora…if that’s your real name (hee hee) 😉

              Chrissy feels like sh*t. So I’d like to respectfully ask everyone to let the “spy” issue go. I think we can move forward.

            4. Obviously we feel like shit too because of her comments. Is one person’s feelings more important than another’s? You guys seem to be stating your opinions and then when people respond you tell them that their negativity is not appreciated. Please try to be fair to all.

          3. “Some blogs aren’t meant for feedback, let alone beyond negative feedback.” – Chrissy

            “Last I checked, the internet is a free speech style place so we’re all entitled to our own opinions.” – Chrissy

            And you see no contradiction there?

            1. It’s simple Nora. The internet is a free place and we’re entitled to our own opinions. However, some blogs are here for guidance not for negative comments.

              Like my blog. It’s there to guide and educate consumers. While everyone has the right to their own opinions, certain places (like sites meant to educate and guide people) are not the place to discuss such things. Makes sense?

            2. Civil would be nice. I’m not a fan of someone just jumping in and calling me (and others) some corporate spy when I’ve been participating here for quite some time just because I have an opinion. That is a long freaking way from civil.

            3. Lol. Nobody makes a blog and thinks “This blog is for negative commenting.” But I don’t see why you would think some blogs should be immune to negative comments. So no, that makes no sense to me at all.

            4. The Gluten Dude takes feedback very well and that is clearly demonstrated. There is a way to disagree and comment civilly and without being disrespectful. He seems to manage that just fine with a touch of humor thrown in. Just because someone disagrees with one blog does not mean the entire site is foul. There is a lot of great information here which I obviously use and reference. There are also some posts and many comments that I disagree with. This is the only one that has thus far made me feel strongly enough to comment. Chrissy however has been rude and disrespectful not to mention contradictory as pointed out above. I have noted Chrissy that you repeatedly reference your own Blog. I would hate to think any of this is an attempt to “drum up” business for yourself.

    2. Ok…breathe in…breathe out…breathe in….breathe out.

      Sorry to cause such a sh*tstorm folks. Never my intention.

      Here’s my take: I see my fellow celiac continue to struggle even on a gluten free diet. I see my fellow celiacs continue to get glutened at restaurants due to irresponsible employees. I see my fellow celiacs get the eye roll when inquiring about gluten free because of the stupid gluten free craze that is out there.

      My take is that having a gluten free Twinkie just adds to the problems that celiacs face.

      I will be aware of how I phrase things moving forward and I appreciate your comments.

      My intentions are always from the right place.

      1. I think this is really the heart of this post- SO many Celiacs continue to struggle with so many issues with illness due to cross contamination and more. It wasn’t until I, myself really eliminated all additives and junk that I started to really feel better, so I can completely understand Dude’s point of view here and agree with him.
        I think treats here and there are great, but I think that by and far companies are just pushing out gluten-free products aside their mainstream marketed items to increase market shares. Its money, they are monopolizing at the cost of our health. Gluten-free does not always equal healthy. Sometimes a treat, ok, but these things generally are very bad for us. Unless Hostess does reformulate the Twinkie to indeed be for “the health conscious” I think its just what other companies are doing, marketing to a GF market to make money. There are better food options available.

    1. as well as…

      “In 1992 Harvard researchers included moderate alcohol consumption as one of the “eight proven ways to reduce coronary heart disease risk.” However, research has suggested that specifically red wine is the most beneficial to your heart health. The cardioprotective effect has been attributed to antioxidants present in the skin and seeds of red grapes.

      Scientists believe the antioxidants, called flavonoids, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in three ways:

      by reducing production of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (also know as the “bad” cholesterol)
      by boosting high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the good cholesterol)
      by reducing blood clotting. Furthermore, consuming a glass of wine along with a meal may favorably influence your lipid profiles following that meal

      Recently, researchers have found that moderate red wine consumption may be beneficial to more than just your heart. One study found that the antioxidant resveratrol, which is prevalent in the skin of red grapes, may inhibit tumor development in some cancers. Another study indicated that resveratrol aided in the formation of nerve cells, which experts believe may be helpful in the treatment of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

    1. I was never arguing about whether or not alcohol is actually healthy. But I think we can mostly agree that it surely isn’t a health food was my point, and certainly not things like hard liquors and beer. But, what the hell right would I have to speak up for the entire gluten free community to start contacting beer companies to tell them that “us celiacs” are not so desperate to feel normal that we would drink something that is so obviously unhealthy for us? I choose not to drink it, everyone else can make their own choice. So what if someone has a beer here and there, I personally wouldn’t call that part of an unhealthy lifestyle. But if you’re having a beer every day, or kicking back 6 every weekend, you may have some issues with how you approach your health and what you put in your body.

      Just the same, if there ever are GF Twinkies, we are each responsible for making our own choice about whether or not to eat them. Just because they are being made and marketed does not mean that Hostess is going to send someone out to hold a gun to your head while you eat them.

  14. Dude-

    Kudos on the blog. I agree. My system was dealt a blow until the realization that gluten was destroying my digestive system. I need to do as much as I can to feed it healthy foods (or the best I can) to be around as long as possible. I think that this is a lame decision to try to create a GF Twinkie. Sounds like another company trying to benefit off of celiac. Hostess and their marketing strategy can go jump off a cliff for all I care. Idiots.

    Cheers Y’all-

    Jersey Girl

  15. I’m sorry Dude and others but who are you to decide what is healthy for the rest of us? Yes, most people would eat gluten free Twinkies as a treat. Some may eat them every day. Frankly, it is none of your business. To claim that you care about the health of the Celiac community as a whole gives you the right to make a blanket deceleration is rude and pompous.

    We all need to decide what is best for us and our family and keep our noses out of everyone else’s shopping carts.

    I am off to write a quick note to Hostess asking them to please hurry and make a gluten free Twinkie. Never ate them before but now I am suddenly very interested.

  16. I think what bugs me most is that the ads are touting it as “a gluten-free Twinkie for the health-conscious.”

    I’m not saying what is/isn’t a treat, or weighing in on the processed food debate here (though I certainly have my personal views on it that guide my choices!). Rather, I think this kind of messaging only feeds the “trendiness” of going GF for fad diet reasons – or even misconceptions that something that is GF is “healthier.”

    Celiac and other medical gluten intolerance are just that – medical conditions. They are not fad diets, nor do the people who follow them necessarily do so to lose weight/be healthier/be fitter (apart from the fact they are not harming their intestines etc. with the gluten). Saying that the GF Twinkie is for the “health conscious” sends the wrong message in an already confused world about what being GF is and what it isn’t.

    If Hostess wants to provide a GF Twinkie, that’s their prerogative (and it’s my prerogative not to buy as a consumer), but I’m troubled by the marketing of it as food for the health conscious. If it’s a treat, let it be that.

  17. Not a snowballs chance in hell I’d purchase gluten free Twinkies. Everything they stand for is against what I want from the food industry right now. People need to get real there is nothing healthy about a Twinkie whether its gluten free or not. I get so sick of people using GF as a “low carb” diet option. You want to eat right, eat things you can pronounce for starters. Thanks for posting this Dude. Very blog worthy stuff.

  18. Between the corn, soy, fructose and dairy – a large percentage of GI people wouldn’t be able to eat them anyway (I couldn’t) but I might buy a box to have on hand for visiting grandkids. Or not.

    We pretty much all agree that the words “health conscious” is the most objectionable part. So how should the marketing people have put it?

  19. Celiac Mindwarp

    I don’t always agree with what the Dude says.

    However, his message about what a difference eating clean, like Whole30, can make if one is not recovering pretty much gave me my life back.

    I am grateful I found this site.

    Personally, I think those of us gluten free have the chance to be in the vanguard of a return to a healthier relationship with more natural food.

    I don’t much mind if that isn’t everyone’s view.

    I like getting an education into what is going on in my food.

    I like openness and tolerance.

    I like Dude 🙂

    1. oooh, Connie….now, those look yummy!! 🙂

      if you make some soon, call me. I’ll bring the cappucinos!

  20. I never liked Twinkies as a kid myself–it was a texture thing, I think–but I sure liked those chocolate Hostess cupcakes with the little white squirly-doodles on the top . 🙂 Hey, I was a kid and my working mom did not make homemade stuff.

    I look at life this way… do” whatever blows your skirt up”…as long as you exercising your rights does not infringe on mine. I am a “live and let live” kinda gal.
    And if someone wants to eat GF twinkies, well, I say, go for it.

    However, calling it”GF for the health-conscious”– now, that’s just ridiculous, IMHO. That part made me laugh out loud.

    I would like to think that people are smart enough to decide whether this product is something “healthy” or not, or if they just really want to indulge in a treat and not give a rat’s butt about what’s in it for once.

    In other words, to each his/her own, IMHO. I don’t want them, so there’s more for you guys . 😉

    “And that’s all I have to say about that” (quick, Jersey Girl, Dude….name that movie)


  21. Yeah, I have to agree that Chrissy’s comment is far-fetched and unfounded and a bit rude (and since I know Adalaide personally, I am a bit affronted for/with her. ) .

    I always thought this blog site WAS geared toward feedback?
    As far as I know,the Dude loves feedback!

    She is saying this site is not “designed for that”?
    When did that change???.

    BTW, I said if people want to eat them, it’s their business (see my post above) , so am I also a Hostess corporate spy?

    I also drink booze on occasion, does that mean I am not health-conscious? of course not.

    Put in your mouth whatever you wish, I think.
    Just be sure it is not your own foot.

    1. I do indeed love feedback (as long as every comment agrees with me 100%.)

      Look…with passion comes passionate comments. Which sometimes can cross the line a bit. But I think this blog and this community does a dang good job of keeping things civil 98% of the time. I can’t ask for much more.

  22. Feeling more than a tad divided in my addled brainpan at the moment over this issue, I’ll be honest. (Should I go all hippy and just toss “well, I’m a Libra, what can ya do?” and a shrug to explain it? lol) Part of me, to be completely honest, itches a bit at the idea of any one person speaking for all celiacs, and deciding what ‘should’ be made available for us and what shouldn’t. That… can (and I don’t in any way view GD as part of this, but there are others, I think we can all agree we’ve seen/dealt/heard them) that feed into a weird subculture based on what can only be called an aggressive victim mentality – “It’s not safe for ME, therefore no one should be allowed it and if you argue, you are trying to kill me and are likely secretly suicidal, stupid or BOTH” that can be paired with a passive aggressive overly ‘protective’ “I’m just doing this for your own good because ~I~, as the wise kind and intelligent adult know better then your weak widdle brain can handle at this time. Talk to me when you mature enough to agree I’m right.” that frankly makes me want to scream. I’ve had more than a few bad run ins – at one store, I had a total stranger SMACK MY HAND, remove the carton of milk (cow based) out of my cart, and try to insist I ~HAD~ to buy almond, didn’t I understand that cow’s milk was an evil plot? When I growled (I don’t do well with people touching me without permission and growling meant I didn’t actually haul off and slug the idiot) that I’m deathly allergic to almonds but I’m fine – even been tested thanks – on dairy, I was flat out called a liar and too stupid to understand, no way I could have celiac AND be allergic to nuts, and I ~had~ to buy the almond milk or I was killing my family. So…. yes. I’m a wee bit tetchy and wish we could all push for safe GF foods but also stop nanny stating every bite I put into MY mouth and stop trying to ‘protect’ me from my own choices. Sometimes I just want a bit of deep fried crap and I figure since I spend so much time having to make 95% of my food all from scratch (usually starting with either the grain mill to make the flour, or pulling out the homecanned/frozen/otherwise preserved ingredient from the pantry. I’m a bonnet and a milk cow away from the total Little House on the Prairie life, if often feels!) and the vast majority of what I cook is clean and healthy… if I want a GF twinkie while stopping at a gas station because I forgot to pack my lunch/snack box when I left the house, I should be able to. Happily and without guilt, comment, or raised eyebrow.

    BUT. (You HAD to know the but was a’coming, right?) I also know how often having GF slapped onto a label has resulted in me getting seriously ill – and I can’t be the only one. From my mom buying everything with the GF label (but not bothering to read the side of the box which results in me having to yet again stab myself with an epi-pen because she failed to notice ‘almond flour’ and when my husband loses his temper, again, she runs from the room in a fit because “She was TRYING, and why can’t everyone see I’m just trying to be mean by not eating what she spent so much money on!”) that I still can’t eat, to the simple truth that, at least for now, my system can’t really handle the vast majority of industrially created ingredients in something and GF or not, it’s still a whammy to my body that will make me pay for days.

    GF on a label can be seriously misleading. And as the standards for GF are still so vague here in the States (you can slap GF on the front because you don’t use any GF ingredients in the item – but once you flip the bag around, I know I can’t be the only one who sinks a bit to see in tiny print at the bottom “may contain” and “not made on a dedicated line” and more – all which basically mean, to my overly hyper system, a solid “Nope”.) it’s a dangerous ‘option’ to have. As long as celiac is viewed as a ‘diet’ and not a “Incurable Immune System Disease” manufacturers will play fast and loose with things. Even some of the biggest GF names have gotten nailed for failing to pass inspections, and when a company that makes ONLY GF items, not just on dedicated lines but dedicated buildings gets nailed for actually not being safe… I can’t really see a company like Hostess getting it right all the time. And I just can’t play Russian Roulette with my system anymore. ~Especially~ something that you buy as a grab & go in the car. The idea of a ‘oops, looks like you just got glutened’ while driving makes me break out in a cold sweat. And when you add how so many companies ‘fix’ GF items by adding a witches brew of massive amounts of dozens of extra sweeteners, more and more highly processed fats, and as many oddballs chemistry set creations to make them shelf-stable… I can’t help but feel it’s just not worth the risk for most of us.

    Everyone is different. Just because you can’t have dairy doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be allowed my butter. Just because I’m deathly allergic to almonds doesn’t mean Larabars have to either go out of business or rework all their recipes to make it safe for ~me~. There IS an element of personal choice (If I want a slice of pepperoni pizza, loaded with to the sky with cheese and dancing on 500 calories a slice – being told I should/must have a lovely radicchio salad with shaved parm and a drizzle of homemade balsamic dressing instead isn’t going to work. Don’t care HOW much better for me it is, I want and am going to have the pizza as long as it’s GF.) that needs to be given and acknowledged. The GF community can’t patrol the foods of the world and demand all must meet OUR needs, OUR desire for healthy whole foods. (For one thing, there is really no “our” needs. We all have different needs – the one and only thing that makes it a community is the GLUTEN FREE part, the rest… fractures us out into hundreds of other groups) Hostess isn’t in the health food business. They make highly sweetened, publicly understood to be naughty ‘treats’ – and that’s why they sell. Wanting to have something ‘bad’ for you is a human thing. I think we need to be careful in how we approach the commercial food world. The focus, at least for now (and in my admittedly wonky worldview) should be on the babystep of getting what GF is clearly and legally defined. To have a standard set for labeling. To have repercussions for companies that lie, that fail to address issues, to ignore areas of concern. Focus on getting commercial products (ALL of them – not just GF) labeled in such a way (and produced to match the label!) that it’s easy to know what you are getting, to find what each person needs to know to be safe.

    But (and another one! I warned I was seriously of 2 minds here!) once THAT gets done?

    Yeah. I think we seriously need a sitdown over the state of the foods on the market. An overhaul of massive proportions has to happen – we’re killing ourselves (slowly in some cases, quicker in others) and our kids with the crap we’re pumping into the food supply. Do I wish I could have a twinkie? Yeah – but what I’m missing isn’t a GF twinkie. I have serious doubts in the ability of Hostess to create a GF version that tastes the same as the wheat filled model. And at that point, I’m not GETTING a twinkie. I’m getting it’s crapped about younger cousin that is only there because I’ve reached a point where the heads of the market know I’m desperate for something familiar, and so even if it tastes bad and is 3x the costs, for the sake of some normality, I’ll bite the bullet and buy it.

    Ultimately, and personally, I’m solidly with you Gluten Dude that, frankly… I wish Hostess would just give this a skip. But I’m saying that I think so for a different reason. I don’t want their pseudo-knockoff, aren’t I a lucky little girl to be allowed something that looks sorta like what all the ‘normal’ people are eating. I don’t want to be pacified. I don’t want to be ‘indulged’ in my little diet whim of the week. I want quick occasional grab and go treats that ARE made of real (safe and reliably manufactured) ingredients that won’t cause my system to go into anything other then a mild sugar rush & crash – but I also want them to taste just as good as the original. And if they can’t manage that, if with all the food scientists and ~billions~ going into research & development can’t begin to figure out how to both get back to real ingredients that won’t slowly kill our species and make alternate versions for the dietary restrictions they CHOOSE to target as a new customer base that are just as good as the others….

    Don’t do me any favors. Just stay as you are and stop trying to expand your market while insulting that demographic with subpar, can’t really be called an analog as no one that didn’t ‘have’ to eat it would, bit of processed nothingness.

    If I’m gonna blow a huge wad of calories – I’m going to do it in ways that are worth it. (Such as the chocolate cheesecake I made. Total calorie bomb, and I don’t care a jot. It’s tasty, it’s safe for me to eat, I’ll run more on the treadmill this week and smile as I eat my way through it!) And right now, the vast majority of ‘subs’ are simply not worth it. Both nutritionally AND satisfaction.

    But that’s just me. And boy do I wish I was a mole for one of the big companies… I wouldn’t have to work nearly as hard on my food budget!

    1. All I can say is that is one hell of a comment Jenna. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will respond when I finish chapter 3 tomorrow 😉

        1. Thanks IrishHeart – the moment I hit ‘post’, I inevitably have a wee tiny bit of existential angst, usually culminating in me being found quietly banging my head on my desk by my husband, all while I swear that from now on I’m going to pull the reins back sharply on my excessive verbosity… so being told it’s sometimes enjoyed helps curtail the banging (if not, sadly, the verbal torrent!) and minimizes the resulting migraine. The only other thing that keeps me chiming in is the concrete knowledge that, no matter HOW much I might prattle….

          It’s still significantly more concise and to the point then if I was talking to someone out loud. (Scary, I know) At least if I stick to typing it out, I’m limited by my typing speed, because god knows my brain runs faster then my mouth and my mouth runs faster then my hands! I can also limit my anxiety based rhyming, backspace the more random tangents that my brain can scuttle off after and make sure to keep the more… colorful verbal twitches to a minimum. I still hold, no matter HOW much my husband laughed himself to near hysteria that the phrase “A real frogstrangler of a storm” is a solid one and not some backwoods bit of linguistic shenanigans, but I know I have a few oddies I don’t realize sound strange to others and can, hopefully, edit them out before the ‘post’ button is hit!

          Oh…. bother.

          I did it again, didn’t I?

          1. Well, anyone who uses the word “shenanigans” is okay by me. One of my favorite words–ranks right up there with hooliganism, tomfoolery and malarkey.

            Kiddo, you would have driven me insane with all that verbiage had you had been a student in any of my writing courses 🙂
            but right now, I find your stream-of-consciousness writing to be entertaining and interesting—and, obviously,it is cathartic for you.
            And, as long as there is a point to it all and you feel better afterwards, well, it’s a win-win.

            1. If it makes you feel any better (or at least relieves you of potential flashback worries of haunting students in days gone by) I can honestly say that, in my own term papers….

              I mainly made my profs crazy because I ~always~ hit the word count.

              As in – dead on. Not a word more, not a word less and to make one memorable prof truly crazy… I managed to do the same when he would issue letter counts on essay portions of tests, even when writing in ink and not allowed to scratch even a word out.

              I do the same in technical writing as well as when I’ve worked both in editing & ghosting. I can submerge my own writing style to near drowned status for a grade or a paycheck. It’s just the ~rest~ of the time I babble like a brook coming down off a mountain!

    2. Great analysis, Jenna. If there was a way to do it, I’d mod up/+1/5 Star/Like this post.

      And now I need cheesecake. 🙂

  23. That’s better Nora…I was feeling a bit cramped up there.

    You are 100% right. I mismanaged this one big time. I felt bad…tried to make things better…and botched it.

    I know everyone’s heart is in the right place but it doesn’t always come out like that.

    As I’ve said a million times…I’m a work in progress. And so it goes.

    Thanks 😉

    1. Thank you Dude. I trust YOU know that nobody here thinks Twinkies are healthy. Also they’re GROSS. I was a Ho-Ho gal myself. (That was a funny-sounding sentence.)

      I can’t say the same for a lot of your Facebook commenters right now. “Those people must not be very health-conscious.” The commenter who talked about victim complexes has a point – if you can’t have something, you may rationalize that those who want it will just get sick and fat anyway even if that’s not true. If not, it’s even more disheartening – they are judging our entire lifestyles based on one little issue.

  24. The only difference between homemade cakes and cookies is the preservatives. The rest of ingredients are basically the same …sugar, fats, some sort of flour ( gf or wheat). None of these goodies should be the main part of a person’s diet. They have their place…just like an occasional alcoholic drink. I don’t think treat foods can be mass produced without preservatives….they would get moldy and go bad before they hit the shelves at the grocery stores. Honestly….thats the only difference I see between homemade and store bought. The choice is ours to make 😉

    1. That isn’t true at all. Yesterday I bought a frosted sugar cookie while I was at the health food store. (Yeah, I know… I’m terrible. But it was on sale at the checkout lane and I’ve had them before and they’re delicious!) The cookies are completely preservative free. I believe the first time I got one the date on it was just shy of two weeks away. Probably why they were on sale yesterday, they had like a bazillion of them and they needed to sell them because they don’t last long. I also buy bread that is shelf stable for something like 2 1/2 months that is preservative free. (As long as it is unopened.) The problem isn’t that it can’t be done, companies are just too lazy to try.

  25. I am confused by this entire conversation. Do you want companies to cater to our needs or not? I think it is progress if only a bit misguided.

  26. the other half cat

    Well, here’s the thing…. Wheat, gluten and all the related gluten containing grains aren’t just harming the celiac community. They aren’t just harming the gluten sensitive/intolerant community. It seems to be harming everyone whether they realize it or not. It is quite possible that gluten is causing many more auto immune problems than just celiac. It could be the root issue for many, many of our current disease states. Maybe the message needs to be stop eating glutenous grains for everyone.

    Just when I begin to feel like a nut, I had a visit with my kids pediatrician yesterday who says she is on board with this who GMO wheat problem. Some may think she has been drinking funny kool-aid but she is telling her patients to cut out the wheat/gluten all together.

    We have a problem in our larger food industry. I agree that we are exposed to way too many chemicals in our foods but it is possible that GMOs need to be researched as well. The celiac community is just the canary in the coal mine trying to warn everyone else of what this GMO wheat is doing to all of us.

  27. WOAH!! I can’t believe the comments on this topic. I read about this last week sometime and I was disgusted by it. I too agree with you, Dude, about the whole idea of even having GF Twinkies. It’s just gross and no one should be subjected to that kind of garbage, gluten free or not. It’s just disgusting. No one is saying we can’t make our own choices, but because we do make our own choices that’s a huge part of why Americans are so fat. It’s too easy and quick to grab something cheap and unhealthy vs making your own meals, snacks, whatever it may be. NO ONE needs this kind of option. I don’t care if you think your kids deserve it because they’re missing out. It’s not a good choice to give them. There are so many better things to feed yourself and your children and giving them overprocessed food like this just leads to bad habits. I am sad to see that so many people are excited about having this as an option even. BLECH! I guess that’s fine because while those of you that want them can buy them, and I’ll just keep making my own healthy food, but it’s an unnecessary option to be made available.

  28. GD—I know this wasn’t really your intent, but WOW, do you know how to stir up controversy or what!

    I do wish more of the mainstream companies would come out with whole grain GF bread and cereal and that sort of thing. I don’t really mean brown rice, because we already get a lot of that and it’s not that nutritious compared to other grains. That kind of product would be more expensive to mass produce and, therefore, to buy, and also harder to market than something like Twinkies. So I’m not holding my breath.

    My opinion is that the world would be better off if Hostess did not make Twinkies at all, gluten-free or not. They’re really bad for us, and humans are not very good at moderation. Then again, I’m also one of those fascists who supported the NYC big soda ban.

    Then again AGAIN, I never even liked Twinkies, so maybe that’s why they’re so easy for me to condemn. Health-consciousness aside, if, say, Hershey’s came out with a gluten-free Cookies n Creme bar, I would buy a year’s supply (365 bars).

  29. It is disheartening to see a couple of people here say that products like these are the reason people are fat. Do people not pay attention to the statistics on celiac disease? Know what makes people fat? Celiac. A study showed that 39% of people are overweight at diagnosis, which is almost 8 times as many as are underweight. Twinkies don’t make those people fat, disease does.

    1. I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you. While I do understand what you are saying about certain disease and there is SOMETIMES a “symptom” of being overweight, that is not the complete cause. I have struggled with my weight for years because of misdiagnosis and now I have CD and uncontrolled Hashimoto’s, but I can’t blame it ALL on that. It’s not the problem….at all…
      The problem is bad food and convenience foods. It doesn’t matter whether it’s gluten free or not, these foods are laden with SO much excess sugar and fat and unhealthy carbs we don’t need. It just assists in keeping people fat. I’m sorry, but it’s true. You can only blame disease so much.

      1. but, the mere existence of these products on the shelves does make people fat, either, hon.

        People EATING too many of these kinds of foods–and not exercising—makes people fat.

          1. and that brings the discussion full circle once more 🙂


            I choose not to eat them, just as I make choices not to over-indulge in french fries, ice cream, potato chips because those just go straight to my thighs LOL

            We are all in charge of our mouths.

            (But if anyone told me NOT to do something, I’d be the first one to run right out and do it anyway.) 🙂

            1. I am not disagreeing with you at all. People do have to make their own choices and they can, BUT my point is that if it wasn’t there as a choice, you might make better ones. If “good” food were the only choices people had, they’d survive. Actually, they’d be much better off!
              Clearly people lived without Twinkies on the shelves for the past how many ever months it’s been since they went away, so was it really necessary to bring them back? No. It all just attributes to the weight problem this society has.
              And yes, this argument will go round and round and round. Where it will stop, nobody knows. 😉

      2. There are actually a significant number of people who have struggled with celiac who have watched what they eat, been on any number of diets, exercised and done everything “right” but simply could. not. lose. the. weight. It wasn’t because they were eating Twinkies. Or cupcakes. Or too much of anything else. It was because they had/have celiac and it was undiagnosed. There is plenty of information available on this.

        Sure, there is an obesity problem, but if it wasn’t all the packaged stuff it would be something else. You can’t solve the problem by taking Twinkies off the shelf. And I’m right there with IH. The second someone tells me I *can’t* do something will be the minute I am out there doing it just to spite them. I will not be told what I can and can not do.

        1. Dude, I’m going to out myself… can you flag a connection to my rant of a few weeks ago? Seems apropo to this conversation…

  30. My problem with this type of writing is that it attempts to lump all celiacs, or people who eat gluten free, into one category and that is a dangerous pattern. There will always be a need and a market for gluten-free convenience foods, so there is no need to rant every time a company comes out with a product you find offensive. We get it. You don’t eat processed foods and you would like for others not to do the same, but there is no need to ‘preach’ about the unhealthy nature of foods because people are going to eat what they want. There is also no need to shame people who would eat said foods. It is their choice. Period.

    1. I get it Jennifer and believe me you’re not alone in your thinking. The ironic thing is that I have used the term “us celiacs” dozens of times in my blog. When I use the term, I am most likely defending the celiac community. And nobody has complained about it up to this point.

      1. I have always found it offensive, but only chose to comment now, which may be others thinking as well. Besides, we have other important things to focus on in our community, like the new labeling law announced by the FDA today!

        1. “….we have other important things to focus on in our community, like the new labeling law announced by the FDA today!”

          which will undoubtedly cause more controversy, I am sure —
          because some people simply cannot grasp what under 20ppms means and why this is actually a very good thing and a huge step forward.

          Methinks it’s gonna be a looooooooong day in celiac world. 🙂

            1. oh, give it a minute.

              There are many who think” that’s not enough” and will tell us so.


              For today, I am super-thrilled for us all.

            2. It’s been an hour and so far, it’s been universally applauded. While some may not understand why we have 20ppm, I think most can appreciate true progress when they see it. At least, I hope.

  31. Excellent info! I don’t have celiac nor a gluten allergy but this is still totally relevant info. And I love that you’ve put faces to the names of all the unneccessary ingredients in many foods, not just Twinkies. As someone who grew up in a culture with minimal to no processed foods, I’ve had a Twinkie once and it was revolting. Not quite cake, not quite custard, but overflavoured mush. No one’s missing anything by skipping Twinkies. On the plus side, by being out of luck with Twinkies, they may develop a taste for a real cake or cookie or truffle or the many treats that are far superior and simpler to make. I must say, I simply don’t understand the needless rant against this post. You want to eat Twinkies?? Well this post or any others aren’t going to stop you. Don’t attack someone for posting something useful… and feel free to write your own post extolling the virtues of being able to have Twinkies on your GF diet. No one’s stopping you. Thanks again for a very informative post, Dude!

  32. I like the idea. There’s something nostalgic about eating a Twinkie. I would live fit my 6 yo to be able to eat a Twinkie. As many have said, a Twinkie is a treat, not a way of life. Some of us really need to get over ourselves. If you were diagnosed as an adult, you have had the experience of tasting sweets, biscuits, breads, cakes, pasta that doesn’t taste like plaster of Paris. My daughter was diagnosed at 2 and she only knows gluten free as it evolves. She would love to enjoy some of the treats that her twin and older sister enjoy. Who the hell cares if it has 37 ingredients! The media doesn’t always get it right. Some people only know gluten free as a weight loss diet. They won’t be for the fad diet crazed idiots who buy up all of the GF oatmeal and bread! Bring on the GF version. Kids and moms searching for variety will be happy everywhere. LONG LIVE THE TWINKIE!

  33. I was diagnosed around 1983 with celiac disease at the age of three. I was extremely ill and quite literally starving to death because of malnutrition. The prospect of being able to try a Twinkie once is awesome and I honestly don’t care if it is healthy, thats on me. Hell, maybe I would buy a box and binge eat them till I felt ill. Since you did not grown up without gluten you may not realize how amazing having gluten free substitutes is. When I was in elementary school I had nearly zero options for anything that typically contained gluten and what was available was terrible. The past five years has been amazing; not only are there tons of great gluten free options out there, but they are more readily available than ever. I am pretty sure Hostess never said that a Twinkie was healthy. Taking the gluten out of the equation doesn’t change that, it just gives us Celiacs an unhealthy option. I can’t wait till the day I can have my Twinkie and eat it too.

  34. I just wanted to make one comment as a guest. This NORA creature is a dangerous mind. Quick to be defensive, eager to attack, always rambling off on some rage-filled tangent that does NOT apply(ie “Who are you to say what I consider a treat?”). Whoa, easy there, what exactly is this THING mad about? It clearly is unresolved, on-going personal issues and this misfired anger can’t possibly be brewed by this Twinkie controversy alone.

    This NORA creature goes on to stalk some internet dude’s(no pun intended) facebook and blog, stating that his comments are inaccurate because each individual in the celiac community doesn’t agree with him. LOL who is this wannabe prosecutor psycho? GET A LIFE, EH? Perhaps it’s her bloody diarrhea–which she made an egregious outstretched comparison to–that makes her SO MAD. You’re disgusting habits are only outdone by your inappropriate attempt at being social.

    “Guys it is a TREAT. Even if all the hoopla about chemicals being ‘bad’ is true, I do not care if treats are healthy.” WOW. THIS JUST IN: GLUTEN FREE TWINKIES LOADED WITH ‘BAD'(IF THAT’S TRUE) CHEMICALS ARE HEALTHY! She’s brain dead. Good night, folks.

  35. I miss Twinkies! I would like the option of having one w/o having to bake it myself.

    The only thing worse than missing Twinkies are idiots who believe their lack of self control or have an over inflated ‘science knowledge’ think they have the right to dictate options available to others.

    Shame on you… you looser.

  36. I’m Australian and we don’t get Twinkies here. I’ve always wondered what they’re like. But since I have coeliac disease, I figured I’d never find out. I WANT TO KNOW! I’m super keen to give it a try, at least once. I might hate it, it might contribute to my early death, but dammit, we only live once and we should do the things we want to! So I want this. haha

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I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.

I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.

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