gluten dude testimonials
Over the years, the celiac community and I have created a special bond and it's made my celiac journey better. They're an awesome bunch and I'm touched by some of the comments they've left for me. (We'll ignore the guy who called me "Gluten Douche" ... lol.)

I just found out I have celiac disease. I am 53. My doctor of 3 years (who is fired) has sat and watched me lose 70 lbs in 11 months; all my muscle tone, my bones falling apart, rashes that would scare a war veteran, shaking attacks where I had to sit and hold my body down just to talk, actually not be able to talk, brain shut down, on & on…and has told me I worry too much, that I am exaggerating, lots of heavy sighs, eye rolls, etc.
I have a life story to tell & right now I need just to say this; I am now 89 lbs and my body is a wreck. My brain is mush.
I just stumbled on your website and it has been a couple hours now I think. I realized I laughed for the 1st time in forever. I was scared, I got over it and kept reading. I felt better. I started to feel actually brave! I am just starting this journey.
You are an answer to soooooo much prayer. I now have some hope! There are people like you and all these others right here and I am amazed!
Thank you again.
I know I can’t wallow and feel sorry for myself forever but I literally bawled my eyes out reading your blog because someone finally was being honest and understood and wrote the truth. So thank you so much!
My husband has Celiac disease and your blog is a life saver. Everything you discuss is so spot on. Thank you for all the insight, humor, and perfectly worded content that your blog provides. Is that wrong that we want to be friends with you and your wife.
As the father of a celiac daughter, I absolutely look forward to reading your blog-word-by-word. Every one. You've got such a talent for storytelling, infectiously. Firm, witty and honest.
Thank you for your answers, wisdom, support and humor. I could not live this life without you.
Dude…Where the hell have you been all my life? Kudos and thanks for all that you do.
Thank you - you beautiful soul. It is the only place where with not an ounce of self pity, we can just say. FUCK THIS.
I just want to say that I discovered you about 5 months ago & you have quite literally changed my life. You and your site, along with all the fantastic people who follow you, have educated me in ways you could never know. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This is the only site that has the most credible and the most knowledgeable information on how to handle the disease and the community who promote products as being gluten free. Thank you, from the bottom of our celiac guts, for your time and keeping us informed.
Every search for a GF food kicked me to a blog, somehow, some way. Your GD site captured my attention. It was the first non-flowery, realistic and relatable information I saw. Translation: You made no attempt to blow smoke up my shorts about how awesome it is to be a celiac.
I am grateful to bloggers like you for putting some humour into the coeliac discussion. Thanks for your blog, and for making it a little bit cooler to be a coeliac.
I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I have been diagnosed 10 years ... and THIS is what I've been missing.
Your latest post is why my son wants to be Gluten Dude when he grows up.
Gluten Dude…you have touched so many lives and you have a way of making anyone who finds your blog to feel so understood and a part of a welcoming and supportive community.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't say it enough. Your knowledge and honesty is like a life raft in an unknown and terrifying ocean.
Your take on things is amazingly refreshing. I learn more from you than from the dozens (hundreds?) of other gluten free blogs on a regular basis. You done good, Dude!
I want to thank you for being so honest and supporting a gluten free community that uses their knowledge and power for the good of the community. You are fighting the good fight sir and I appreciate you more than my words can really say.
Thank you for your blog, your bravery, for sharing all the personal parts of your life that sometimes drive you to the brink of insanity. Thank you for creating a place where I can go to find comfort and solace when I am sick of explaining my disease. Please don't ever stop sharing your stories.
Thank you for your efforts in our community. It makes a ginormous difference to me to have an outspoken, educated and funny voice here on this p-o-s gluten-free roller coaster. I'm just overly and completely impressed by you.
Gluten Dude, you really have impacted our two year ride with Celiac Disease. You reflect such a realistic view on this disease......while no one else understands, you and the people who gather here, make me feel just a little bit less crazy! THANK YOU!!!
I came across your Blog today and you had me in tears!!!! Tears of recognition that other people go through these frustrations, tears of laughter through understanding and tears of pain as I go through all of your contributors rants and rages!!! THANK YOU!
I'm at work right now crying while reading your site. I blame you and thank you at the same time. I'm glad to meet a sane individual in the same boat as me. Finally a place where I'm not viewed as 'weird' or 'fanatic' about food. OMG I can exhale.
Your blog has made me feel understood. THANK YOU!
Keep rockin’ Gluten Dude. You are changing the world for us.
This blog just stopped me from going over the edge. Thank you!
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for providing the missing piece in my ongoing struggle with mood swings and behavioral issues. It has saved my marriage and my life. I read an article I found online that you wrote explaining what you would go through after eating gluten, and my wife now understands my struggle. Thank you for opening your thoughts and sharing your experiences; they are changing lives.
You have brought us laughter, information and a safe place to rant and vent. You have created a place where we can let it all hang out, and just be ourselves. We all know there is worse than this. But sometimes we just need to be in the company of fellow travelers along this road. You gave that to us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You changed the journey for me and I thank you.
I want to thank you for everything that you have done to make me feel more comfortable about eating gluten-free. This website has made a significant impact on me. I don't feel so alone anymore and even though living with this disease will never be easy, this website makes it somewhat bearable. It makes me feel better that there are others that feel all of the emotions and symptoms that I do. I will forever be grateful.
One of your blogs appeared in the middle of a sea of the usual B.S. and feel-good nonsense about celiac and gluten that is all over the Internet. What a relief to find what you are doing here. I can't believe it. Finally!
I am so glad I found your website; it has me feel like I'm not alone or 'making thing's up'. Plus it has made laugh, cry & kept me sane so far. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
I absolutely love your blogs and hearing new peeps stories and lessons. It helps so much! Someone get this dude a badge, a certificate, hell something for all that he does!
I found you earlier today and I have not laughed and cried so much in one night ever. Thank you so much for what you do!
Thank you for all your struggles and your fight for us celiacs. You have given me a better outlook to living with celiac.
You just made me weep in the frozen food aisle of the grocery store while I wait for yet another prescription for our ever-sickly children! You rock Dude!
You and your site have saved me from the nut house! It was such a relief to hear other voices and experiences from people I could relate to. Struggling through health issues and trying to eat gluten free can make a person feel a tad…alone. This community makes a person feel like they are apart of a larger family. Your time and effort is truly appreciated!
I spent 50 years feeling like crap! At about 50 years, I couldn’t take it anymore and attempted suicide, which landed me in ICU for 4 days on life support. As tears roll down my face, I think of how much you have helped and encouraged me and others; I thank you for your humor, your wisdom and your knowledge. Every day that I feel well, I have you to thank. I know I am just one person, but I hope you know how important you are to SO many of us!
I just had to write and tell you how much I appreciate your blunt honesty and fighting voice in the celiac community. While I might not suffer with it, it has been an eye opener to read about just a fraction of what your intimate community faces each and everyday. Hearing the stories and the battles you all have had to face has made me an advocate and given me a desire to fight for you all.
You help people feel less lost/angry/scared/sad. You certainly do help, educate and have me laughing like crazy. You make a huge difference by bringing us all together in this celiac/coeliac “family”. Thank you for doing what you do.
I don’t subscribe to your blog so that you can lie to me or convince me to try different products. I subscribe because your humanity shines through my computer screen and I think you are just like the rest of us……and on any given day that changes.
Like John Lennon coaxing Prudence from her room, the Gluten Dude asks other celiacs to come out and play. With acerbic wit, candor and a touch of rebellion, he's sharing his journey and he's enticing the celiac community to do the same.
I just found out about you, and I think I love you. Thank you for this page.
When I got diagnosed in December 2015, your blog was one of the first resources I came across and was by far the most significant. I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I will always be grateful for all that you've done!
So thankful to have found your page and will be getting the app. God bless you for being real, honest and raw about living with celiac! Keep on rockin!
A lifetime of thanks for your being Gluten Dude and being the alternative advocate for those that were seeking the truth. Eternal gratitude.
I appreciate all you try to do for all of us in the celiac community. Your ongoing and relentless support is such a gift. Thank YOU.
You are a one man celiac advocating fighting machine. There is no one like you & my quality of life would not be what it is without you.
Thanks for all your dedication to the celiac community. You've made my life a LOT BETTER by being you.
Thanks for the work you do on behalf of this community. You are the BEST!
I find that your brutal honesty of products, websites, and companies is a breath of fresh air in a world that makes us fight for the basic necessities of feeding the celiac community.
Thanks for the years of advocacy and being a voice of support. I’ve been diagnosed for over 20 years. In my early years of diagnosis your blog was comforting, normal, and not a ‘scripted’ voice. You were just another guy, sometimes mad, usually funny, and with real experiences to share.
It was so refreshing compared to the nonsense, and often uncaring instructions brings handed over in pamphlets from nutritionists and doctors with whom I was their first encounter with celiac.
As we’ve both matured through this journey, I’ve loved and benefitted from your energy and drive to turn your advocacy and support into tools for the community.
Who I am. And who I'm not.
I AM someone who's been gluten-free since 2007 due to a diagnosis of severe celiac disease. I'm someone who can steer you in the right direction when it comes to going gluten-free. And I'm someone who will always give you the naked truth about going gluten free.
I AM NOT someone who embraces this gluten-free craziness. I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. But if I can share my wisdom, tell my stories and make the transition easier on you, I’ve done my job.
Send me a message
I'm all ears
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